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Новости за 06.05.2017


You should always order the wines you've never heard of — here's why

Paul Aloe/Flickr

It can be intimidating to order wine at a nice restaurant.

Crémant d'Alsace. Tintilla. Côte-Rôtie.

If you're like me, these names mean nothing. They look fancy, and that's about all I know. If I'm at a restaurant, my eyes are likely to gloss over these names and be drawn instead to the cabernet sauvignon, the malbec, or the pinot noir.

I'm certainly not alone.

It turns out restaurants know that people are more likely to order the familiar wines... Читать дальше...


BUFFETT ON REPUBLICAN HEALTHCARE BILL: 'It's a huge tax cut for guys like me'

Carlos Barria/Reuters

Warren Buffett thinks that the US healthcare system is broken.

The legendary investor said costs for healthcare have exploded in the US and are holding back business growth.

Buffett pointed out corporate tax payments as a percentage of GDP have shrunk from 4% in 1960 to just 2% now. On the other hand, medical costs have ballooned from 5% of GDP to 17% of GDP currently.

"Medical costs are the tapeworm of American economic competitiveness," Buffett said. Читать дальше...


A nonprofit set up by a hedge fund legend is tackling the No.1 question for corporate America


Corporate America is out of touch. 

A majority of Americans believe that corporations are headed in the wrong direction, and that business leaders do not understand the challenges they face.

The biggest question in corporate America right now is how to change that. For some, increased regulation is the answer, while others propose deregulation. There's the potential for public pressure, through marches, protests, and media attention.  

Just Capital, a nonprofit... Читать дальше...


'The department store is online now': Warren Buffett says the face of retail is shifting

Jasper Juinen/Getty Images

Warren Buffett thinks retail in America is going through a huge transition.

At the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, Buffett said there is clearly pain for retailers as they adjust to the growth of online shopping.

"The department store is online now," Buffett said, noting that the shift could be hard to grapple with for the major retailers.

Buffett's partner, Charlie Munger, agreed that the retail business has become incredibly difficult. Читать дальше...


TRUMP ADVISER: The president's 'lack of predictability has gained respect' from world leaders

Trump campaign

LOS ANGELES – Tom Barrack, an adviser to President Trump and real estate manager, told an audience of Wall Street execs that Trump's unpredictability has gained respect from foreign leaders.

Barrack, executive chairman of Colony NorthStar, noted the president's recent attack on Syria while speaking on a panel May 2 at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills.

"That lack of predictability has gained respect," Barrack said. "Every foreign leader... Читать дальше...


This tiny 22-year-old Aussie bike racer has the most extreme sprinting position in pro cycling


Australian pro cyclist Caleb Ewan isn't the biggest name in bike racing, but the 22-year-old on the Orica-Scott team has been drawing a lot of attention as a rising star with a radical aerodynamic sprinting position.

The 5-foot-5 rider from Sydney, nicknamed the Pocket Rocket, has a sprinting style unlike that of any other: He leans his torso far over his handlebar and puts his head way down — not far from his front wheel — creating a strikingly extreme aero position. Читать дальше...


This graduation speech from a death-row inmate sparked a national outcry nearly 2 decades ago

Reuters/Jim Bourg

These days, even commencement speakers aren't safe from criticism aimed at their political or personal beliefs. President Obama, for example, gave the 2009 Notre Dame graduation speech and endured shouts of "baby killer!" in response to his position on abortion rights.

But the outcry over Obama's speech doesn't come close to the controversy that erupted when Evergreen State College invited Mumia Abu-Jamal — convicted of killing a police officer — to speak at its 1999 graduation. Читать дальше...


BUFFETT: This is 'the number one problem with mankind' (BRK.A, BRK.B)

US Air Force

Warren Buffett sees cyber attacks as a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear weapons.

"I'm very pessimistic on weapons of mass destruction generally although I don't think that nuclear probably is quite as likely as either primarily biological and maybe cyber," Buffett said during Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders' meeting on Saturday.

"I don't know that much about cyber, but I do think that's the number one problem with mankind." 

Last year, Buffett said CNBC ... Читать дальше...


Obamacare isn't dead yet

Getty Images

When the House passed the American Health Care Act by a slim margin on Thursday, Republican lawmakers made their way to the White House for a celebration. 

President Donald Trump joked with House Speaker Paul Ryan, mocking pundits who said the speaker didn't "have it." Ryan hailed the passage of the legislation he spearheaded successfully — finally, after three tries.

"We've got a lot of work to do, but one thing is now clear: Republicans are committed to keeping... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump is a big Andrew Jackson fan — here's how the 7th president of the United States ran the country

Pool/Getty Images

During his presidency, Andrew Jackson's populist rhetoric and popularity with "the common man" earned him the nickname "King Mob."

Today, he seems to have one new addition to his fan base.

President Donald Trump has placed a portrait of the seventh US president in the Oval Office and criticized the decision to replace the seventh president's portrait on the $20 bill with one of Harriet Tubman. In one interview, Trump even speculated that Jackson might have... Читать дальше...


14 states where tech workers make the most money

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

It's a good time to be working in tech, no matter where you live in the US.

The non-profit trade association Computing Technology Industry Association, or CompTIA, recently found that tech workers make, on average, $108,900 throughout the US.

That being said, tech workers in some states stand to earn more than their counterparts in other parts of the country.

And while, expectedly, California techies skew the curve by earning more than $150,000 on average a year... Читать дальше...


Russia and the US have agreed to resume a deal to avoid mid-air clashes over Syria

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian and U.S. chiefs of general staff agreed on Saturday to fully resume the implementation of a joint memorandum on preventing mid-air incidents over Syria, Russian news agencies quoted the Russian Defence Ministry as saying.

Russian General Valery Gerasimov and General Joseph Dunford of the United States discussed in a phone call the Syria de-escalation zones and agreed to continue working on additional measures aimed to avoid clashes in Syria. Читать дальше...


A special House race in Georgia is officially the most expensive in US history

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The race to fill Health and Human Services secretary Tom Price's former congressional seat in Georgia's 6th district is officially the most expensive House race in US history, Politico reported on Saturday. 

A total of over $29.7 million worth of TV ads have been reserved or aired during the campaign, which breaks a 5-year-old record, the report said. The previous record was $29.6 million, which went towards a 2012 House race in Palm Beach, Florida. 

Georgia's... Читать дальше...


BUFFETT: Here's the kind of person I'd like to head up Berkshire Hathaway when I'm gone

Rick Wilking/Reuters

Even though the person may not replicate his investing track record, whoever replaces Warren Buffett as Berkshire Hathaway's CEO will take one of the most prominent positions in finance. 

Ajit Jain, who heads up the conglomerate's reinsurance businesses, has long been considered Buffett's likely successor. 

But without getting into details of who will eventually replace him, Buffett told shareholders at the annual meeting what he'd like to see in a successor... Читать дальше...


We went to the best bar in the world to find out what the drink of the summer will be — here's the verdict

Hollis Johnson

Summer is drinking season.

Every year, a new breed of cocktail emerges as the drink du jour. But what is the ultimate summer cocktail? The one you can drink year in and year out, without worrying about frilly, hard-to-follow trends?

That's what we wanted to find out, so we donned our deerstalker hats and made our way downtown.

We call it: "Business Insider and the case of the missing drink of the summer."

We decided to begin our search at the Dead Rabbit... Читать дальше...


MUNGER: 'I do think the Chinese stock market is cheaper than the American stock market'

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

Charlie Munger is bullish on China.

The vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway responded to a question from a Chinese investor at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting about the future of the Chinese market.

"I do think the Chinese stock market is cheaper than the American stock market," Munger said. "I do think that China has a bright future."

Munger said the country's room for further economic growth will allow it to see a boom in investments going forward... Читать дальше...


Too many people make the same mistake after bombing a job interview

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

A friend of mine told me he almost always arranges a second date — even if the first didn't go so well.

The logic being that maybe the person was having a bad day, or maybe they were nervous, and maybe — just maybe — their true, wonderful self will shine through the second time around.

When it comes to job interviews, few hiring managers are so forgiving. If you mess up the first interview, there's hardly a chance you're getting called back for a second one. Читать дальше...


How to be a lawyer without going to law school

bikeriderlondon / Shutterstock

This weekend, thousands of young prospective lawyers across the nation will receive the results of the July 2015 bar exam. Those who pass will be one step closer to practicing law in their state; those who fail must retreat from society once again, hit the books, and wallow in the depths of misery until the next exam in February.

Nearly all those who await results have followed the traditional route to lawyerdom: They’ve toiled through three years of... Читать дальше...


What life is like for a family that fled from Syria to a windowless closet in a parking garage in Jordan

Hussein Amri/Syria Direct

AMMAN: When 37-year-old Abu Jilal came to Jordan in 2013, he thought he’d stay for a month or so until things calmed down in Syria and he could return home.

Born in Damascus, Abu Jilal moved around in Syria before the war—living in Homs and Daraa before settling back down in the Sayyeda Zeinab neighborhood in southern Damascus and working as a car mechanic.

Two years after the revolution began, fighting between the Syrian government and rebels reached Abu Jilal’s neighborhood. Читать дальше...


The NRA is selling insurance to gun owners willing to shoot in self defense

Reuters/Adrees Latif

(The Trace) — First, the National Rifle Association worked to let gun owners carry firearms in public. Then it fought to pass laws that say gun carriers can open fire to stop a perceived threat, even when retreat is possible.

Now that the NRA has expanded the legal right to armed self defense, it’s muscling into the niche industry that’s arisen to help Americans deal with the costly consequences of actually exercising it. This week, the group unveiled insurance... Читать дальше...


Country music icon Loretta Lynn hospitalized in Nashville after suffering from a stroke

Brian Ach/Getty Images for Billboard

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A publicist says country music legend Loretta Lynn remains hospitalized after having a stroke.

Sony Music publicist Maria Malta said Saturday that nothing has changed from information posted on Lynn's website.

The website says the 85-year-old singer and songwriter was admitted to a Nashville hospital Thursday night after suffering the stroke at her home in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee. Malta confirmed that Lynn is still in the hospital. Читать дальше...


A CEO who invested in Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat early on explains how he knew it was the smart move

Flickr/Silicon Prairie News

Gary Vaynerchuk has always been an early adopter — even when it comes to online dating. 

"I met my wife on JDate in 2003," he told Alyson Shontell, Business Insider US editor in chief, in an episode of Business Insider's podcast "Success! How I Did It."

He continued:

"I just remember thinking in 10 years, every single person — I didn't think they'd be swiping to the right — but I'm like every person's going to do this because this is practical. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Проводивший панихиду по Навальному* священник запрещен в служении

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Григорий Лепс откроет караоке-бар Leps Bar в Петербурге


В Дубне устранили подтопление дворовой территории на улице Свободы

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