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Новости за 29.07.2016


Homegrown Zika raises more questions about the evolving risk

WASHINGTON — Homegrown mosquitoes apparently have infected four people in the Miami area with Zika and now it’s up to tried-and-true public health measures to stamp out the birth defect-causing virus before it spreads. Florida Gov. Rick Scott made the long-dreaded announcement Friday of the first likely Zika transmission by mosquitoes on the U.S. mainland.


Thousands gather in Congo’s capital in rally for president

KINSHASA, Congo — Thousands of Congolese gathered in the capital’s main stadium to show support for the president, who is about to begin talks ahead of the November elections amid expectations that the polls will be delayed. The rally was addressed Friday by the coalition of ruling parties’ secretary-general Aubin Minaku who said the talks


School official indicted on federal child pornography charge

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Authorities say a high-ranking school official in one of Alabama’s largest counties has been indicted on federal charges of child enticement and child pornography. The indictment of Jefferson County Schools’ personnel director Brett William Kirkham was announced Friday by federal prosecutors. Kirkham already faced state charges of having sex with students in


13-year-old boy reels in 200-pound shark on New Jersey beach

LONG BEACH TOWNSHIP, N.J. — A 13-year-old boy fishing with his father on a New Jersey beach has reeled in a 200-pound shark. A video posted on Facebook on Sunday shows Gianni Mandile pulling the fish most of the way in before dad Joseph Mandile grabs the shark’s tail and pulls it onto the sand


Russian weightlifters banned from Rio Olympics for doping

BUDAPEST, Hungary — The International Weightlifting Federation has banned the Russian federation and all its weightlifters from the Rio Olympics. The IWF said Friday the multiple cases of doping by Russian weightlifters have “seriously damaged” the integrity of the sport. The eight Russian Olympic spots have been offered to other countries. The IWF said the


Cheaper oil sends Exxon, Chevron to worst quarter in years

DALLAS — Cheaper oil is leading to the lowest summer gasoline prices in years, and it is causing heartburn for oil companies and their shareholders. On Friday, Exxon Mobil Corp. reported its smallest quarterly profit in nearly 17 years — although it still earned $1.7 billion. Chevron Corp. lost money. The reports from the two


Man dies after struggle with eastern Tennessee deputy

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — An eastern Tennessee man has died after deputies say he hit his head against the pavement while resisting arrest. Attorney Troy Bowlin II told the Knoxville News Sentinel (http://bit.ly/2a4TzJV ) that 25-year-old Anthony M. Edwards of Sevierville was declared dead Wednesday. Bowlin represents Edwards’ family. The Blount County Sheriff’s Office said in


State pact with Hershey Trust would limit member pay, terms

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Attorney General Kathleen Kane said Friday that her office has a new agreement on the governance and operations of Milton S. Hershey’s multibillion-dollar charitable trust that controls the candy maker that bears his name. The agreement was filed in Dauphin County’s orphans’ court, Kane said, amid reports of lavish spending by Hershey


Declaration helps Florida mosquito control

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Latest on the Zika virus in Florida (all times local): 2:20 p.m. Puerto Rico health officials are reporting a total of 7,296 Zika cases in the U.S. territory that include 788 pregnant women. Friday’s announcement comes as Puerto Rico prepares to use the organic larvicide Bti to fight the mosquito-borne virus


Cubs activate Coghlan from DL, option La Stella

CHICAGO — The Chicago Cubs activated outfielder Chris Coghlan off the disabled list Friday and optioned infielder Tommy La Stella to Triple-A Iowa. La Stella, who was hitting .295 in 105 at-bats with a .388 on-base percentage, did not take the news well, according to Cubs manager Joe Maddon. “And he shouldn’t take it well,”


The Latest: No prominent challenges to Holcomb’s pick

INDIANAPOLIS — The Latest on the selection of a new Republican candidate for Indiana lieutenant governor (all times local): 1:40 p.m. No prominent candidates are challenging new Indiana Republican gubernatorial candidate Eric Holcomb’s pick for his running mate. Holcomb announced state Auditor Suzanne Crouch as his selection Friday, just ahead of deadline to file candidate


RG3 not looking back, excited and ready to lead Browns

BEREA, Ohio — Robert Griffin III joked that he already stands apart in Cleveland’s quarterback competition. RG3 cracked about his time in the 40-yard dash: “There’s only one of us that runs 4.3.” Griffin is expected to win the Browns’ starting job as he embarks on a new chapter of his career, which was promising


The Latest: Mother says no sign daughter was planning attack

MADISON, Wis. — The latest on a 14-year-old northwestern Wisconsin girl accused of slitting her brother’s girlfriend’s throat (all times local): 12:30 p.m. The mother of a 14-year-old Wisconsin girl accused of slitting her brother’s girlfriend’s throat says the family saw no signs she was planning anything violent. Prosecutors charged Kali Jade Bookey on Thursday


LeSean McCoy arrives at Bills camp motivated and focused

PITTSFORD, N.Y. — An injury-plagued season and a brush with the law in February have led LeSean McCoy to focus on being a better player and leader entering his second year with the Buffalo Bills. “I’ve got lots to prove this year, you know,” the Bills running back said Friday, a day before Buffalo opens


Montel Williams detained in Germany over medical marijuana

FRANKFURT, Germany — A spokesman for Montel Williams says the television personality was detained by customs officials at an airport in Germany after inadvertently leaving prescription marijuana powder in his luggage. Jonathan Franks tells The Associated Press that Williams was held for about an hour Friday morning at the airport in Frankfurt while traveling on


Washington Monument reopens; elevator bearings replaced

WASHINGTON — The Washington Monument has reopened after being closed for nearly a week because of problems with its elevator. National Park Service spokesman Mike Litterst said the monument opened on time Friday morning. The monument closed last Saturday. This week’s work on the elevator included replacing two sheave, or pulley, bearings. Officials say one


Trash talk beckons with Norman, Beckham in same division

RICHMOND, Va. — Now that they’re in the same division, Josh Norman and Odell Beckham Jr. can start talking trash again. After Beckham told GQ Magazine that his catch made the new Washington Redskins cornerback “relevant,” Norman responded to the New York Giants receiver on Friday with some amusement. On the second day of Redskins


Kansas voters to decide fate of GOP congressional incumbents

WICHITA, Kan. — A Republican congressman who was swept into office during the 2010 tea party surge faces an aggressive primary challenge in the mostly rural 1st Congressional District in a contest that makes other GOP primary races in deeply conservative Kansas look tepid by comparison. The state’s Democrats are fielding more candidates than usual


NextEra agrees to buy Texas electric giant Oncor for $18.4B

AUSTIN, Texas — A Florida-based energy company has announced an $18.4 billion deal that would give it an 80 percent stake in Texas’ largest electric utility. NextEra Energy Inc. said Friday that it’s buying Oncor from its parent company, Energy Future Holdings, which entered one of the largest bankruptcies in U.S. history in 2014. It


Muslim blasts extremists at Friday prayer with Christians

SAINT-ETIENNE-DU-ROUVRAY, France — Muslims and Christians joined in Friday prayer at the mosque in the Normandy town where an elderly priest was slain this week, with one imam chastising the extremists as non-Muslims who are “not part of civilization” or “humanity.” Muslims came from other parts of France to be present for the service shared


Housing community limits time men, women can swim together

LAKEWOOD, N.J. — A housing community on the Jersey shore comprised of mostly Orthodox Jews has sharply limited the time men and women can swim together, angering some homeowners. The board at A Country Place in Lakewood decided men and women can swim together from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday through Friday. There is


Teen wants to plead guilty, mentally ill in school stabbings

PITTSBURGH — A teen who slashed and stabbed 20 fellow high school students and a security guard wants to plead guilty but mentally ill. Alex Hribal’s attorney filed the document Friday, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review first reported. Defense attorney Patrick Thomassey has acknowledged Hribal committed the attacks at Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville in April


Groups ask appeals court to reconsider net neutrality ruling

NEW YORK — Cable and telecom industry groups want a federal appeals court to reconsider its ruling on “net neutrality” that preserved regulations forcing internet providers to treat all online traffic equally. The Wireless Association, an industry trade group also known as CTIA, and other groups on Friday filed petitions for the case to be


The Latest: Sandy Hook principal expects tears, excitement

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The Latest on the opening of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School (all times local): 12:30 p.m. Sandy Hook Elementary School’s principal says she expects some tears, anxiety and a lot of excitement when staff and students return next month for the first day of classes at their new school. The media


The Latest: No federal charges for deputies who shot rancher

BOISE, Idaho — The Latest on the Idaho attorney general’s decision not to charge deputies who shot a rancher (all times local): 11:30 a.m. Federal prosecutors say they won’t pursue a criminal case against two Idaho sheriff’s deputies who shot and killed an armed rancher, coming the same day the state attorney general decided not

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

НАТО оказалась не готова к войне с Россией. Тайное соглашение США и Киева: Враг нацелился на Белгород - источники

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В Ростове из-за двух концертов Басты перекроют улицу Левобережную


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