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Новости за 03.01.2018


Here come the Fed meeting minutes ...

Carolyn Kaster/AP

The Federal Reserve at 2 p.m. ET will release minutes of its meeting in December. 

At that meeting, the Fed raised its benchmark federal funds rate by 25 basis points to a range of 1.25% to 1.50%, as had been widely expected. 

The Fed hinged its decision on the US economy's faster-than-expected growth and strong job creation. It expects to raise rates three times this year. 

"Our attention will focus on three areas: inflation, labor markets and fiscal policy," said Lewis Alexander... Читать дальше...


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey tried the meditation craze that requires no sex, drugs, or talking for 10 days

  • Jack Dorsey, CEO of both Twitter and Square, said in a tweet on January 1 that he completed a 10-day silent meditation over the holidays.
  • He used the hashtag: #Vipassana. This type of meditation comes from an ancient technique used to calm the mind and find a way out of suffering.
  • An increasing number of tech moguls from Tim Ferriss to Marc Benioff swear by meditation as the key to their success.

Over the holidays, dual-CEO Jack Dorsey took a break from... Читать дальше...


Trump eviscerates Steve Bannon in a blistering statement: 'He not only lost his job, he lost his mind'

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump torched former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Wednesday.
  • "Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency," Trump said. "When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind."
  • The statement came after excerpts from a book were released in which Bannon criticizes many in Trump's orbit.

President Donald Trump has had it with his former chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

In a scathing Wednesday statement... Читать дальше...


The Chevy Bolt is crushing the Tesla Model 3 (GM, TSLA)

Hollis Johnson

  • Chevy sold over 3,000 Bolts in December.
  • Tesla will likely sell fewer Model 3's than that for the entire fourth quarter.
  • If the sales trend continues, Chevy could be selling 5,000 Bolts every month by mid-2018.

Let's be honest: While it was impressive that General Motors beat Tesla to market with an affordable, long-range electric vehicle, launching the Chevy Bolt in late 2015, few expected Tesla be threatened by GM.

That's... Читать дальше...


The Chevy Bolt is completely crushing the Tesla Model 3 (GM, TSLA)

Hollis Johnson

  • Chevy sold over 3,000 Bolts in December.
  • Tesla will likely sell fewer Model 3's than that for the entire fourth quarter.
  • If the sales trend continues, Chevy could be selling 5,000 Bolts per month by mid-to-late 2018.

Let's be honest: while it was impressive that General Motors beat Tesla to market with an affordable, long-electric vehicle, launching the Chevy Bolt in late 2015, few expected Tesla be threatened by GM.

That's... Читать дальше...


Twitter will never — and should never — ban Trump. So let's stop talking about it and move on

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

  • People again want President Donald Trump banned from Twitter after a wild Tuesday night tweet about the size of his nuclear button.
  • Twitter said no. Trump's tweets don't violate its rules.
  • Banning him is a dumb idea.

After President Donald Trump managed to, yet again, start an international firestorm with a tweet Tuesday night, a familiar talking point was revived.

"Twitter should ban Trump!" "Doesn't this violate Twitter's... Читать дальше...


27 fascinating maps that show how Americans speak English differently across the US

Joshua Katz

In a country as vast as the United States, you're hardly ever going to find a consensus on how to say something.

Do you drink soda, or do you call it pop? Do you wear sneakers, or tennis shoes? The answers vary depending on where you ask the question. 

Linguists Bert Vaux and Scott Golder surveyed more than 30,000 people from all 50 states in the early 2000s to compile some of the starkest regional divisions in American English, from vocabulary to pronunciation. Читать дальше...


After an investor bailed, a 20-year-old filmmaker spent her entire college fund finishing her award-winning debut

Samuel Goldwyn Films

  • Actress-turned-director Quinn Shephard was 20 when she made her debut feature film "Blame" in 2015.
  • The movie went on to win the best actress prize at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival and later found theatrical distribution.
  • Shephard had to cash in her college fund to self-finance the movie after her sole investor disappeared a week into shooting.

“It’s a really crazy story!”

That’s how 22-year-old actress-turned-director... Читать дальше...


Microsoft is making a sly move in its cloud war with Google (MSFT, GOOGL)

Avere Systems

  • Microsoft has announced its intent to purchase Avere Systems, a Pittsburgh-based data center storage company.
  • The deal represents a move to boost Microsoft's cloud business — and undermine Google's.
  • Avere had raised $97 million in its lifetime, including an investment from Google itself.

Microsoft on Wednesday announced plans to buy a startup data center storage company — a move that represents a strike at archrival Google.

The... Читать дальше...


A neuroscientist who studies decision-making shares his best advice for living healthier

Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters

Making healthy choices sounds like a good way to get in better shape. But according to Moran Cerf, the strategy is misguided.

Cerf, a professor of business and neuroscience at Northwestern University, has been studying decision-making for over a decade. One of his biggest takeaways is that making choices on a daily basis is psychologically exhausting.

In other words, it's tough to constantly exert the willpower required to avoid snacking or get up off the couch to exercise. Читать дальше...


New book: Steve Bannon told Roger Ailes that China is on the verge of turning into Nazi Germany

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

  • According to a new book, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon told former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes that "China is where Nazi Germany was in 1929 to 1930."
  • Bannon said Trump's approach to China was a critical piece of his presidency.
  • Bannon has long been critical of China, but praised the country's economic system in a speech after he left the White House.

Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist under President Donald Trump... Читать дальше...


JetBlue's 'Big Winter Sale' has fares starting at $39, and some of them are heading to the Caribbean


  • If you're already starting to plan your vacations for 2018, you'll want to jump on this JetBlue flight sale.
  • The “Big Winter Sale” has fares starting at $39 one-way.
  • The sale is on until Thursday night at midnight local time or ET, whichever is earlier in your time zone.
  • Travel dates are from January 10 to April 25, 2018.

JetBlue is having another sale, so if the frigid weather in much of the U.S. has got you down, you can book a getaway right now. Читать дальше...


Not every gig can be a dream job — here's how to tell if you should take it anyway

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

  • Not every job needs to be your dream job, but every position should offer you some new challenge or opportunity. 
  • If you aren't excited about a job offer, take time to consider what it could offer you. 
  • If it will help you achieve goals down the line, it's a step up in your career, or you're unemployed, accepting might be a good idea.
  • If there isn't much of a pay difference, or you're gainfully... Читать дальше...


Trump's tax overhaul has slowed Manhattan's real estate market even before going into full effect

Eduardo Munoz/Reuters

  • Fourth-quarter home sales in Manhattan slumped as buyers considered the impact of the new tax law. 
  • The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act caps the amount of state and local tax deductions at $10,000, and rich taxpayers who itemize their deductions benefitted the most when it was uncapped.
  • Homeowners across high-tax states including New York, Virginia, and California lined up to prepay their property taxes late last year before the cap took effect in 2018. Читать дальше...


US airlines have said goodbye to the 747 — but these foreign airlines still fly the iconic plane


  • The 747 has been a fixture of air travel since it first ferried passengers between New York and London in 1970.
  • However, many airlines are retiring the jumbo jet and replacing it with smaller and more fuel-efficient models.
  • The last US-based passenger 747 is being laid to rest Wednesday, but there are still plenty of foreign airlines operating the "Queen of the Skies."

Since 1970, passengers, crew, and pilots alike have been enjoying the thrill of flying on the Boeing 747. Читать дальше...


Former Attorney General Eric Holder: 'I think we're seeing a stress test the likes of which we've not seen since Watergate'

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder called Republican attacks on the FBI dangerous and damaging in the long term.
  • Holder said the US is "seeing a stress test the likes of which we've not seen since Watergate."

WASHINGTON — Former Attorney General Eric Holder chided attacks on the Justice Department and FBI by Republicans, saying "they will have a long-term negative impact on the ability of the people in law enforcement to do their jobs."

Holder... Читать дальше...


DIGITAL DISRUPTION OF CREDIT SCORING: How developments in the credit scoring space are opening up new opportunities for incumbent lenders


This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Traditional consumer lenders, like banks and credit unions, have historically served segments of the population they can conduct robust risk assessments on. 

But the data they collect from these groups is limited and typically impossible to analyze in real time, preventing them from confirming the accuracy of their assessments. Читать дальше...


Powerball and Mega Millions have both passed $400 million — here are the first 2 things the winners should do

Joshua Lott/Getty

  • The Powerball and Mega Millions lottery jackpots are over $400 million each.
  • After raking in millions of dollars, winners should fight the urge to immediately tell everyone they know.
  • The winners should also consult a trusted financial planner and lawyer before claiming the prize.

Nearly $1 billion is up for grabs.

The Mega Millions jackpot climbed to $418 million, and the Powerball lottery has an unclaimed pool of $460 million as of Wednesday morning. Читать дальше...


Legendary physicist Freeman Dyson talks about math, nuclear rockets, and astounding things about the universe

Bryan Bedder/Stringer/Getty Images

Mathematician and physicist Freeman Dyson has had a career as varied as it has been successful. A former professor of physics at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study, he has worked on the unification of the three versions of quantum electrodynamics invented by Richard Feynman, nuclear reactors, solid-state physics, ferromagnetism, astrophysics, biology, and the application of useful and elegant math problems. One of his ideas, the Dyson Sphere, was featured in a "Star Trek" episode. Читать дальше...


Democrats just closed the gap in the Senate to a single vote

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

  • Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, who ran against Alabama judge Roy Moore in a contentious special election, was sworn in as senator by Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday.
  • Jones was sworn in alongside former Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, who replaced former Sen. Al Franken after he resigned in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations.
  • Jones is the first Democrat serving from Alabama in 25 years, and his swearing in narrows the Republican majority in the Senate. Читать дальше...


Trump reportedly loves McDonald's because he has a 'longtime fear' of being poisoned (MCD)

Donald Trump for President

  • President Trump's McDonald's obsession is linked to his "longtime fear of being poisoned," reports Michael Wolff in his upcoming book on the Trump White House.
  • Trump's love for fast food is well-documented, with his go-to order being two Big Macs, two Filet-o-Fish sandwiches, and a large chocolate shake. 
  • The president also reportedly believes that McDonald's is cleaner than many other restaurants. 

A new detail about... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Акция «Чистый лес» прошла на территории округа Балашиха

Путин в России и мире

Третий визит Путина: Узбекистан стал Москве ближе Казахстана. Как среагировал Кремль на "заигрывание" Астаны с Лондоном.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил участие в договоре о вооруженных силах в Европе

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Польше заявили о зловещем плане Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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«Борис Фрумкин – 80!»: Государственный камерный оркестр джазовой музыки имени Олега Лундстрема отпраздновал юбилей своего худрука большим концертом


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