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Новости за 10.01.2017


Trump asks vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head commission on vaccines

President-elect Donald Trump met with notable anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Tuesday, further stoking unfounded fears about vaccine safety and efficacy by asking the Democrat to chair a commission on the issue. Kennedy, the son of late presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, told reporters after his meeting with Trump that the President-elect asked […]


Trump may start with US ambassador in Jerusalem, not an embassy

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition has been floating the possibility of initially having the US ambassador to Israel work and live in the US consulate in Jerusalem, while the American Embassy remains in Tel Aviv. Several diplomats, Israeli officials and sources close to the transition who are familiar with the idea said it could be seen […]


Trump may start with US ambassador in Jerusalem, not embassy

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition has been floating the possibility of initially having the US ambassador to Israel work and live in the US consulate in Jerusalem, while the American Embassy remains in Tel Aviv. Several diplomats, Israeli officials and sources close to the transition who are familiar with the idea said it could be seen […]


Trump wants Obamacare repeal ‘quickly,’ but Republicans aren’t ready

Republican leaders in Congress, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, are busy trying to reassure GOP lawmakers who are nervous about repealing Obamacare too fast without a replacement plan. But President-elect Donald Trump says any delay is unacceptable. Trump demanded Tuesday that his fellow Republicans act immediately to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He […]


Orlando: Manhunt for suspected cop killer expands; reward now $100,000

The massive search for a man suspected of killing his pregnant girlfriend and gunning down an Orlando police officer has expanded beyond Florida, police said Tuesday. Markeith Loyd has been on the run since Monday morning when police say he killed Master Sgt. Debra Clayton as she tried to confront the murder suspect outside a […]


Obama, Trump NatSec officials make nice ahead of inauguration

Top national security officials from the current and incoming administrations mostly put aside partisan differences in favor of friendly overtures and symbolic handshakes at a think tank event Tuesday. The event brought the current National Security Adviser Susan Rice and her replacement, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, together on the same stage, where they […]


Ex-Sen. D’Amato kicked off flight after rallying passengers against crew

Former New York Sen. Al D’Amato was removed from a delayed New York-bound JetBlue flight on Monday after trying to rally passengers against the flight crew. JetBlue flight 1002 from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport was originally supposed to depart at 1:42 p.m. ET, but six delays pushed the […]


Trump’s tangled web of businesses

As President-elect Trump prepares to explain how he will prevent conflicts of interest posed by his global businesses, a growing chorus of ethics experts say the sheer complexity of his empire requires a full and complete separation from the White House. But the extent to which he will distance himself from his companies remains unclear, […]


A taxpayer-friendly way to do tax reform

Keep it simple. When it comes to tax reform, independent National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson urges lawmakers to make simplification a priority. “The code has grown more complex by the year … The compliance burdens [it] imposes on taxpayers and the IRS alike are overwhelming,” Olson wrote in her annual report to Congress released Tuesday. […]


NFL’s wild card weekend gets big, but mixed, ratings

The NFL’s wild card playoff round saw viewership much like the regular season that preceded it: up for the best games, and down otherwise. Unfortunately for the NFL and its broadcast partners, most of the games weren’t very good. The big winner of the weekend, at least in the ratings, was Fox. Its broadcast of […]


Prince’s estate still being untangled

The legendary musician Prince was no pauper. An inventory of his estate filed this week with a Minnesota Court is giving a glimpse into the star’s personal fortune. According to the legal documents, the “Purple Rain” star had real estate holdings valued at more than $25 million, about $110,000 and personal property in the form […]


Suicide bombings kill 21 near Afghan parliament compound in Kabul

Two suicide bombings targeted a van Tuesday carrying administrative staffers of the Afghan parliament in the capital of Kabul, killing at least 21 people and injuring others, officials said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the blasts, which officials said happened on a road near the parliament compound and the private American University of Afghanistan in […]


Russia ready for US talks as new era beckons

Russia is willing to work on improving relations with the new US administration — even if American sanctions aren’t lifted any time soon. Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that relations between Moscow and Washington are at their “lowest point” and that there were “completely different ways of normalizing them.” “Certainly, sanctions […]


Syria: The greatest indictment of humanity this century

2017 will mark the sixth anniversary of the Syrian conflict — a war that has left nearly half a million dead and forced millions of others from their homes. The new year brought a ceasefire brokered by Russia, Iran and Turkey. But the ceasefire is serving as cover for “business as usual.” The Syrian government […]


GOP strategist Brad Todd: ‘It’s the rare politician who can transfer popularity’

Republican strategist and founding partner of OnMessage Inc. Brad Todd said surrogates on the presidential campaign can only do so much to help their candidate — and more often they hurt more than they help. “Transference also in politics usually works in the negative and not the positive,” Todd told CNN’s “Party People” podcast hosts […]


Pompeo, Devos confirmation hearing delayed

Senate Republican leaders agreed to postpone two high-profile confirmation hearings scheduled for Wednesday for cabinet nominees of President-elect Donald Trump. The moves — one announced late Monday and the second early Tuesday — came in response to Democratic complaints that too many hearings for key nominees were planned for that day. Senate aides confirmed that […]


Where change never came: Obama’s hometown

Tears rolled down her face as Ursula Phoenix stood in Grant Park witnessing Barack Obama, a man from the South Side of Chicago, become the first black President of the United States in 2008. She thought about her grandfather, who was once stopped from voting at gunpoint. And her mother, who left Alabama for Chicago, […]


Tim Scott backs Jeff Sessions for attorney general

Sen. Tim Scott, the only African American Republican currently serving in the Senate, is backing his colleague Jeff Sessions for attorney general, while other groups have expressed concern about the Alabama lawmaker’s civil rights record. “I have gotten to know Jeff over my four years in the Senate, and have found him to be a […]


Trump AG nominee Jeff Sessions faces grilling in Senate hearing

The first major test of President-elect Donald Trump’s administration comes on Tuesday, as Sen. Jeff Sessions faces a grilling from his colleagues in his confirmation hearing to become attorney general. Sessions’ hearing, which started Tuesday and continues into Wednesday, is expected to be one of the most contentious of any of Trump’s nominees. Democrats are […]


Death of Iran’s Rafsanjani: Ex-president was a man of peace

The news of the sudden passing of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has utterly shocked Iranians of all walks of life. The prominent statesman had been involved in public life going back to his youth during the Shah’s dictatorial regime, when he was a leading activist and endured years of prison, torture, and exile. After the […]


South Asia’s nuclear one-upmanship ramps up with Pakistan missile test

The Pakistani army has successfully test-fired a nuclear-capable cruise missile from a submarine for the first time, less than a month after India launched its Agni-V missile. Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of Pakistan’s military, says its missile, the Babur-3, will help bolster the country’s defenses as its neighbors develop their own technology. ISPR […]


Orlando shooting: Police search for suspect after female officer is killed

A massive manhunt is underway Tuesday after an Orlando police officer was shot and killed, and another officer died in a traffic accident as he helped search for the gunman. The suspect, identified at Markeith Loyd, is considered “armed and extremely dangerous.” Hundreds of law enforcement officers have been hunting for him since Orlando police […]


Tech firm offers $25,000 reward after prototype laptops are stolen at CES

It’s a laptop with three screens built for gaming, a machine that claims to be the first of its kind. And it’s been stolen. California-based gaming firm Razer says two prototypes of its yet-to-be-released laptop were swiped from its booth at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Sunday. And it’s willing to pay […]


Bafta nominations: ‘La La Land’ up for 11 awards

“La La Land” looks set to make yet more movie history after receiving 11 nominations for the 2017 Bafta film awards in London Tuesday. The Hollywood musical, which won all seven categories in which it was nominated at the Golden Globe awards, is up for Best Film, Original Music, Cinematography, Editing, Production Design, Costume Design […]


Bafta nominations: La La Land up for 11 awards

La La Land looks set to make yet more movie history after receiving 11 nominations for the 2017 Bafta film awards in London Tuesday. The Hollywood musical, which won all seven categories it was nominated for at the Golden Globe awards, is up for Best Film, Original Music, Cinematography, Editing, Production Design, Costume Design and […]

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Розенбаум

«Посмотрите на губастых»: Розенбаум жестко высмеял любительниц пластики


В Якутск прилетел Герой России Николай Соболев

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