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Новости за 25.07.2023

Times Union 

Block on Iowa's strict abortion law can be appealed, state Supreme Court says

The Iowa Supreme Court says Gov. Kim Reynolds can appeal a temporary block on the state’s restrictive abortion law. Reynolds announced her intentions to appeal last week and said it was “just a matter of time” before lawyers for the state filed the request. The state high court had to say whether the request could move forward. The Republican-controlled Legislature in July approved the measure to ban most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy. The law went into effect days later but the ACLU and others sued... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

NASA power outage temporarily halts contact with space station

A NASA power outage has disrupted communication between Mission Control and the International Space Station. Mission Control couldn't send commands to the station and talk with the seven astronauts in orbit on Tuesday morning. NASA officials say the astronauts were never in any danger and that backup systems in Houston took over within 90 minutes. They say the power outage was confined to the Houston center and that the station continued to operate just fine. It's the first time NASA has had to fire up these backup systems. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

UPS reaches tentative contract with 340,000 unionized workers potentially dodging calamitous strike

UPS has reached a contract agreement with its 340,000-person strong union Tuesday, averting a strike that had the potential to disrupt logistics nationwide for businesses and households alike. The Teamsters called the tentative agreement “historic” and “overwhelmingly lucrative.” The agreement includes a provision to increase starting pay for part-time workers, which had been a sticking point in the negotiations. The two sides reached a tentative agreement early on safety issues, including equipping more trucks with air conditioning equipment. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Gynecologist accused of sexually abusing over 200 patients is sentenced to 20 years in prison

A gynecologist who sexually abused vulnerable and trusting patients for over two decades at prestigious New York hospitals has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. The sentence for Robert Hadden was a measure of vindication for hundreds of former patients who accused the doctor of molesting them during examinations but saw an earlier prosecution end with a plea bargain that spared him from jail. The former doctor cried Tuesday as he said he was very sorry for the pain he had caused. Authorities... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Abortion rights amendment cleared for Ohio’s November ballot, promising expensive fight this fall

A proposed constitutional amendment guaranteeing access to abortion made Ohio’s fall ballot Tuesday, setting up what promises to be a volatile and expensive fight rife with emotional messaging and competing factual claims. The ballot measure would establish “a fundamental right to reproductive freedom” with “reasonable limits.” In language similar to a constitutional amendment that Michigan voters approved last November, it would require restrictions imposed past a fetus’ viability outside the womb... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Engines on some Airbus jets with Pratt & Whitney engines will need to be removed and inspected

Some Airbus passenger jets will need to have their engines removed and inspected in the coming months because engine maker Pratt & Whitney is finding a problem with metal powder used in some parts. Pratt and Whitney parent RTX Corp. reported the issue on Tuesday. RTX shares are dropping. Pratt & Whitney says a “rare condition” in powder metal used to make some parts means the engines will have to be inspected more quickly than the company originally thought. The engine involved is most often used to power the Airbus A320neo... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

DeSantis is unhurt in a car accident in Tennessee while traveling to presidential campaign events

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been involved in a multi-car accident in Tennessee but was uninjured while traveling in a motorcade to a campaign stop for his 2024 presidential bid. The chain-reaction crash happened Tuesday on Interstate 75 in Chattanooga. Police say traffic slowed, causing four cars in the motorcade to hit one another. Police say all the vehicles involved in the crash were government vehicles taking DeSantis and his team to his scheduled event. Police and DeSantis' campaign spokesperson... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

A Russian fighter jet fired flares at a US drone over Syria and damaged it, the US military says

The U.S. military says a Russian fighter jet flew close to a U.S. drone over Syria and fired flares at it, striking the American aircraft and damaging it. An Air Force commander says Sunday's incident was an attempt by the Russians to knock the drone from the sky. It's the latest in a string of aggressive intercepts by Russia in the region. The head of U.S. Air Forces Central said Tuesday the Russian aircraft came within a few meters of the U.S. drone. The encounter comes a week after a Russian fighter... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Defense wants Pittsburgh synagogue shooter's long-dead father exhumed to prove paternity

Lawyers for the gunman who killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue have requested a court order to exhume the body of his long-dead father. Robert Bowers’ lawyers said Tuesday that they want the body exhumed for a DNA test after federal prosecutors raised questions about paternity. Bowers has already been convicted in the 2018 massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue. A federal jury now has to decide whether to sentence him to death or life in prison without parole. The defense is trying to show... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

General Motors Q2 profit up 52% on strong sales, company confirms new Chevy Bolt EV is coming

General Motors posted $2.54 billion in second-quarter net income, a 52% increase over a year ago. The Detroit automaker said continued strong vehicle sales and pricing, as well as cost cuts, led to the better-than-expected quarter. The company on Tuesday raised its full-year financial guidance with one qualification: that it can negotiate union labor contracts without a strike. Discounts and inventory remained flat as the company sold 19% more vehicles than a year ago in the U.S. GM raised its full-year guidance... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

911 workers say centers are understaffed, struggling to hire and plagued by burnout

Emergency call center workers say their centers are understaffed, struggling to fill vacancies and plagued by worker burnout. A nationwide survey released Tuesday that was conducted by the National Emergency Number Association in conjunction with Carbyne, a cloud technology company that focuses on emergency services, polled about 850 workers from 911 call centers across the country to find many were experiencing burnout, handling more frequent call surges and felt undertrained for things like active shooter situations. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Venice Film Festival unveils A-list lineup with ‘Priscilla,’ ‘Ferrari,’ ‘Maestro’ amid strikes

Bradley Cooper’s Leonard Bernstein drama “Maestro,” Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla Presley movie, Michael Mann’s “Ferrari,” David Fincher’s “The Killer” and Ava DuVernay’s “Origin” will be making their world debuts at the Venice International Film Festival this fall. Organizers announced the lineup Tuesday for the 80th edition of the festival, which despite the flashy names in the films could have a little less Hollywood glamour than usual gracing its picturesque docks and red carpet come September if the actors strike stretches on into September. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

First Lady Jill Biden to mark US reentry into UNESCO with flag-raising ceremony in Paris

United States First Lady Jill Biden is in Paris to attend a flag-raising ceremony at UNESCO, marking the United States’ official reentry into the United Nations’ educational, scientific and cultural organization after a five-year hiatus. Biden will also make remarks about the importance of American leadership in preserving cultural heritage and empowering education and science across the globe. The U.S. had announced its intention to rejoin UNESCO in June, and the organization’s 193 member states... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Asian markets follow Wall St up after Chinese promise to support economy

Asian stock markets have followed Wall Street higher after China’s ruling Communist Party promised to shore up its sagging economy ahead of a Federal Reserve meeting that traders hope will announce this interest rate cycle’s final increase. Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seoul and Sydney advanced. Tokyo declined. Oil prices rose. The Chinese ruling party promised measures to boost economic growth by supporting real estate sales and other struggling sectors but gave no details and didn’t mention possible stimulus spending. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Permafrost expert and military pilot among 4 killed in a helicopter crash on Alaska's North Slope

Friends and family are remembering the three passengers and pilot killed when a helicopter crashed on Alaska's remote North Slope late last week. Among those killed were a respected scientist who was adept at ice carving, a North Dakota native who became so smitten with Alaska during an internship that he immediately threw his belongings in his car to return, a recent University of Indiana graduate who came to Alaska for hands-on experience of geological practices, and a pilot who gave up a long... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Study finds climate change fingerprints on July heat waves in Europe, China and America

Climate change’s sweaty fingerprints are all over the July heat waves gripping much of the globe. A new study finds these intense and deadly hot spells in the American Southwest and Southern Europe could not have occurred without it. Tuesday's study finds the increase in heat-trapping gases from the burning of fossil fuels has made a third simultaneous heat wave — one in China — 50 times more likely. An ever-warming world also made the European heat wave 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit hotter, the one in... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

For Emmett Till's family, national monument proclamation cements his inclusion in the American story

President Joe Biden is expected to sign a proclamation on Tuesday that establishes a national monument honoring Emmett Till, the Black teenager from Chicago whose abduction, torture and killing in Mississippi in 1955 helped propel the civil rights movement. The Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument, located across three sites in Illinois and Mississippi, will be federally protected places. Till’s family members, along with a national organization seeking to preserve Black cultural heritage sites... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Nashville school shooter's writings reignite debate over releasing material written by mass killers

In Tennessee, a request for police to release a school shooter’s private writings has morphed into a complex multiparty legal fight. With no national standard over how to treat such records, both sides claim their position is in the public interest. One one side, the parents of traumatized students want the writings kept secret. They say the release will inspire copycats. On the other side, a coalition of local news outlets, nonprofits, and a Republican lawmaker want the writings released. They say... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Israeli doctors reveal Netanyahu's chronic heart problem only after implanting pacemaker

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s current medical crisis reveals that he has suffered from an irregular heartbeat for years. It’s news to Israelis that their longest-serving prime minister has been dealing with a chronic health problem. The revelations come as mass protests roil Israel over the Netanyahu government's contentious plan to pass a law Monday limiting judicial power. The belated disclosures have stoked anger over the misleading nature of information provided by authorities and... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Luxury group LVMH joins top-tier French sponsors of the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics

The world’s biggest luxury group, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, has announced a sponsorship deal with the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics. Antoine Arnault, one of the heirs to the LVMH empire, confirmed the deal during a news conference Monday with International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and France’s sports minister. LVMH's collaboration with the Games will include company brands like Louis Vuitton, Dior and Moet Hennessy. Prestigious jeweler Chaumet will design the medals for the Summer Games... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

In 'Barbie,' 'Oppenheimer' smash success, audiences send message to Hollywood: Give us something new

In the massive movie weekend of “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer,” there were many winners. But one of the most important triumphs in the moviegoing monsoon of “Barbenheimer” was originality. Here are two movies that are neither sequels nor reboots pushing the box office to highs not seen in years. “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” became a meme because of their worlds-apart differences, but they are each indelibly the work of those filmmakers. Hollywood’s biggest zeitgeist in years was propelled by a pair of movies without a roman numeral... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Как выехать с ВДНХ после бесплатной зарядки электромобиля: инструкция

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил рассмотреть увеличение выплаты по программе "Земский учитель"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Цифры ⟩ Граждане Эстонии чаще других жителей ЕС ездят в Беларусь, сообщают в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Пинчук

Презентация книги с необычным названием прошла в Крыму


Росгвардейцы задержали в Москве вооруженного топором и ножом неадекватного мужчину

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