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Новости за 07.08.2017


Amazing images of San Francisco before it was a city

Found San Francisco

Before San Francisco was a bustling tech hub, before it was the center of the hippie universe, and before it became known for its lush hills, much of the area was covered in sand dunes.

Golden Gate Park, the 1,000-acre green space south of the famous bridge that turns 80 years old this year, is located on what was once the largest sand dune ecosystem in the western hemisphere. These dunes spanned seven miles, essentially the entire width of modern-day San Francisco. Читать дальше...


'El Chapo' seeks release from US prison, says conditions like 'torture'

Thomson Reuters

New York (AFP) - Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, one of the world's most notorious criminals, is claiming his extradition to the United States was illegal and wants a US judge to dismiss his case.

The 60-year-old kingpin, accused of running the Sinaloa cartel — one of the world's biggest drug empires — was extradited to New York on January 19, and is being held in solitary confinement in Manhattan pending trial next April.

But in a new court filing... Читать дальше...


The new Air Force One will be jumbo jets left over from a bankrupt Russian airline (BA)


On Friday, the US Air Force confirmed that it has purchased two Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental commercial airliners that will be converted over to serve as the nation's next generation presidential transports.

The decision to purchase ready-made commercial airliners instead of custom-built aircraft is part of President Trump's plan to keep the costs of the Presidential Airlift Recapitalization program under control.

"This award is a significant step toward ensuring an overall... Читать дальше...


Aziz Ansari says having more money than he 'ever imagined' has changed the way he looks at his work


Aziz Ansari doesn't have immediate plans for a third season of 'Master of None,' his hit Netflix show.

"I mean, those two seasons are really personal, and it's a lot of content, a lot of ideas," he told Mark Anthony Green in an interview with GQ. "Now I need a minute to refill my notebook. My life has not progressed enough for me to write season three yet."

Prodded by Green, Ansari went on to talk about how financial success has affected his willingness and ability to work. Читать дальше...


Here's how Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile stacked up last quarter (T, VZ, TMUS)

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Apps and Platforms Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

The top US carriers — Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint — are in a race to the bottom as they battle over customers, with all four now offering unlimited data plans.

As the US smartphone market continues to approach saturation, this competition will only intensify, and the ability to both retain users and attract those on... Читать дальше...


ISIS and the Taliban reportedly joined forces to massacre an Afghan village


The Taliban and Islamic State group jointly massacred dozens of civilians in an Afghan village, officials said Monday, highlighting rare co-operation between the insurgents that could increase the strain on Afghanistan's beleaguered security forces.

The fighters killed more than 50 men, women and children in the remote Sayad district of northern Sar-e Pul province on Saturday after overrunning the Afghan Local Police (ALP) -- a government-backed militia -- in a 48-hour battle, according to local officials. Читать дальше...


A 29-year-old techie quit Google to bring chocolate-based 'medicine' to Silicon Valley

Courtesy of Sena Shellenberger

Cacao — a concentrated chocolate brew that is said to provide mind-altering experiences — is taking over the San Francisco Bay Area. The effects are said to be so dramatic, some users compare it to "instant therapy."

Sena Shellenberger, 29, a former Google employee, quit her job in 2016 after trying cacao for the first time. She said the experience opened her eyes to realize working at the tech giant no longer aligned with her goals.

At the end of July... Читать дальше...


Trump is again on the hunt of a communications chief — but in practice, the job is already filled

Thomson Reuters

NEW YORK (AP) — For the third time in six months, President Donald Trump is on the hunt for a new communications director. But in practice, the job is filled.

It's Trump who's the White House's leading expert and the final word on what and how he communicates with the public. Despite decrying most negative media coverage as "fake news" and personally insulting members of the media, he has inserted himself into the White House's press operations in an unprecedented fashion for a president. Читать дальше...


US Marine killed by falling tree in freak accident at Camp Pendleton

US Marine Corps

A US Marine was killed in a freak accident on Friday after a tree fell on him during physical training at his California base.

Lance Cpl. Cody Haley, 20, was working out in a wooded area at Camp Pendleton with members of his unit when the incident took place. While on a run, the Marines tried to move a log they were unaware was holding up a dead tree, which fell on top of Haley and killed him, according to a source familiar with the matter.

A native of Hardin... Читать дальше...


Tiny mysterious sea creatures attacked and bloodied an Australian teen’s legs — here's what they probably were

Australia Pool via AP

  • Australian teen Sam Kanizay's legs were chewed up by mysterious creatures at a beach near Melbourne, Australia.
  • Initial reports called the flesh-eating creatures "sea lice" — which refers to more than 500 species of parasites.
  • The culprits are now thought to be lysianassid amphipods, scavenging crustaceans sometimes called "sea fleas".

There are all kinds of strange, fascinating, and occasionally terrifying creatures in the ocean. Читать дальше...


Blue Apron is spending more than $400 for every new customer — and the results show why the company is doomed (APRN)

Blue Apron

Blue Apron is spending big to get new customers — and it doesn't look like it's making much money in return. 

The meal kit company is spending more than $400 to recruit each new customer, despite only making $236 per customer a quarter, Eater reporter Whitney Filloon said in an interview on Cheddar on Monday. 

When Blue Apron filed for its IPO in June, the company claimed that it spent, on average, $94 per customer to convince them to buy a subscription. At this point... Читать дальше...


Colin Kaepernick had 2 good chances to sign with a team and is still without a job

Thearon W. Henderson/Getty

With NFL preseason games beginning this week, it seems as though Colin Kaepernick will remain unsigned.

Kaepernick was not in high demand during free agency, when he was rarely, if at all, linked to any teams with needs at quarterback.

And as free agency wrapped up and teams began reporting for OTAs, it became clear that NFL teams just weren't interested in him because of his political beliefs and unconventional skill set.

Now, with training camps underway... Читать дальше...


SoftBank says it is mulling an investment in either Uber or Lyft

Koki Nagahama/Getty Images

SoftBank, a prolific investor in global technology startups, reported a sharp rise in quarterly profits and said it would be interested in parking funds in ride-hailing firms Uber or Lyft in the future.

This is the first time Softbank has publicly indicated an interest in Uber, after having so far put funds into its rival Grab in Southeast Asia and China's Didi Chuxing. Last month, a media report said Uber shareholders and its board were mulling a stock sale to SoftBank and other investors. Читать дальше...


The major implications of Bran and Littlefinger's tense moment on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones'


Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones," including speculation of future events.

The fourth episode of "Game of Thrones" season seven had a thrilling battle and emotional Stark reunions, but one of the most pivotal moments came from Bran aka the Three-Eyed Raven and Littlefinger.

Littlefinger tried to spook Bran (or maybe just gain his favor?) by giving him the Valyrian steel dagger used by a would-be assassin who tried to kill him back on the first season. We'll get to the importance of this blade later... Читать дальше...


Here's when you should plan to get a haircut if you have a big event coming up


Situation: You've got a wedding, gala, or other similar event coming up on Friday, and it's the beginning of the week. You look in the mirror and see that your hair is dangerously overgrown.

You must make an appointment for a haircut this week. What day should you choose to look the best for your event?

If you answered "the day before" — sorry, but you're wrong.

Tuesday or Wednesday would actually be your best bet, as it turns out most professionals would recommend a buffer of one or two days... Читать дальше...


Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard had a cameo in the latest 'Game of Thrones' episode


Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season seven, episode four, "Spoils of War."

Sunday night's episode of "Game of Thrones" gave fans a lot of what they wanted. "Spoils of War" featured a few reunions and battles that longtime viewers had been waiting for for years, including our first look at the damage a dragon can do to a Lannister army.

With all the action, it was easy to miss a cameo by Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard, who appeared for a brief moment as a... Читать дальше...


A 'Game of Thrones' costume designer said the Night's Watch capes are made with IKEA rugs


Some of the capes on "Game of Thrones" come from a surprisingly modern source. Costume designers on TV shows have an enormous job. Between the main cast, the guest stars, and the background extras, they are responsible for the clothing worn by hundreds and hundreds of people every season. The challenge can grow when the show is set in a different time period, or is a fantasy or sci-fi show. And in a show with as large a cast as "Game of Thrones," which has both historical and fantasy elements, the job is massive. Читать дальше...


What you need to know in advertising today


As Business Insider reported last week, Google has looked into buying Snapchat for as much as $30 billion.

While no one knows whether this deal would ever happen, it's worth examining what such an acquisition would do for Google (besides keeping Snapchat away from Facebook).

At top of the list: a marriage of Snapchat and Google's mega global video platform YouTube could help Google make a serious bid for the biggest prize in advertising — the $72 billion TV market.

... Читать дальше...


12 of the most beautiful prisons around the world


Not all prisons are colorless concrete boxes.

Around the world, from Denmark to England to India, there are high-security facilities that feature stunning architecture and interior design.

Many of the most beautiful prisons are centuries-old, but some are more modern and feature sleek, simple designs.

Here is a sampling.

Austria's Justice Center was designed by Joseph Hohensinn to let in ample light. There are two inscriptions by the entrance, each... Читать дальше...


Mitch McConnell: My first thought when the Republican healthcare bill died was, 'Feel better, Hillary Clinton could be president'

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he thought of one person when the long-held Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare went up in flames: Hillary Clinton.

The Louisville, Kentucky-based NPR affiliate WFPL reported McConnell told attendees of Fancy Farm — an annual Kentucky event — that he took solace in the fact that Clinton wasn't president following the stunning defeat of the Senate plan to repeal Obamacare.

"I choose not to dwell... Читать дальше...


'Game of Thrones' fans can't understand why Podrick is still so bad at fighting

Helen Sloan/HBO

Warning: Minor Spoilers if you have not seen "Game of Thrones" season seven, episode four.

In this week's episode of "Game of Thrones," Brienne and Podrick have a bit of sparring time with swords in Winterfell — and it turns out Pod is still truly terrible.

Fans noticed that poor Podrick hasn't seemed to pick up anything after all of his time spent training with Brienne, and are roasting him for it on Twitter.

It's not that Podrick needs to beat Brienne. Читать дальше...


If you think productivity is about motivation, you've already lost

Ramit Sethi accomplishes a lot.

Among other projects, the CEO and entrepreneur has penned multiple best-selling books on business and personal finance, coordinates annual conferences across the US, and runs two websites — GrowthLab and I Will Teach You to Be Rich.

Apparently, one of the most common questions he gets is how he does it.

In a post on I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Sethi broke down his answer for curious readers and clients. It all comes down to what he calls "The... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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