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Новости за 03.03.2023

Times Union 

Mexico wanted 1st degree murder charges for Arizona rancher

A Mexican official says her government thought Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly should have faced first-degree murder charges for allegedly killing a Mexican migrant. Mexico's head of consular protection Vanessa Calva said Friday Mexico had told U.S. prosecutors that it thought first-degree charges more accurately described the circumstances in which migrant Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea was killed at the ranch on Jan. 30. An Arizona Justice of the Peace ruled last week that Kelly should face trial on charges... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Saint Rose men's basketball coach: 'It's time to rebuild'

Perno acknowledged roster turnover is needed after a season in which the Golden Knights went 9-20 overall, 3-17 in the Northeast-10 Conference. They lost at Southern Connecticut in the first round of the league tournament.

Times Union 

Amazon pauses construction on second headquarter in Virginia

Amazon is pausing construction of its second headquarters in Virginia following the biggest round of layoffs in the company’s history and shifting landscape of remote work. Amazon’s real estate chief John Schoettler said in a statement the Seattle-based company is delaying the beginning of construction of PenPlace, the second phase of its headquarters development in Northern Virginia. He says the company has already hired more than 8,000 employees and will welcome them to the Met Park campus, the first phase of development... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Abortion clinics crossing state borders not always welcome

Residents in southwestern Virginia have battled for months over whether abortion clinics limited by strict laws in other states should be allowed to hop over the border and operate there. The conflict is not unique to this area. Similar disputes have broken out across the country following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in June to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision establishing a constitutional right to abortion. Moving clinics into communities just over state lines is intended to help women avoid traveling long distances. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

In dry West, farmers balk at idling land to save water

With drought, climate change and overuse of the Colorado River leading to increasingly dire conditions in the West, the federal Bureau of Reclamation is looking at fallowing as a way to cut water use. That means idling farmland, with payments to major users to make it worthwhile. That has farmers primarily in California's Imperial Valley and Arizona's Yuma Valley weighing the possibility. Many are reluctant. They say it threatens economic harm not just to them but also to rural communities reliant on farming as an economic engine. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

China accuses US of attacking companies after export curbs

China has accused Washington of improperly attacking Chinese companies after genetics analysis giant BGI Group and 17 others were hit with curbs on access to U.S. technology on security or human rights grounds. The Commerce Department said it saw a danger that two BGI units might contribute to the government’s surveillance apparatus. Human rights groups say Beijing is trying to create a database of genetic samples that Muslims and other minorities were compelled to provide. BGI has previously denied... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Global stocks follow Wall St higher on interest rate hopes

Global stock markets are higher after a Federal Reserve official raised hopes the U.S. central bank might not step up its anti-inflation fight as much as feared. London, Shanghai, Frankfurt and Tokyo advanced. Oil prices were little changed. Wall Street rose Thursday for the first time in three days after the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta expressed support for raising the Fed’s benchmark lending rate less than many investors are forecasting. Bostic said the Fed might be able to pause additional rate increases by mid-year. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Need a Lenten fish fry? Let an interactive map point the way

The Lenten fish fry is a popular tradition in many Catholic communities. In Pittsburgh and the towns around it, people looking for fish fries between Ash Wednesday and Easter have a very modern tool to find their fish fix — an interactive map. It's done by volunteer coders who want to foster community engagement, and it points the way to fish fries at churches, in fire halls and in restaurants. For western Pennsylvania, it represents a mashup of a tradition that many hold dear and the technological... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Tornadoes, power outages as storm crosses Texas, Louisiana

Tornadoes touched down in Texas and Louisiana as a powerful storm system that dumped snow in California moved eastward. Wind gusts of over 70 mph were reported in Texas on Thursday evening, and National Weather Service teams planned to head out Friday to survey areas for likely tornado damage in the storms path that stretched from southeast Oklahoma into Texas and neighboring Arkansas and Louisiana. More than 310,000 utility customers in Texas had no electricity as of Thursday evening. The Dallas... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Siena men's basketball comes up short on Senior Night

The Saints (17-13 overall, 11-8 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference) lost their fourth straight game and their sixth in their past eight contests. Entering Saturday's regular-season finale at Saint Peter's, Siena still hasn't clinched a first-round bye in next week's league tournament in Atlantic City, N.J.

Times Union 

Detectives seek motive in fatal California school stabbing

Detectives in a Northern California community are investigating what prompted a Wednesday fight between three high school students that ended with one fatally stabbing another. A 15-year-old freshman has been booked on suspicion of homicide and other charges in connection with the stabbings at a high school in Santa Rosa, California. A 16-year-old student was killed and other injured. The school remained closed on Thursday and the principal called it the altercation the “darkest day” in the school's history. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Householder's claims questioned as corruption testimony ends

Prosecutors have used the former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder’s own speeches, photographs and conversations against him as they seek to unravel the Republican’s denials of key elements of the secretly funded $60 million racketeering scheme they allege he carried out on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. Householder and co-defendant Matt Borges rested their cases in the pair's corruption trial in U.S. District Court Thursday, as did the government. That sends the state’s largest corruption trial into closing statements Tuesday. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Angry Ohio residents confront railroad over health fears

Residents are saying they’re still suffering from illnesses nearly a month after a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in Ohio. They confronted the railroad’s operator Thursday at a town forum. Some demanded to know whether they’d be relocated from homes they’re afraid to live in. The railroad announced it was ready to begin moving more contaminated soil from underneath the tracks. But it says buying homes and moving people out of East Palestine hasn’t been discussed. The U.S. Environmental Protection... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

New Mexico teen pleads no contest in fatal school shooting

A 14-year-old New Mexico boy accused of shooting and killing a classmate in 2021 has pleaded no contest to a charge of second-degree murder. Prosecutors announced Thursday that the boy will remain in state custody until he's 21, the maximum sentence allowed for a child under New Mexico law. The boy was initially charged with an open count of murder and unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on school premises. The shooter opened fire at the start of the school year at a middle school near downtown Albuquerque. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Firefighters battle blaze in Hong Kong shopping district

Hong Kong firefighters are battling a blaze that broke out at a construction site in a popular shopping district. The fire forced around 130 people to evacuate nearby buildings. The fire erupted at the Mariners' Club redevelopment project at 11 p.m. Thursday in the densely populated Tsim Sha Tsui district in Kowloon. Multiple floors were still on fire as dawn broke, but the blaze was less serious compared to hours earlier. No casualties have been reported, and crowds of onlookers gathered on the street to watch the fire during the night. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

DeSantis takes aim at prosecutor after TV crew attack

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office has asked for records from a state attorney regarding a suspect in the fatal shootings last week of a TV reporter, a 9-year-old girl and a woman. The request is leading to speculation that he is poised to remove a second Democratic state prosecutor. DeSantis’ general counsel earlier this week sent a letter to State Attorney Monique Worrell about prior arrests and prosecution decisions for the 19-year-old suspect. DeSantis last year removed Andrew Warren, a Tampa prosecutor... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Obstetrician appeals decision over Arizona abortion law

The medical director of anti-abortion pregnancy centers is asking the Arizona Supreme Court to review a lower court's decision on abortion. The decision concluded abortion doctors couldn’t be prosecuted under a pre-statehood law. The law bans the procedure in nearly all cases. Dr. Eric Hazelrigg is seeking to reverse the ruling that said doctors couldn’t be charged for performing abortions in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy. Hazelrigg argues other laws passed over the years allow doctors to perform the procedure. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

As Tennessee, others target drag shows, many wonder: Why?

Tennessee’s Republican governor has signed legislation that bans drag shows from taking place in public or in front of children. Other states are considering similar bills, but none has acted as fast as Tennessee. Across the country, conservative activists and politicians complain that drag shows contribute to the “sexualization” or “grooming” of children. The protestations have arisen fairly suddenly around a form of entertainment that has long had a place on the mainstream American stage. One academic... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

Путин в России и мире

Путин поприветствовал участников форума «Российская энергетическая неделя — 2024»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Арутюнов

Премьера трека от финалиста шоу “Голос” Сергея АРУТЮНОВА “Тучи” состоялась на Русском Радио. Выпуск трека приурочен к выходу трибьют-альбома группы “Иванушки International” в честь их 30-летия


РТРС предупредила о возможных помехах на телеэкранах в сентябре и октябре

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