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Новости за 22.07.2016


NFL suspends Colts defensive lineman Art Jones for 4 games

INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Colts defensive lineman Arthur Jones has been suspended for the first four games of the 2016 season for violating the NFL’s policy on performance-enhancing substances. Jones has struggled to stay on the field since signing a five-year, $33 million contract in 2014. He missed seven games in his first season with Indy


Joplin hospital to be turned into university campus

JOPLIN, Mo. — A former hospital built for temporary use after a 2011 tornado in Joplin is being transformed into a new campus for the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences. The original building was donated to the school for use as a medical school by Mercy Hospital, The Joplin Globe (http://bit.ly/2amxBm6 ) reported.


Survivors of Boy Scout canoe trip mourn deaths of 2 campers

MINNEAPOLIS — The survivors of a Texas Boy Scout troop’s adventure trip to the pristine canoe country along the Minnesota-Canadian border were grieving Friday over the deaths of a 13-year-old boy and a 39-year-old woman volunteer, a Scouting spokeswoman said. The group from Troop 121 from Carrollton, Texas, paddled into the wilderness from the Northern


Clemson, FSU keeping firm control of ACC’s Atlantic Division

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Clemson star quarterback Deshaun Watson is driven by the goal of winning another Atlantic Coast Conference championship and returning to the College Football Playoff’s title game. He also knows the Tigers’ biggest obstacle sits in their division: Florida State. “We have to start over,” Watson said Friday at the ACC Kickoff preseason


Kendra Harrison breaks 28-year record in 100-meter hurdles

LONDON — Kendra Harrison of the United States has broken a 28-year world record in the 100-meters hurdles by running 12.20 seconds at the London Diamond League meet. The confidence-boosting run comes after the 23-year-old American failed to make the U.S. team for the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro next month. Harrison says “not making


Mexican authorities catch man wanted in killings of couple

SEATTLE — A man accused of killing a couple in rural Washington state and burying their remains in a remote forest clearing has been captured in Mexico, authorities in Washington said Friday. John Blaine Reed, 53, was arrested Thursday by Mexican authorities in Sonora, Mexico, and expelled from that country for violating immigration laws, said


Brazil Muslims back probe of 10 for terror suspicions

SAO PAULO — Brazil’s Islamic community supports police actions against a group of people suspected of planning attacks during the Olympics as long as the investigations are conducted in a transparent way, a Brazilian Muslim leader said Friday. Sheik Jihad Hassan Hammadeh, president of the Ethics Committee of the Sao Paulo-based National Union of Islamic


United States, Australia rebound in UL International Crown

GURNEE, Ill. — After a rough first day of the UL International Crown, the United States never considered new pairings. Cristie Kerr and company knew it would work itself out. Kerr and Lexi Thompson helped the U.S. to three out of four points against Thailand on Friday, and Melissa Reid drew praise for a gutsy


State won’t enforce new abortion restrictions, for now

NEW ORLEANS — Louisiana officials have agreed not to enforce several new restrictions on abortion pending a judge’s decision on whether to block the laws. The restrictions include a requirement for a 72-hour waiting period for many women, and a ban on a common second-trimester procedure called dilation and evacuation. They were to take effect


Judge rules lawsuit Tulsa Jail inmate death can go to trial

TULSA, Okla. — A judge has ruled that a federal civil rights lawsuit filed on behalf of a man who died after spending five days in the Tulsa Jail with a broken neck can proceed to trial. The Tulsa World (http://bit.ly/2a5PjIX ) reports that U.S. District Judge John Dowdell ruled against former Sheriff Stanley Glanz


Correction: Oklahoma State-Player Death story

STILLWATER, Okla. — In a story July 21 about the death of Oklahoma State basketball player Tyrek Coger, The Associated Press reported erroneously, based on a statement from the school, that Coger was 21 years old. He was 22. A corrected version of the story is below: Oklahoma State forward Tyrek Coger dies after collapsing


Man sentenced after pleading guilty to burying woman alive

CAMDEN, N.J. — A man who pleaded guilty to his role in the death of a woman buried alive in a shallow New Jersey grave has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. Camden County prosecutors said Friday that Ramon Ortiz was sentenced after pleading guilty last month to aggravated manslaughter. A co-defendant is scheduled


For West Virginia flood victims, the cleanup has just begun

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — In the month since deadly floods tore through West Virginia, the same late-night question comes like clockwork from Kassie Tolley’s 4-year-old daughter. “She comes to the couch and she says, ‘Mom, I want to go home. Can you take me home?'” Tolley said. The single mother has no answer for her —


‘Fear the Walking Dead’ introduces new cast member

SAN DIEGO — The newest cast member of “The Walking Dead” spin-off was introduced to the zombie drama franchise in an overwhelming way. Danay Garcia told the crowd during the “Fear the Walking Dead” panel Friday at San Diego Comic-Con International that she arrived for her first day on the Mexican set during lunch and


Toxic algae bloom swarms Utah Lake, seeps into farm supply

SPANISH FORK, Utah — A huge toxic algae bloom in Utah has closed one of the largest freshwater lakes west of the Mississippi River, sickening more than 100 people and leaving farmers scrambling for clean water for days during the hottest part of the year. The bacteria commonly known as blue-green algae has spread rapidly


Missouri trooper cleared in fatal shooting of suspect

JACKSON, Mo. — A Missouri state trooper was justified in the shooting death of a suspect, a prosecutor ruled Friday. The Southeast Missourian (http://bit.ly/2a3lOod ) reported that Cape Girardeau County prosecutor Chris Limbaugh issued the ruling in the death of Jeffrey Darrell Hobbs, 48, determining that Trooper Jason McBride was endangered “without question” by Hobbs’


NFL to review domestic violence allegations against Elliott

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The NFL says it is reviewing domestic violence allegations against Dallas Cowboys rookie Ezekiel Elliott. A police report says Elliott denied allegations that he assaulted his girlfriend early Friday in Columbus, Ohio, causing bruises and abrasions. The report says he wasn’t arrested because of conflicting versions of what happened. Three witnesses told


With Charlotte out, New Orleans favorite for NBA All-Star

NEW YORK — As the NBA looks for a new home for the 2017 All-Star Game, cities are lining up with open arms to welcome LeBron James, Stephen Curry and the hundred million or so dollars the festivities would bring to the local economy. New Orleans is the favorite, a person close to the situation


Suspect in killings of Utah siblings may face death penalty

SALT LAKE CITY — A man suspected of killing a teenage brother and sister in Utah shot them multiple times during a group fight and warned others as he drove away that “they would be next” if they said anything, according to a new charging documents that reveal more about a confrontation that started over


Cadets arrested in coup in Turkey were duped, relatives say

ISTANBUL — Military school cadets who were arrested following the failed coup in Turkey were unwitting participants because their commanders told them they would be attending a “surprise party” for the new head of the academy, relatives of the youths said Friday. Standing outside the juvenile detention facility in the Istanbul suburb of Maltepe, families


Southwest Airlines still dealing with delays after outage

DALLAS — Southwest passengers endured a third straight day of canceled and delayed flights as the airline struggled to resume normal operations on Friday. Tracking service FlightStats Inc. reported that by mid-afternoon about 300 Southwest flights had been canceled and 1,200 more delayed. Southwest canceled nearly 1,500 flights and 4,500 others were delayed Wednesday and


Workers: Force majeure at ExxonMobil Nigeria may last weeks

WARRI, Nigeria — The force majeure — or freedom from contractual obligations because of extraordinary circumstances — declared by ExxonMobil on Nigeria’s largest crude stream could last a month because of extensive damage to its 300,000 barrel-a-day Qua Iboe export terminal, workers of the U.S.-based oil giant told The Associated Press on Friday. ExxonMobil has


People close to suspected Nevada bomber shocked by attacks

PANACA, Nev. — The suspected bomber who killed himself in an attack targeting his former boss in a rural Nevada town had a series of setbacks in his personal life and at work. Despite the setbacks, those who knew Glenn Jones best told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that they never expected such a violent end


Kerry to review Syria plans with Russia in Laos

PARIS — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says he will meet Russia’s foreign minister next week in Laos to review a plan to solidify Syria’s tattered truce and restart long-stalled negotiations on a political transition. Kerry said Friday he would see Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of a Southeast Asia regional security conference in


NCAA to survey potential host cities on discrimination laws

The NCAA is sending a questionnaire about potential discrimination laws to organizers in cities that will be or are hoping to host sanctioned college sports events. The NCAA board of governors’ decision comes a day after the NBA announced it would pull its All-Star Game from Charlotte, North Carolina, because of its objections to a

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: 9 мая в Москве еще будет кружить снег

Путин в России и мире

Собянин поздравил Путина со вступлением в должность президента России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Волочкова продемонстрировала хорошую спортивную форму


Путин поручил обеспечить граждан жильём площадью от 33 "квадратов" на человека

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