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Новости за 16.05.2017


White House briefly placed on lockdown after suspect tried to jump over barrier

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House was placed on lockdown late on Tuesday after a person attempted to jump over a bike rack used as a barrier along the north fence of the mansion where President Donald Trump lives and works, according to the US Secret Service's official Twitter account.

The account added that the suspect was in custody.

Security had been tight for Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's visit earlier in the day, as protesters gathered in front of the White House. Читать дальше...


Ford is pushing back its hydrogen car plans because the tech isn't progressing fast enough (F)


While Toyota and Honda are investing heavily in hydrogen-powered vehicles, Ford has shifted its attention to electric cars.

Ford announced in 2013 that it was forming an alliance with Mercedes-Benz and Nissan to develop hydrogen fuel-cell technology with the goal of releasing a mass-market vehicle by 2017. But Ford CTO Raj Nair told Business Insider that a hydrogen car isn't on the way this year and the timeline has changed.

"A lot has changed since 2013," Nair said. "I... Читать дальше...


Ford's job cuts signal that 'carmageddon' has hit the auto industry (F)

Eddie Keogh/Reuters

Ford’s shares have gotten hammered as it struggles with plunging car sales, and in April even with weak truck sales, mired as automakers are in the US “car recession.” At $10.94 at the close on Monday, shares are down 37% from their high in July 2014, when Mark Fields became CEO. Shares hit a new 52-week low on Friday, despite two consecutive years of record earnings. But Ford announced that profits would decline in 2017, and at a “strategy session” last week, Ford’s frustrated directors put the heat on Fields. Читать дальше...


Ford could build an all-electric F-150 — but don't hold your breath (F)

Mark Blinch/Reuters

Ford could someday roll out an all-electric F-150, but don’t hold your breath.

The automaker announced in January that it will begin offering a hybrid F-150 by 2020. Yet, the company also plans to roll out an all-electric crossover SUV with a range of 300 miles within the same timeframe.

So why is Ford going fully electric with the CUV, but not with its pick-up truck?

For starters, it’s because a heavy battery in an F-150 could actually hurt the truck’s performance... Читать дальше...


A former dean who ran Wesleyan University's sexual assault investigations charged with soliciting sex from minor

Joe Mabel/Flickr

The man who spent years ruling on Wesleyan University's sexual misconduct hearings has been charged with trying to meet with a minor for sex.

Scott Backer, 39, was arrested four months after a man not connected with the police posed as a 15-year-old girl on the phone messaging app "Yik Yak," the Hartford Courant reports.

After the vigilante sent the police video footage of Backer showing up to meet with him at a supermarket, officers investigated and arrested Backer on Monday... Читать дальше...


'Barely educated morons trying to manage snack orders for the obese': Yale dean apologizes for egregious Yelp reviews

Francisco Anzola/Flickr

Yale University students are upset after insensitive Yelp reviews from a college dean emerged, mocking service people as "morons" and referring to restaurant patrons as "white trash," the Yale Daily News reported. 

The reviews were discovered after Pierson College Dean June Chu sent a letter to students in the residential college announcing she had become "Yelp Elite," according to the YDN.  Students then searched the review-sharing site and found messages Chu posted over the past few years. Читать дальше...


CREDIT SUISSE: The WannaCry ransomware attack could give Microsoft's stock a boost (MSFT)


The WannaCry ransomware that has spread to computers in 150 countries may end up benefiting Microsoft's stock price.

The ongoing attack, which specifically targets Microsoft operating systems, made headlines last week after it compromised one of the UK's largest hospital systems.

The origins of the attack are currently unknown. 

In a recent note out to clients on Tuesday, a group of equity analysts led by Michael Nemeroff identified a dip in the company's... Читать дальше...


A strange and beautiful 'Manhattanhenge' sunset is about to happen in New York City

John Minchillo/Associated Press

NEW YORK — Twice each summer, the sun, Earth, and (functional) monuments of human industry create a spectacle of light called "Manhattanhenge": when the sunset aligns perfectly with the city's gridded streets.

The name is a portmanteau of Stonehenge, which prehistoric people likely built to line up with the sun, and the island of Manhattan.

Unlike Stonehenge, however, Manhattanhenge is a beautiful accident of city planning.

I saw my first one in 2009, and it was breathtaking. Читать дальше...


How Google's band of hardware pirates has re-invented itself after its legendary leader jumped ship (GOOG, GOOGL)

Samantha Lee/Business Insider; Facebook; Ramin Talaie/Getty Images

Almost three years ago, one of Google's most celebrated executives took the stage at the company's big developer conference and declared that the future was being built in a secretive hardware group she led.

"You're going to get a glimpse of a small band of pirates trying to do epic shit," she said, referencing nearly a dozen ambitious technology products under development and touting the team's quick pace of execution. Читать дальше...


There's one really good reason you should quit your job in your 50s

Paramount Pictures

It's well known that young people tend to be job-hoppers.

But if people in their 50s want to keep working well into their 60s, a recent study suggests they should probably follow the younger generation's lead.

Researchers from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College found that individuals who switch jobs in their 50s see a statistically significant — 9.1% — increase in the likelihood of staying in the labor force until age 65.

The finding... Читать дальше...


Kellyanne Conway shoots down reports that she's only backing Trump to make money

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Kellyanne Conway, President Donald Trump's top counselor, rejected suggestions made by the hosts of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday that she agreed to manage Trump's campaign for monetary reasons. 

Host Mika Brzezinski recalled Conway's behavior after segments during the campaign in which Conway "would shill for Trump in extensive fashion."

"Then she would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be turned off. And she'd say, 'Blegh. Читать дальше...


DIGITAL DISRUPTION IN HEALTH CARE: The $8.7 trillion opportunity in digital health

BI Intelligence

Health care is a multi-trillion-dollar behemoth of the global economy — but it has a complicated relationship with technology, embracing some innovative tools while resisting others. Whether patients and their doctors are ready or not, though, digital disruption in health care will only accelerate in the years ahead.

Technology makes it easier for doctors to perform complex procedures, gives them access to more powerful drugs, and helps them avoid harmful errors. But in the digital age... Читать дальше...


STOCKS SNOOZE, DOLLAR FALLS: Here's what you need to know (F, DKS)


The stock market had another relatively quiet day and the three major indexes closed almost flat, although the S&P 500 and Nasdaq notched intraday record highs.

The dollar slid to a six-month low, while the classic safety trades — the yen, US Treasurys and gold — all rallied. Some strategists pointed to the reports that President Donald Trump shared classified intelligence with Russian officials last week.

Here's the scoreboard: 


The 2 biggest reasons why Trump's disclosures to Russia are so 'damaging'

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

President Donald Trump's reported disclosure of classified information to Russian diplomats last week is "highly damaging" because it gives Russia an opening to trace the information back to sensitive intelligence sources and could jeopardize the US' relationship with its foreign allies, national security experts say.

"This is highly damaging for two reasons," former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell told CBS on Monday night.

"First, the Russians will... Читать дальше...


Some Trump staffers are reportedly afraid to leave Trump alone in meetings with foreign leaders

Russian Embassy

Some of President Trump's advisers and staff are afraid to leave him alone in meetings with foreign leaders for fear he might say something untoward, The New York Times reported on Tuesday. 

The Times' report comes as Trump's administration grapples with its latest controversy, in which it emerged that Trump disclosed top-secret intelligence to Russian officials during a meeting in the Oval Office last week.

That intelligence, the Times reported on Tuesday, came from Israel, a key US ally. Читать дальше...


Being in a 'mild bad mood' could have some surprising psychological benefits

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design

Homo sapiens is a very moody species.

Even though sadness and bad moods have always been part of the human experience, we now live in an age that ignores or devalues these feelings.

In our culture, normal human emotions like temporary sadness are often treated as disorders.

Manipulative advertising, marketing and self-help industries claim happiness should be ours for the asking.

Yet bad moods remain an essential... Читать дальше...


Buffalo Wild Wings just torched a Bill Ackman protégé (BWLD)

Buffalo Wild Wings on Facebook

The ongoing war between Buffalo Wild Wings and Marcato Capital, a San Francisco-based hedge fund, is heating up.

On Tuesday Buffalo Wild Wings released a presentation to shareholders that emphasized the firm's strength and took shots at recent criticisms flung at the casual dining chain by Marcato. The hedge fund currently has a 6.1% stake in the company, according to a May press release by Marcato calling for board changes. 

Marcato released... Читать дальше...


13 small things you can do to cut down on the sugar in your diet

Ken Hawkins / Flickr

The INSIDER Summary:

  • Most Americans consume more sugar than they should in a day.
  • Many foods have more added sugar (as opposed to natural sugar) than you think.
  • We talked to nutritionist Lisa Young to find out what you can do to decrease your sugar intake.
  • Her suggestions include drinking seltzer instead of soda, avoiding granola, eating regularly throughout the day, staying hydrated, and eating real fruit instead of dried fruit. Читать дальше...


Maria Sharapova denied French Open wild card entry because there cannot be 'any doubts of results'

Giuseppe Bellini/Getty

The French Tennis Federation denied Maria Sharapova a wild card entry for the French Open on Tuesday, citing a need to "protect the game" following Sharapova's doping scandal.

Federation president Bernard Giudicelli said that although Sharapova has already returned from a 15-month suspension for testing positing for a banned substance, there "cannot be a wild card for players returning from doping."

"I decided not to give a wild card," Giudicelli said. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о результатах мероприятий по защите экологии 

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Чешов объяснил, почему Путин поддерживает Андрея Бочарова

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подписал указ по реализации до 2028 года нового с РФ проекта в сфере космоса

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленского выпороли ультиматумом: США жестко ответили на наглость и поучения Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Григорий Лепс

Лепс ударил по телефону фанатки на концерте в Костроме


Источник: В САО Москвы произошло ДТП с участием пяти легковых автомобилей

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