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Новости за 02.05.2017


There's a breakthrough in how we treat cancer on the horizon, but right now the field is like the 'Wild Wild West'

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

There's been a push in the past few years to use genetic information to guide the treatment decisions of cancer patients. 

It's something former President Barack Obama started tackling with his 2015 Precision Medicine Initiative. 

The excitement is logical: to treat cancer, it makes sense to have as much information as possible. It offers the potential to find unexpected options that otherwise might have been missed if that genomic information wasn't available. Читать дальше...


This Army mother and son just deployed together

Staff Sgt. Leah R. Kilpatrick/US Army

One of the most challenging parts of deployment for many soldiers is being away from friends and family. Soldiers and family members alike often lean on others who share a similar experience during long periods apart.

But one family in the 1st Cavalry Division’s 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team is sharing an experience here to make deployment just a little bit easier.

Army Capt. Andrea Wolfe and her son, Army Spc. Kameron Wideman, both assigned to Brigade Support Medical Company... Читать дальше...


Twilio crashes after its full-year forecasts miss big (TWLO)

Michael Dalder/Reuters

Twilio's stock plunged after the company said it will incur a bigger full-year loss than expected.

It forecasted an adjusted per-share loss of $0.27 to $0.30, badly missing the consensus forecast of $0.16. Twilio's trimmed 2017 revenue forecast of $356 million to $362 million also fell short of estimates, which called for sales of $370 million for the year.

The cloud communications company, which provides tools for helping apps and websites send texts and phone calls... Читать дальше...


Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia says black baseball players 'expect' racist taunts in Boston

Kathy Willens/AP

New York Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia said Baltimore Orioles centerfielder Adam Jones' experience in Boston on Monday night was not unusual.

Jones told reporters after the Orioles' 5-2 win that several Boston fans were yelling racist taunts at him, including the N-word, with one fan even throwing a bag of peanuts in his direction.

Sabathia on Tuesday said that racist taunts are common in Boston and that black players discuss the situation amongst themselves (via Newsday's Erik Boland). Читать дальше...


Microsoft just answered the biggest criticism of its streamlined new Windows 10 (MSFT)

Robert Galbraith/Reuters

On Tuesday, Microsoft announced Windows 10 S — a new, streamlined version of the Windows 10 operating system designed to take on Google's low-cost Chromebooks.

Microsoft promises that Windows 10 S brings boosts to battery life, security, and performance over the standard Windows 10 operating system.

The tradeoff for those gains, says Microsoft, is that Windows 10 S users can only install apps from the Windows Store. For $49, you can upgrade from "S"... Читать дальше...


Here's all the food The Rock eats in a single day

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson wakes up incredibly early and works out more than the average human being. To keep his body fueled through a long day of workouts, movie shoots, press appearances, and the occasional wrestling match, The Rock eats an insane amount of food. To prepare for the title role in 2014's "Hercules," Johnson ate seven large meals every day for six months. The estimated daily calorie count? 5,470 calories, according to Wolfram Alpha. Here's the breakdown:

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6 unexpected things I learned about Ivanka Trump from her new book

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Ivanka Trump has a new book out Tuesday entitled, "Women Who Work."

The book, which the first daughter and White House adviser wrote while her father was running for president, reads like a mashup of countless essays and articles written in the past decade aimed at female entrepreneurs.

That isn't to say all the advice is bad — it's just that little is new. The book borrows heavily from books like Sheryl Sandberg's "Lean In," Joanna Barsh and Susie... Читать дальше...


Weight Watchers posts dynamite earnings, and the stock is soaring

Oprah Winfrey/Twitter/Weight Watcher

Weight Watchers is taking off after the company reported stronger than expected first quarter earnings.

The weight loss company posted an unexpected profit of $0.16 per share, much higher than analysts' expectations of $0.04 per share.

The firm also beat on revenue as well, generating $329 million for the quarter. This was above the $323 million estimated by analysts.

Additionally, the company raised its guidance for the full year... Читать дальше...


Marijuana stocks are thriving as support for legalization hits a record high

Thomson Reuters

The marijuana industry is the hottest thing since sliced bread, and marijuana stocks are thriving as a result. Here's a quick rundown of how some of the industry's largest players' stock prices have performed over the trailing 12 months:

  • GW Pharmaceuticals: up 35%
  • Canopy Growth Corp.: up 248%
  • Aphria: up 267%
  • Aurora Cannabis: up 267%
  • Cara Therapeutics: up 141%
  • Zynerba Pharmaceuticals: up 146%
  • Medical Marijuana... Читать дальше...


'The Handmaid's Tale' showrunner Bruce Miller on the challenges and triumphs of adapting Margaret Atwood's novel



"Showrunners" is a new podcast from INSIDER — a series where we interview the people responsible for bringing TV shows to life. The following is a transcript from our interview with Bruce Miller, the showrunner of Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale."

Listen to the episode to hear the highlights from our interview, and keep reading below for the full conversation. 

Subscribe to "Showrunners" on iTunes here so you can hear new episodes (featuring the showrunners... Читать дальше...


I spent a day at Ford's racing school— here are the 5 most important things I learned (F)


I went to Utah last weekend to drive the $400,000 Ford GT supercar — a rare privilege as only 250 will be built in 2017 — but the day before I hit the road and the racetrack, Ford put me through its one-day Performance Racing School program.

For eight hours, I received high-level on-and-off track instruction from professional drivers. We had at our disposal the 526-horsepower Shelby GT350 (the single-day course is offered for free to any new owner of a Ford Performance vehicle). Читать дальше...


Civil rights leaders will testify before Congress on the recent spike in hate crimes

Scott Olson/Getty Images

WASHINGTON (AP) — Civil rights and law enforcement leaders are planning to tell lawmakers about a spike in religious hate crimes in the U.S.

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday will also hear from a Justice Department official on ways to address the problem. One of the groups set to testify is the Anti-Defamation League, which released a report last week that found an increase in cases of anti-Semitic intimidation and vandalism last year.

The... Читать дальше...


Your ‘organic’ milk may not actually be organic at all, according to new investigation


To label milk "organic," the US Department of Agriculture mandates that cows graze fresh grass in fertilizer-free, open-air pastures.

Consumers can pay twice as much for certified organic milk compared to non-organic milk. But according to a new investigation by The Washington Post's Peter Whoriskey, some organic dairy farms may not be adhering to USDA standards.

In 2016, the Post visited Aurora Organic Dairy in Greeley, Colorado — a facility that supplies organic milk to major retailers like Walmart and Costco. Читать дальше...


Etsy craters after announcing earnings were flat, its CEO is stepping down, and job cuts are coming (ETSY)

Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

Etsy announced Tuesday that its CEO Chad Dickerson will step down from the role on Wednesday. 

Josh Silverman, a board member, will replace Dickerson as chief executive of the online marketplace for hand-made goods. 

"In the six months that Josh has been on our Board, we have gotten to know him well and he has gotten to know us well," said Fred Wilson, the incoming chair of the board succeeding Dickerson. "That will make for an easier transition and faster execution."

John Allspaw... Читать дальше...


Fyre Festival was reportedly woefully unprepared for its security crisis of thousands of people stranded in the Bahamas

The INSIDER Summary:

  • The Fyre Festival descended into chaos on Friday despite promising a luxury experience.
  • It's facing a $100 million lawsuit.
  • A new report suggests the festival didn't take adequate safety measures for thousands of attendees.

Friday's Fyre Festival turned out to be such a disaster that it was quickly canceled and the company is already facing a $100 million lawsuit. Attendees, who in some cases paid more than $10,000 a ticket... Читать дальше...


Too many people make a career mistake that lets their dream job pass them by


"In today's workplace, it's not your manager's job to make sure you have the necessary skills you need to advance; it's yours."

This harsh wake-up call comes courtesy of Alexandra Cavoulacos and Kathryn Minshew, coauthors of "The New Rules of Work." The book distills the most important lessons Cavoulacos and Minshew have learned as COO and CEO, respectively, of careers advice and job listings site The Muse.

Unfortunately, too many people wait for their manager to plop a promotion ... Читать дальше...


55 House Democrats sign letter asking Trump to immediately dismiss Sebastian Gorka

Alex Wong/Getty Images

A letter signed by 55 House Democrats asked President Donald Trump to "immediately dismiss" Sebastian Gorka on Tuesday, adding more scrutiny to the controversial White House deputy assistant who at one point was rumored to be leaving for a new role.

"As members of the US Congress who care deeply about fighting anti-Semitism at home and abroad, we urge you to immediately dismiss senior White House counterterrorism adviser Sebastian Gorka," the letter read. "Based on recent revelations about Mr. Читать дальше...


Automakers get slammed after reporting a 4th straight month of weak sales (FCAU, GM, F)

Scott Olson / Getty Images

Shares of the Big Three automakers fell on Tuesday as their sales in April missed analysts' expectations.

The results for April back up some analysts' calls that the market has peaked, even as dealers offer aggressive discounts and incentives to prospective buyers. A drop in auto sales this year would mark the first annual decrease since 2009.

Sales rose at an annualized rate of 16.88 million, a fourth straight year-on-year decline, according to Autodata. Читать дальше...


I've worked in HR for 15 years — here are the 4 things hiring managers don't want you to know

Flickr/John Benson

An HR veteran with over 15 years of experience shares her insider’s take on what really goes down during the hiring process.

Before launching my own consulting business, I earned my HR stripes working for everyone from big-name financial service companies to an equally big electronics and entertainment company.

So I know firsthand the techniques that are used to vet potential employees — and it’s not all as compliant as you’d expect.

If there’s one... Читать дальше...


Hillary Clinton says everyone's least favorite interview question should be banned throughout the US

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Speaking at a Women for Women International event Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed the need to close the gender pay gap in America.

But Clinton has also offered a potential partial solution, and its a move that's already been catching on in cities and states througout the US.

In a conversation with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Clinton said that prejudice against women is "very much a part of the landscape politically and socially and economically" in the US... Читать дальше...


STOCKS DO NOTHING: Here's what you need to know

Wikimedia Commons

Stocks were little changed on Tuesday, although auto shares and oil prices got slammed.

All three major indices ticked up into the green at the close.

First up, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 20,949.89, +36.43, (0.17%)
  • S&P 500: 2,391.17, +2.84, (+0.12%)
  • Nasdaq: 6,095.37, +3.77, (+0.06%)
  • US 10-year yield: 2.289%, -0.038
  • WTI crude oil: $47.60, -1.24, -2.54%

1. The Fed may have a hard time overlooking the economy's recent flop. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Суд обязал оператора Пулково улучшить защиту от птиц. Тот намерен обжаловать решение

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о перспективном развитии соцполитики государства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юлия Савичева

Пензенская певица ответила на жесткую критику Юлии Савичевой


Geely, подвинься. Changan впервые вошёл в топ-3 по продажам иномарок в России

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