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Новости за 10.01.2018


GOP congressman: Trump may have exempted Florida from offshore drilling because of Mar-a-Lago

Sean Rayford/Getty Images

  • The Trump administration decided to exempt Florida from new plans to open up the US to more offshore drilling.
  • GOP Rep. Mark Sanford of South Carolina suggested that the change was politically-motivated.
  • Sanford also told CNN the move may be "self-serving" since Trump has properties, such as Mar-A-Lago, along the Florida coastline.

GOP Rep. Mark Sanford suggested that a sudden exemption for Florida from President Donald... Читать дальше...


12 ways one type of exercise is the closest thing to a miracle drug we have


Want an all-natural way to lift your mood, improve your memory, and protect your brain against the decline that comes with aging?

Get moving.

Exercises that get your heart pumping and sweat flowing — known as aerobic exercise, or "cardio" — have significant and beneficial effects on the brain and body, according to a wealth of recent research, including a new study published Monday.

"Aerobic exercise is key for your head, just as it is for your heart," according... Читать дальше...


New York City is taking on the oil industry by selling off billions in fossil fuel investments and suing the top five oil companies

Lucas Jackson/Reuters

  • New York City is taking on fossil fuels by divesting billions from the city's pension funds, and suing five oil companies.
  • The city alleges the fossil fuel industry was aware for decades that burning fuel was impacting climate change.
  • The defendants in the city's federal lawsuit are BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

New York City is taking on the oil industry on two fronts, announcing a lawsuit Wednesday... Читать дальше...


Audiences have been begging for fewer uninspired movie sequels, and they are going to get it in 2018


  • There will be fewer movie sequels coming out in theaters in 2018, something audiences have been asking for.
  • But one analyst says it will end up being a flat year at the box office.

If there was one thing Hollywood took from 2017, which had the worst movie attendance in 25 years, it's that audiences were through with the constant sequels. So 2018 will have fewer.

But will it lead to better box-office results?

Along with low attendance... Читать дальше...


5,000 bags are still waiting at New York's JFK airport days after a pipe burst and caused a flood

Richard Drew / AP

  • Travelers who landed at JFK International Airport over the weekend are reportedly waiting to receive around 5,000 bags.
  • Over the weekend, travelers using the airport dealt with delays, cancellations, and a burst pipe that submerged some bags in cold water.
  • The Port Authority said in a statement Monday that domestic airlines "have expedited the process of returning baggage to customers," adding that it has urged international airlines to do the same. Читать дальше...


You can now get a Lyft beer — and a discounted ride to go with it

Thomson Reuters

  • Lyft is teaming up with a Chicago-based brewery to offer a Lyft-branded beer.
  • The app-based taxi company is offering discounted rides home to customers who buy the beer.
  • For now, the beer is only available in Chicago. 

You can now get a Lyft-branded beer to drink — and you'll even get a discount.

As part of a new partnership, Chicago's Baderbräu Brewing Company is brewing up a beer called Five Star Lager that will be sold under Lyft's brand. Читать дальше...


THEN AND NOW: The cast of 'Roseanne' 29 years later

ABC, Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images, INSIDER composite/Kirsten Acuna

We're not done seeing reboots of classic '90s television just yet. A nine-episode "Roseanne" revival is coming to ABC March 27 along with most of the original cast.

The comedy made its mark on TV history for highlighting blue-collar working families realistically through the Conner family's struggles with poverty, obesity, and employment. During the '90s, "Roseanne" was progressive for its brash and bold way of tackling current topics and sexuality. Читать дальше...


United Continental jumps after reporting high traffic in December (UAL)

Wikimedia Commons

  • Shares of United Continental rose 6.57% on Wednesday after news that its traffic increased in December.
  • The airline reported that its traffic increased 2.7% last month, and its consolidated capacity increased 3.7% year-over-year.
  • The company also said its fourth-quarter sales were flat, exceeding its earlier guidance that its revenue would fall 2%. 
  • United also announced on Wednesday that it is opening up half a dozen new routes to domestic destinations in California... Читать дальше...


Walmart expands Scan & Go program – and it could help the chain compete with other retailers (WMT)

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers hours before appearing on Business Insider. To be the first to know, please click here.

Walmart is expanding its “Scan & Go” service, which allows customers to bypass checkout lanes in-store, to 100 new stores, Business Insider reports.

The service, which was already available in 25 stores, lets shoppers scan the barcodes of their selected items through a dedicated mobile app... Читать дальше...


Bill Gates and Steve Jobs raised their kids tech-free — and it should've been a red flag

Seth Wenig / Reuters

  • Interviews with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and other tech elites consistently reveal that Silicon Valley parents are strict about technology use.
  • A new book suggests the signs may have been clear years ago that smartphone use should be regulated.
  • There may be a way to integrate tech into the classroom, however, that avoids its harmful effects.

Psychologists are quickly learning how dangerous smartphones can be for teenage brains. Читать дальше...


I took my first ride in a self-driving car, thanks to Lyft — and it was actually pretty boring, but in a good way

Avery Hartmans/Business Insider

LAS VEGAS — When I had the chance to hail a self-driving Lyft at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show, I jumped at the opportunity. 

A car that drives on its own and will ferry me around the Las Vegas strip? "Sure," I thought.

It sounded a little scary but totally futuristic. Plus, I'd never ridden in a self-driving car before.

So on Wednesday morning, my colleague Kif Leswing and I showed up at a parking lot near the Las Vegas Convention Center to hail a self-driving Lyft ride. Читать дальше...


Chinese tech giant Baidu just revealed its plan to mass-produce self-driving vehicles beginning this year — and Waymo should be nervous (GOOGL, TSLA)


  • Chinese tech giant Baidu announced partnerships to build self-driving vehicles starting in 2018.
  • The company's software will be used in a mini bus and mass-market consumer vehicles.
  • The company has been making significant investments in autonomous driving technology to compete with American companies like Tesla and Waymo.

At CES in Las Vegas on Wednesday, Chinese tech company Baidu announced an update to its Apollo autonomous driving software... Читать дальше...


How Jared Kushner rocketed to the top of American politics by his mid-30s

Pool/Getty Images

Jared Kushner, who now serves as the senior adviser to President Donald Trump, turns 37 years old on Wednesday. Kushner has become part of a circle of advisers and confidantes that are among the closest White House aides to Trump himself, and is an integral part of the Trump family through his marriage to the president's daughter, Ivanka.

Although his background in Democratic politics would suggest that he is an unlikely figure for such a position, just like Trump... Читать дальше...


I tried Peloton's new $4,000 treadmill — and now I get why the company has such a cult following


Avery Hartmans/Business Insider

  • At CES 2018, the fitness startup Peloton unveiled its $4,000 Peloton Tread, a high-end treadmill with built-in fitness classes.
  • It's Peloton's second product and a step for the company toward becoming a full-service fitness empire with high-end hardware, livestreamed classes, and a 600,000-strong subscriber community.
  • "My goal is to have tens of millions of global subscribers," CEO John Foley told Business Insider. "We're not committed to trying to sell you a treadmill. Читать дальше...


The Trump administration has relaxed school lunch nutrition rules — here's what kids can now eat

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

More sugary chocolate milk, fewer whole grains, and around 300 extra milligrams of salt — these are just some of the ways the Trump Administration has relaxed school-lunch nutrition rules put in place during the Obama Administration. 

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, who heads the US Department of Agriculture (the agency that sets school meal rules), has argued that the healthier meals fed to kids since 2012 have led some picky eaters to refuse more of the food offered at school. Читать дальше...


Nvidia's 65-inch gaming monitors are totally nuts — but for some gamers, they'll make perfect sense (NVDA, HPQ)

  • Nvidia is partnering with HP, Asus, and Acer to make the biggest gaming monitors to date.
  • The monitors, which Nvidia is showing at the CES trade show, will have 65-inch displays and come with three key gaming features, including a fast 120-hertz screen refresh rate. 
  • The monitors offer a fantastic gaming experience, but they're better suited for playing games on a couch rather than at a desk.
  • It's unclear how much they'll cost when they hit the market later this year. Читать дальше...


THE PAYMENTS INDUSTRY EXPLAINED: The Trends Creating New Winners And Losers In The Card-Processing Ecosystem

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Digital disruption is rocking the payments industry. But merchants, consumers, and the companies that help move money between them are all feeling its effects differently.

For banks, card networks, and processors, the digital revolution is bringing new opportunities — and new challenges. With new ways to pay emerging... Читать дальше...


Floyd Mayweather confuses meaning of 'Me Too' movement, says he 'too' has private jets and billions of dollars

Isaac Brekken/AP

  • Floyd Mayweather appeared to confuse the meaning of the "Me Too" movement during an interview.
  • Once told the movement's meaning, Mayweather bragged about his wealth, saying he "too" has private jets and billions of dollars.
  • Pressed again on the subject, Mayweather said he does not think sexual misconduct is "cool."

Floyd Mayweather Jr. appeared to confuse the meaning of the "Me Too" movement during an interview with Men's Health. Читать дальше...


The power just went out at CES, the biggest electronics conference of the year

David Becker/Stringer

  • The power went out on Wednesday at CES, the giant tech conference taking place in Las Vegas this week.
  • The outage primarily impacted the Central Hall, the same area of the conference that flooded on Tuesday as the Nevada desert experienced a rare bout of rainfall. 
  • Central Hall is where large tech companies like Intel, Sony, and Samsung have their exhibits set up. 

Mayhem erupted at CES Wednesday as a power outage in the Central Hall shut down the giant tech conference... Читать дальше...


A look inside the relationship of Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham, who say avoiding marriage helped them stay together for 32 years

Pool/Getty Images

• Oprah Winfrey began dating Stedman Graham in 1986, the same year her namesake show launched.

• Winfrey and Graham got engaged in 1992, but ultimately decided against marriage.

• Graham's suggestion that Winfrey run for president at the 2018 Golden Globes isn't the first time he's encouraged her to enter the realm of politics.

Interest in media mogul Oprah Winfrey's hypothetical 2020 presidential run is surging.

Even US President Donald Trump has weighed in. Читать дальше...


The best way to answer "Why are you leaving your job?" without making your interviewer worry

Strelka Institute/Flickr

  • Answering the interview question "Why are you leaving your job?" can be difficult. 
  • You want to show your motivations, but also not worry the interviewer. 
  • Emphasize results, be polite, and don't dwell on your current/previous employer. Focus on you.

There are many reasons why you might have left your last job, and not all of them are rosy. Perhaps you worked for a toxic boss, or you met obstacles on your way up the ladder. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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Александр Розенбаум

Александр Розенбаум рассказал о дополнительном источнике дохода: "Не бомжовые заведения"


Казначей из Москвы приехал в Крым все проверить своими глазами

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