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Новости за 29.07.2016


Reed moves into contention at PGA

SPRINGFIELD, N.J. — The question stumped Patrick Reed and he asked for it to be repeated. Or maybe he was simply stunned that after shooting a second-round 65 to move into contention Friday at the PGA Championship, someone was asking him about his cockiness. Reed’s self-assurance is well known throughout golf. Why it would be


Court order sharply narrows Prince’s potential heirs

MINNEAPOLIS — A Minnesota judge overseeing Prince’s estate narrowed down the wide pool of potential heirs for the late superstar’s fortune on Friday, ruling out nearly 30 claimants while ordering genetic testing for six purported family members. Carver County Judge Kevin Eide’s order requires genetic testing for Prince’s sister, Tyka Nelson, plus three half-siblings: Sharon


Mirim Lee leads Women’s British Open, following 62 with 71

WOBURN, England — Mirim Lee followed her opening 10-under 62 with a 71 on Friday in the Women’s British Open, leaving her a stroke ahead entering the weekend at tree-lined Woburn Golf Club. A day after matching the tournament record and falling a stroke short of the major championship mark, the 25-year-old South Korean player


Jeff Gordon willing to sub for Earnhardt as long as needed

LONG POND, Pa. — Jeff Gordon weaved his way through a mob of fans outside the media center, all screaming for an autograph from a driver they thought would never again wear a firesuit. He stepped over the tripod legs of three TV cameras lined against a side wall, patted a reporter on the back


US board says Saudi bomb maker should stay at Guantanamo

MIAMI — A review board has decided that a Saudi prisoner at Guantanamo Bay who attended flight school in the U.S. and was trained to make explosives by al-Qaida should continue to be held without charge. The Periodic Review Board said in a decision released Friday that Ghassan Abdallah al-Sharbi should remain in custody at


Tourists urged not to panic about Zika’s spread in Florida

MIAMI — There’s no official warning to stay clear of Florida, but the crowds that usually wander among the bold street murals in Miami’s trendy Wynwood arts district may be thinner after reports that mosquitoes in the area have spread the Zika virus on the U.S. mainland for the first time. Officials are trying to


Obama Foundation formally announces library’s Chicago site

CHICAGO — The Obama Foundation formally announced Friday that Chicago’s Jackson Park will be home to Barack Obama’s presidential library. “Michelle and I are thrilled that the Obama Presidential Center will be developed in the heart of Chicago’s South Side, a community we call home and that means the world to us,” the president said


Saudi denies rights groups’ claims it is blockading Yemen

SANAA, Yemen — The Saudi-led coalition has disputed reports by rights groups that it is imposing a blockade on Yemen, saying it facilitates the passage of humanitarian aid without delay and in “record time.” In a Friday statement, the coalition says that the health situation in Yemen is at the top of its priorities. “The


Cruz is a full-go as Giants practice for the 1st time

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — Victor Cruz is back a lot sooner than anyone expected. After missing all of last season and being limited to six games over the past two, the New York Giants receiver was a full-go as the team held its first practice at training camp Friday under new coach Ben McAdoo. With


Change-of-plea hearing set for suspect in US Capitol plot

CINCINNATI — A change-of-plea hearing is scheduled for a man accused of plotting to attack the U.S. Capitol in support of the Islamic State group. A hearing for 22-year-old Christopher Lee Cornell has been set for Monday in U.S. District Court in Cincinnati. The hearing notice filed in court Friday doesn’t say what the change


Country’s newest tall ship set to train students

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Resembling an American naval vessel of the early 1800s, the country’s newest tall ship is set to sail with its first students in an education-at-sea program also aimed at personal growth. The Rhode Island-based SSV Oliver Hazard Perry recently earned its Coast Guard certification, and high school-age students are to board the


Coroner: Woman, 90, attacked by alligator near nursing home

CHARLESTON, S.C. — A 90-year-old woman found dead in a South Carolina pond after disappearing from her assisted living home appears to have been killed by an alligator, a coroner said Friday. Charleston County Coroner Rae Wooten said in a statement that investigators think Bonnie Walker slipped or fell into the pond and then the


Crown Point City Court ordered to vacate historic courthouse

CROWN POINT, Ind. — The Crown Point City Court has been asked to vacate the historic Lake County Courthouse by the end of August after using the building for 40 years. City Judge Kent Jeffirs told The Times of Northwest Indiana (http://bit.ly/2aBYao2 ) that the Lake Court House Foundation sent him a letter July 18


In July, even Dolphins are optimistic as they open camp

DAVIE, Fla. — University of Michigan alum Stephen Ross has the Wolverines’ fight song for his ring tone, and it went off as his other team — the Miami Dolphins — was about to take the field for the first training camp practice Friday morning. The Dolphins owner pulled his cellphone out of his pocket


GMO wheat found in Washington state could affect US trade

SEATTLE — Genetically modified wheat not approved for sale or commercial production in the United States has been found growing in a field in Washington state, agriculture officials said Friday, posing a possible risk to trade with countries concerned about engineered food. The Food and Drug Administration says genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are safe


Audit: Floyd County Sheriff’s Department didn’t follow rules

NEW ALBANY, Ind. — An audit found that the Floyd County Sheriff’s Department failed to comply with U.S. Department of Justice guidelines for handling particular funds, including a lack of documentation for more than $100,000 that it reportedly paid to informants. The funds in question are part of an equitable sharing program in which the


Armenia: Officers wound 3 more gunmen holding police station

YEREVAN, Armenia — Security forces on Friday wounded three more of the armed members of an opposition group who have been barricaded inside a police station in the Armenian capital for nearly two weeks, and riot police later used stun grenades to break up a demonstration in support of the opposition gunmen. The three gunmen


Gronkowski, Bennett hoping to become Patriots’ new tandem

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Typically, only friends are allowed to refer to each other by their nicknames. If that’s true, Gronk and Marty are quickly on their way to becoming bros. Outside of Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski has easily been the most indispensable player on the New England Patriots’ offense, celebrated equally for his brute athleticism


Falcons look to give Coleman bigger workload behind Freeman

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. — Dan Quinn wanted to take an up-close look at Devonta Freeman as a receiver, so the Falcons coach tried to cover the running back on a deep pass route. The results: An easy touchdown for Freeman, and respect from Quinn. “I think everybody who saw me covering, we were trying to


Drugs, heat blamed in woman’s death after music festival

LAS VEGAS — A 20-year-old California woman who collapsed in a parking lot after the Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas last month died from drug intoxication and high heat, the Clark County coroner said Friday. Kenani Kaimuloa died of the combined effects of cocaine and the club drug ecstasy, along with environmental heat stress,


Zika mosquito: thrives in hot weather, hard to wipe out

Behind the spread of the Zika virus is a tiny menace that just won’t go away. It’s called the Aedes aegypti (AYE’-dees uh-GYP’-tie), a species of mosquito that has played a villainous role in public health history and defeated attempts to wipe it out. The mosquito is behind the large outbreaks of Zika virus in


Appeals court: US law doesn’t cover sexual orientation bias

INDIANAPOLIS — A federal appeals court has upheld the dismissal of a lesbian’s lawsuit against Ivy Tech Community College because federal law does not protect people who claim workplace discrimination because of sexual orientation. A three-judge panel of 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s dismissal of a complaint filed by Kimberly


US cyclist Lea Davison overcomes injuries, heading to Rio

Lea Davison, Team USA’s best hope for an Olympic medal in mountain biking, loves to see girls on the trails. So much so that she has made it a bit of a mission in life. Davison and her sister, Sabra, started the nonprofit Little Bellas program in 2007 as a way to mentor young cyclists.


Chiefs’ Eric Berry skips report day for training camp

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. — Chiefs safety Eric Berry was not among the players who reported to training camp at Missouri Western on Friday, a decision largely expected after negotiations on a long-term contract with Kansas City broke down. Berry was designated the Chiefs’ franchise player but has not yet signed his contract, which means he


AP Source: Tesla looking at cameras, radar in Florida crash

DETROIT — Tesla engineers told members of a Senate committee they are looking into the role cameras and radar played in the fatal crash of a Model S using self-driving mode, according to a person familiar with the meeting. The engineers have two main theories, this person said. Either the car’s cameras and radar failed

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Экология в России и мире

«Восход», Тинькофф Банк и Альфа объявили о совместном pre-IPO фонде в секторе tech на 4 млрд рублей

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о суверенной финансовой системе в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин и Лукашенко обсудили по телефону предстоящий саммит ШОС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Польше заявили о зловещем плане Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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