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Новости за 14.03.2023

Times Union 

Iditarod co-founder's grandson Ryan Redington wins dog race

Ryan Redington has won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, which his grandfather helped co-found. Redington’s dog team pulled him down Nome’s main street Tuesday morning, sliding him under the iconic burled arch finish line. The 40-year-old Redington will pocket about $50,000 for the win. Redington’s grandfather, Joe Redington Sr., helped start the Iditarod, which had its first race in 1973. Ryan Redington, who is Inupiat, becomes the sixth Alaska Native musher to win the world’s most famous sled dog race. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

US Rep. Santos files paperwork for possible reelection bid

Embattled U.S. Rep. George Santos of New York has filed paperwork indicating his intent to run for reelection, even as he faces calls to resign. The congressman is facing ongoing criminal and ethics investigations surrounding his successful congressional campaign and much of his personal life. Tuesday's filing with the Federal Election Commission does not mean that he will run for a second term. But it allows his campaign committees to continue raising money to pay for election debts and to possibly... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Wall Street climbs as some beaten-down bank stocks recover

Stocks closed higher on Wall Street as some of the most breathtaking moves from a manic Monday reversed course. The S&P 500 rose 1.7% Tuesday after a report showed inflation is still high, though no more than expected. The Nasdaq composite rose 2.1% and the Dow Jones Industrial Average added 1.1%. Several bank stocks bounced back, recovering some of their plunges from a day earlier caused by worries that customers could yank out their cash in the wake of two bank failures. Treasury yields rose sharply... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

New atmospheric river pushes into swamped California

Forecasters are warning of more flooding and potentially damaging winds as a new atmospheric river pushes into a swamped California. Tuesday's storm brought potentially damaging winds with gusts up to 70 miles per hour. There were also numerous reports of falling trees and power outages. Nearly 27,000 people are under evacuation orders statewide due to flooding and landslide risks. The National Weather Service says the storm is spreading light-to-moderate rain over northern and central California... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

NASA Webb telescope captures star on cusp of death

The Webb Space Telescope has captured the rare and fleeting phase of a star on the cusp of death. NASA released the picture Tuesday at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas. The observation was among the first made by Webb following its launch in late 2021. Its infrared eyes observed all the gas and dust flung into space by a huge, hot star 15,000 light-years away. Such a transformation occurs only with some stars and normally is the last step before they explode, going supernova. Astrophysicists... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

HBO's 'The Last of Us' season finale draws in a series high

“The Last of Us” fans set another rating high with the season one finale of the apocalyptic, mushroom-infected zombie video game adaptation. Despite airing against the Oscars Sunday night, HBO said the finale drew in 8.2 million viewers. Viewership for “The Last of Us” has consistently grown throughout the season. The series has not only won over gamers with high expectations but also critics and people who aren’t familiar with the game. The series premiere drew 4.7 million viewers in the U.S., based on Nielsen and HBO data... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Former Rep. Pat Schroeder, pioneer for women's rights, dies

A pioneer for women’s and family rights in Congress, former Colorado Rep. Pat Schroeder, has died at the age of 82. Schroeder’s former press secretary says Schroeder suffered a stroke recently and died Monday night at a hospital in Florida, the state where she had been residing. Schroeder was the first woman elected to Congress from Colorado, and she went on to serve 12 terms. She became one of the most influential Democrats for two decades but never chaired a major committee. Schroeder was best known for getting a family leave bill passed... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Swedish leader: Finland likely to join NATO before Sweden

Sweden’s prime minister has acknowledged that it is likely that neighbor Finland will join NATO before his country does, due to Turkey’s opposition to the Swedish bid. Ulf Kristersson said during a news conference in Stockholm on Tuesday that it has been clear since last year that Finland’s road into membership has been smoother than Sweden’s. Turkey accuses both nations, but particularly Sweden, of being too soft on groups it deems to be terror organizations or existential threats to Turkey, including Kurdish groups. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Oprah Winfrey reflects on book club, announces 100th pick

The Oprah Winfrey book club has reached 100 picks. On Tuesday, Winfrey announced that she had chosen Ann Napolitano’s “Hello Beautiful” as the milestone pick. Winfrey reflected on the journey her book club has taken in a recent interview with The Associated Press. She says she has relied on the same instincts from the start, and it's always a sign that “there's something powerful and moving” when she doesn't move on. Since 1996, her book choices have set her on a journey of extraordinary influence and success... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

US inflation eases but stays high, putting Fed in tough spot

U.S. consumer price increases eased slightly from January to February but still pointed to an elevated inflation rate that is posing a challenge for the Federal Reserve at a delicate moment for the financial system. The government said Tuesday that prices increased 0.4% last month, just below January’s 0.5% rise. Yet excluding volatile food and energy costs, so-called core prices rose 0.5% in February, slightly above January’s 0.4% gain. The Fed pays particular attention to the core measure as a gauge of underlying inflation pressures.

Times Union 

Biden's test: Can he show competence to avert banking chaos?

President Joe Biden is confronting a significant challenge as his administration grapples with the fallout from the second- and third-largest bank failures in history. He's doing so amid significant stakes for both the U.S. economy and his political future. Privately, Biden has been adamant that the government’s intervention would not be like that of 2008, when Congress authorized billions in taxpayer cash to rescue banks deemed too big to fail, a senior White House official says. But officials knew they had to act... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Asian shares extend losses as US banking worries persist

Asian shares have fallen as investors around the world watch to see what's next following the second- and third-largest bank failures in U.S. history. Benchmarks declined across the region. Oil prices also fell. U.S. futures turned higher. In Asia, direct exposure to the risks from the U.S. failures appeared slim, at least so far. Still, share prices for Japanese banks were sharply lower. MUFG fell 8.6%, Mizuho sank 7.1% and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group's shares dropped 7.6%. On Wall Street, bank... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Las Vegas water agency seeks power to limit residential use

Nevada lawmakers are considering a significant shift in water use for Las Vegas, one of the driest major metropolitan areas in the U.S. The water agency managing the city's Colorado River water supply is seeking authority to limit what comes out of residents' taps. Democratic Assemblyman Howard Watts of Las Vegas says a sweeping omnibus bill under consideration is a worst-case scenario plan to ensure drinking water, basic health and safety are prioritized during dire times. The bill would give the... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Lula meets with Indigenous in Brazil's Amazon, pledges lands

On his first trip to Indigenous land in the Amazon rainforest since taking office, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has expressed support for the creation of new territories for those communities. Yet Lula stopped short on Monday of actually announcing any new designations that are much anticipated by Indigenous people and rights activists. Many have been disappointed that didn't happen in the first 30 days of Lula's administration. which began Jan. 1. Doing so would mark a sharp change... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

California court rules for Uber, Lyft in ride-hailing case

A California appeals court has ruled companies like Uber and Lyft do not have to treat their drivers as employees. The ruling means app-based ride hailing and delivery companies do not have to provide certain worker protections and benefits. The state Legislature passed a law in 2019 requiring these companies to treat their drivers as employees. Companies like Uber and Lyft spent $200 million in 2020 on a campaign to convince voters to exempt them from that law. Voters agreed. In 2021 a state judge... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden OKs Alaska oil project, draws ire of environmentalists

The Biden administration is approving a major oil-drilling project on Alaska’s petroleum-rich North Slope. The decision, announced Monday, is one of President Joe Biden’s most significant climate moves, and it brought quick condemnation from environmentalists who said it flies in the face of the Democratic president’s pledges. Climate activists say allowing oil company ConocoPhillips to move forward with the Willow drilling plan breaks Biden’s campaign promise to stop new oil drilling on public lands. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Haley wants entitlement program changes for younger people

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is proposing changes to entitlement programs for younger generations, opening the door to potential cuts to Social Security and Medicare if elected. At a campaign rally Monday in South Carolina, Haley promised not to touch the benefits of older people who retired with certain guarantees of a financial future. But she said her children, both in their 20s, are part of the generation for whom benefits should be altered. Both Democrats and Republicans have... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Bill to legalize sports wagering clears Kentucky House

A bill to legalize sports betting in Kentucky has won House passage. The vote Monday sets up a Senate showdown on a proposal that creates divisions among the Republican supermajorities in the Bluegrass State. Past efforts to legalize sports wagering in Kentucky garnered House support but died in the Senate. It’s a reflection of how divisive gambling is in the state that’s home to Churchill Downs in Louisville, where the Kentucky Derby is run. Supporters said it’s time for Kentucky to accept a form of wagering available in most bordering states.

Times Union 

7 killed in capsized San Diego boats were Mexican migrants

Mexican officials say at least seven of eight people killed when two boats capsized in shallow but turbulent surf off the San Diego coast were Mexican migrants. The Mexican consulate in San Diego said Monday that preliminary identification was based on records migrants carried when bodies were recovered. The nationality of the eighth person was unknown. The Coast Guard suspended its search for remains on Sunday. Survivors may have escaped on land, including a passenger who called 911. Authorities do not know that passenger's whereabouts.

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Экология в России и мире

Животных для Красной книги Москвы выберет нейросеть

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт Лолиты в Ростове отменён


Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность спортивно-массовых мероприятий в Кузбассе

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