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Новости за 01.08.2018


Spain is at risk of a ‘demographic time bomb,’ and there’s already a nearly-abandoned area twice the size of Belgium

Susana Vera/Reuters

Last year, the number of deaths in Spain outpaced the number of births at the fastest rate since the country began keeping records in the 1940s.

Women in Spain wait longer than most European women to give birth, Business Insider previously reported, and Spaniards generally live longer than anyone else in the European Union. 

These factors leave Spain at the risk of becoming a "demographic time bomb," or a place where life expectancy rises while fertility rates fall. Читать дальше...


53 members of a family who lost 9 relatives in the Missouri duck boat capsize file a second lawsuit against owners of the deadly tourist attraction


  • The Coleman family, which lost nine members when a duck boat capsized in Branson, Missouri, last month, filed a second lawsuit against the owners and operators of the tourist attraction. 
  • The mother of a 15-year-old girl who survived the sinking also filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against Ripley Entertainment.

Fifty-three members of an Indiana family who lost nine relatives when a duck boat sank in Missouri described their pain and unfathomable loss Tuesday... Читать дальше...


A small European airline you've never heard of is showing off its new Airbus A380

HiFly Press Kit

  • Portugal's Hi Fly Airlines is showing off the latest addition to its fleet, an Airbus 380. 
  • The second-hand super jumbo comes to Hi Fly after a decade-long lease with Singapore Airlines.
  • The Airbus A380 is the largest commercial airliner in the world. This one has room for 471 passengers distributed among three classes and two decks.
  • Hi Fly is the first airline to fly a second-hand A380.
  • Wet-lease carriers operate flights on behalf... Читать дальше...


WALL STREET WARNS: Trump's trade policies could bring the US back to an economic horror from the 1970s

Jae C. Hong/AP Images

  • President Donald Trump is aggressively pursuing protectionist policies.
  • Tariffs cause prices to rise and can stall growth.
  • Analysts are warning that 1970s-like stagflation could be ahead.

In a broad effort to rearrange global trade relationships, President Donald Trump has slapped tariffs on some of the US's biggest business partners. And as effects of protectionism kick in, analysts caution against heading toward a repeat of the 1970s when rising inflation... Читать дальше...


Apple bringt Bezahldienst ApplePay nach Deutschland — das müsst ihr jetzt wissen

Apple bringt seinen Bezahldienst Apple Pay nun auch nach Deutschland. Der Service zum Bezahlen per Smartphone solle noch in diesem Jahr hierzulande eingeführt werden, sagte Apple-Chef Tim Cook am Dienstag in einer Analystenkonferenz zu den Quartalszahlen. Weitere Details etwa zu den Namen der Banken oder zum Gebührenmodell nannte er nicht. Die Deutsche Bank wird mit von der Partie sein: „Später in diesem Jahr wird die Deutsche Bank Apple Pay auf den Markt bringen“, sagte ein Sprecher des Geldhauses auf Anfrage. Читать дальше...


How evolving merchant demands are pushing POS terminal providers to up their game in an increasingly competitive environment

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The downfall of US brick-and-mortar commerce is overblown — despite sharp gains in e-commerce, which will nearly double between now and 2021, the lion’s share of purchasing continues to take place in-store. And that’s unlikely to change anytime soon, since the online environment can’t... Читать дальше...


A natural yellow chemical compound you can find in any grocery store could help fight cancer, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s


  • Turmeric, and the chemical compound derived from it, called curcumin, have some amazing health benefits.
  • In addition to being a proven anti-inflammatory that helps boost circulation, turmeric may also be an anti-cancer, antioxidant therapy that can fight off brain plaques, possibly helping prevent diabetes, Alzheimer's, and more.
  • Unlike a lot of other vitamins and supplements, it's cheap.

Doctors are increasingly embracing the idea... Читать дальше...


A British right-wing, anti-immigrant activist backed by Donald Trump Jr and Steve Bannon has been let out of prison

  • Tommy Robinson, a right-wing activist supported by Donald Trump Jr. and Steve Bannon, was granted bail from a British court on Wednesday.
  • Robinson is a right-wing, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-free speech activist.
  • He was sentenced to 13 months in prison after streaming on Facebook Live an ongoing court trial where reporters were banned from tweeting or recording.
  • Donald Trump Jr and Steve Bannon have both expressed their support for Robinson in the past. Читать дальше...


An artist from Cyprus tattoos faces in computer code

See Also:

  • An underwater sculpture garden in Bali is helping to restore coral reefs — and you can snorkel through it
  • An industrial designer from Australia makes foldable stairs that are perfect for small apartments
  • A California-based tattoo artist does tattoos that are inspired by your favorite movies and TV shows


The New York Mets just got completely destroyed 25-4 — and then mercilessly trolled themselves on Twitter


  • The New York Mets just suffered their biggest ever loss in franchise history.
  • The Mets were completely destroyed 25-4 by the Washington Nationals on Tuesday.
  • The Mets may have lost the match, but they won Twitter because of their elite social media game.

In a 2003 episode of hit TV show "Friends," Joey Tribbiani — played by Matt LeBlanc — uttered the immortal line: "Let me stop you right there, the Mets suck."See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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Kroger is launching free delivery on thousands of items in a new offensive against Walmart, Amazon, and Target (KR)


  • Kroger is launching a grocery delivery service called Kroger Ship. 
  • Deliveries through Kroger Ship are free on orders costing more than $35. 
  • Shoppers can sign up for regular deliveries of repeat purchases through a subscription model. Customers will get a 5% discount on subscription goods.
  • The service is designed to combat growing competition from Amazon, Walmart, and Target, which also offer free shipping on tens of thousands of consumer staples. Читать дальше...


106 skydives with a broken ankle: Inside how Tom Cruise pulled off the thrilling HALO jump in 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout'


Tom Cruise does a lot of amazing stunts in “Mission: Impossible - Fallout,” but the one that took the most work to pull off was the HALO jump over Paris in the beginning of the movie.

To get into Paris undetected, Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and CIA tagalong August Walker (Henry Cavill) decide to do a HALO jump — High Altitude-Low Opening skydive, in which you open your parachute at a low altitude after free-falling for a period of time — at dusk out of a giant C-17 plane. But... Читать дальше...


The homeless man who went viral for handing out his résumé on the highway in California had quit his job to become an entrepreneur — and even though he failed, he plans to try again

Courtesy of David Casarez

  • Entrepreneur David Casarez quit his job as a web developer at General Motors to launch his own tech startup.
  • However, he ran out of money and was already living out of his van.
  • So Casarez stood on the highway and handed out copies of his résumé. A driver passing by tweeted a photo and Casarez's story went viral. He's received job offers from Google and other tech giants.
  • Casarez said he wants to try his hand at entrepreneurship again, at some point in the future. Читать дальше...


Bangkok is sinking, so it built a park that holds a million gallons of rainwater to help prevent flooding


Summertime is Thailand's rainy season, when Bangkok and other cities can experience powerful storms. In past years, downpours have produced enough rainfall to completely flood city streets, overwhelm drainage systems, and inundate homes.

Making matters worse for Bangkok, the city is sinking at a rate of more than one centimeter a year and could be below sea level by 2030.

To help prevent future flooding, the city and local organizations have recently embarked on several projects... Читать дальше...


A judge has ordered the Trump administration to stop giving detained migrant children mind-altering drugs. Here's what they do.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

  • On Monday, a federal judge found US government officials in violation of state child welfare laws for putting detained migrant children on mind-altering drugs without their guardians' consent.
  • In court filings, children claimed they were either forcibly injected with drugs or made to take pills that staff members told them were vitamins.
  • Most of the medications the kids took are used to treat mood disorders like depression and anxiety,... Читать дальше...


Zalando geht einen Schritt, der für einen Onlinehändler außergewöhnlich ist

Der Onlinehändler Zalando hat in der vergangenen Woche in Berlin seine erste Filiale eröffnet. Die sogenannte „Beauty Station“ ist als Concept Store, eine Mischung aus Warenhaus und Boutique, ausgerichtet und soll Einkaufen so zum Erlebnis machen. 160 Quadratmeter bietet der Shop in der Nähe des Hackeschen Marktes. Für einen Onlineshop ein durchaus ungewöhnlicher Schritt, auf eine stationäre Filiale zu setzen.

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The Reserve Bank of India hikes rates

The Reserve Bank of India raised two of its key interest rates 25 basis points on Wednesday. The rate hike was expected. Wednesday's decision was not unanimous. No RBI policy surprise In its second policy tightening this year, the RBI lifted the benchmark policy interest rates by 25 basis points today, taking the repo rate to 6.50% and reverse repo rate to 6.25%. There was no change to the 4% reserve requirement rate for the banking sector.

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Aston Martin has unveiled a flying car concept — and it hinted that we might see James Bond flying one soon

Aston Martin

  • Aston Martin recently unveiled a flying car concept.
  • The Volante Vision Concept is autonomous, hybrid-electric, and capable of vertical take-off and landing.
  • Aston Martin President and CEO Dr Andy Palmer said that growing urbanisation and overpopulation was at the heart of the concept's design.
  • Aston Martin said it did not have pricing for the vehicle yet, but the figure is expected to be around £7 million ($9.2 million).
  • Speaking to Business Insider... Читать дальше...


An ad writer on Trump's legendary Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust commercial was not at all surprised to see him become president

Courtesy of Michael Campbell

  • Janet Lyons, an ad writer for the Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust Pizza commercial that featured Donald and Ivana Trump in 1995, was not surprised to see Trump get elected president in 2016.
  • Lyons said her experience of working with and seeing Trump on the set gave her a different perspective of him as a presidential candidate.
  • To hear the full story, subscribe to Business Insider's new podcast, "Household Name".

Janet Lyons, an... Читать дальше...


I've saved enough at age 28 that I'll be a multimillionaire by retirement, and I used Warren Buffett's favorite investing strategy to do it

Alan Crowhurst/Getty Images for Ascot Racecourse

  • The Money Wizard, who goes by "Sean," is a 28-year-old blogger and financial analyst whose current net worth is $250,000.
  • If he stopped saving money today, it could grow to between $1.6 million to $2.2 million by retirement age, thanks to compound interest.
  • He says his strategy can be easily replicated by anyone who's dedicated. Here's how he did it.

I recently turned 28, and I've already saved over a quarter of a million dollars. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

СберСтрахование объединила защиту от кибератак и экорисков в одном полисе

Путин в России и мире

Трамп прокомментировал визит Путина в Китай

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Терпящий военные неудачи Зеленский вымещает зло на верующих: в Киеве под покровом ночи снесли церковь, православным хотят запретить молиться дома

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Лоза заявил, что Галкин* и Пугачева за границей «считают каждую копейку»


Агент Малкома: у меня нет информации о приезде бразильца в Москву

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