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Новости за 20.01.2017


The Trump @POTUS Twitter account uses photo from Obama inauguration

Although the @POTUS Twitter account changed hands from Barack Obama to Donald Trump a minute after noon Friday, Obama’s presence lingered for about an hour longer. The Twitter header image on the unveiled account shows a crowd at an inauguration waving American flags. That image is actually a photo Getty Image photo taken at Obama’s […]


Sen. Chuck Schumer delivers remarks at Trump inauguration ceremony

Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, delivered remarks during the inauguration ceremony, just moments before Donald Trump was sworn in as president. Schumer spoke in his capacity as ranking member of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Here is the full transcript of his comments: “My fellow Americans, we live in a […]


Dear Mr. President: We’re going to fight back

President Donald J. Trump, As of 12:01 PM ET today, you are the President of the United States. For the next four years, you will assume the responsibilities of our nation’s highest office. But while you won the Electoral College contest in November, you have yet to win the respect of most Americans. As a […]


Rick Santorum: President Trump will succeed if he keeps promises

If President Trump wants to go big league, he needs to make an immediate impact with a bold agenda in the first 100 days. From Supreme Court nominations to immigration and trade promises, Mr. Trump needs to make his priorities stick. First, he must immediately nominate his candidate to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme […]


Invocation by Pastor Paula White

Invocation delivered by Paula White, pastor of the New Destiny Christian Center: We come to you, heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus with grateful hearts, thanking you for this great country that you have decreed to your people. We acknowledge we are a blessed nation with a rich history of faith and fortitude, with […]


‘House of Cards’ releases distressing new teaser on Inauguration Day

On a day when a new president took office, Netflix promoted another. “House of Cards,” the company’s popular political drama, released a short 30 second teaser for its upcoming fifth season on Twitter roughly an hour before President Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. The series’ Twitter account posted […]


Police injured in protests, ‘numerous’ arrests at Trump inauguration

A pair of police officers were injured and “numerous” protesters arrested after they engaged in scattered acts of vandalism at Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday in Washington, D.C., the police said. Two DC police officers and one other person were taken to the hospital for undetermined injuries after run-ins with protesters, DC Fire Spokesman Vito […]


Presidential inauguration begins with King Solomon’s prayer

The presidential inauguration of Donald J. Trump started on a spiritual note, with Timothy Michael Dolan, Catholic cardinal and archbishop of New York, reciting King Solomon’s prayer from the Book of Wisdom: “God of our ancestors and Lord of mercy, you have made all things. And in your providence have charged us to rule the […]


Missouri State Chorale performs ‘Now We Belong’ at inauguration

The Missouri State University Chorale performed an original work, “Now We Belong,” written by Minnesota poet Michael Dennis Browne and composed by John Wykoff. Here are the voices of every creature, Here are the calls of every heart; Here is the place of strangers’ welcome, We who once walked in strangers’ shoes. Once we were […]


Inaugural address: Trump’s full speech

As prepared for delivery Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: Thank you. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people. Together, we will determine […]


Tehran building collapse: Search continues for missing firefighters

Emergency workers have dug tunnels into the wreckage of a collapsed high-rise in downtown Tehran in their search for survivors and bodies, Iranian state TV reported. They have not yet found any of the firefighters believed to be buried under the rubble, Iran’s fire chief told the official Islamic Republic of Iran News Network. More […]


Where Donald Trump’s views differ — and align — with his nominees on global issues

Donald Trump is set to become one of the most powerful people in the world Friday, but his administration’s view of the US role in global affairs is far from unified. As Trump’s prospective secretary of state, defense secretary and US ambassador to the United Nations were quizzed at Senate confirmation hearings over the past […]


Trump, China, Europe: Why 2017 is impossible to predict

Even high in the Swiss Alps, the air is thick with uncertainty. Political and business elites are leaving their annual gathering in Davos with major worries about the future. Four days of discussions at the World Economic Forum have provided little clarity on what to expect in 2017. Many are nervous about the unpredictability of […]


5 things for Friday, January 20, 2017: Donald Trump, Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day is a time to come together and celebrate this thing we call America. Let’s stand together to witness the historic, awe-inspiring sight of the peaceful transfer of power. Here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door on this very special day. Hail to the Chief Donald […]


Gambia: Defeated President Yahya Jammeh faces military showdown

Gambia’s former President Yahya Jammeh is facing a showdown with troops from neighboring Senegal who have entered the country to enforce the results of the recent presidential election. Thousands of troops from Senegal entered Gambia Thursday while the United Nations Security Council has backed an effort by West African states to remove Jammeh. The Economic […]


Extradited ‘El Chapo’ Guzman arrives in US; hearing set for Friday

Drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, a legend in Mexico through his dramatic prison escapes and years of staying just ahead of the law, arrived late Thursday in New York after his extradition to the United States. Guzman will appear Friday in a federal courtroom in Brooklyn, where he will stand trial at a later […]


Race of Champions: How do you turn a baseball stadium into a racetrack?

Counting down the days to the new Major League Baseball season doesn’t have to be drag. At Marlins Park in Florida, home to the Miami Marlins, the romantic sound of bat hitting ball is being replaced by the roar of engines. The Race of Champions (ROC) — where some of motorsport’s best racing drivers go […]


7 of Houston’s hottest watering holes

It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that Houston bar culture can be divided into two eras: B.B. and A.B. — Before Bobby and After. We are now in the year 8 A.B., for it was in 2009 that mixologist Bobby Heugel opened Anvil Bar in the Montrose district and changed the way generations […]


Fix, don’t kill, the Volcker Rule: Trump treasury pick

Wall Street hates the Volcker Rule and expectations have been building that the Trump administration would kill it. But Steven Mnuchin, President-elect Trump’s pick for treasury secretary, signaled on Thursday that the Volcker Rule isn’t on the chopping block, at least not completely. “I do support the Volcker Rule,” Mnuchin said during his confirmation hearing […]


Australian Open 2017: Andy Murray no longer flying solo for UK

The day after his Australian Open nemesis exited in one of the biggest upsets in grand slam history, Andy Murray didn’t suffer the same fate. With six-time champion Novak Djokovic out of the equation, Murray became the substantial favorite at Melbourne Park and duly cruised past Sam Querrey — the American who eliminated the Serbian […]


Donald Trump Inauguration Day schedule: What you need to know

Welcome to Inauguration Day where Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Here’s what’s on his schedule: All times EST 8:30 a.m. President-elect Trump will attend a church service with his family. Vice President-elect Mike Pence and his family will also join the soon-to-be first family along […]


Italy avalanche: Rescuers search for survivors in buried hotel

Rescuers are working in freezing conditions to find as many as 30 people feared trapped in a hotel in central Italy, more than a day after it was buried by an avalanche. Two people were killed when the four-star Hotel Rigopiano, at the foot of the Gran Sasso mountain about (135 kilometers) 85 miles northeast […]


Ana Navarro: I don’t accept there aren’t qualified Hispanics for Trump’s Cabinet

Republican strategist Ana Navarro said Thursday she’s disappointed that President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet will be the first in decades without a Latino member. “I do not accept that there’s not one qualified Hispanic that can be in his Cabinet,” Navarro told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on “AC360.” Trump’s final Cabinet pick of former Georgia Gov. Sonny […]


Georgia Dome’s final NFL game has Super Bowl significance

The NFC Championship Game between the Green Bay Packers and Atlanta Falcons is Sunday at 3:05 p.m. ET, and the noise level from football fans at the Georgia Dome likely will be at an all-time high. It also will be the last time for Falcons fans to make that noise in the stadium. After 25 […]


Australia: 3 dead as car plows into crowd in Melbourne

A baby being pushed in a pram was among three people killed when a driver repeatedly ran over pedestrians in a busy street in central Melbourne. Photos from the scene showed wreckage of the baby’s pram atop the car’s bonnet, as emergency workers attended to injured people nearby on the ground. At least 20 people […]

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Экология в России и мире

Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

Путин в России и мире

Тема дня: Путин назвал сохранение духовных ценностей условием укрепления суверенитета

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Суд продлил арест певца Шарлота до 29 мая


Суд Москвы частично удовлетворил иск бывшей Павла Прилучного о взыскании алиментов

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