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Новости за 01.01.2017


Earthquake swarm rocks New Year’s Eve in California town

Dozens of earthquakes helped bring in the New Year around Brawley, California, but they are more of a curiosity than a concern, experts tell CNN. Caltech seismologist Lucy Jones said earthquake “swarms” aren’t unexpected around Brawley — there also was a swarm in 2012 — because the fault-riddled region called the Brawley Seismic Zone lies […]


Trump’s Russia claims drive this week in politics

President-elect Donald Trump claims to have inside information on Russia’s meddling in the United States’ election — and promises to reveal it “Tuesday or Wednesday.” At a New Year’s Eve party at his Mar-A-Lago estate, a tuxedoed Trump maintained that another culprit aside from Russia could have been behind the election intrusion. “It could be […]


Liberal groups want delay of Sessions hearing

Liberal groups are calling for a delay in Sen. Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearings for the post of attorney general, citing gaps in his record that the Alabama Republican didn’t address in a questionnaire sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sessions, like other nominees of President-elect Donald Trump, is on course for a committee vote before […]


4 political stories to watch in 2017

What’s next for Obamacare? Will Donald Trump change as president? And which White House traditions might go out the window? We asked some top political reporters what stories they’re watching closely in the new year. Here’s what they told us, in this week’s “Inside Politics” forecast. 1) A different kind of White House President-elect Donald […]


Biographer says Trump booted him from golf course

The author of a decades-old biography critical of Donald Trump says the now-President-elect asked him to leave a Trump-owned Florida golf course Friday, alleging his presence was “inappropriate.” Harry Hurt III, who penned “Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump,” says he was preparing for a round at the Trump International Golf Club […]


Obama defends his legacy on Twitter

Calling the presidency “the privilege of my life,” Barack Obama took to Twitter Sunday to lay out his legacy in his own terms. Obama began a seven-message series of tweets by saying: “As we look ahead to the future, I wanted to take a moment to look back on the remarkable progress that you made […]


Hollywood sign vandalized to read ‘Hollyweed’

The Hollywood sign got a little green over New Years. A prankster managed to change the iconic sign overlooking Los Angeles early Sunday to read “Hollyweed,” said L.A. Police Officer Christopher Garcia, who works in the agency’s security service division. The vandal — probably a man — used tarps to change the O’s in the […]


Istanbul attack: Turkey must end blame game and look for solutions

Turkey is so deeply polarized around the powerful persona of its president Recep Tayyip Erdogan that instead of asking why terror attacks are happening and how they can be stopped, the country’s pro- and anti-Erdogan blocks are blaming each other. This leaves me deeply worried about Turkey and its ability to stymie further terror attacks […]


Trump to ‘repeal a lot’ of Obama’s actions on day one, top aide says

President-elect Donald Trump plans to repeal a raft of President Barack Obama’s executive actions in his first day in office, Trump’s incoming White House press secretary said Sunday. Sean Spicer, Trump’s incoming White House press secretary, said on ABC’s “This Week” that Trump will immediately “repeal a lot of the regulations and actions that have […]


Istanbul club was a hot spot for celebs, Turkey’s elite

Before it became the scene of a New Year’s Eve bloodbath, the Reina nightclub in Istanbul was a glittering waterside venue frequented by Turkey’s wealthy secular millennials and international celebrities. Nestled on the western shore of the Bosphorus strait — the waterway separating Europe from Asia — the glamorous club was regarded as among the […]


Istanbul nightclub attack: Manhunt underway for shooter

A manhunt is underway in Turkey for an unknown attacker who opened fire on New Year’s revelers in an Istanbul nightclub. At least 39 clubgoers were killed and nearly 70 were hospitalized after the suspect entered the Reina nightclub early Sunday and started shooting. Turkey’s Prime Minister, Binali Yildirim, said he believes the attacker will […]


Istanbul terror attack: A bloody end to a grim year for Turkey

In Istanbul’s horrific New Year terror attack the message is clear: 2017 has begun, expect more of the same to come. The echo of this black-clad gunman’s bullets on such a globally festive night will reverberate long and hard. 2016 had already laid a terrible and bloody foundation of terrorist mayhem for Turkey’s citizens: Dozens […]


Queen Elizabeth misses New Year’s Day church service

Queen Elizabeth did not attend a New Year’s Day church service as she continues to recover from a “heavy cold,” a Buckingham Palace spokesman said. Despite her absence at church, the monarch is “up” and “working” Sunday, a royal source told CNN. The source added that the Queen is “taking red boxes,” a reference to […]


Trump says he has inside information on hacking

President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday he has information that others lack and promised to reveal his knowledge this week, reiterating again his doubts that Russia was behind cyber-meddling in the US election. Speaking to reporters ahead of an 800-person New Year’s Eve bash at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a tuxedoed Trump maintained that another culprit aside […]


White House staff readies for whirlwind moving day

While the world watches President-elect Donald Trump take the oath of office on Inauguration Day, almost 100 White House staffers will be watching the clock while they have only six hours to transform and prepare the 132-room mansion into the new first family’s home. On the morning of January 20, President Barack Obama and the […]


Van Jones: ‘The Clinton days are over’

The Clinton family’s grip on the Democratic Party has come to an end and it’s time for a new generation of leadership to lead the party, CNN political commentator Van Jones said. “You have to understand, I think that the Clinton days are over,” Jones told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an interview that aired Sunday […]


Ex-Clinton aide: Campaign made mistakes but faced ‘perfect storm’

A former senior adviser in Hillary Clinton’s campaign blamed the election loss on a “perfect storm” of factors, adding that the team could have run a better campaign. “There are any number of things that you could point to to say that it was a mistake that we made that probably has some merit to […]


Blackburn, Ivanka Trump working to make child care affordable

Rep. Marsha Blackburn says she has been discussing legislation to make child care more affordable for working Americans with the President-elect’s daughter, Ivanka Trump. “I am delighted to see that we’re looking at options for tax credits, tax incentives, ways for moms and dads to be able to write-off this child-care cost,” Blackburn told CNN’s […]


Queen Elizabeth to miss New Year’s Day church service

Queen Elizabeth will not attend a New Year’s Day church service as she continues to recover from a “heavy cold,” a Buckingham Palace spokesman says. Despite her absence at church, the monarch is “up” and “working” Sunday, a royal source has told CNN. The source added that the Queen is “taking red boxes,” a reference […]


UK starts countdown to new £1 coin

Out with the old! In with the new! The U.K. Treasury said Sunday that it will begin circulating its new £1 coin on March 28. It has also set a mid-October target for killing off the current version of the coin. The New Year’s Day announcement is the first time the Treasury has laid out […]


GANT RELOAD: Week of Dec. 26

The GANT weekly reload gives readers a look back upon the most noteworthy stories of their work week.  It contains the big headlines, as well as a few stories you might have missed. It might even include a story or two of the lighter side. The GANT reload will be posted each weekend for your perusal. For most […]


Istanbul attack: Dozens killed in upscale nightclub shooting

It was supposed to be a celebration welcoming in a new start, after a trying, bloody year in Turkey. But a New Year’s bash in an upscale club in Istanbul’s Besiktas municipality turned into yet another bloodbath, with at least 39 revelers killed, and almost 70 people hospitalized after an unknown number of attackers stormed […]


Mariah Carey walks off after technical snag

Mariah Carey did not have a good end to 2016 during her New Year’s Eve performance in Times Square. The audio track malfunctioned while Carey was lip syncing onstage in front of millions to some of her biggest songs. She was performing on ABC’s “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest.” Dazzling in […]


Kim Jong Un says North Korea close to testing ICBM

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said that his country is close to testing an intercontinental ballistic missile. “Research and development of the cutting-edge tech weapons are actively progressing and strengthening our defense capabilities, including last stage preparation of tests for Intercontinental Ballistic rocket launch have been continuously succeeding,” Kim said in a televised addressi […]


William Christopher, Father Mulcahy on ‘M*A*S*H,’ dies

William Christopher, known for his portrayal of Father Mulcahy on the beloved TV show “M*A*S*H,” “has died, his agent told CNN. Christopher passed away Saturday morning, agent Robert Malcom said. The actor was 84. William Christopher had a small carcinoma, says his son John Christopher, and had been diagnosed about 18 months ago. Christopher said […]

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Экология в России и мире

«Биржа грузоперевозок ATI.SU» запустила сервис «Выгодные направления»

Путин в России и мире

Президент России утвердил Основы государственной политики РФ в области исторического просвещения: комментарий экспертов Президентской академии в СЗФО

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Ждём расстрела или отравления Зеленского в ближайшее время – Макгрегор

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Михаил Кутушов

Не чувствую руку: Доктор Кутушов рассказал к чему приводит частое онемение конечностей


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