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Новости за 20.12.2016


Here comes FedEx...

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

FedEx, the global logistics company, is set to report its second quarter earnings for fiscal 2017.

Analysts expect the company to report adjusted earnings per share of $2.91 and revenue of $14.91 billion.

The earnings come smack dab in the middle of the busy holiday shipping season, which FedEx expects to be its largest ever. The company said it projects shipping volumes 10% higher than in 2015.

"The rapid growth of e-commerce has driven significant... Читать дальше...


A decision I made in 5 minutes is going to more than double my savings for the entire year

Emmie Martin/Business Insider

Back in September, I emulated a financial plan for retiring early and put 50% of my disposable income into savings.

Let's be real: It was hard — but nowhere close to impossible. Yes, it forced me to stop dining out and get creative with weekend festivities, but I learned better shopping habits and realized that I didn't even care about giving up the overpriced salads I default to when I'm too lazy to bring a lunch from home.

Prior to September... Читать дальше...


Kik unveils video chat


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Apps and Platforms Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

On Monday, popular North American chat app Kik introduced video calling, according to a blog post from the company.

The addition brings the chat app up to speed with other platforms including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Apple’s FaceTime.

However, unlike with other apps, which turn video calling into a full-screen interaction... Читать дальше...


9 things incredibly attractive people do


Studies have shown time and again that pretty people have an advantage over unattractive people.

Most human beings harbor generally superficial tendencies, which is why most people respond to marketing that features attractive models and celebrities.

Attractive people are more likely to become leaders, make more money, get better opportunities, and attract other attractive people as mates.

But beauty is not the only thing that makes people attractive. There are many... Читать дальше...


Investors continue to pile into America's hottest investment product

Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images News

Markets have embraced President-elect Donald Trump's victory, with the Dow flirting with an all time high of 20,000 Tuesday.

As the markets rallied, Bank of America Merrill Lynch saw its clients buy $155 million worth of US equities last week, according to a note circulated on Tuesday, December 20.

Although this was the smallest inflow of the post-election buying streak, it was the sixth consecutive week that BAML clients were net buyers of US equities. Читать дальше...


'Back to square one': Berlin is on high alert as authorities search for a culprit still at large

Reuters/Christian Mang

German authorities are still scrambling to pinpoint those responsible in connection with the truck attack that killed 12 and injured dozens more at a Berlin Christmas market on Monday.

One suspect, a Pakistani asylum-seeker who was known to German police, was released Tuesday due to a lack of evidence, and residents have been urged to remain on guard.

"It is the case that we possibly still have a dangerous offender in our area," Berlin police chief Klaus Kandt told media on Tuesday. Читать дальше...


One CEO has a brilliant trick for managing email that anyone can use

Courtesy of Tommy John

This post from LinkedIn Influencer Betty Liu originally appeared on LinkedIn.

I have two words to say to everyone: I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I've been so swamped I haven't gotten back to you, either by phone or email. But mostly by email. It's a hard pill to swallow, as a while back, I wrote a post about the virtues of organization and getting back to people on time.

I thought I had a great system — collecting all my emails at the end of the day and replying to them in a rapid fire succession. Читать дальше...


The 11 best laptops of 2016

Hollis Johnson

Though smartphone can handle more and more of your daily workload, it still can't replace a tried-and-true notebook when it's time to hunker down.

But which to get? That’s the eternal question. Unfortunately, 2016 didn’t make the answer any clearer. With the flow of laptop sales on a steady decline, no one manufacturer could get everything right.

While a number of very good notebooks launched in the last year, there wasn’t One True Laptop you could point to and say... Читать дальше...


Lawsuit alleges that McDonald’s is overcharging for its value meals (MCD)

Fred Prouser/Reuters

McDonald's is being sued over the price of its value meals. 

According to plaintiff James Gertie, the fast-food chain's "Extra Value Meal" of two cheeseburgers, medium fries, and a soft drink costs 41 cents more than it would if you just ordered each item individually off the regular menu, the Cook County Record reported.

The class action suit, which was filed against McDonald's and a franchisee in the Chicago suburbs, reportedly alleges that the restaurant... Читать дальше...


What it's like aboard the most expensive flight in the world

Etihad Airways

It’s a long haul between New York and Mumbai, but Etihad, the United Arab Emirates national carrier, has figured out a way to make it a comfortable journey—for those willing to pay $38,000 (Rs 25 million) for a one-way ticket, anyway.

It's the new most expensive flight in the world. A round-trip ticket would cost a staggering $76,000 (£52,000) at single or double occupancy. Plus: it’s not even a direct flight. It has a stopover in Abu Dhabi.

Etihad Airways

... Читать дальше...


Pregnancy changes a woman's brain for at least 2 years after giving birth

Getty Images

A first-of-its-kind study has shown that being pregnant creates long-lasting effects in a mother's brain, with MRI scans showing changes in grey matter volume that may actually help mums look after their new babies.

Researchers found that first-time mothers consistently demonstrated a reduction in grey matter volume that could mean their brains are optimising and rewiring themselves to help cater to the needs of their infants — with the effects lasting for at least two years. Читать дальше...


ISIS claims credit for Christmas market attack in Berlin

REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

The terrorist group ISIS claimed credit on Tuesday for an attack on a Berlin Christmas market on Monday that killed 12 people and injured dozens.

The claim was published by Amaq News Agency, the unofficial propaganda news arm of ISIS.

Amaq referred to the attacker, who drove a truck into the market outside the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, as a "soldier" of ISIS.

The truck apparently belonged to a Polish transportation company and was loaded with metal rods. Читать дальше...


Banks fear existing market participants most

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Fintech Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Despite the ongoing success of fintechs, and the continued proliferation of digitally focused challenger banks, global banks are more likely to see existing large incumbents as the biggest threat to their business, according to Temenos' annual banking survey.


Alec Baldwin gets paid $1,400 every time he plays Trump on 'SNL'


Alec Baldwin revealed that he gets paid just $1,400 for each appearance he makes as President-elect Donald Trump on "Saturday Night Live."

That's just part of what the New York Times learned when it spent time with Baldwin backstage at the NBC sketch show recently.

The salary would seem low for all the attention Baldwin's Trump impression has brought to the show, including frequent angry mentions by the president-elect himself. But it seems the hard work is behind Baldwin. Читать дальше...


Legal pot growers are driving a different kind of boom in California (PROLOGIS, REXFORD, TERRENO)

Reuters/Blair Gable

(Reuters) - Legalizing recreational marijuana in California is creating a gold rush for a decidedly less intoxicating sector: warehouses in which to grow the plants.

Investors have few options to cash in directly on the state's recent decision to legalize the drug, as there are no publicly traded cannabis producing companies and marijuana remains illegal under federal law. However, they are anticipating a lift in demand for warehouses as legal pot companies search for space to grow their supply. Читать дальше...


I graduated from Harvard and MIT — here's the smartest thing I did on my applications

Jessica Yeager

College application season is coming to a close.

For seniors, your grades and test scores are pretty much set at this point. The question now is how can you make your application stand out among so many qualified applicants.

When I applied to colleges, I had great grades and test scores, but so did a lot of students who didn’t get into Harvard or MIT.

The smartest thing I did on my college applications was to focus not just on grades and test scores but... Читать дальше...


8 subtle signs an employee is exceptional

The Library of Congress/Flickr

We can all spot a great employee: she's dependable, proactive, hardworking, a great leader and a great follower.

She brings a wide variety of easily defined — but hard to find — skills to the table.

Some employees, though, are exceptional. They have skills and qualities that aren't evaluated on performance appraisals but make a huge impact on that individual's performance, the performance of the people around her, and especially on the company's results. Читать дальше...


A Christmas tree lighting in western Aleppo was bombed

YouTube/America Today

Syrian TV says a bomb has gone off in western Aleppo where dozens of people were gathered for a Christmas tree-lighting event.

No injuries were reported from Tuesday's bomb, which went off near Azizieh square in government-controlled western Aleppo.

A reporter for the channel said celebrations resumed a few minutes after the bomb went off. Dozens of Syrians were seen dancing and waving Syrian flags and red balloons to blaring music as they rallied around a giant tree decorated with Christmas lights. Читать дальше...


Take a look at Santa's real-life 'office' in snowy Finland, which receives more than half a million letters every year

Reuters/Pawel Kopczynski

Ever wonder what Santa Claus does all year once he's done with his world tour on Christmas Eve? 

Just like any other hardworking grownup, he's got to get back to the office. 

The Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Finland, is home to Santa's year-round office and village, where a multilingual actor playing Santa carries out the important day-to-day business of meeting thousands of adoring fans — and spreading general Christmas cheer.

Photographer... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

На площадке МВЦ «Казань Экспо» открылся XVIII Российский венчурный форум

Путин в России и мире

Мария Захарова раскритиковала высказывание Нэнси Пелоси о Путине и протестах в США

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Своим трудом: Келли Осборн отрицает, что похудела с помощью препаратов


Путин скоро шокирует всю элиту, вытащив мощный козырь — Хазин

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