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Новости за 01.08.2018


Mila Kunis says she ‘almost died’ on her disastrous honeymoon with Ashton Kutcher


  • Mila Kunis appeared on NBC's "Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" on Monday and talked about her honeymoon with Ashton Kutcher — which didn't go as planned.
  • The actress listed all the things that went wrong on the couple's trip, which included her in-laws and daughter Wyatt.
  • The "Spy Who Dumped Me" star said that the air conditioning broke and their maps app took them on a dangerous road, among other issues.
  • Kunis and Kutcher have been married since 2015. Читать дальше...


Check out the prototype for Japan's first ever passenger jet that's going to take on Bombardier and Embraer

Benjamin Zhang/Business Insider

  • The Mitsubishi Regional Jet is Japan's first domestically developed passengers jet.
  • The MRJ will be available in both 76-seat and 88-seat versions.
  • Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation expects to deliver the first MRJ in 2020.

Japan's first homegrown passenger jet is almost ready for prime time. The Mitsubishi Regional Jet or MRJ is one of a handful of next-generation airliners slated to enter production in the near future. Читать дальше...


The world's biggest colony of king penguins has shrunk by 90% — and mice may be to blame


  • Alarming data published in the journal Antarctic Science show the world's largest king penguin colony has shrunk by 90%.
  • There is currently no firm explanation for the dip but overfishing, disease, and climate change have been suggested by scientists as possible causes.
  • One theory is that feral mice found on the island in the 70s preyed upon the penguins' chicks.

In 1982, when scientists visited an island part of an archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean called the Ile aux Cochons... Читать дальше...


The CDC is warning people to stop reusing and washing condoms — here's why it's dangerous


  • The Center for Disease Control warned about the dangers of reusing condoms in a recent tweet.
  • Condoms are designed to help protect you and your partner against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. 
  • Reusing condoms makes them completely ineffective, according to experts.

Reusing and recycling household items is an easy way to do your part to help save the environment. 

But the Center for Disease Control (CDC) took... Читать дальше...


At least 1 person has died in Zimbabwe after opposition protesters claim the elections were rigged

Mike Hutchings/Reuters

  • Protests in Harare, Zimbabwe, descended into chaos on Wednesday after supporters of the main opposition party accused the ruling party of trying to rig the country's elections.
  • Soldiers had to step in as protesters clashed with police.
  • At least one person has died, multiple media reports say.

At least one person in Zimbabwe's capital has died in clashes between police and protesters after the main opposition leader accused the... Читать дальше...


The Taliban reportedly just beat ISIS so badly that more than 200 fighters surrendered to the Afghan government

Associated Press

  • About 200 to 250 ISIS fighters turned themselves into the Afghan government on Wednesday after a fierce two-day battle against the Taliban in the northern province of Jawzjan.
  • Eight Taliban and six ISIS fighters were also killed in the battle, and 128 ISIS fighters surrendered to the Taliban as well.
  • The surrender signals ISIS' defeat in northern Afghanistan, largely leaving only their stronghold in the southern province of Nangarhar. 
... Читать дальше...


Everything you need to know about Barack and Michelle Obama's love story — from the law office to the Oval Office


Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama are a household name. And although you may be familiar with their strong marriage now, you may not know exactly how they got here. 

INSIDER rounded up the Obamas' most notable and romantic moments throughout their 25-plus years together. 

1989: Michelle was assigned as Barack's mentor at their law firm.

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Barack Obama, then 28, and Michelle Robinson, then 25, met at the law firm Sidley Austin LLP... Читать дальше...


The 16 biggest games coming this fall, from an all-new ‘Fallout’ to the hotly-anticipated ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’

Rockstar Games/Take-Two Interactive

Can you smell it in the air? This year's "Madden" is almost here, its annual mid-August launch signaling the coming wave of blockbuster video games about to arrive on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. 

Huge new entries from already massively popular franchises are the standouts this year, and "Red Dead Redemption 2" (seen above) is the heaviest heavy of them all. The long-awaited sequel to Rockstar Games' brilliant original... Читать дальше...


Here's what it's like to fly first class on 10 different airlines

Eric Risberg/AP Images

For most of us, flying isn't exactly a luxurious experience — we have to deal with screaming babies, people potentially invading our privacy, and questionable food.

But for those lucky few that can spend thousands of dollars on first class tickets, flying can be a downright treat.

Skytrax, an aviation consumer website, ranked the 10 highest-rated first class cabins in the world. And to help you live vicariously through those who can almost enjoy 15-hour flights... Читать дальше...


An explosive wildfire is moving through a California city, and it's showing few signs of stopping — see photos from the scene

AP Photo/Noah Berger

The Carr Fire is tearing through Northern California. 

The explosive blaze first ignited on July 23rd and reached the city of Redding on July 26th, the Associated Press reports. By Wednesday, the fire had engulfed over 115,000 acres. It's now 35% contained, according to Cal Fire, the state's fire agency. 

The fire has killed one bulldozer operator who was contracted to help snuff the blaze and has caused burn injuries to both civilians and firefighters. Читать дальше...


7 summer beauty tips to help you beat the make-up-melting heat


Even the most makeup-savvy among us know the frustration of trying to nail a fabulous contouring technique or break in a new eyeshadow palette, only to be thwarted by intensely-high temperatures and sweltering levels of humidity.

You may believe that blasting your AC and praying for a cool-down are your only options, but with a few simple tricks, you can achieve an Insta-perfect makeup situation even during the dog days of summer.

Never forget to apply sunscreen. Читать дальше...


The conservative backlash against Netflix has been loud but ultimately has no bite (NFLX)


  • Conservative internet backlash against Netflix ramped up as the streaming service began to do business with the Obamas and Susan Rice, with many threatening to boycott.
  • New data suggests, however, that while those moves by Netflix angered many of its conservative subscribers, they did not cause them to cancel. 
  • Only 5% of former Netflix subscribers surveyed by AlphaHQ cited politics as the reason they ditched the service.
  • The positive perception bump... Читать дальше...


A National Geographic photographer's new book shows how stunning animals in the Arctic and Antarctic really are

©Born to Ice by Paul Nicklen published by teNeues

For National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen, the Arctic is home.

Nicklen was raised on Baffin Island, Nunavut, in Northern Canada. There he learned to navigate the ice, read weather, and find shelter in a landscape that most consider inhospitable.

That appreciation for Earth's northern pole led Nicklen to co-found an ocean conservation and storytelling group called SeaLegacy, and speak at TED.

As a photographer... Читать дальше...


Kendall Jenner wore $1,100 wedges with 3D flames on the back — and people are divided over the look

Arthur Mola/Invision/AP

  • Kendall Jenner rocked bright orange Prada wedges with 3D flames on the back in a series of Instagram posts.
  • Jenner paired the wedges with a sporty, form-fitting Adidas top and $585 baggy Off-White jeans.
  • Some social media users can't wait to get their hands on a pair, but others aren't so sold on the look.
  • According to Vogue, these flame wedges have recently been brought back "by popular demand"; Prada first debuted the style in 1999. Читать дальше...


'Crazy Rich Asians' turned down a 'gigantic payday' from Netflix so the movie would be seen in theaters

Warner Bros.

  • Netflix made a huge offer to distribute the "Crazy Rich Asians" movie, but the author of the book it's based on, and the film's director, said "no" in favor of a theatrical release.
  • "Crazy Rich Asians" is the first studio film to tell an Asian-American story in 25 years.
  • Because of the film's significance, author Kevin Kwan and director Jon M. Chu decided that a major theatrical release was more important than the money and creative freedom Netflix offered. Читать дальше...


Video shows Philippines president Duterte crushing $5.6 million worth of luxury cars as part of his anti-corruption drive

  • Seventy-six luxury cars and motorbikes were destroyed in a government ceremony in the Philippines this week.
  • The show was part of President Rodrigo Duterte's anti-corruption campaign.
  • Combined, the vehicles had been valued at about $5.6 million.
  • Watch bulldozers destroy the luxury cars below.

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has overseen the destruction of $5.6 million worth of smuggled luxury cars and motorbikes as part of his anti-corruption drive.

Читать дальше...


How the IoT is evolving to reach the mainstream with businesses and consumers

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming how companies and consumers go about their days around the world. The technology that underlies this whole segment is evolving quickly, whether it’s the rapid rise of the Amazon Echo and voice assistants upending the consumer space, or growth... Читать дальше...


The ex-cop who reportedly rigged McDonald's Monopoly game was also behind a mysterious $1 million donation that puzzled America for years (MCD)

WikiCommons/Katy Warner

  • In 1995, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital received a mysterious winning McDonald's Monopoly game piece worth $1 million.
  • For six years, no one knew who had made the donation. Both McDonald's and St. Jude's agreed to respect the donor's wishes and not investigate further.
  • In 2001, former police officer Jerry Jacobson was accused of masterminding a complicated scheme that defrauded McDonald's out of $24 million. Jacobson was revealed as the mystery donor. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии «зеленой» экономики в РФ

Путин в России и мире

Что действительно говорил В. Путин о Нагорном Карабахе?

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске одобрен проект соглашения о системе таможенного транзита ЕАЭС

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