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Новости за 29.07.2016


The Latest: Crews make progress on Southern California fire

BIG SUR, Calif. — The Latest on wildfires burning in the West (all times local): 7:52 a.m. Firefighters are making significant progress against a fire that scorched nearly 61 square miles in northern Los Angeles County. The fire command says the blaze is 85 percent contained Friday, eight days after it broke out in a


Sweden releases man wanted by Russia on terror-related crime

STOCKHOLM — Swedish prosecutors have released a 36-year-old man who was arrested at Stockholm’s airport on a Russian warrant as he was about to leave Sweden. Prosecutor Ronnie Jacobsson initially said the man was suspected of terror-related crimes in Russia but later released him after questioning. In a statement, Jacobsson said there were no grounds


Building his brand: rapper Nas ventures into filmmaking

ATLANTA — Nas, one of music’s most revered lyricists and story tellers, is taking his talents into filmmaking. The rapper has traded performing onstage to work behind-the-scenes as an executive producer on projects including Netflix’s “The Get Down” and IFC Films’ “The Land,” which opens in New York and Los Angeles on Friday. Nas said


Police: McDonald’s worker fired for refusing officer service

BRENHAM, Texas — Police in suburban Houston say a McDonald’s worker has been fired for refusing to serve an officer. Brenham Police Chief Craig Goodman says in a Facebook post that “one of our employees, who was off duty with his family, was refused service at a local restaurant simply for being a Police Officer.”


Stocks slightly higher as oil prices reverse decline

NEW YORK — Stocks are mostly higher in afternoon trading Friday, as investors worked through another mixed batch of corporate earnings, this time from positive results from Google’s parent company Alphabet and Amazon, and disappointing results from oil giants Chevron and Exxon Mobil. The Bank of Japan disappointed investors with stimulus plans that didn’t go


Tribunal orders Chad ex-ruler to pay millions to victims

DAKAR, Senegal — A tribunal ordered Chad’s ex-dictator Hissene Habre on Friday to pay more than 4,700 victims at least $17,000 each for abuses suffered during his time in power. The Extraordinary African Chambers in Senegal found Habre guilty and sentenced him to life imprisonment on May 30 for crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture


Dolphins’ Jordan reinstated by NFL after sitting out 2015

DAVIE, Fla. — Miami Dolphins defensive end Dion Jordan’s suspension ended just as training camp began. Jordan was reinstated by the NFL on a conditional basis after sitting out last season for his latest violation of the league’s substance abuse policy. Commissioner Roger Goodell notified Jordan on Friday, when the Dolphins held their first practice.


Baz Luhrmann examines early hip-hop in Netflix series

NEW YORK — As Baz Luhrmann walks on set for the press day of his first television series, “The Get Down,” he can’t separate his professional self from his personal self and settles in by directing his own interview. Ever so apologetically, he makes suggestions to the crew and even asks for a monitor to


Rabbi was behind meeting between pope, Polish rescuers

WARSAW, Poland — Pope Francis’ visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau on Friday included an encounter with 25 Christian Poles who rescued Jews during the Holocaust — a powerfully symbolic meeting that Poland’s chief rabbi played a key role in orchestrating. Rabbi Michael Schudrich, a native of New York City whose grandparents all immigrated from Poland, had long


Philippine president gives rebels deadline to declare truce

MANILA, Philippines — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday gave communist guerrillas an ultimatum to declare their readiness to match his truce declaration following a rebel attack that killed a government militiaman. Duterte said he would scuttle his ceasefire order, which he issued Monday, if New People’s Army guerrillas would not declare their readiness to


Bearded vulture flies to Romania; 1st time seen in decades

BUCHAREST, Romania — Romania’s Ornithological Society says a bearded vulture has flown into Romania, the first time it says the rare bone-eating bird has been spotted here in more than 80 years. The large two-year-old male bird, named Adonis, was born in the Czech Republic as part of a European breeding program. It was then


Personal computing pioneer, former MIT professor dies at 98

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A former Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer science and electrical engineering professor who helped usher in the personal computing age has died. Robert Fano was 98. The university says Fano died July 13 in Florida. Fano’s work in the 1960s on time-sharing systems so multiple people could use a computer at one


Mosquitoes have apparently begun spreading Zika in U.S.

ORLANDO, Fla. — Mosquitoes have apparently begun spreading the Zika virus on the U.S. mainland for the first time, health officials said Friday in a long-feared turn in the epidemic sweeping through Latin America and the Caribbean. Four recently infected people in the Miami area — one woman and three men — are believed to


Markets Right Now: Stocks turn higher as oil price recovers

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in global financial markets (all times local): 11:45 a.m. Stocks are mostly higher in midday trading as investors worked through another mixed batch of corporate earnings. Exxon Mobil fell 2 percent Friday, the most in the Dow Jones industrial average, after reporting its smallest quarterly profit in almost


Hillary Scott’s conversation with God resonates with fans

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — When country trio Lady Antebellum announced a hiatus last year, singer Hillary Scott thought it was a good opportunity to finally work on an album of hymns with her equally talented musical family. But instead she found herself grieving over a miscarriage she had last year and feeling like she was at


Russia’s Putin to visit Slovenia to improve European ties

LJUBLJANA, Slovenia — Russian President Vladimir Putin is visiting European Union and NATO-member Slovenia this weekend, signaling a bid to maintain ties amid simmering tensions between the Kremlin and the two Western-led blocs. Slovenia, a small Alpine nation where U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s wife Melania was born and grew up, has kept friendly


Bones found where President McKinley assassin likely buried

AUBURN, N.Y. — Human bones have been discovered in a long-forgotten cemetery where President William McKinley’s assassin was likely buried in New York. The Citizen of Auburn reports (http://bit.ly/2aBs7Ve ) that old newspaper accounts of the electric chair execution of anarchist Leon Czolgosz (CHOHL’-gawsh) say he was to be buried in the Auburn state prison


UN suspends aid to dangerous areas of northeast Nigeria

LAGOS, Nigeria — The United Nations is suspending aid to dangerous areas of Nigeria’s northeastern Borno state, where it says a half million people are starving, after Boko Haram ambushed a humanitarian convoy. Three civilians including a UNICEF employee and contractor for the International Organization for Migration were wounded in Thursday’s ambush, along with two


‘Pokemon Go’ creators working to be ‘respectful’ of reality

LOS ANGELES — The creators of “Pokemon Go” say they’re working to remove real-world locations that don’t wish to be included in the mobile gaming sensation. The Pokemon Company’s consumer marketing director J.C. Smith said in an interview this week that they’re updating the augmented-reality game so it remains fun for players but respects the


Boxer Adrien Broner denied early release from Ohio jail

CINCINNATI — Boxer Adrien Broner won’t be released early from a 30-day jail sentence for contempt of court. A judge in Cincinnati on Thursday told the former WBA Super Lightweight champion that his celebrity wouldn’t earn him leniency. The Hamilton County judge noted Broner was sentenced after showing up “three hours late and drunk” for


Combi recalls child car seats for risk of chest injuries

DETROIT — Combi USA is recalling more than 39,000 car seats because they can transmit too much force to a child’s chest in a crash. The recall covers certain Coccoro Convertible Child Restraints with a model number of 8220. They were manufactured from Jan. 1, 2009 to June 29, 2016. Government documents say the problem


Director’s debut explores ‘The Land’ with Nas, Badu help

LOS ANGELES — Director Steven Caple Jr. was mentoring some elementary school students at an inner-city park in Los Angeles when he spotted two stray kids hopping a fence with their skateboards. He went to go kick them out of the park and ended up talking with them instead. They spilled that they were selling


IOC looking at new gene doping test, won’t be used in Rio

The International Olympic Committee is looking at a new test for gene doping, although it won’t be used at the Rio de Janeiro Games, the IOC’s medical and scientific director said. The new test — developed in Australia to identify if an athlete is artificially adjusting their DNA to enhance performance — is not yet


Romania: senior banker detained in corruption probe

BUCHAREST, Romania — The deputy governor of Romania’s central bank has been detained on suspicion that he engaged in influence-peddling, illicitly receiving 1 million euros ($1.1 million) when he was parliament speaker, anti-corruption prosecutors said Friday. Prosecutors said Bogdan Olteanu had been detained amid an investigation into allegations he asked for and received the money


Cops: Woman laced baby’s formula with drug so he would sleep

QUAKERTOWN, Pa. — Police say a Pennsylvania woman laced her baby’s formula with a drug that helps heroin addicts kick the habit so he would sleep. The (Allentown) Morning Call (http://bit.ly/2alRBnd) reports 28-year-old Corinne Barndt told police she drugged her son’s formula six or seven times from November to April. The drug she is accused

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам объяснили, почему диким животным и птицам не нужна помощь в жару

Путин в России и мире

Третий визит Путина: Узбекистан стал Москве ближе Казахстана. Как среагировал Кремль на "заигрывание" Астаны с Лондоном.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Польше заявили о зловещем плане Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Елена Волкова

POMPEYA и O! МАРГО выступят на фестивале «НЕБО»


Адвокат Жорин заявил, что полумиллионный долг Заворотнюк перейдет к наследникам

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