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Новости за 25.03.2016


Experts: Killing ISIS' No. 2 isn't enough to cripple the terror group

REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan

Friday morning, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced a successful strike against a top ISIS leader, saying that his death would "hamper the organization's ability to conduct operations both inside and outside Iraq and Syria."

"We are systematically eliminating ISIL's cabinet," Carter said during a press briefing, using an acronym for the terrorist group.

He later added: "Leaders can be replaced. However, these leaders have been around for a long time. Читать дальше...


There’s something troubling happening with heart attack patients

Getty Images/Ian Waldie

Heart attack victims have gotten steadily younger and more obese over the past two decades, according to a study due to be presented next month at the American College of Cardiology conference in Chicago.

The nitty-gritty:

Researchers analyzed risk factors among more than 3,900 patients who were treated at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio between 1995 and 2014.

All had suffered the most severe and deadly type of heart attack, which features a complete... Читать дальше...


NFL FREE AGENCY: The biggest winners and losers of a wild offseason so far

David J. Phillip/AP

The NFL's free-agency period is always an exciting time, and this year was no different.

When the new league year opened up, teams scrambled for the best available stars, throwing out tons of money for the best pass-rushers, while other teams pursued the best offensive players.

For some teams, like the Houston Texans and New York Giants, it was undoubtedly a successful period. For other teams, like the Cleveland Browns, or some players, like the still unsigned Ryan Fitzpatrick, it hasn't been so fun. Читать дальше...


This unlikely vegan chain wants to take over America

By Chloe

Vegans across the country will soon have a new fast-casual option.

By Chloe, a New York City-based vegan concept, is expanding to Boston, reports New York Magazine’s Grub Street. That’s in addition to two planned openings in New York City and a partnership with Whole Foods to open a location in the company’s first 365 Whole Foods in Los Angeles.

The fast-casual concept serves up 100% vegan, plant-based, kosher certified food. However, the major appeal is that menu... Читать дальше...


18 high-paying jobs for people who thrive under pressure

Zdenko Zivkovic/flickr

Some people crack under pressure — while others thrive in stressful situations. 

If you happen to fall into the latter category, you may want to consider a career as an anesthesiologist or a news anchor. 

We recently combed through data from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a US Department of Labor database that compiles detailed information on hundreds of jobs, to find the positions with a high "stress tolerance" score. We then looked at... Читать дальше...


Suicide bomber kills 26 at a crowded park outside Baghdad

Wissm al-Okili/Reuters

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A suicide bomber detonated a suicide belt in the middle of a crowd at a park in Iskandariya, a town south of Baghdad, on Friday, killing 26 and wounding 71, said the provincial head of security, Falah al-Khafaji.

The attack happened at 7:15 p.m. (1615 GMT) at the end of soccer game. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast, but Islamic State militants regularly launch such attacks.

Iskandariya, 40 kilometers (25 miles) south of Baghdad... Читать дальше...


Ivanka Trump says this is what she does to help her employees be successful

Jemal Countess / Getty Images

"I set very bold goals. It's how I've always been," Ivanka Trump says.

In a recent interview with Business Insider, the executive vice president of development and acquisitions at The Trump Organization and the head of the Ivanka Trump lifestyle brand says the culture in her company is very goal-oriented and there is an incredibly high expectation for performance.

"I really view myself in some capacity as a cheerleader to help our individual team... Читать дальше...


US government offers debt relief to 'defrauded' grads of 91 college campuses


The US Department of Education said Friday it will pave the way for debt forgiveness for former students at 91 different campuses of bankrupt for-profit-college chain Corinthian Colleges Inc.

Corinthian Colleges filed for bankruptcy in May 2015 amid lawsuits brought by several state attorneys general and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau alleging the company lied about its job-placement rates.

"When Americans invest their time, money and effort to gain new skills... Читать дальше...


We tested white pants Old Navy claims are stain-resistant — here’s how they held up

Stain-resistant white pants sound like a fantasy, right?

But Old Navy swears that its Mid-Rise Stay-White Rockstar Super Skinny jeans— which are unusually pricey for the affordable retailer at $44.94 — utilize a"new Stay-White denim technology" which "repels stains and spills so your jeans stay white, no matter how messy the day gets."

Days can get pretty messy, so we decided to put these pants through the ringer to see if they can, in fact, endure the worst and maintain their pristine quality. Читать дальше...


The Pentagon has an actual plan for the zombie apocalypse

Gene Page / AMC

The Defense Department, known for having a plan in place for any disaster scenario, has created a detailed strategy for a possible zombie apocalypse, Gordon Lubold reports for Foreign Policy. 

The strategy, known as "CONPLAN 8888," is an unclassified document that lays out how the military would best respond to a potential zombie apocalypse. The plan's overall purpose is for the military to undertake operations to "preserve 'non-zombie' humans from the threats posed... Читать дальше...


One sentence captures why it's so easy to get addicted to heroin

REUTERS/Albeiro Lopera

Susanne was 16 when she started dating Mike, two years her senior and already experimenting with heroin.

It was only after five years of using — years that included stealing from family members, ending up in jail, coming dangerously close to death, and having two babies that they had to give away — that the couple finally got clean.

Anna Sale tells Susanne and Mike's story on the March 2 episode of Death, Sex, and Money, an excellent podcast from WNYC. Читать дальше...


Why Kevin O'Leary invested in these entrepreneurs nearly 3 years after they missed a deal with him on 'Shark Tank'

Surprise Ride

For the first time in seven seasons of "Shark Tank," one of the Sharks has returned to invest in a company whose founders missed a deal during their appearance on the show.

In the latest episode of "Beyond the Tank," the "behind-the-scenes" companion show to "Shark Tank," it was revealed that Kevin O'Leary partnered with sisters Donna and Rosy Khalife, founders of the Washington, DC startup Surprise Ride.

"Now I own a piece of this company, I like what they've done so far ... Читать дальше...


5 things the world has learned about Zika so far

AP/Felipe Dana

Only months ago, the world’s knowledge about the Zika virus was pretty paltry.

So scant, in fact, that Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tweeted a picture of what he called “50 years of neglect” — a modest pile of scientific papers, not much thicker than a slim paperback. 

That was the sum total of Zika science.

In the intervening weeks, researchers in labs the world over have shifted their focus to the Zika virus — and that work is already gleaning results.


You may want to think twice before buying expensive grass-fed beef

U.S. Department of Agriculture/Flickr

Stroll through the beef aisle at any grocery store and take a look at a package of beef.

If the label says "grass-fed," it's probably more expensive than your standard package of meat. But the designation may mean absolutely nothing.

All cows eat grass, after all. It's what they do, and what they have done for centuries.

For this reason, industry experts have said for years that the term is cryptic and possibly deceitful. As with other often ambiguous meat and dairy claims... Читать дальше...


Here's why BMW is leading the connected car race so far

BI Intelligence

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Connected cars are becoming more common on the road, but one company is leading the pack.

According to a KPMG survey of 200 automotive executives, BMW is the leader in terms of connectivity and self-driving features. Nearly 25% of the vote went to the German automaker, followed by Daimler (which controls Mercedes-Benz) at 16% and General Motors at 12%. Читать дальше...


What alcohol does to your body and brain

We know different drugs make us experience the world around us in very different ways — and their aftereffects are often nowhere near as pleasant as the immediate results they produce. Alcohol, which two teams of addiction experts recently ranked as one of the five most addictive substances, can be especially dangerous when consumed in excess.

Читать дальше...


A morning person explains the one thing that gets her out of bed every day

Sergey Mironov/Shutterstock

I'm a morning person. No, seriously.

But, in addition to being a morning person, I'm also an anxious person.

This basically means that before my feet even hit the floor every day, my mind is running rampant with an onslaught of thoughts; I think about possible scenarios I may encounter that day and every possible outcome, and I conjure up to-do lists in my head with an ambitious number of boxes that I then immediately worry won't get checked off. Читать дальше...


I earned my first million at age 24 — here's how to earn yours, in 7 steps

Flickr / Porto Bay Hotels And Resorts

Do you remember hearing your family talk about money as a child?

Growing up on welfare in New York City, I remember my family talking about getting rich. It seemed like everyone wanted to be a millionaire, but neither would admit it. They would talk about traveling the world, eating the finest food, and even gallantly arriving to the Oscars in the most luxurious clothing.

Soon enough, the conversation would come to a brief halt and the... Читать дальше...


A simple new technology might save thousands of endangered sea turtles from dying

David Loh/Reuters

Fishing nets kill thousands of sea turtles every year, and very death is a hard blow, since most sea turtle species are endangered.

A new study from the University of Exeter, however, is floating a solution that might help save countless numbers of the shelled reptiles.

And it's actually very simple. Scientists added green, low-power lights to the fishing nets that pose the biggest risk to sea turtle populations.

The study's authors found that the... Читать дальше...


5 white lies you should never tell a recruiter

Chris Hondros/Getty Images

If you think you've heard it all, you're either a therapist or a recruiter. (Of course, sometimes people treat their recruiters and HR people in general like therapists, but that's another post.)

The thing is, when much of your job is spent evaluating people and talking with them, you learn to spot lies pretty darn quick.

Some of these lies are little things, and don't matter.

"How are you today?" "Great!" Let's face it — very few of us are actually great when we interview... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Практически все животные Москвы вышли из зимней спячки до начала майских холодов

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Ткаченко: Визит Путина в КНДР усилит коммуникацию Москвы, Пхеньяна и Пекина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Независимая политика Венгрии привела в ярость США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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