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Новости за 16.01.2017


Monica Crowley bows out of Trump administration post following plagiarism revelations

Conservative author and television personality Monica Crowley is stepping away from her appointment to a senior communications role in Donald Trump’s incoming administration, CNN confirms. The move comes after CNN’s KFile uncovered multiple instances of plagiarism in her 2012 book, her columns for the Washington Times, and her 2000 Ph.D. dissertation for Columbia University. Crowley […]


Northern Ireland faces snap election amid political crisis

Northern Ireland is facing a snap election after a breakdown in the fragile power-sharing agreement that has ensured peace for nearly 20 years. The British government called the new elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly at Stormont, outside Belfast, in an effort to resolve a political crisis that has been brewing for months. James Brokenshire, […]


Rhode Island governor wants to make tuition free, too

The push for free tuition gained support in another state. On Monday, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo became the second governor to propose a free tuition policy at public colleges this year, following New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Both plans need to be approved by their states’ legislatures. Raimondo would limit the free-tuition program for […]


Pendant found at death camp may have Anne Frank link

A pendant discovered at the site of a former Nazi death camp could be linked to Holocaust diarist Anne Frank, according to researchers. Archeologists say the pendant is the only specimen of its type ever discovered — apart from an almost identical one owned by Frank. Experts at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust study center in […]


Is the Christopher Steele dossier fake news?

Donald Trump has called the Christopher Steele dossier “fake news” and “phony stuff,” but is it? The Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, sent a trusted staff member to London to obtain a copy and deliver it to the FBI for investigation, according to the UK newspaper The […]


Trump’s trade threats have CEOs running scared

Top business leaders are freaking out about trade. Nearly six in 10 global CEOs are worried about protectionism and rising trade barriers, according to a new survey by PwC. That’s up from 40% in 2012. Fears are even more pronounced in the U.S. and Mexico, where 64% of business leaders are concerned. The increase has […]


Orlando shooting: Omar Mateen’s wife arrested

Authorities have arrested the wife of Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen in connection with their investigation into the June mass shooting, FBI spokesman Prentice Danner said. Noor Salman was arrested in the San Francisco area Monday morning, Danner said. Charges were not immediately known. Salman will have a court appearance on Tuesday in Oakland, California, […]


Packers-Cowboys game nabs biggest NFL Divisonal Playoff rating in 20 years

The Green Bay Packers’ 34-31 win over the Dallas Cowboys had everything a NFL fan could want: a duel between two big-name quarterbacks, lots of scoring and a last-second game-winning field goal. It also had everything that Fox, which broadcast it, could want: a ton of viewers. The game brought in a 28.2 overnight rating, […]


John Kerry: Trump’s comments ‘inappropriate’

US Secretary of State John Kerry has criticized President-elect Donald Trump for comments made in a newspaper interview that rattled allies. It was “inappropriate” for Trump to “be stepping in to the politics of other countries in a quite direct manner. And he’ll have to speak to that — as of Friday, he’s responsible for […]


Oman accepts 10 Guantanamo detainees

Oman has taken in 10 detainees from Guantanamo Bay, the sultanate’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced. The unnamed detainees will remain there “for a temporary residency and out of consideration of their humanitarian situation,” the ministry said in a statement reported by the state-run Oman News Agency. The inmates were accepted in response to […]


Trump signals Russia deal and slams ‘obsolete’ NATO

Donald Trump has given his clearest indication yet that he is ready to ease sanctions on Russia and usher in a new era between the US and its longtime foe. In an interview with German publication Bild and the Times of London, the US President-elect suggested that the sanctions imposed after Russia’s annexation of Crimea […]


Ray-Ban owner makes $50 billion glasses deal

It’s a visionary deal: The world’s biggest eyewear companies are coming together in a $50 billion merger. Luxottica Group, the Italian firm behind Ray-Ban and Oakley sunglasses frames, is combining with Essilor, a French company that makes lenses. Luxottica founder Leonardo Del Vecchio will lead the newly combined company as chairman and CEO. The 81-year-old […]


The Saudi women afraid to go home

“This is it,” Arwa said as she sat in the US immigration office on the outskirts of Houston, Texas last month. Having fled Saudi Arabia two years earlier, her 7 a.m. appointment would reveal if her application for asylum had been successful or whether she would be forced to leave America. “What I really want […]


How Germany’s open-door refugee policy helps fight terrorism

Donald Trump thinks that Angela Merkel’s immigration policies have been a “catastrophic mistake” and has blamed the broader refugee crisis for Britain’s decision to leave the EU. In a joint interview for German newspaper Bild and the Times newspaper in London, the President-elect said: “I have great respect for her, I felt she was a […]


Australian Open: New No. 1s Angelique Kerber and Andy Murray made to work hard in first round

Top seeds Angelique Kerber and Andy Murray were both given a workout in the Australian heat as they overcome tough Ukrainian opponents to reach the second round. Defending champion Kerber of Germany squandered a match point in the second set before battling past 51st-ranked Lesia Tsurenko, 6-2, 5-7, 6-2. “First rounds are always tough,” Kerber […]


Tumult surrounds Trump days ahead of his presidency

Donald Trump is four days away from assuming the presidency after one of the most tumultuous transitions in modern history, setting the stage for a rocky period of dramatic change, partisan acrimony and unpredictable results. Trump will take office with far lower poll ratings than his recent predecessors, with majorities of Americans doubtful of his […]


Theo Epstein on baseball, politics and what he may do next

What’s next when you have helped snap the two longest championship droughts in sports history and, at 43, have all but clinched clinched a place in baseball’s Hall of Fame? If you are Theo Epstein of the World Series champion Chicago Cubs, the answer is at some point you could own a baseball franchise and […]


Trump’s team already trying to break Senate Supreme Court filibuster

Donald Trump’s team, led by Vice President-elect Mike Pence, is gently sussing out what it would take to win enough support in the Senate to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court — a surprisingly tough prospect with the threat of a filibuster looming and a quick deadline set by Trump. Behind the scenes, […]


Repealing Obamacare: Trump says fast, Congress says slow

Emboldened by Donald Trump’s surprise victory, Republican lawmakers vowed after Election Night that they wouldn’t waste a single day to pursue their most urgent mission: Kill Obamacare. The President-elect, too, has been in a hurry, declaring that the Affordable Care Act must be repealed and replaced more or less at the same time. “Probably the […]


Kyrgyzstan plane crash: Dozens killed when 747 hits village

At least 37 people were killed when a Turkish cargo plane crashed into a village in Kyrgyzstan, according to a statement from Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Emergency Situations. “The number of victims is increasing quickly,” Elira Sharipova, a spokeswoman for Kyrgyzstan’s Emergency Ministry told CNN. “The fire service, rescue services, ministry of internal affairs and the […]


Merkel or Putin: Trump won’t be drawn on who he trusts more

Days away from being sworn in as US President, Donald Trump isn’t saying who he trusts more — German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a longtime US ally, or Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump called it a draw — at least for now, in a joint interview conducted on Friday by German publication Bild and the Times […]


Sea Shepherd claims it caught Japanese fleet with dead whale

The anti-whaling activist organization Sea Shepherd says it spotted a Japanese vessel with a dead whale on board, in violation of international law. The group said the Nisshin Maru was spotted trying to cover up a dead minke whale carcass with a tarp when a helicopter approached the vessel in the waters of the Australian […]


Kyrgyzstan plane crash: At least 30 killed

More than 30 people were killed when a Turkish cargo plane crashed into a village in Kyrgyzstan, Elira Sharipova, a spokeswoman for Kyrgyzstan’s Emergency Ministry told CNN. “The number of victims is increasing quickly,” Sharipova said. “The fire service, rescue services, ministry of internal affairs and the prime minister and emergencies minister are there.” The […]


Globalization can be remade to work for everyone

Business leaders gathering in Davos are uncomfortable: The full force of 2016’s protest votes in the U.S. and U.K. is about to hit, and Donald Trump’s inauguration may signal an abrupt reversal to 30 years of globalization. These have been golden years for business. Liberalized competitive markets plus new technologies have made it possible for […]

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик уточнил, когда потеплеет в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Как Россия побеждает в Африке: Волна военных переворотов приносит Путину новых союзников

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Марина Василевская передала Александру Лукашенко флаг Беларуси, побывавший на МКС

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Святая миссия русского солдата

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