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Новости за 09.05.2016


The Cubs' radical strategy to slow down Bryce Harper could be a sign of things to come

Jamie Squire/Getty

The Chicago Cubs pulled off an impressive sweep of the Washington Nationals over the weekend to move to an MLB-best 24-6.

The Cubs and manager Joe Maddon utilized an eyebrow-raising move during Sunday's 4-3, 13-inning win by opting to intentionally walk Harper several times.

In doing so, Harper set an MLB record by reaching base seven times without recording an official at-bat, as Harper was walked six times and hit by a pitch once. He was walked 13 total times during the four-game series. Читать дальше...


7 of the world's best summer music festivals

Ashley Garmon

As the temperature rises, music lovers flock to massive festivals around the world to see their favorite artists live and feed off the energy of fellow fans. And with each passing year, there are more and more options to choose from.

From Chicago's quintessential Lollapalooza to a global music showcase in Morocco, these festivals provide multiple days of entertainment—and unforgettable concert-going experiences.

Here are our picks for the world's fifteen best summer music festivals. Читать дальше...


This tiny part of Krispy Kreme’s business is more important than ever before

Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme just became part of a coffee empire, as the chain doubles down on its own beverage business.

JAB Holding Company, the parent company of coffee brands including Caribou Coffee, Peet's Coffee and Tea, and Keurig Green Mountain, is buying Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for about $1.35 billion.

Even before it struck a deal with a coffee empire, Krispy Kreme was working hard to boost beverage sales, by trying out a new store concept and improving its offerings. Читать дальше...


Donald Trump believes he is a financial genius, which is a problem

Chris Tilley/REUTERS

The scariest thing about Donald Trump isn't what he doesn't know. It's what he doesn't know he doesn't know.

"I'm the king of debt," he said Monday. "I understand debt probably better than anybody."

He said this as part of his recent musings about the American public debt. In those musings, he talked up the benefits of restructuring, in which creditors are paid less than 100 cents on the dollar, and then said it's "crazy" to think he would try to get Treasury bondholders to take payment haircuts... Читать дальше...


Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel and model Miranda Kerr just bought a $12 million house together

Zillow and Getty/Kevork Djansezian

Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel is apparently moving on to bigger things in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles.

After buying a $3.3 million house there in late 2014, the 25-year-old has now purchased a lavish $12 million pad in the same neighborhood, as TMZ first reported.

He purchased the 7,164-square-foot home with girlfriend Miranda Kerr, a 33-year-old former Victoria's Secret model.

It comes with city views, a pool and pool house, a home gym, and a guest house. Читать дальше...


CITI: The 10-year yield is going back toward record lows, but this time is different


Ahead of Friday's disappointing jobs report, Bloomberg data showed that fed funds futures were pricing in a 52% chance that the next interest-rate hike by the Federal Reserve would occur next February.

After the report's release, expectations for the hike were moved forward to December.

The move means that Wall Street's analysts and the futures market are falling into line on when the next hike will be.

But while the futures market is getting slightly more... Читать дальше...


A psychology professor explains the problems with high self-esteem — and what you should pursue instead

Wikimedia Commons

In 1986, California state assemblyman John Vasconcellos came up with what he believed could be “a vaccine for major social ills” like teen pregnancy and drug abuse: a special task-force to promote self-esteem among Californians. The effort folded three years later, and was widely considered not to have accomplished much.

To Kristin Neff, a psychology professor at the University of Texas, that’s not surprising. Though self-esteem continues to reverberate as a pop-psych cure-all... Читать дальше...


A study of the top 100 billionaires in recent history found they have 6 unlikely characteristics in common

Mike Segar/Reuters

What do the wealthiest people on this planet have in common? A great business sense? Luck? A strong work ethic? The likely answer is a combination of all of these and much more. However, when we look at the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and investors, we tend to limit ourselves to typical business traits and disregard features like physical attributes or family life.

But what if these seemingly trivial aspects can give an indication of your potential to make billions? Читать дальше...


The 25 best fast-food chains in America

Business Insider / Samantha Lee

Fast food took root in the US the 1950s and has flourished into a $255 billion industry. These restaurants — globally associated with American culture — evoke surprising passion, with many developing a cult-like loyalty from customers. But which chain is the best?

Business Insider teamed up with Restaurant Business, a food-service industry expert and media outlet, to compile a definitive ranking of the best fast-food restaurants in America. Using proprietary... Читать дальше...


How we ranked the 25 best fast food chains in America

Getty Images / Tommaso Boddi

Business Insider just released its ranking of the 25 best fast food chains in America. To create the ranking, we collaborated with Restaurant Business, a foodservice industry expert and media outlet, and its sister research firm Technomic, to examine and assess nearly 89 of the largest US chains. We rated them on three key criteria that we considered the most telling for all-around fast-food excellence: financial performance, customer satisfaction, and overall value. Читать дальше...


Curt Schilling puts ESPN on full blast, calling the sports giant 'outwardly bigoted and intolerant' towards conservatives and republicans

Jared Wickerham/Getty Images

Two weeks after Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for comments made on social media, he is continuing his assault on the sports media giant.

Schilling was a guest on "The Dan Patrick Show" to discuss his firing and accused the company of being "bigoted and intolerant" towards people who are not liberals or democrats.

"The only irony in this for me is that a company that is outwardly bigoted and intolerant is calling itself inclusive," Schilling told Dan Patrick. Читать дальше...


Tom Hanks is trying to save the world from a plague in the 'Inferno' trailer


Seven years after playing Robert Langdon in the adaptation of author Dan Brown's bestseller "Angels & Demons," Tom Hanks returns for the character's latest adventure, "Inferno."

Based on the fourth book in the Langdon series penned by Brown (which also includes "The Da Vinci Code" and "The Last Symbol"), this film sees the Harvard professor, who also solves murders and uncovers secret societies buried within the Vatican, trying to save the world from a plague. 

Alongside... Читать дальше...


Virgin Galactic just released its first commercial for a trip to outer space

Richard Branson/Twitter

Space flight for civilians remains a rarity here in the year 2016, but the media campaign from Richard Branson's nascent private spaceflight company Virgin Galactic is looking to a time in the not-so-distant future when your visit to space is a decision, not a dream.

Virgin Galactic today released a video imagining the future of spaceflight through its own lens, and appealing to consumers as the company ramps up toward the first missions.

The ambitious... Читать дальше...


North Carolina just set up a high-stakes legal battle with the US government over its controversial ‘bathroom bill’

AP Photo/Gerry Broome

North Carolina filed a lawsuit Monday against the federal government in a fight for a state law that limits protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Gov. Pat McCrory's administration filed the lawsuit seeking to keep in place the law the U.S. Justice Department said last week violated the civil rights of transgender people.

The Justice Department had set a deadline of Monday for McCrory to report whether he would refuse to enforce the last that took effect in March. Читать дальше...


Massive spike in the number of apartments built in the US last year was almost entirely because of a single city

Chris Hondros/Getty Images

One US city is responsible for most of the recent apartment boom.

In 2015, the US saw a startling spike in multifamily housing starts — apartments and condos, basically — and New York City was the reason, according to Michelle Meyer and her team at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

They edged down their projection for the number of multifamily starts in 2016 to 375,000, bringing total housing starts down to 1.175 million this year from 1.25 million.

... Читать дальше...


RANKED: These are the salad dressings with the fewest calories

Rebecca Harrington/Tech Insider

A single serving of salad dressing can have more calories than all the vegetables in the actual salad.

Low-fat dressings may be lower in calories, but they are often high in sugars. (They have to add something in there to make it taste good after they take all that fat out.)

If you want to choose a dressing with fewer calories or fat, watch out for how much sugar it has, too. The World Health Organization recommends adults eat fewer than 50 grams of sugar per day... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump just made a new mess while walking back his controversial plan for US debt

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Donald Trump on Monday said it was "crazy" to think he would try to negotiate his way out of full repayment of government bonds — despite what he suggested last week — but he did suggest another potentially alarming option for debt management.

"First of all, you never have to default because you print the money," the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said on CNN.

This is true, but as with trying to get bondholders to take a haircut, it's out of the economic mainstream. Читать дальше...


Drake's new album just broke a streaming record


Songs from Drake's new album "Views" were streamed over 245.1 million times in its first week — a new record, according to Billboard.

The previous record was held by Beyonce's "Lemonade," which racked up 115.2 million streams in its first week.

The streams, combined with traditional album sales, helped Drake top the Billboard album charts for the sixth time in a row, and made "Views" the best-selling album by a male artist since Justin Timberlake's album "The 20/20 Experience."

... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Воспитанник Московского дворца пионеров стал лауреатом конкурса «Эксперимент в космосе. Космос для всех»

Путин в России и мире

Уполномоченный по защите прав предпринимателей в Челябинской области: Бизнес ожидает укрепление, рост и предсказуемые условия

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске одобрен проект соглашения о системе таможенного транзита ЕАЭС

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Григорий Лепс

Григорий Лепс выступит в Челябинске в День Победы


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