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Новости за 07.01.2018


6 things you should consider letting someone else do

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

  • Everyone struggles with not having enough time in the day. 
  • Usually this is because time is spent on tasks that you shouldn't be doing.
  • Figure out which 3-5 tasks that are "high-value" and focus only on those. 
  • Delegate things that aren't high value — like sorting through email and scheduling calls — to support or other staff.

Every founder, CEO, and executive I coach complains that they don't have enough time. Читать дальше...


Samsung is working on a phone with screens on both sides — here are three futuristic ideas

Business Insider

  • A new patent shows three ideas Samsung has for wrapping a display around a smartphone.
  • These designs show future smartphones with screens on both the front and back of the phone. 
  • Users would be able to view content from either side of the phone. 

Samsung uses curved display technology in phones like the Galaxy S8. Now it's trying to figure out how it's going to use that technology to completely change the way smartphones look in the future. Читать дальше...


The US Army's Twitter account 'inadvertently' liked Mindy Kaling's tweet mocking Trump's intelligence

Jason Merritt/Getty Images

  • The US Army's Twitter account liked actress and comedian Mindy Kaling's tweet on Saturday that seemed to be making fun of President Donald Trump's tweets earlier in the day. 
  • The US Army later unliked the tweet and told Business Insider that it was "inadvertently" liked by an operator.
  • It's not exactly clear if a civilian ot soldier liked Kaling's tweet. 

The US Army's official Twitter account "inadvertently" liked Mindy... Читать дальше...


Trump reportedly told Peter Thiel they'd be friends for life — and then ghosted him (FB)

Getty/Drew Angerer

  • Peter Thiel was the only major Silicon Valley mogul to publicly back Donald Trump's presidential campaign. 
  • Trump showered Thiel with praise but failed to return his calls after he was elected president, according to Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House."

Peter Thiel is one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. He was also one of the few technology moguls to publicly support President Trump during his campaign. Читать дальше...


4 books every good boss has read

Romrodphoto / Shutterstock

Business leaders think differently, and that's what sets them apart. 

Once you know how your leadership team thinks, you'll be able to unlock doors that may otherwise be inaccessible. Either your bosses will realize that you have what it takes to move up the ranks, or you will be better situated to advocate for yourself during a salary negotiation with a manager.

Here are four of the most read books among senior business leaders. Since these books have gained notoriety among management teams... Читать дальше...


The world is swimming in a record $233 trillion of debt

Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann

  • Global debt levels hit an unprecedented level in the third quarter of 2017, according to the Institute of International Finance.
  • The IIF cautions that this record debt burden could keep global central banks from tightening monetary conditions in the coming months.

Global debt soared to a record $233 trillion in the third quarter of 2017, according to a report from the Institute of International Finance.

That marked a $16.5 trillion — or 8% — increase from the end of 2016. Читать дальше...


Houthi rebels say they shot down a Saudi-led coalition fighter jet over Yemen

Wikimedia Commons

  • Iranian-backed Houthi rebels said they shot down a Saudi-led coalition fighter jet over Yemen.
  • But Saudi media claimed the jet crashed due to technical failure.

Iranian-backed Houthi rebels said they shot down a Saudi-led coalition fighter jet over Yemen's Sanaa province on Sunday, according to Reuters, which cited Al-Massirah, a Houthi-owned Yemeni news channel.

But Saudi-owned news channel Al-Aribayah contradicted the Houthis... Читать дальше...


3 lessons I learned from the Tibetan monk who works with the Dalai Lama and went viral as 'the happiest man alive'

Matthieu Ricard

  • I sat down with Matthieu Ricard, a Tibetan Buddhist monk who found himself famous among the TED Talk set and reluctantly decided to use the spotlight to share teachings.
  • He said meeting with powerful people taught him that "success" should not be defined solely by influence, but by "personal flourishing."
  • He explained the value of acceptance of things beyond your control, and knowing when to trust your heart.

Matthieu Ricard is... Читать дальше...


GOLDMAN SACHS: Markets are about to get rocky — here's how to use that to your advantage

REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

  • Goldman Sachs expects market volatility to come roaring back in 2018, which would unlock investment opportunities.
  • The firm conducted a series of analyses both predicting which areas of the market would move most and laying out which parts were being viewed the most bullishly.

Any investor will readily acknowledge that the market was starved of volatility last year. But fear not, says Goldman Sachs, which expects price swings to return with a vengeance in 2018... Читать дальше...


19 signs you're about to be fired

Teerawit Chankowet/Shutterstock

• Sometimes, you'll see that you're getting fired from a mile away — other times, it'll be more of a surprise.

• In order to avoid getting caught unawares, keep in mind the signs that your job is at risk.

• Everything from bad performance reviews to recent mergers can prove to be warning signs.

Getting fired from your job can be a real shock to the system.

But there are usually signs that you're about to get fired. You've just got to know where to look. Читать дальше...


After an investor bailed, a 20-year-old filmmaker spent her entire college fund finishing her award-winning debut

Samuel Goldwyn Films

  • Actress-turned-director Quinn Shephard was 20 when she made her debut feature film "Blame" in 2015.
  • The movie went on to win the best actress prize at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival and later found theatrical distribution.
  • Shephard had to cash in her college fund to self-finance the movie after her sole investor disappeared a week into shooting.

“It’s a really crazy story!”

That’s how 22-year-old actress-turned-director... Читать дальше...


What your nightly routine should look like, according to science


Wondering when to stop drinking coffee and using screens to avoid messing with your sleep? How frequently you should wash your sheets?

Scientists have been looking for answers to these questions too.

You can use their answers to guide many of the decisions you make on a nightly basis, from what you drink at night to how often you do laundry.

Watch your mid-afternoon caffeine intake.


The Mayo Clinic advises adults to limit their caffeine intake to 400 mg per day... Читать дальше...


A cryptocurrency created as a joke about a dog meme now has a market cap above $2 billion


  • Dogecoin, the digital currency inspired by the popular Doge meme, now has a market capitalization above $2 billion.
  • Its founder is worried the coin's recent rise indicates wider frothiness in the cryptocurrency market.

Dogecoin, the alternative cryptocurrency inspired by a popular 2013 meme, has surged over the weekend and now has a market capitalization over $2 billion.

It soared above the $1 billion milestone on Christmas Day and has continued to hit new milestones. Читать дальше...


Top Trump adviser throws former ally Steve Bannon under the bus in heated interview

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

  • Stephen Miller slammed Steve Bannon, a former ally in the White House.
  • Miller dismissed Bannon's contributions to the administration.
  • Bannon on Sunday apologized for his remarks.

Senior policy adviser Stephen Miller was just the lastest figure to throw former ally Steve Bannon under the bus over comments he made in Michael Wolff's explosive new book on President Donald Trump's campaign and administration, "Fire and Fury."

... Читать дальше...


The blockchain 'name game' is just getting started — and it echoes dot-com mania

Long Island Iced Tea

  • The number of public companies adding "blockchain" to their name, or announcing a pivot to blockchain technologies, will surge in 2018, says Autonomous Research.
  • The firm's forecast is based on a comparison to the dot-com bubble, which saw a similar phenomenon as companies tried to ride the Internet wave.

You'd think an iced tea manufacturer adding "blockchain" to its name would mark the absolute apex of companies rebranding to ride surging interest in cryptocurrencies. Читать дальше...


9 small habits that can help you get more done


Do you want to manage your time better in the new year? Small habits can make a big difference. Try a few of these very doable strategies to make 2018 your most productive year yet.

1. Exercise two mornings per week.

Strelka Institute/Flickr

Few people want to wake up at 5 a.m. daily to put in an hour at the gym. But what about getting up half an hour earlier, two days per week? You could run on that basement treadmill that's gathering dust, or do a workout video... Читать дальше...


'Jumanji' takes down 'The Last Jedi' to win the weekend box office (SNE)


  • "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle" won the weekend with an estimated $36 million.
  • It finally knocked "The Last Jedi" from its three-week perch on top of the domestic box office.
  • "Insidious: The Last Key" came in second place and earns twice as much as its production budget.

While "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has been dominating the domestic box office since opening in mid December, another title has been hot on its heels and this weekend it finally knocked down the Disney cash cow. Читать дальше...


11 things you say that will automatically disqualify you in a job interview


• Some job interview errors are a bigger deal than others.

• Do your research and adopt a confident mindset in order to boost your chances of succeeding.

• But, whatever you do, don't make mistakes like cursing, dissing the company, and asking weird personal questions.

Nobody's perfect. You could be pro at job interviews, but there's always a chance you'll say something a bit off.

That won't necessarily sink your candidacy, though. Your... Читать дальше...


A new kind of politics that threatens Europe is bubbling up in former communist states

  • Some former communist states like Hungary and Poland have been shifting to the political right in recent years. 
  • There's been a rise in nationalism and, in the case of Poland, the government has intimidated independent journalists by assuming political control over state-funded radio and TV.
  • In many ways, this is the natural progression of societies that abruptly transition to liberal democracy after centuries of oppressive and authoritarian conditioning.  
... Читать дальше...


Rohingya insurgents say they have no option but to fight Myanmar's 'terrorism' after wounding several soldiers in attack

Thomson Reuters

  • Rohingya Muslim insurgents said on Sunday they have no option but to fight Myanma. 
  • The statement came two days after the insurgents, known as the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, wounded six Myanmar security forces in an attack.

Rohingya Muslim insurgents said on Sunday they have no option but to fight what they called Myanmar state-sponsored terrorism to defend the Rohingya community, and they demanded that the Rohingya be consulted on all decisions affecting their future. Читать дальше...


Steve Bannon issues lengthy apology walking back his explosive comments in new tell-all book

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

  • Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon issued a long statement to the news website Axios apologizing for the bombshell comments he made in the new tell-all, "Fire & Fury: Inside the Trump White House."
  • Bannon was quoted eviscerating President Donald Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr., his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
  • Bannon walked back many of his remarks on Sunday about the Russia investigation, Trump, and his family. Читать дальше...


12 of the best science podcasts that will make you smarter

Brad Barket/Getty Images

Podcasts are becoming more popular every year, which means there's a wealth of audio storytelling to listen to — and many options to choose from.

We're here to help.

Whether you need something to listen to on your commute or just want a brain-boost while you pick up around the house, you can always trust a science podcast to teach you something new.

Some of our favorites tell fantastic stories, others examine the science behind controversial topics... Читать дальше...


Elon Musk loves video games — here are his favorites

REUTERS/Danny Moloshok

Elon Musk may be the CEO of two different companies, but he still makes time to game.

As the head of Tesla Motors, Musk is leading the rebirth of all-electric vehicles. At SpaceX, his steering a company whose mission is to "revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets." And that's not to mention that he oversees SolarCity, a company focused on making solar energy commonplace that Tesla bought last year.

... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Розенбаум

Розенбаум высказался о пластических операциях


Премьера фильма Грамматикова «Смотри на меня» состоялась на ММКФ

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