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Новости за 04.08.2018


Melania Trump praises LeBron James and says she would visit his school after Trump insults him on Twitter

Oliver Contreras-Pool/Getty Images

  • First lady Melania Trump praised NBA star LeBron James and said she is open to visiting his newly opened school, less than a day after President Donald Trump lashed out at him on Twitter.
  • A statement from the first lady said James is doing "good things on behalf of our next generation," and compared his work to her childhood welfare initiative, "Be Best."
  • James recently announced he opened a school for underprivileged children in his hometown. Читать дальше...


The 'Manhattan Madam' who ran a high-end prostitution ring in the 2000s was reportedly questioned in the Mueller probe — here's everything we know about her

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

  • The "Manhattan Madam" was reportedly questioned as part of the special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian's interference in the 2016 presidential election.
  • Kristin M. Davis, 41, is notoriously known for running a high-end prostitution ring in the 2000s.
  • She is also a close friend of Roger Stone, a former Trump campaign adviser who has become a target of Mueller's investigation.
  • Davis went to prison for running a prostitution ring and selling drugs... Читать дальше...


The top 5 startups disrupting healthcare using AI, digital therapeutics, health insurance, and genomics

Business Insider Intelligence

The healthcare industry is facing disruption due to accelerating technological innovation and growing demand for improved delivery of healthcare and lower costs. Tech startups are leading the way by seizing opportunities in the areas of the industry that are most vulnerable to disruption, including genomics, pharmaceuticals, administration, clinical operations, and insurance.

Venture funds and businesses are taking notice of these startups' potential. Читать дальше...


How artificial intelligence can help retailers deliver the highly personalized experiences shoppers desire

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

One of retailers' top priorities is to figure out how to gain an edge over Amazon. To do this, many retailers are attempting to differentiate themselves by creating highly curated experiences that combine the personal feel of in-store shopping with the convenience of online portals. See... Читать дальше...


POINT-OF-SALE TERMINALS: How evolving merchant demands are pushing POS terminal providers to up their game in an increasingly competitive environment

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The downfall of US brick-and-mortar commerce is overblown — despite sharp gains in e-commerce, which will nearly double between now and 2021, the lion’s share of purchasing continues to take place in-store. And that’s unlikely to change anytime soon, since the online environment can’t... Читать дальше...


Accused Russian spy Maria Butina's Instagram revealed what her life was like as she allegedly laid the groundwork to conduct high-level espionage

Facebook/Maria Butina

  • An Instagram profile belonging to accused Russian spy Maria Butina showed what her life was like while she was allegedly "laying the groundwork" to commit high-level espionage in the US.
  • She posted photos of her appearing on TV shows to discuss her work, exercising at the gym, spending time with family, and some of her cooking.
  • Butina, 29, was indicted by a grand jury on charges of conspiracy against the United States and being an un-registered foreign agent. Читать дальше...


4 places all 'Game of Thrones' fans need to visit


  • Aside from jaw-dropping costumes, elaborate plotlines, and intriguing characters, "Game of Thrones" offers some amazing travel inspiration.
  • To better live out your "Game of Throne's" fantasies, travel to Dubrovnik, Croatia and see where the majority of the show is filmed. 
  • Northern Ireland, Spain, and Morocco also offer backdrops for the popular show. 

The following is an adapted excerpt from "100 Things Game of Thrones Fans Should Know... Читать дальше...


Here's how you can use your Costco membership to rent a car (COST)

Getty/Justin Sullivan

  • Costco members can rent cars at discounted prices through Costco Travel.
  • The retailer's car rental program allows members to reserve cars from participating Alamo, Avis, Budget, and Enterprise locations.
  • Members need to be 25 or older to use the program.

A Costco membership comes with a number of benefits beyond access to the retailer's warehouses. Members can also get discounts on cars, auto parts, gasoline, and travel services, including car rentals. Читать дальше...


You no longer need a card to get cash from nearly every Chase ATM (JPM)

JPMorgan Chase

  • Chase has rolled out cardless transactions to nearly all of its 16,000 ATMs.
  • The feature, which it started to deploy in 2016, allows Chase customers to open their mobile wallet, tap their phone, and then enter their PIN to access their account.
  • The largest banks in the US have been investing millions in updating the capabilities and physical appearances of their thousands of ATMs as their digital and mobile customer bases balloon.
  • It makes life more convenient for customers... Читать дальше...


Barclays has the fastest growing stock trading team around — and it’s posing a threat to some of the biggest players (BARC)

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  • Barclays stock-trading team is the fastest growing on the planet so far in 2018. 
  • The bank reported second quarter results Thursday, growing its equities business 37% to $807 million.
  • No other major bank's stock-trading unit grew faster in the second quarter.
  • It's the second straight quarter of rapid growth for Barclays' stock-trading team, which the bank has been investing in heavily under CEO Jes Staley with 35 new outside hires so far this year. Читать дальше...


'If you keep working, you will die': London bankers in their 20s and 30s are having more heart attacks, doctors say

Samantha Lee, Graphic Designer, Business Insider.

  • Bankers in their 20s and 30s are being admitted to the hospital more frequently with cardiac conditions and heart attacks, cardiologists in the UK told Business Insider.
  • One doctor estimated he’s seen a 10% rise in bankers under 30 being admitted to the hospital in the last decade.
  • One former banker shared her experience with Business Insider in which she suffered a cardiac event in her early-20's after frequently... Читать дальше...


Wall Street bankers are adding a so-called Weinstein clause to deals as part of #MeToo scrutiny

Getty images

  • Wall Street dealmakers are putting in place new provisions to help protect clients from #MeToo scandals, according to Bloomberg News. 
  • The so-called "Weinstein" clauses in some cases require a selling company to compensate a buyer if sexual misconduct scandals by executives come to light. 

Wall Street dealmakers are putting new provisions in place to help protect clients in light of the rise of #MeToo movement. 

The so-called "Weinstein... Читать дальше...


Here are Ninja's settings in 'Fortnite' that help him play so well


Based on Ninja's performance while he's playing "Fortnite," you know for a fact that whatever he's doing is working.

I can't guarantee it'll turn you into a "Fortnite" legend, but if you want to try something that clearly works for one of the biggest "Fortnite" streamers in the world, a good place to start is with the game's settings more than anything else — apart from being Ninja himself. 

Fortnite has preset options for graphics and controls, but a little... Читать дальше...


After spending 5 years studying millionaires, I've found that there are 3 types of people who end up the wealthiest

Harry Trump/Getty Images

  • To become wealthy, there are a few things you have to do with your money. 
  • Thomas C. Corley studied and interviewed 233 wealthy individuals over the course of four years and found three common ways they build their fortunes.
  • "Saver-investors" focused on having no debt, lived well below their means, and invested and saved for many years. 
  • "Virtuosos" were the best of the best in their careers, and worked for companies that gave stock... Читать дальше...


Here's what it means when an item is marked 'Amazon's Choice' (AMZN)

AP/David Zalubowski

  • Amazon labels some items "Amazon's Choice," a moniker that has appeared on an increasing number of products recently. 
  • Amazon recently revealed the parameters that guide how items are selected for the label. "Amazon's Choice" products have a low return rate and high ratings, and they're more popular than other items.
  • It's a sought-after distinction for makers and sellers, as the label tends to catch the buyer's eye. 

Amazon has... Читать дальше...


8 of the best craft beer and food pairings to try before summer is over

  • Craft beer can elevate your taste buds to a new level when paired with the right foods.
  • According to a Nielsen CGA survey, 80% of craft beer drinkers typically drink craft beer on food-led occasions.
  • Craft beer expert Julia Herz shared her best food pairings for more than a week's worth of craft beers, from BBQ short ribs to mint watermelon salad.

Summer is officially here, and with it, craft beer season.

Читать дальше...


The Obamas are worth 30 times more than when they entered the White House in 2008 — here's how they spend their millions

Pool/Getty Images

  • Barack Obama's net worth is estimated to be $40 million.
  • Aside from the six-figure pension he receives as a former president, Obama has made millions from speaking engagements and his best-selling books.
  • While Obama spends his money in various ways, he loves to donate to charity and take vacations with his wife, Michelle. 

Former President Barack Obama is a busy guy.

From speaking at events around the world to writing a memoir and... Читать дальше...


People assume trust-fund babies are spoiled 20-somethings born with silver spoons — but they're not always who you think

Martin Hunter/Getty Images

  • A trust fund is simply a fund that holds assets, like cash or investments, typically set up by a parent.
  • Trust-fund babies, the recipients of that windfall, are often stereotyped as over-privileged, spoiled twenty-somethings with no responsibilities.
  • While trust-fund babies may have the security of reliable income, some do not live lavishly or have the sense of superiority society assumes.

Trust-fund babies — a group of over-privileged... Читать дальше...


Truck drivers' salaries are experiencing an 'unprecedented' jump, but it's not enough to end the driver shortage that's making everything more expensive


  • Truck drivers' salaries are on the rise, thanks in part to a shortage of drivers.
  • The shortage has been brewing for decades, but the recently passed ELD mandate has exacerbated trucking's tight labor market.
  • Under ELD, truckers can drive no more than 11 hours a day.
  • Drivers' salaries are still as much as 50% lower than they were in the 1970s when adjusted for inflation.

Jay Sidor quit his job hauling produce from Canada to Los Angeles. Читать дальше...


McDonald's employees share the 11 menu items they'd never eat


  • The McDonald's menu has tons of options for customers.
  • And McDonald's crew members themselves have their own frequent picks — as well as orders they tend to avoid.
  • Business Insider spoke with numerous current and former McDonald's employees about the menu items they were not crazy about and why.

The McDonald's menu has plenty of offerings for fast-food fans and casual customers alike.

But, when it comes to consuming McDonald's food... Читать дальше...


7 insider facts about Panera Bread that employees know and most customers don't

Charles Krupa / AP Images

  • Panera Bread employees know all about how things are run at the popular fast-food chain.
  • A number of current and former employees have posted about their experiences on social media.
  • Here are some insider facts, tips, and hacks that Panera Bread employees have shared online.

Panera Bread store employees know all about what it takes to run the popular casual chain of restaurants.

According to the company's website, Panera... Читать дальше...


A look at the daily routine of Alexander Hamilton, who loved coffee and worked for marathon stretches of time

Wikimedia Commons

  • Alexander Hamilton was the first Treasury Secretary of the US.
  • He also spearheaded promoting the US Constitution and founded the national's financial system, the US Coast Guard, and The New York Post.
  • Take a look at some of the habits and strategies that helped Hamilton remain productive throughout his career.

Alexander Hamilton was a pretty busy guy.

Heck, the whole song "Non-Stop" in Lin-Manuel Miranda's smash Broadway... Читать дальше...


Doing these 24 uncomfortable things will pay off forever

Strelka Institute/Flickr/Attribution License

  • It's time to challenge yourself and improve your life.
  • In order to make a positive change, you'll likely need to overcome obstacles and bad habits.
  • Check out these life-changing tweaks that might seem hard to adopt at first, but will ultimately pay off.

Challenge yourself to lead a better life.

Making a change for the better isn't always easy, but it's worth the effort all the same.

So... Читать дальше...

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123ru.net — ежеминутные новости с ежедневным архивом. Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Не нравится, не хотите слышать — не читайте, читаете — будьте взаимно вежливы и корректны в своих высказываниях. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 123ru.net — обозреватель новостей. Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть —онлайн с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии. 123ru.net — живые новости в живом эфире! Быстрый поиск от 123ru.net — это не только возможность первым узнать, но и преимущество сообщить срочные новости мгновенно на любом языке мира и быть услышанным тут же. В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость - здесь.

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперты рассказали, как вести себя при встрече с летучей мышью

Путин в России и мире

«Зависит очень многое»: Алиев об отношениях Азербайджана и России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Стало известно, что Лукашенко предложил губернатору Архангельской области на встрече в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский взял Залужного в заложники? В Киеве начинается новый скандал

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт в честь Сергея Рахманинова прошел в Воскресенске


Для ИТ-компаний Москвы организуют встречи с цифровыми атташе за рубежом

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