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Новости за 07.08.2017


You can now get Google's Pixel smartphones for up to $200 off


Google is now selling its Pixel smartphone for $150 off, and the larger Pixel XL for $200 off, as part of its back-to-school offerings.

That's $524 for the 32GB base model of the standard Pixel, and $569 for the 32GB Pixel Xl base model.

Ever since its release in October 2016, the Pixel has been a hard phone to buy, and it's often been out of stock on Google's Store. But the phone appears to be in stock now, even the limited edition "Really Blue" option, which sold out in minutes at launch. Читать дальше...


Toyota-Mazda deal could provide self-driving boost


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence IoT Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Toyota Motors is buying a 5% stake in Mazda and the firms will build a $1.6 billion factory in the US, according to Bloomberg.

The companies plan to open the factory in 2021, at which point it will be able to produce up to 300,000 manually driven and self-driving cars annually for both companies. Furthermore, the automakers said the factory will be powered by advanced connected machinery... Читать дальше...


John Oliver says that Trump's plan to expand the border patrol is potentially disastrous


On Sunday's episode of "Last Week Tonight," host John Oliver took a deep dive into the border patrol, and specifically the agents who guard our southern borders.

He found some troubling revelations. 

With President Trump signing an executive order to hire 5,000 more agents to assist the 20,000 who already are on our borders, Oliver painted a cautionary tale in the hopes that the hiring process goes better than the last time. 

Oliver explained that border patrol agents have a tough job. Читать дальше...


The Chinese military's addiction to this video game is causing national security problems

via Flickr

China’s military mouthpiece said on Sunday that an addiction to online game Honour of Kings among some of its soldiers could hamper their ability to fight.

“The game has already infiltrated ... the daily lives of some soldiers and officers, affecting [their] physical and psychological health on a certain level”, the People’s Liberation Army Daily article said.

“Over-addiction to mobile phone games is gradually harming the physical and psychological health of soldiers and officers. Читать дальше...


Watch a Tesla Model S assist one of the US's most well-known spy planes during takeoff


The US's U2 spy plane, designed during the 1950s, has provided intelligence for more than a half-century by flying at high altitudes over sensitive and remote locations.

But the same features that make the "Dragon Lady" so effective when it's 70,000 feet in the air create problems on the ground.

It's 103-foot wingspan and broad turning radius make it cumbersome to maneuver. The wings, weighed down by fuel, are supported by small landing gear that break away during takeoff. Читать дальше...


Bitcoin just hit an all-time high — here's how you buy and sell it


Bitcoin hit a record high of $3,402 on Monday.

The cryptocurrency's value is surging a week after bitcoin split into two. While bitcoin has hit new heights, bitcoin cash, or bitcash, has been tumbling.

"All that money that seemingly came out of thin air to pump up the value of Bitcash is now being fed right into Bitcoin," Mati Greenspan, an analyst at trading platform eToro, told Business Insider's Oscar Williams-Grut. "Bitcash has fallen from its peak of $12 billion all the way down below $4 billion this morning.


New drone footage shows how massive Tesla's Gigafactory is (TSLA)

Tesla Motors

There's a lot riding on Tesla's massive battery plant in Sparks, Nevada.

Tesla's Gigafactory is producing battery cells for the company's line of vehicles, which now includes the newly-released Model 3. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said the plant will reduce the price of batteries by 30% once its operational, which will help cut costs for its vehicles down the line.

Scroll down for a closer look at Tesla's massive Gigafactory:

This is the most recent shot of Tesla's Gigafactory... Читать дальше...


The 5 ways to kill a dragon in ‘Game of Thrones’

Macall B. Polay/HBO

Warning: major spoilers for season seven of "Game of Thrones" lie ahead, including some speculation from the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books. Read at your own risk. 

One of the biggest threats to Cersei right now is Daenerys Targaryen, who has a large army and three dragons. Dragons!

Unfortunately for Cersei, there's not much known about how to kill the magical, violent, and long-dead creatures.

But in episode two of season seven, Qyburn (who seems... Читать дальше...


Here's why Etsy may have a long road ahead despite its solid quarter

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Etsy reported its Q2 2017 earnings last Thursday, closing out CEO Josh Silverman’s first full quarter with the company. The June period featured multiple rounds of layoffs and a clear focus on restructuring, though results seemed to hold steady.

The online marketplace for handmade goods posted a 19% year-over-year (YoY) increase in revenue to $102 million for the quarter... Читать дальше...


The US Air Force is upgrading the F-22 fighter jet to give it a longer, deadlier life


Upgraded radar, weapons and cybersecurity technology are being engineered into the F-22 to enable the stealth fighter to counter attacks from emerging future enemy threats, dogfights successfully against Russian and Chinese 5th-generation stealth fighters, and fly successfully well into the 2060s.

For example, newer F-22s have a technology called Synthetic Aperture Radar, or SAR, which uses electromagnetic signals or “pings” to deliver a picture or rendering of the terrain below... Читать дальше...


One of the stock market's biggest opportunities is being ignored


  • Bank stocks are underperforming the broader market this year, and Goldman Sachs sees an intriguing opportunity for investment
  • Much of the bullishness stems from the big increase in capital available to be returned to shareholders following a series of successful bank stress tests

Banks are having a rough go of it this year, at least compared to expectations.

Once viewed as an area poised to benefit greatly from deregulation and higher lending rates... Читать дальше...


Netflix announced its first-ever acquisition — a cult comic book company (NFLX)

20th Century Fox

Netflix just made its first acquisition in the history of the company.

Netflix announced it acquired the comic book company Millarworld Monday morning. Millarworld is a small company owned by Mark and Lucy Millar, and is responsible for titles like "Kick-Ass" and "Kingsman." Movie adaptations of Millar's work have grossed nearly $1 billion so far, according to the company.

The company announced that it will be using the popular comic book characters and storylines... Читать дальше...


The 12 biggest questions we have after this week's 'Game of Thrones'


Warning: Spoilers for "Game of Thrones" season seven episode four, "The Spoils of War." If you aren't caught up on the series, read at your own risk.

This week's episode of "Game of Thrones" started off with a long-awaited reunion and ended with one of the most brutal battles in the show's history.

Last week ended with a huge win for Cersei, but this week is just the opposite: Daenerys, Drogon, and the Dothraki ambush Jaime Lannister and his army outside of King's Landing. Читать дальше...


Bitcoin's explosive gains could spell good news for stocks

Thomson Reuters

Bitcoin is trading at a record high on Monday, up 3.92% at $3,356 a coin. It has gained about 80% over the past month, shaking off fears that a fork in the cryptocurrency would cause its price to plummet. These kinds of astronomical gains in bitcoin, it turns out, are correlated with a strong showing by stocks too, according to Nautilus Investment Research. To be more specific, the firm says that of the 18 previous instances when bitcoin returned at least 30% in a month,... Читать дальше...


Japan says a security summit in Manila got 'heated' over North Korea, South China Sea

REUTERS/Issei Kato

MANILA (Reuters) - Japan's foreign minister said "heated discussions" took place about North Korea's missile tests and South China Sea disputes at a security forum on Monday, and most countries believed U.N. sanctions on Pyongyang should be fully implemented.

Taro Kono told reporters there was broad support among the 27 foreign ministers at the ASEAN Regional Forum in Manila for pressure to be exerted on North Korea and for a new U.N. Security Council resolution to be fully implemented. Читать дальше...


Robo-advisor Moneyfarm expects profitability by 2019

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Fintech Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Digital wealth management firm Moneyfarm launched in Italy in 2015, and expanded into the UK in February of the next year.

The company offers its services directly to consumers, and partners with other companies — including Allianz, Revolut, and Uber — to provide its savings products to their employees as a benefit. Moneyfarm has now published its results for 2016... Читать дальше...


The US Army has launched a competition for a new, more powerful combat rifle

Flickr/The US Army

U.S. Army weapon officials just opened a competition for a new 7.62mm Interim Service Combat Rifle to arm infantry units with a weapon potent enough to penetrate enemy body armor.

"The Army has identified a potential gap in the capability of ground forces and infantry to penetrate body armor using existing ammunition. To address this operational need, the Army is looking for an Interim Combat Service Rifle (ICSR) that is capable of defeating emerging threats," according to an Aug. Читать дальше...


Iranian soldier injures 10 after opening fire on fellow soldiers

Thomson Reuters

(Reuters) - An Iranian soldier opened fire on fellow soldiers at a military air base about 10 km (6 miles) south of Tehran on Sunday, injuring 10 of them, according to Mehr News.

Local health officials told Mehr that 10 soldiers had been admitted to hospital after the shooting but there was no further information on how many might have been injured or killed.

Last month, an Iranian serviceman shot dead three fellow soldiers at a barracks in the town of Abyek, about 40 km (25 miles) northwest of Tehran. Читать дальше...


Starbucks shoots down viral rumor that it's giving away free coffee to undocumented immigrants (SBUX)


Starbucks has shot down rumors that the coffee giant was planning to offer discounts to undocumented American immigrants.

"All undocumented Americans will receive any item on the Starbucks menu 40% off," reads a fake coupon that claimed to promote "Starbucks DREAMer Day" that has been being shared online over the last week.

Starbucks debunked rumors about a #BorderFreeCoffee promotion on Twitter over the weekend. 

"We're sorry but you've been misinformed," the... Читать дальше...


Tesla is making a risky move by issuing $1.5 billion in debt (TSLA)

Thomson Reuters

• Tesla said it would issue $1.5 billion in unsecured notes.

• Issuing new debt deviates from previous equity-based capital raises.

• The carmaker has added substantial debt to its balance sheet since its SolarCity merger last year.

Tesla announced on Monday that it would raise $1.5 billion in additional capital, but do so differently than previous funding rounds: by issuing debt.

When Tesla has raised money over the past two years, it has sold more stock. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Politico: Россия проиграет войну с НАТО, предупреждает Польша (Topmember)

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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