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Новости за 22.08.2018


24 surprising athletes who have made an insane amount of money

Matt York/AP

We tend to think of the best athletes in sports as the highest-paid and best-compensated.

And LeBron James, Tom Brady, and Roger Federer do rank highly in career earnings in their respective sports.

But every sport has some surprising athletes who have made a ton of money, despite not ranking as perhaps the best at what they do or sustaining greatness over a long period of time.

We went through the career earnings of major sports and found a few athletes... Читать дальше...


Snap CEO Evan Spiegel said he was taught to be seen, but not heard — which is why he can be so shy with his employees (SNAP)


  • Until recently, Snap CEO Evan Spiegel never presided over companywide meetings, and he rarely interacted with employees, according to a new Bloomberg report.
  • Spiegel said he's shy and his religious upbringing taught him to avoid the spotlight.
  • But in response to criticism, he's been trying to interact more with employees and managers.

Evan Spiegel is a billionaire thanks to the app he co-created, Snapchat, which is used by millions of people around the world. Читать дальше...


Newspaper front pages from where Trump held his rally Tuesday night perfectly illustrate how Americans see the news differently

Carolyn Kaster/AP

  • Three of the four West Virginia newspapers included President Donald Trump's rally on the front pages on Wednesday rather than the guilty convictions of his former attorney Michael Cohen and campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
  • All four newspaper front pages included Trump's decision this week to do away with coal emission standards the Obama administration implemented.
  • It shows just how different the news can be for Americans.

Three... Читать дальше...


Photos that show the difference between 9 popular destinations during peak and off-season

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

  • Sometimes the difference between popular destinations in the summer versus the off-season can be stark.
  • Iceland sees a huge dip in tourists in the winter months.
  • Bali's beaches are virtually empty during the off-season.

Tourism levels vary greatly from season to season, and photos show just how big the difference is.

While there are a few cons to traveling during the off-season, the biggest difference is the amount... Читать дальше...


New York state has subpoenaed Michael Cohen as part of a probe into the Trump Foundation

  • Investigators in New York state have issued a subpoena to Michael Cohen as part of their criminal probe into the Trump Foundation.
  • As a close Trump confidant, Cohen could potentially be a significant source of information for investigators looking into whether Trump or his charity broke state law or lied about their tax liability.
  • New York state's inquiry into the Trump Foundation's activities originally began as a civil lawsuit filed by acting Attorney General Barbara Underwood in June. Читать дальше...


Air Force's John Chapman fought Al Qaeda to his death and is now the first airman since Vietnam to receive the Medal of Honor

US Air Force

  • President Donald Trump posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor to Air Force Tech Sgt. John A. Chapman Wednesday, praising the airman for his extraordinary heroism and sacrifice in Afghanistan.
  • Chapman gave his life to save others in a fierce fight on Takur Ghar Mountain in 2002, and for his sacrifice, he was awarded the nation's highest military award for valor.
  • The airman's wife received the award on her husband's behalf.

In the last two hours of his life, Air Force Tech. Читать дальше...


Prosecutors went to extraordinary lengths to document Paul Manafort's life of luxury. Here are the custom suits, lavish cars, and sprawling properties they tried to show the jury.

Aaron P. Bernstein/Reuters

During the tax evasion trial of President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, prosecutors entertained the jury with details of the political consultant's lavish lifestyle.

They said Manafort earned more than $60 million working on political campaigns in Ukraine, and detailed the ways he used that money to buy a closet full of custom-made suits, luxury cars for his wife and kids, and homes up and down the East Coast.

But when one... Читать дальше...


How brands can leverage artificial intelligence to improve personalization, enhance ad targeting, and make marketing teams more agile

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Artificial intelligence (AI), often used as an umbrella term to describe types of technology that can simulate human intelligence, is one of today’s hottest topics across a number of business sectors. AI techniques teach computers to parse data in a contextual manner to provide requested information... Читать дальше...


The status symbols we buy, wear, and drive make people want to do business with us — but not be our friends

Angela Weiss/Getty Images for Icelink

  • New friends may be turned off by status symbols like fancy cars, watches, and clothing.
  • Business contacts may find those same status symbols appealing.
  • Still, people tend to assume that sporting posh accessories will make them universally appealing,
  • That's according to a new scientific paper published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Here's a tip for anyone having a hard time making new friends: Ditch the Rolex. Читать дальше...


There's a church in Mexico where Coca-Cola is used in religious ceremonies

Rebecca Blackwell / AP Images

  • There is a church known as the "Coca-Cola Church" in Chiapas, Mexico.
  • At the church, which is really called St. John the Baptist, Coke is used as decoration, for healing, and for religious services.
  • Coca-Cola has become a huge part of Mexican culture, appearing everywhere from small villages to local schools and churches. 
  • In Business Insider's new podcast "Household Name," former Mexican president Vicente Fox explains how he... Читать дальше...


A man was so drunk he went to his parents’ former home to sleep it off


  • Thomas Airlie was found asleep by the current occupant of his parent's former home.
  • The Scottish man was so intoxicated that he took a taxi to the home, let himself in, and went to sleep.
  • Elaine McDade discovered the 26-year-old in her living room after the “one and only time” she didn’t lock her front door.

Many of us have been there: you've had one too many drinks, and opt to take a cab home, somehow miraculously managing to remember your address. Читать дальше...


Why do so many Asians have highlights in movies?

Hollywood and the comic book world often depict East Asian women with highlights or dyed hair to signify a rebellious nature. It is called the "Asian hair streak," and it is an overused trope that symbolizes a greater problem in Hollywood. Following is a transcript of the video.

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A dangerous parasitic illness spread by bugs that bite people's faces at night is spreading in the US, doctors warn

REUTERS/German Pomar

  • Chagas disease is a nasty parasitic illness spread by bites from bloodsucking triatomine bugs.
  • These bugs climb on people's faces at night to feed, biting eyes and lips, which is why they're sometimes called "kissing bugs."
  • If the disease is not treated, 30% of patients can develop potentially life-threatening heart complications, but many people don't show signs of infection.
  • A new statement by the American Heart Association says doctors... Читать дальше...


Stocks close mixed as legal worries in Washington hang over historic day on Wall Street


Stocks closed mixed Wednesday even as the S&P 500 hit its 3,453rd day without a major correction, marking the longest bull market in history. Strong earnings reports were unable to calm nerves surrounding a one-two legal punch to the White House that implicated President Donald Trump. The Federal Reserve signaled it would hike rates next month. 

Here's the scoreboard:See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: INSIDE WEST POINT: What it’s really like... Читать дальше...


Kate Middleton had 2 'normal' jobs before she became royalty — and it sounds like she was a model employee

WPA Pool/Getty Images

  • The Duchess of Cambridge worked regular nine to five jobs before she married into the royal family.
  • She helped with her parents’ company and another retailer in London.
  • She’s not the only modern royal to hold a "normal" job.

Kate Middleton had a privileged upbringing. And as a Duchess, you might think she leads a pretty charmed life now.

But the Duchess of Cambridge actually held two regular old nine-to-five jobs prior to marrying Prince William... Читать дальше...


ESPN fantasy expert explains his No. 1 rule for fantasy football players

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

  • With fantasy football season fast approaching, ESPN fantasy expert Field Yates recently gave out his most important tip for players to remember heading into draft day.
  • As Yates puts it, drafting is an art rather than a science, and while you should have a plan going into your draft, it's important to remain flexible as the picks play out.
  • For instance, even if you've already taken running backs in the first two rounds, if another valuable RB falls to you in the third round... Читать дальше...


2 teens helped get a high school principal who discriminated against LGBTQ+ students fired

Doug Brown/ACLU of Oregon

  • In a recently settled lawsuit, a high school principal in North Bend, Oregon, was fired after years of discriminating against LGBTQ+ teens. 
  • For two years, Liv Funk and her ex-girlfriend Hailey Smith said they were harassed by their peers and school administrators because of their sexual orientation.
  • They claim that school officials ignored their repeated reports of physical and verbal attacks.
  • As a part of the settlement, the school... Читать дальше...


Republicans are using a similar line of defense to distance Trump from the convictions of 2 of his closest associates

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

  • Some Republicans offered up a similar defense for President Donald Trump following a day when two of his top allies either pleaded guilty to federal crimes or were convicted of them.
  • Both of those instances had nothing to do with Russian collusion, Republicans said.
  • Others were slightly more critical.

Many Republicans came to the defense of President Donald Trump following a day when his former campaign manager Paul Manafort... Читать дальше...


Why fintechs are struggling to turn a profit, and the hurdles they must overcome to see success

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Most fintechs, even the unicorns, aren't profitable.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • Major crypto exchanges will self-regulate
  • Big lenders are hampering Open Banking in the UK
  • Monzo may be the UK's next fintech unicorn


Cohen's lawyer's cryptic claim that his client knows of a Trump-linked Russia conspiracy could be a 'game-changer' for Mueller

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

  • Michael Cohen's lawyer suggested that Cohen has information about President Donald Trump's knowledge of Russia's election interference and failure to report that to the FBI.
  • If Cohen does have such information and it can be corroborated, "I think that's HUGE," said one legal scholar.
  • Cohen's plea deal currently does not include a cooperation agreement, and his lawyer likely dangled information about his client's willingness to work with Mueller in order to secure a cooperation deal. Читать дальше...


'Nonsensical:' Some Wall Streeters say all the people celebrating the stock market's longest-ever bull run are doing it wrong

  • On Wednesday, the bull market in stocks became the longest on record by one measure. 
  • However, strategists have identified at least four other reasons why any celebrations should be put on hold. 

The bull market in stocks is now the longest on record. The bull market in stocks is not yet the longest on record. 

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A decorated war hero was arrested for trying to smuggle a lot of cocaine into the US on a military aircraft

U.S. Air Force / Master Sgt. Jason Robertson

An Army Special Forces soldier was arrested Monday for smuggling 40 kilos of cocaine into the United States hidden in two backpacks aboard a military aircraft, NBC News reported on Friday.

  • Master Sgt. Daniel Gould was taken into custody by Drug Enforcement Administration agents after two military-issue “punch out” bags somehow connected to him were discovered filled with 40 kilos (90 lbs) of cocaine on a U.S. military aircraft bound for Eglin Air Force Base. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о догазификации СНТ  

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

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Лариса Лужина раскрыла, был ли у нее роман с Владимиром Высоцким


Минтранс призвал подмосковных водителей отложить поездки по М-11 из-за снегопада

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