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Новости за 03.12.2016


11 psychological tricks to save more and spend less over the holidays

Adam Berry / Stringer / Getty Images

Between decorations, holiday feasts, Secret Santa exchanges at the office, and gifts for your family and friends, it's easy to blow through your paycheck during the holiday season.

It doesn't help that most supermarkets and department stores trick you into spending more. But you can play that game, too. 

To help keep more cash in your wallet this holiday season, we rounded up 12 simple strategies to keep you spending less and saving more. Читать дальше...


Healthcare spending in the US just did something that rarely happens outside a recession

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The amount that the US is spending on healthcare jumped $3.2 trillion in 2015, a 5.8% increase from the year before, according to the new National Health Spending Report (NHSR) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

This accelerated from the 5.3% growth in 2014, but is still slightly below the average annual growth from the past 30 years.

While the overall growth was certainly interesting, perhaps the bigger news from the report is the... Читать дальше...


10 things I wish someone had told me when I was 20

Flickr/Apps for Europe

This post from entrepreneur Nelson Wang originally appeared on Quora as an answer to the question "What is it that nobody tells you about adult life?"

My second startup had just completely failed. I came home on a Saturday night at midnight and there was a letter on my kitchen counter.

It was from a law firm threatening to sue my company.

It felt like someone kicked me in my stomach. It was one of the worst feelings in the world.

In the last 31 years of living... Читать дальше...


Here's why some people have white spots on their teeth

RAW Embed

Why do some people have white spots on their teeth and others don't? It turns out, they are related to what people consumed as children.

Photo courtesy of Josconklin, Dozenist.

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Tesla will never have to worry about selling cars (TSLA)

Phil Denton / Creative Commons

Consumer Reports just handed down a not-very-good review of the Tesla Model X, calling the all-electric SUV that launched last year "more showy than practical."

On balance, Consumer Reports appreciated the Model X for its speed and handling, but found things to dislike about some of the vehicle's more complicated aspects.

Tesla responded to the review by saying the company has spent almost a year dealing with early Model X production issues —... Читать дальше...


Here’s what legendary Marine General James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis is really like, from people who served with him

via Department of Defense

President-elect Donald Trump just tapped Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for Defense Secretary, so it's worth asking what kind of leadership the Pentagon is in for.

As it turns out, according to a number of those who served with him, the more than 3 million civilian and military personnel of DoD can expect a well-read history buff with a strategic mind, a senior man who is not above talking to even the most junior personnel, and a sometimes gruff, opinionated... Читать дальше...


A small hedge fund manager threw shade at Tesla's Elon Musk at a private conference and said the stock was going to zero (TSLA)

(AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File)

A hedge fund manager dissed Tesla at a private investor confab in New York earlier this week.

Mark Spiegel of Stanphyl Capital, a small fund based in New York, pitched a bet against the carmaker at the Robin Hood Investors Conference.

In the 152-slide presentation below, Spiegel says the company faces a rough future, including increased competition from other electric-car makers and doubts about whether competitors will come in to move Tesla... Читать дальше...


13 rules for using commas without looking like an idiot

RAW Embed

No one wants to look like an idiot! These 13 grammar rules will help you become a comma pro in no time, and will keep you from looking like a lame duck.

Christina Sterbenz contributed reporting on a previous version of this article.

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7 simple tips for charging your iPhone as fast as possible

Reuters/Stephen Lam

If your iPhone isn't shutting off unexpectedly, congratulations: You haven't hit the end of your battery's life cycle just yet.

That doesn’t mean you’re getting the most out of your iPhone's battery, though.

If you feel like it’s taking too long to keep your iPhone up to speed, we’ve compiled a few easy tips that'll help you spend less of your life waiting around an outlet.

Don’t use your computer.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Tech Insider

If you’re primarily concerned with speed... Читать дальше...


Here's the futuristic facility where Under Armour creates new athletic apparel

Under Armour's innovation lab, the Lighthouse, is a state-of-the art facility to create and test the next generation of athletic products. It will also create new capabilities for faster and more efficient manufacturing. 

Produced by Sam Rega. Additional reporting by Leanna Garfield.

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Mark Wahlberg: Why celebrities should never talk politics

Adam Berry/dapd

Don’t expect to get into a political debate with Mark Wahlberg. The Patriots Day star told Task & Purpose magazine he stayed mum during the controversial 2016 election between Donald Trumpand Hillary Clinton because he doesn’t think celebrities should discuss politics.

“A lot of celebrities did, do, and shouldn’t [talk politics],” he told the magazine, explaining that A-listers aren’t on the same playing field as the common voter. “They might buy your CD or watch your movie... Читать дальше...


'Polls might not be capable of predicting elections': How everyone blew it on Trump's huge upset

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

On October 18, Sam Wang thought it was over. So much so that he promised — on Twitter, for the world to see — that he'd eat a bug if Donald Trump earned more than 240 electoral votes.

On November 12, he was eating a bug on live television.

Wang, a top election forecaster and professor at Princeton University, had given Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton a 98% to 99% chance of winning in the days leading up to the election. Of course, it didn't quite end up that way. Читать дальше...


Amazon has an oddly efficient way of storing stuff in its warehouses

If you live in one the 27 cities where Amazon offers its Prime Now service, you can have tens of thousands of items delivered to your door in an hour. On a recent visit to Amazon's Manhattan Prime Now location, we got a peek at how it stocks its shelves, and it looks like a total mess. But there's a perfect reason it looks that way, and it's part of the reason you can get your order in an hour.

Читать дальше...


How a struggling actor became one of the hottest Oscar contenders of 2016

CBS Films

When Taylor Sheridan was 11 years old, he caught a wicked case of pneumonia that left him bedridden for weeks and unable to enjoy the 200 acres he lived on in the small North Texas community of Bosque County, just an hour west of Waco.

Though he looks back on his childhood fondly, being sick and stuck with nothing to do but watch the three channels on his TV set was the foundation for what he does today.

"I watched a lot of old movies," Sheridan, 47, recently told Business Insider of that time. Читать дальше...


38 enterprise startups that will boom in 2017, according to VC investors

Jay Srinivasan

2017 is almost here and it's once again time to predict which startups will take the tech industry by storm.

Who better to ask than the startup experts, the VCs that watch the industry, guide the startups, hear their pitches, and invest in them?

So we reached out to a handful of top VCs and asked them which young or growth-stage startups will boom in 2017.

We asked them to particularly focus on enterprise startups — those that sell services to businesses, as opposed to selling to consumers. Читать дальше...


6 million Americans have stopped paying their car loans, and it's becoming a 'significant concern'

Liberty Street Economics

There is a lot of talk out there about the auto-loan market right now.

Hedge fund manager Jim Chanos has said the auto-lending market should "scare the heck out of everybody," while the auto-lending practices of some used-car dealerships has been given the John Oliver treatment on TV.

It's a topic we've been paying attention to as well. In a presentation in September at the Barclays Financial Services Conference, Gordon Smith, the chief executive for consumer and community banking at JPMorgan... Читать дальше...


Apple's head of special projects Paul Deneve no longer reports to Tim Cook (AAPL)


Apple's head of special projects Paul Deneve no longer sits within the company's top leadership team, meaning he has stopped reporting directly into CEO Tim Cook.

Apple blog MacRumors noticed on Friday Deneve had been removed from the executive profiles page on Apple's website.

On Saturday, Financial Times reporter Tim Bradshaw tweeted that Apple confirmed Deneve is still with the company, but now reports into COO Jeff Williams, who also oversees Apple Watch and its health initiatives. Читать дальше...


What 17 super-successful people wish they knew at 22

Richard Branson/LinkedIn

At 22, you were just graduating from college, entering the "real world," and embarking on your professional journey.

Looking back, maybe you'd rewrite your past — or, perhaps you're content with the decisions you made at that time in your life. Either way, there are probably a few things you wish you knew then that you know now.

That's exactly what LinkedIn asked its network of top minds across all fields to write about for its "If I Were 22" editorial packages. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Путин в России и мире

Путин с Собяниным приехали в Храм Христа Спасителя на Пасхальное богослужение

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Катя Гордон — Анастасии Волочковой: «Мы бы с Лерой оплатили и лечение, и психиатра, если надо»


Тверь поднялась в рейтинге городов по качеству жизни

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