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Новости за 23.03.2016


Donald Trump goes off on Cruz, Clinton, and Bush in moniker-filled tweetstorm


GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's latest tweetstorm featured a series of hits against Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, and Hillary Clinton on Wednesday.

The real-estate mogul, who has been engaged in a recent back-and-forth with GOP rival Cruz after he threatened to supposedly "spill the beans" about Cruz's wife, started his tweetstorm by railing against Cruz.

Trump accused the Texas senator — whom he repeatedly dubbed "Lyin' Ted Cruz" — of "stealing" both his... Читать дальше...


Denver is getting slammed with a blizzard that shut down the airport and left traffic at a standstill

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

The Denver metropolitan area got walloped with snow on Wednesday, just one day after temperatures hit 70 degrees in the city.

Traffic came to a standstill in the Mile High City, and schools and government offices closed. More than 100,000 customers experienced power outages from Denver to Fort Collins, AccuWeather reported on Wednesday afternoon.

Interstate 70 remained closed on Wednesday afternoon. Interstate 25 was also closed on Wednesday from Denver north to Loveland... Читать дальше...


A bunch of chefs messed around with a waffle iron and made some crazy concoctions

Waffle irons can be used to make a lot more than just waffles.

A group of chefs proved this theory by successfully waffle-izing a large variety of foods.

Click here to see more videos from ChefSteps.

Story by Sarah Schmalbruch and editing by Stephen Parkhurst

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The FBI is looking for a well-dressed bank robber known as the ‘Count Down Bandit'


Authorities were hunting on Wednesday for a well-dressed man suspected of robbing at least seven New Jersey banks and dubbed the "Count Down Bandit" for his habit of counting down during the thefts.

In most of the robberies, the suspect approached a teller, "orally demanded money, counted down from 10 or 15 to one and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash," Timothy Gallagher, who heads the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Newark office, said in a statement. Читать дальше...


Here's Jeff Bezos' master plan to conquer space

Blue Orgin

SpaceX and Blue Origin are engaged in a great battle to conquer space. This much we know. But here's something you might not know: While they're owned and run by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, respectively, and both of these space exploration firms are therefore private companies, one of them has historically been much more private than the other.

Hardly a month goes by without SpaceX announcing its next attempt to launch so-and-so's satellite into space, then attempt to reland the Falcon 9 launch vehicle on Earth. Читать дальше...


Denver airport shut down by massive winter storm

A massive winter storm shut down Denver International Airport Wednesday afternoon along with hundreds of miles of highway across Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska.

Denver International — a hub for United Airlines and the sixth-busiest commercial airport in the nation — advised via its official Twitter account that passengers not attempt to travel to the airport while Peña Boulevard, the main route to the field, remains impassable.

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Terrorism expert reveals 4 key reasons people become violent extremists

Peter Bergen, who was the first journalist to interview Osama bin Laden on television and has written five books on terrorism, explored what attracts Americans to radical Islam in his new book, "The United States of Jihad."

We asked Bergen to share a list of key reasons that people transform into violent extremists willing to commit deadly acts of terrorism.

Produced by Pamela Engel and Graham Flanagan

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KB Home shares spike after earnings beat (KBH)

KB Home

KB Home reported first-quarter profits that topped expectations on Wednesday.

The company posted adjusted earnings-per-share (EPS) of $0.14, on revenues of $675.7 million.

Analysts had expected the homebuilder to earn $0.11 in adjusted earnings-per-share and revenues of $637.3 million, according to Bloomberg. 

KB Home shares rose as much as 6% in after hours trading. 

Net order value rose 9% to $825 million. Orders were expected to be up 3.9% during the quarter... Читать дальше...


Yale's expelled basketball captain is fighting for readmission — but a legal expert says that's 'highly unlikely'

AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez

On Wednesday, a lawyer for the ex-captain of the Yale men's basketball team told Business Insider his client wants readmission to the Ivy League University.

The former basketball captain, Jack Montague, is seeking readmission as part of a lawsuit he's planning to file against the university over its decision to expel him as the result of a sexual misconduct allegation.

The lawyer's statement to Business Insider appears to be the first indication so far of what the lawsuit will be seeking. Читать дальше...


The US is set to charge Iranian hackers for 2012 cyber attacks on New York City dam


The Obama administration is expected to blame Iranian hackers as soon as Thursday for a coordinated campaign of cyber attacks in 2012 and 2013 on a suburban New York City dam and several other targets, sources familiar with the matter have told Reuters.

In one of the largest foreign cyber attack cases since 2014 when the United States charged five Chinese military hackers, the U.S. Justice Department has prepared an indictment against about a half-dozen Iranians, said four sources... Читать дальше...


Find out the ideal work style for your personality

Are you more productive in a crowded, collaborative open office where you can easily share ideas, or in a quiet corner cubicle where you can be alone with your thoughts? Perhaps you prefer a third option, and are better suited to a job with a two-second commute, working from your couch.

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Under Armour used an undrafted, 23-year-old rookie to help steal Stephen Curry from Nike in 2012 — and it worked perfectly

Christian Petersen/Getty Images

Stephen Curry has become one of the biggest faces for Under Armour's enormous success.

However, Under Armour's signing of Curry may not had happened without the help of current Atlanta Hawks guard Kent Bazemore.

ESPN's Ethan Strauss provided an in-depth look at how Curry left Nike for Under Armour and noted the important role then-Warriors rookie Bazemore played in the heist.

In 2012, when Bazemore joined the Warriors as an undrafted rookie... Читать дальше...


STOCKS AND OIL FALL: Here's what you need to know (DIA, SPX, SPY, QQQ, TLT, IWM, NKE, UA)

Olle Svensson/Flickr

Stocks slipped on Wednesday, the second-to-last day of this four-day holiday-shortened trading week. Oil prices fell about 4% as commodities broadly declined.

First, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 17,502.6, -80, (-0.5%)
  • S&P 500: 2,036.7, -13.1, (-0.6%)
  • Nasdaq: 4,768.9, -52.8, (-1.1%)
  • WTI crude oil: $39.90, -4%

US Economy

In a busy week of housing data for the US economy, Wednesday saw the latest numbers on new home sales cross the tape... Читать дальше...


The creator of 'Grey's Anatomy' and 'Scandal' describes the moment she came into her own as a boss


Shonda Rhimes once almost made a terrible career decision.

Today, Rhimes pretty much owns Thursday-night television, with her hit series "Grey's Anatomy," "Scandal," and "How to Get Away With Murder." Her latest show, "The Catch," premieres Thursday, March 24.

In her 2015 book, "Year of Yes," Rhimes takes readers back to the days when she was casting "Grey's Anatomy" and still somewhat unused to the experience of being the boss.

Rhimes explains that everyone on the... Читать дальше...


A man who spent 5 years studying self-made millionaires found a common daily habit could be keeping you from getting rich

Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty

After studying the daily habits of 177 self-made millionaires over the course of five years, Thomas C. Corley found that they avoid one costly habit: procrastination.

"It prevents even the most talented individuals from realizing success in life," he writes in his upcoming book, "Change Your Habits, Change Your Life."

This goes hand-in-hand with author Napoleon Hill's assertion that the wealthiest people are also the most decisive people.

Out... Читать дальше...


A poll asked voters to describe a Trump administration with a word — 'scared' topped the list

Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

A new poll out Wednesday asked respondents to use one word to describe the potential term of the Democratic and Republican Party presidential frontrunners — and the feedback came back fairly negative.

For GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, the term most associated with his potential presidency was "scared" by a landslide, the Quinnipiac University survey found. A full 117 people used that word.

The next most frequent words used were "disaster" (46)... Читать дальше...


Reports: 2nd suspected suicide bomber at Brussels airport was ISIS bomb maker


Najim Laachraoui, the shadowy ISIS bomb maker thought to be behind the November 13 Paris attacks and Tuesday's explosions in Brussels, was identified by DNA as the second suicide bomber at Zaventem Airport, Le Monde reported on Wednesday.

The Washington Post and Fox News also reported that Laachraoui was the second suspected suicide bomber and is believed to have died in the Tuesday airport attack.

Laachraoui, 24, who was born in Morocco but grew up in Brussels' Schaerbeek neighborhood... Читать дальше...


A shockingly small amount of US adults meet the science-backed criteria for a healthy lifestyle

Lynne Sladky/AP

Next time you're feeling bad about not having all your stuff together, consider this: new research has found that only 2.7% of the US adult population meets all four basic criteria that scientists agree constitutes a 'healthy lifestyle'.

While that might be great news for your self esteem if you're one of the select few, it's pretty terrible in terms of public health.

"The behavior standards we were measuring for were pretty reasonable, not super high," said... Читать дальше...


Amazon says it pays men and women the same

Noah Berger / REUTERS

Amazon.com Inc, under pressure from an activist shareholder to disclose its policies on gender pay equality, said on Wednesday its female employees earned as much as their male counterparts, according to a survey it recently conducted.

The disclosure came as U.S. companies face criticism on the issue of pay equality, especially in the male-dominated technology sector.

The Seattle-based online retailer disclosed the results of its study after pressure from Arjuna Capital... Читать дальше...


Google's new cloud boss: customers actually love us once they try us

Business Insider

At a press conference today, Google's new cloud boss Diane Greene said the company's cloud tech is on par with competitors.

The real challenge is getting the word out.

"We're getting a lot of confidence because the customers that are on us actually love us quite a bit," Greene says.

Google Cloud Platform is the company's entrant in the ongoing cloud race with Amazon and Microsoft, where the tech giants let developers and IT departments rent functionally... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Удмуртия не вошла в число регионов, утвердивших планы адаптации к изменениям климата

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о господдержке многодетных семей

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Последняя ставка. Киев в отчаянии из-за успехов российских сил. Зеленский прибегает к немыслимому способу спастись

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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