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Новости за 25.03.2016


Oracle Team USA's new America's Cup boat is so fast 'It doesn't quite feel like you're in control'

Oracle Team USA

Oracle Team USA, the defender of the 2017 Americas Cup, the most prestigious sailing race in the world, is making big speed gains in their new boat — setting a new team speed record this week while training in Bermuda.

The team broke 46 knots (or 53 MPH) in their new AC50 yacht, meeting the fastest speeds of the larger AC72 boats from the 2013 cup.

"It doesn't quite feel like your in control," Scott Ferguson, a lead naval architect for Oracle Team USA who was on board at the time, said. Читать дальше...


Uber is trying to recruit engineers by having them play a coding game on the road

Joshua Debner/Twitter with permission

Microsoft engineer Joshua Debner was taking an Uber in Seattle to meet a friend when the new notification popped up on the screen.

Uber wanted to play a game called Code on the Road.

Uber confirmed to Business Insider that it's found a new way to lure engineers to work for the fast-growing startup by testing their coding skills during an Uber ride.

Debner has no idea how the company knew he is an engineer. He has never talked to Uber... Читать дальше...


The majority of California counties have had drinking water violations

Our nation's drinking water is in the midst a serious crisis.

Just look at what's happening in Flint, New Jersey, and North Carolina, where toxic contaminants in the water — such as lead — are being detected at alarming rates.

A new report released March 11 by County Health Rankings confirms that the problem is not just specific to these regions, but is spread across the US. In fact, counties in nearly every state across the country have had some sort of drinking water violation in recent years — including California. Читать дальше...


7 smart things you can do for your money before you leave for work in the morning

Flickr/Loren Kerns

Mornings can be a magical time, if you let them.

Of course hitting the snooze button repeatedly and rushing around like crazy to find your other sock before running out the door is probably not going to be a situation that lends itself to productivity.

On the other hand, if you’re the type of person who makes it a point to get a good night’s sleep, gets up at the same time every morning and accounts for a little bit of leisurely time before heading out the door... Читать дальше...


CNN segment goes off the rails when guest brings up National Enquirer's Ted Cruz story


A CNN segment got awkward Friday after a Donald Trump supporter floated the idea that her fellow panelist is one of the women rumored to have had alleged affairs with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, as reported in The National Enquirer.

Amanda Carpenter, who once served as communications director for Cruz in the Senate, immediately pushed back against the unverified report after Boston Herald columnist and Trump supporter Adriana Cohen mentioned it on air.

The National... Читать дальше...


Celebrity chef Robert Irvine explains the top 5 reasons most restaurants fail

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

Over the past five years, chef Robert Irvine has tried reviving 135 failing restaurants across America for the Food Network show "Restaurant: Impossible," now at the start of its 13th season.

Of these, 82, or 61%, have closed after their makeovers, according to the blog Food Network Gossip.

But that's actually not that bad of a statistic, since these restaurants were so poorly managed that Irvine and his team only took the job if there was essentially a 100% chance of imminent failure. Читать дальше...


My credit card was stolen, but I found out right away thanks to Apple Pay (AAPL)


I already love Apple Pay, Apple's mobile payment service, because it's the easiest way to pay for things. I use it wherever it's accepted, and suggest you give it a shot if you haven't.

But I have a newfound appreciation for it because it recently saved me a lot of time, hassle, stress, and maybe even money.

For those who haven't used Apple Pay: each time one of the credit cards that's associated with Apple Pay is used, you instantly get a notification on your phone showing... Читать дальше...


US extends $10 million contract for a missile that disables electronics

Senior Airman Kristoffer Kaubisch or Senior Airman Andrew Crawford

The US just extended a $10 million contract to defense contractor Raytheon to equip Boeing AGM-86B air-launched cruise missiles with a Counter-electronics High-power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) payloads.

These payloads, according to IHS Jane's, will enable the missiles to disable enemy electronics during flight.

Missiles equipped with the CHAMP technology can fire microwave pulses at multistory... Читать дальше...


Apple is seeking a delay in a court case concerning another locked iPhone until the DOJ makes its next move in the San Bernardino (AAPL)


Apple has requested a delay in the hearing schedule for the New York court case over a locked iPhone, in light of the fact that the government is currently evaluating a possible way to unlock the iPhone in the separate but related San Bernardino iPhone encryption case.

The cases have a connection because the government is invoking the 18th-century All Writs Act in order to compel Apple to help it unlock an iPhone. In the New York case — which involves a person who was indicted... Читать дальше...


Microsoft apologizes for its racist chatbot's 'wildly inappropriate and reprehensible words' (MSFT)


Microsoft apologized for racist and "reprehensible" tweets made by its chatbot and promised to keep the bot offline until the company is better prepared to counter malicious efforts to corrupt the bot's artificial intelligence.

In a blog entry on Friday, Microsoft Research head Peter Lee expressed regret for the conduct of its AI chatbot, named Tay, explaining that the bot fell victim to a "coordinated attack by a subset of people."

"We are deeply sorry for the unintended offensive and hurtful tweets from Tay... Читать дальше...


A 24-year-old Tesla engineer lived in a van for 5 months and paid off his $14,000 of student loans

Jason Roesslein

A year and a half ago, 24-year-old Jason Roesslein headed from Illinois to the Bay Area to start work as an engineer for Tesla Motors.

He lived with a roommate for a few months, but found it frustrating shelling out $1,250 for rent each month.

"That was supposed to be a temporary situation until I figured out where I really wanted to live," Roesslein told Business Insider. "As I got further and further along in my thinking, I decided that I would try to live in a van... Читать дальше...


A crazy scandal at HubSpot involved 'email hacking' and 'extortion,' according to FBI documents

Dan Lyons

An FBI investigation into marketing-tech company HubSpot reveals alleged "email hacking" and "extortion," according to documents seen by Business Insider.

These are new details involving attempts by people no longer with the company to obtain a manuscript of a book about the company.

To recap: Last summer, HubSpot's chief marketing officer, Mike Volpe, was "terminated for cause," content VP Joe Chernof "resigned before the Company could determine whether to terminate... Читать дальше...


8 foods and drinks that look vegetarian but may use animal products

Paul McErlane/Reuters

Vegetarian and vegan drinkers, rejoice: By the end of this year, Guinness has said it will no longer use fish bladders to make its 256-year-old stout.

At issue is isinglass, a gelatin-like substance derived from the fish that helps filter the beer.

Guinness is certainly not alone in using animals in its product line, though.

Countless other companies rely on a dizzying variety of animal ingredients to manufacture their foods and beverages.

Here's a list of the most common ... Читать дальше...


A former McKinsey partner says a 5-minute exercise every Friday can make you more successful at work

Caroline Webb

Not all of your work accomplishments will be recognized, and it can be awkward trying to draw attention to those that went unnoticed.

But there's a simple weekly exercise that can help you win more recognition in the workplace, even if you have an aversion to office politics, says Sevenshift CEO, McKinsey senior adviser, and former McKinsey partner Caroline Webb.

Her new book, "How to Have a Good Day," is a collection of career best practices she's learned in her 16 years as a consultant. Читать дальше...


A Gamergate victim explains why some social networks are worse for harassment than others


If you're a woman, the Internet can be a dangerous place.

One in seven women — and one in four women under 30 — have faced threats of physical violence, revenge porn, or hate speech online, according to a new survey.

"Tech companies are blind to this," says Brianna Wu, the co-founder of Giant Spacekat, a software company that makes games with female protagonists. Wu is one of the many victims of Gamergate, the misguided movement by men who want to keep women out of gaming. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: 9 мая в Москве еще будет кружить снег

Путин в России и мире

Посвященную инаугурации Путина марку начали продавать в главпочтамте Москвы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Минск не будет рисовать никаких линий, мгновенно ответит на агрессию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Балерина Анастасия Волочкова села на шпагат на Мальдивах


Ветераны Безенчукского отделения провели выставку в честь Дня Победы

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