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Новости за 12.05.2017


US oil rig count rises for 17th straight week, extending the longest stretch since 2011

REUTERS/Jim Urquhart

The US oil-rig count rose this week by nine to 712, according to the oilfields-services giant Baker Hughes.

That's the highest level since the week of April 17, 2015. The increase extended the longest stretch of rig additions in six years, illustrating that drillers are finding efficient ways to ramp up production in a lower oil-price environment.

OPEC and other key producers will meet on May 25 to decide whether to extend their agreement to cut production... Читать дальше...


5 types of imposter syndrome and how to battle each one

Flickr/Creative Ignition

Many high-achievers share a dirty little secret: Deep down they feel like complete frauds–their accomplishments the result of serendipitous luck.

This psychological phenomenon, known as impostor syndrome, reflects a belief that you’re an inadequate and incompetent failure despite evidence that indicates you’re skilled and quite successful.

In short, it’s a hot mess of harmfulness. It can also take various forms, depending on a person’s background, personality, and circumstances. Читать дальше...


Donald Trump's first-ever Tweet was a plug for 'Late Night with David Letterman'

"Late Show With David Letterman"/CBS

When Donald Trump sent his first Tweet in 2009, Twitter was still a fledgling company.

Eight years later, Trump's feed looks a bit different than it did back then. As president, he uses Twitter to post photos of him meeting with teachers in the White House, threaten ousted FBI director James Comey, and regularly lash out at the media. 

But when @realDonaldTrump first took to Twitter, he was still just the billionaire host of "Celebrity Apprentice."

In fact... Читать дальше...


Harry Styles demands to be taken seriously on his debut solo album — and he will be


When former boy-band members go solo, it rarely works out for them — unless your name is Justin Timberlake.

With his self-titled debut solo album, Harry Styles proves that while he may be capable of becoming this generation's Justin Timberlake, he really wants to be this generation's Mick Jagger.

With a pleasant though uneven mix of different styles (sorry, the pun stays), the former One Direction member demands to be taken seriously. And he will be.

In every song... Читать дальше...


50 things to stop wasting your money on

REUTERS/David Gray/

It's no surprise people waste a lot of their money. But there are plenty of ways to save on everyday costs, from bank fees to your favorite morning beverages. If you're looking for ways to trim your expenses, here's a list of 50 common money-wasters you may want to ditch.

50. Taxes

Rick Wilking/Reuters

Speaking of student loans, you may be able to deduct a portion of student loan interest from your taxable income by claiming the student loan interest tax deduction. Читать дальше...


Yes, cargo shorts really are that bad — here's what you should wear instead

AP/Ted S. Warren

We at Business Insider rail against cargo shorts — a lot. But it's for a good reason.

Cargo pocketed shorts are the single worst item a man can wear in the spring and summer. Yes, we're willing to go that far. We feel that strongly about it.

Many men are finally understanding that cargo shorts are a scourge, and are buying fewer of them.

Last August, market-research firm NPD Group told the Wall Street Journal that sales of the derided shorts had fallen over the course of the year. Читать дальше...


The tidal wave of store closures is far from over (JCP)

Skye Gould/Business Insider

Nicholas Eckhart

Department stores are planning to close even more stores this year on top of the tidal wave of closures announced over the past couple of months.

Sears has already started closing more stores in addition to the 150 it announced earlier this year. Over the past several weeks, the company has announced nearly two dozen new closures.

JCPenney and Macy's, which collectively are planning to shut down more than 200 stores this year... Читать дальше...


Macy's has reached a 'sobering breakpoint' (M)

Yana Paskova/Stringer, Getty Images

Macy's is feeling the brunt of the retail apocalypse.

Stores are shutting down across the US and firms are witnessing their profits diminish as e-commerce firms such as Amazon continue to win over shoppers.

On Thursday, shares of Macy's plummeted after the firm's disappointing earnings report.

In a note written by a group of equity analysts at UBS led by Michael Binetti, the bank said the retailer was dealing with numerous issues including... Читать дальше...


Here's the right way to make friends at work

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design

The workplace is a fertile spot for relationship development because—let’s face it—we spend more time in the office than we do at home.

But it’s also the perfect place to cruise for professional allies because right beside our cubicles are dozens of other people who share our interests, schedules, and the all-important access to the boss, points out Irene S. Levine, Ph.D., psychologist and friendship expert.

Bonus: If you are able to snag a work friend or two... Читать дальше...


Microsoft brings IoT to the Edge (MSFT)

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence IoT Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Microsoft announced the launch of Azure IoT Edge, a new service that enables businesses deploying the IoT to use all of the capabilities of the Azure IoT cloud, which helps companies manage connected devices, in their edge computing solutions.

The announcement came at the tech giant's Build Developer Conference on Wednesday. Azure IoT Edge enables data processing... Читать дальше...


Movie studios are pulling quotes from random people on Twitter to put in their commercials

Warner Bros,

The INSIDER Summary:

  • Sometimes, random people from the internet are quoted praising movies in commercials.
  • It usually happens for films that critics hate.
  • They're not entirely reliable, and sometimes people who actually dislike the movie will be quoted.

Some movies just aren't any good. And when movies like "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword" are critical flops, the distributors making... Читать дальше...


There's one part of this Trump-China deal that slaps a bunch of his supporters in the face

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

One part of the trade deal with China that President Donald Trump announced on Thursday is a total slap in the face to everyone who wanted him to be tough on China.

As part of the deal, the United States will send a delegation to Beijing for a forum on China's "One Belt, One Road" infrastructure initiative.

The initiative is meant to connect China to the world by building high-speed trains and highways in other countries.

China thinks of it as a modern-day Silk Road ... Читать дальше...


Here's how often Americans really die from shark attacks

Flickr / Oleg.

Imagine being one of the paddle-boarders shown in a video released May 10 by the Orange County Sheriff's Department.

It's a clear, sunny day as you plod along on the water, when suddenly a police helicopter begins circling overhead. Within moments, a man's voice booms through a loudspeaker.

"Attention in the water, attention in the water: This is the Orange County Sheriff's department. Be advised state parks is asking us to make an announcement to let you know... Читать дальше...


Here's how AI has changed in the last 20 years


By Murray Campbell, distinguished research staff member, IBM Research

On May 11, 1997, an IBM computer called Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, capturing the attention and imagination of the world. The six-game match lasted several days and ended with two wins for IBM, one for the champion, and three draws.

The match was cast as the ultimate example of man versus machine. Yet, Kasparov himself is now a self-described proponent of artificial intelligence (AI)... Читать дальше...


Seth Meyers: Trump 'just admitted everything the White House has been saying is a lie'

"Late Night with Seth Meyers"/NBC; YouTube

Seth Meyers found the shifting stories from President Donald Trump and his team surrounding the sudden firing of former FBI Director James Comey disturbing.

Since Comey's dismissal earlier this week, White House spokespeople have been scrambling to explain the chain of events and backing up Trump's explanation that he made the decision based on the recommendations of both Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Читать дальше...


Live TV still commands most of smart-TV viewing…for now

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Digital Media Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Over half of Americans now own a smart TV capable of streaming internet video, but regular TV still accounts for a majority of viewing, according to a IAB’s new report, The Changing TV Experience: 2017.

Consumers who watch a streaming-enabled TV indicated that 39% of their time is spent watching live TV versus 24% of time dedicated to watching streamed digital video. Читать дальше...


China is now fighting against the US's advanced missile system with a rap battle

CD Rev/YouTube

China's vocal opposition to the deployment of the US's advanced anti-missile system THAAD has previously been limited to official statements and public demonstrations.

Now that rebuke has a new, more melodious form: a rap video.

A video featuring Chinese rap group CD Rev, based in the south-central province of Sichuan, appeared earlier this month, as reported by The New York Times on Friday, racking up nearly 50,000 views as of Friday morning.

The deployment of THAAD... Читать дальше...


11 high-paying side gigs that will subsidize your job hunt

Flickr / UC Davis College of Engineering

Looking for your dream job may feel like a full-time gig in itself, but don't let that old cliché stop you from raking in the dough in the meantime.

While it’s hard to find the time to fit it all in when you’re looking for a job, especially as a recent college graduate, part-time side jobs that allow you to work remotely can help you stay afloat financially and even keep your talents up to snuff while you search for something else.

"Working part-time from home lets you earn income... Читать дальше...


Here are the 17 best cities for first-time homebuyers

Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Zillow, a leading real estate and rental marketplace, has put out a list of the top housing markets for first-time homebuyers. 

"These markets have more favorable conditions for first-time buyers to become homeowners. More challenging metros aren't out of reach for new buyers, but they should be prepared to face a more competitive buying environment," said Zillow Chief Economist Dr. Svenja Gudell.

The rankings are based on Zillow Real Estate Research's... Читать дальше...


The best breakfast sandwich in NYC is hidden in a popular tourist hotspot

It's hard to feel like a "local" in New York City.

We're a city of immigrants, of neighborhoods in constant transition. Even our most famous foods — pizza and bagels — are regularly reinvented.

Yet it's food that ties so many New Yorkers to their neighborhoods — that makes a place constantly in flux feel like it has some stability. It's what gives your neighborhood character and makes you feel like a "local." Having heard of or eaten at a spot is the social indicator that you're part of the community. Читать дальше...


The characters of HBO's 'Silicon Valley' are inspired by real people in the tech world — here they are

HBO/"Silicon Valley" and Melia Robinson/Business Insider

HBO's "Silicon Valley" gives a whirlwind tour of the triumphs, debauchery, and epic fails of the real tech world. It's a show so spot-on, Snap CEO Evan Spiegel once called it "basically a documentary."

In an interview with INSIDER last month, "Silicon Valley" showrunner Alec Berg said the writers find inspiration for the series' storylines in real events and people. 

As season four ramps up, we set out to create the definitive... Читать дальше...


The history of the 'Madden Curse' can be traced back to the late '90s

EA Sports

On Friday it was announced that Tom Brady would be on the cover of EA Sports' "Madden NFL 18," the latest version of the popular video-game franchise.

Much like the popular Sports Illustrated-cover curse, the Madden video game has its own eyebrow-raising history: the "Madden Curse."

Ever since athletes began appearing on the cover of Madden in the late '90s, they seem to almost immediately lose significant amounts of playing time because of injuries, run-ins with the law, or other reasons. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Жителей Москвы предупредили об аномально холодной погоде

Путин в России и мире

А броня, как у вертолета: какие автомобили предпочитает Владимир Путин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Shot: рэпер Джиган стал совладельцем фирмы по продаже пива и энергетиков


Строительство пешеходного моста через Москву-реку в районе Якиманка подходит к концу

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