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Новости за 29.03.2016


'Al Qaeda has sealed its future': Syria's jihadists may be the biggest winners of Assad's 'victory' at Palmyra

Hosam Katan/Reuters

Pro-regime forces recaptured the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra from ISIS over the weekend, dealing a blow to one of the terrorist group's most strategically and symbolically valuable strongholds in Syria.

But analysts say that the victory, while significant, serves the dual purpose of buying time and legitimacy for embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad as his country enters its fifth year of civil war.

That, in turn, constitutes a significant blow to Syria's revolution ... Читать дальше...


TAKE OUR SURVEY: What technology do you want in your next car?

Matthew DeBord/Business Insider

It's an exciting time to be a car buyer. There's more information out there and there are more choices available than ever before. And improved technology — from automatic crash prevention to driving and repair analytics — is changing how we drive for years to come. 

With so many options, car buyers need to prioritize. What's more important, an improved driving performance, or technology that lets your car drive itself? When you think about buying, how are you doing your research... Читать дальше...


ANALYST: Tesla's Model 3 won't be as cheap as you think — at least at first (TSLA)

Comedy Central

Tesla is days away from the much anticipated unveiling of the prototype of its Model 3 electric vehicle.Ahead of the kick-off, Morgan Stanley auto analyst Adam Jonas outlined expectations for the car.

Jonas is a noted Tesla bull with a target price of $333 per share, while the stock is trading at $230.

Investors are putting a lot of energy into predictions about the Model 3, which — with a list price of $35,000 — is dubbed Tesla's "mass market" vehicle.

In fact... Читать дальше...


Dustin Hoffman reportedly slapped and taunted Meryl Streep on the 'Kramer vs. Kramer' set

Columbia Pictures

In the cover story for Vanity Fair's April issue, readers get an inside look at the making of the Oscar-winning 1979 drama “Kramer vs. Kramer,” and it doesn’t hold back on the on-set drama.

Publishing an excerpt from his upcoming biography, “Her Again: Becoming Meryl Streep,” author Michael Schulman writes about Streep’s grieving as she went into the film. The then-27-year-old had just lost her 41-year-old boyfriend, actor John Cazale, to lung cancer.

The movie would nab five Oscars... Читать дальше...


I've been to almost every fast-food restaurant, and one does it better than the rest

Marina Nazario/Business Insider

I've tried dozens of fast-food restaurants, but Panda Express is my favorite.

Panda Express offers the full package: cheap food, large portions, stellar customer service, and a welcoming atmosphere.

The last time I visited, someone shouted "Welcome to Panda!" when I walked in.

I had to go without Panda Express for a while, as there wasn't a location nearby me in New York City.

But last October, the chain opened a location at 69th Street and First Avenue. Читать дальше...


Astronomers think they’ve spotted something crashing into Jupiter

John McKeon/YouTube

Well, this is seriously quite cool.

Reports are coming in that a number of amateur astronomers have spotted an asteroid or comet slamming into Jupiter.

If confirmed, this would be one of only a handful of recorded impacts ever on the gas giant.

Details are few and far between at the moment.

What we know so far, from videos published online, is that there was a rapid brightening on the limb of Jupiter, which likely came from an impact. 

John McKeon... Читать дальше...


Trader Joe's is reportedly slashing prices

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Trader Joe's (TJ) appears to be slashing prices, which could put new pricing pressure on Whole Foods Market (WFM), according to Deutsche Bank analysts.

They checked the prices on 77 similar items at a New York-based Trader Joe's store and nearby Whole Foods and found that Trader Joe's was about 26% cheaper.

The basket at Trader Joe's was $240 while the one at Whole Foods was $303.

That's a wider price gap than in previous checks, leading analysts... Читать дальше...


My favorite car from the New York Auto Show is an underestimated Italian convertible

William Fierman

They're calling it the "Fiata" — a slight at its Mazda Miata underpinnings. But it might be so much more.

The little Fiat 124 Spider and the sportier Abarth version were hidden away in a corner of the New York Auto Show past a replica of the car from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and a selection from Toyota's soon-to-be-defunct Scion brand.

But the car stole my heart for a few reasons.

It looks better than the Miata; a beloved car that has typified the itty-bitty roadster genre since, well, forever. Читать дальше...


A Cavaliers assistant coach had an alarming quote about the status of the team

Al Bello/Getty

With nine games left in the season, the Cleveland Cavaliers' true test lies ahead.

They've mostly cruised through the regular season, currently 52-21 with a three-game lead for first place in the Eastern Conference.

But if they don't also cruise through the playoffs, then this season will be considered a failure. If they do sail through the first three rounds and make it to the Finals, then the NBA world is anxiously waiting to see how they stack up to the two heavyweights... Читать дальше...


These 11 photos illustrate an Arctic in crisis — and hint at what could be in store for the rest of our planet

Francois Lenoir/REUTERS

News from the frozen north has been very, very bad this week.

Not only is sea ice at record lows since we began tracking its seasonal extent into the Arctic Ocean, but scientists announced that Alaska's Juneau Ice Field could disappear in fewer than 200 years.

After a winter that saw Arctic temperatures average 4 to 11 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, are you really surprised?

The Arctic is changing rapidly. Because of the region's sensitivity... Читать дальше...


Spotify is reportedly raising $1 billion in debt as streaming competition heats up

Andrew Burton/Getty

Spotify is raising $1 billion in debt as streaming competition heats up, according to The Wall Street Journal's Douglas Macmillan, Matt Jarzemsky, and Maureen Farrell.

The round was led by TPG and Dragoneer, and includes "some onerous guarantees," The Journal reports. The deal has reportedly already been signed.

This loan could be converted to stock if Spotify goes public.

Previous reports from Bloomberg and Sky News had indicated that Spotify was... Читать дальше...


Pentagon: F-16 fighter jet crashes in Afghanistan, pilot safe

Staff Sgt. Shawn Nickel / US Air Force

The Pentagon says that an F-16 fighter jet has crashed at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook says the pilot safely ejected and is being evaluated by medical personnel. Cook says the jet crashed during takeoff at the base outside Kabul on Tuesday.

The pilot is part of the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing at Bagram.

NOW WATCH: IAN BREMMER: Greece is headed for a humanitarian disaster


Every weapon Batman uses in the fight against Superman

Warner Bros.

Taking down a superhero? Better bring your A-game. 

Throughout "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," we see Batman use a lot of familiar weapons: the Batmobile, the Batwing, Batarangs, etc. But for his confrontation with Superman, he uses a small set of specially crafted weapons.

Bruce carefully designed this highly specialized arsenal of weapons, with each hoping to exploit one of Superman's weaknesses. 

We won't spoil who comes out the victor, but we... Читать дальше...


10 characteristics of people with high emotional intelligence

Flickr/Thomas Rousing

Why do certain people achieve more success than others?

What is it about how certain people behave and interact, how they are "wired," that drives them to greater success than their peers?

More often than not, it is their emotional intelligence (EQ), their "ability to identify and manage the emotions of themselves and others."

There are critical ways that high achievers with strong emotional intelligence handle their lives, which you can learn from. Читать дальше...


STOCKS RISE, DOLLAR SINKS: Here's what you need to know

Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters

Stocks rallied and the US dollar fell after Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen gave a decidedly dovish speech before the Economic Club of New York on Tuesday. 

First, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 17,633.1, +97.7, (+0.6%)
  • S&P 500: 2,055, +18, (+0.9%)
  • Nasdaq: 4,846.6, +79.8, (+1.7%)
  • WTI crude oil: $38.50, -2.1%

Yellen Speaks

Fed Chair Janet Yellen spoke Tuesday before the Economic Club of New York; the tone of her speech was decidedly dovish. Читать дальше...


10 business-etiquette rules you're probably breaking

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

LinkedIn Influencer Ilya Pozin published this post originally on LinkedIn.

When you think of the word etiquette, you might be imagining a "Miss Manners" book from the 1950s.

Proper business etiquette, however, is about much more than using the right salad fork.

Etiquette might seem old-fashioned, but it's also an essential business tool.

If you're ignoring proper business etiquette, you're doing so at your own peril. Читать дальше...


We saved $1 million by age 30 and quit our jobs to travel the world

Freedom With Bruno / Budgets Are Sexy

We’re a young couple in our early thirties and we just saved up $1,000,000, quit our jobs, and began our journey of financial independence.

We planned our first big adventure: driving from California to Costa Rica. We bought a used 2000 Toyota 4Runner and aptly named him Bruno.

We fixed him up so that we could sleep in the back, then we hit the road to camp and travel our way through Central America!

Freedom With Bruno / Budgets Are... Читать дальше...


THE GLOBAL SMARTPHONE REPORT: The forces behind the global deceleration in smartphone sales

BI Intelligence

The global smartphone market is expected to slow considerably over the next few years. Despite a record-setting holiday quarter, 2015 was likely the last year of double-digit growth for smartphone shipments. 

Mature markets were at the heart of this year’s deceleration. Adoption has reached new highs in key markets in the United States, Europe, and China. The pool of first-time buyers in these countries is shrinking rapidly, and sales are now primarily coming from phone upgrades. Читать дальше...


10 real rejection letters successful people have received

REUTERS/Alessia Pierdomenico

Even the most successful people have to deal with rejection from time to time.

Best-selling author J.K. Rowling recently tweeted that she pinned her first rejection letter to her kitchen wall because it gave her something in common with her favorite writers.

Before her Harry Potter series sold more than 450 million copies, won innumerable awards, was made into a hit movie franchise, and transformed Rowling's life, she lived in a cramped apartment with her daughter... Читать дальше...


Microsoft's HoloLens has a surprising heat problem (MSFT)


The Microsoft HoloLens holographic goggles may not be comfortable to wear for long periods of time, warns game developer David Dedeine in an interview with PC World.

Just like how your laptop may get too hot for your bare skin if you use it long enough, the HoloLens has a processor that can heat up during use, warns Dedeine.

HoloLens is what you call "augmented reality" — a headset that overlays three-dimensional images over the real world.

And unlike virtual... Читать дальше...


This is what it looks like when an ISIS IED factory gets blown to smithereens

RAW Embed

A recently released strike video from the Combined Joint Task Force's Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF OIR) shows US-led coalition warplanes obliterating ISIS (aka Islamic State, ISIL, or Daesh) IED-manufacturing facilities near Mosul, Iraq.

After the initial bombing, secondary explosions continue to rock the facility, possibly from the materials used to make the IEDs. 

"The destruction of Daesh targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the group's ability to project... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

МИД РФ иронично прокомментировал высказывание Шольца о Путине и Канте

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

VII Всебелорусское народное собрание: основные заявления Александра Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

В РПЦ отказались называть причины запрета в служении иерея Сафронова, отпевавшего Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

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