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Новости за 05.07.2016


Crews battle blaze at Bosque del Apache refuge in New Mexico

BOSQUE DEL APACHE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, N.M. — The visitor center and tour loop at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge will remain closed as crews try to get a handle on a wildfire that has burned more than a square mile at the southern New Mexico refuge. Officials warned the public Tuesday via social


How the Dow Jones industrial average fared on Tuesday

NEW YORK — U.S. stocks slumped Tuesday as investors grew fearful over the health of the British financial system. Looking for safety, they flocked to Treasury notes and pushed the yields on long-term government bonds to all-time lows. Energy companies took the biggest losses as oil prices tumbled. On Monday: The Dow Jones industrial average


Kentucky accountant who fled embezzlement case to appeal

CINCINNATI — A defense attorney apparently plans to appeal an eight-year prison sentence for a Kentucky accountant who spent most of six years as a fugitive in an $8.7 million embezzlement case roaming the Appalachian Trail. A notice of plans to appeal was filed Tuesday in Cincinnati for 54-year-old James Hammes (HAM’-uhs). U.S. District Judge


Sexual assault victims traveling long distances for exams

MILWAUKEE — The Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault estimates that nearly half of the state’s counties do not have nurses available to perform forensic exams for sexual assault cases, leading people to travel long distances for such testing. While hospitals can get state funding to cover the exams, a number of non-reimbursable costs are associated


Cuba warns of energy problems, cuts some work hours

HAVANA — Cubans face tough times in the energy sector in the coming months, official media warned Tuesday amid orders from authorities to implement power-saving measures and some state-run entities reducing hours of operation. Tourism Ministry official Yamila Rombaut said fuel allotments for the agency’s vehicles had been cut in half. “The outlook is tight,”


PBS says it should have told viewers about firework reruns

NEW YORK — It turns out the bombs bursting in air over Washington for PBS’ presentation of “A Capitol Fourth” were, at least in part, reruns. The public broadcasting service said Tuesday that it should have informed viewers that footage from previous years’ fireworks displays were used on its ostensibly live program the night before.


Indiana woman drowns while trying to save grandson in pond

FORT WAYNE, Ind. — The coroner’s office in Allen County says the death of a 72-year-old woman who rushed into a Fort Wayne pond to save her grandson was an accidental drowning. According to WANE-TV (http://bit.ly/29uRLtK ), Sharon Shively died early Saturday at a local hospital about 18 hours after she was pulled from the


Boston College to retire jerseys of Ryan, Kuechly

BOSTON — Boston College will retire the jerseys of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan and Carolina Panthers linebacker Luke Kuechly in separate ceremonies during the 2016 season. Kuechly’s jersey will be retired at the Eagles’ Oct. 22 game against Syracuse. Ryan will be honored at the Nov. 19 game against Connecticut. Kuechly was the most


The Latest: Ex-National Guard soldier jailed without bond

McLEAN, Va. — The Latest on a former National Guard soldier has been charged with plotting to help the Islamic State and contemplating a Fort Hood-style attack (all times local): 4 p.m. A former National Guard soldier has been ordered held without bond after he was charged with plotting to help the Islamic State group


Netflix to make debut on Comcast’s X1 box later this year

SAN FRANCISCO — Comcast is going to add Netflix to its X1 set-top boxes in the latest deal to blur the lines separating cable TV from Internet video services. The arrangement announced Tuesday signals an apparent truce between two companies that have been antagonistic toward each other in recent years as they publicly bickered how


Cubs’ Maddon ejected from game vs Reds while arguing call

CHICAGO — Chicago Cubs manager Joe Maddon has been ejected from Tuesday’s game against the Cincinnati Reds. The ejection was the second this season for Maddon, who got tossed with David Ross batting in the second inning. The veteran started heading toward first after taking a 3-0 pitch that he thought was ball four, only


Hubbs welcomes Vols’ uncharacteristic coaching stability

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — For the first time in his college career, Tennessee senior guard Robert Hubbs III isn’t adapting to a new coach. Hubbs played for Cuonzo Martin as a freshman and Donnie Tyndall as a sophomore before spending his junior year with Rick Barnes, who is gearing up for the second season of his


Death of US student in Italy underscores study abroad safety

The death of an American college student who was studying in Rome underscores the importance of safety guidance issued by universities to young people who venture overseas. Italian police have detained a homeless man in the slaying of Beau Solomon, 19, who just finished his first year at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He had recently


Minnesota researchers studying algae on Madison Lake

MADISON LAKE, Minn. — Researchers from the University of Minnesota are studying conditions on Madison Lake to try and determine what weather and water quality conditions are producing an overabundance of blue-green algal blooms. The Mankato Free Press (http://bit.ly/29rMu4R ) reports that a floating monitoring station was installed in the lake last month is taking


Church sues Iowa to stop application of transgender rules

DES MOINES, Iowa — A church in Des Moines has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to strike down as unconstitutional a portion of a 2007 Iowa law and a similar Des Moines city code section that could apply transgender bathroom rules to churches. The Fort Des Moines Church of Christ filed the lawsuit Monday in


Kansas City Zoo fixing exhibit after orangutan’s climb

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Kansas City Zoo is taking steps to improve an orangutan exhibit after an animal got to the top of the wall surrounding it. The 7-year-old orangutan, Kali, never left the exhibit or came in contact with people during Sunday’s commotion. The Kansas City Star reports (http://bit.ly/29lqVDt ) workers on Tuesday


WWII bomber recovered from Lake Michigan to be restored

PORTAGE, Mich. — A WWII bomber recovered from Lake Michigan has arrived at the Air Zoo in Portage for restoration. The Kalamazoo Gazette (http://bit.ly/29eWOJi ) reports that the restoration process for the U.S. Navy Douglas SBD-2P Dauntless Dive Bomber is expected to take three to five years to complete. The restoration will be done mostly


Anti-Obama display in Indiana July 4th parade called racist

SHERIDAN, Ind. — Some local leaders say they are outraged by the inclusion of a golf cart depicting President Obama as a “lying African” going down a toilet in a small central Indiana town’s Independence Day parade. Hamilton County commissioners Steve Dillinger and Mark Heirbrandt told the Indianapolis Star (http://indy.st/29kuUjD ) the golf cart that


Review: Emily Giffin delivers emotional story about sisters

“First Comes Love” (Ballantine Books), by Emily Giffin Best-selling author Emily Giffin delivers another emotionally honest work with the novel “First Comes Love.” Giffin paints a relatable picture chronicling the journey of two sisters who land on opposite ends of the spectrum after tragedy strikes their family 15 years before. According to Facebook, Meredith has


Taste of the Tour: When in Limoges, eat a Limousin steak

LIMOGES, France — A gastronomical, sporting and cultural glance at Stage 4 of the Tour de France on Tuesday: Region: The Stage began in the medieval city of Saumur in the Loire valley and concluded in Limoges, the capital of the Limousin region. Baguette and butter: Germany’s Marcel Kittel claimed the longest stage of the


Boston cabbie turns in $187,000 left behind in his taxi

BOSTON — A man who left about $187,000 cash in a Boston taxi has been reunited with his money thanks to an honest cabbie, police said Tuesday. Raymond “Buzzy” MacCausland, a driver for the Independent Taxi Operators Association, picked up a fare with a cast on one leg on Saturday. “He told me he was


Pepe, Portugal’s key defender, doubtful for Wales semi

LYON, France — Portugal will hold its breath until the last minute hoping its best player at the European Championship will be fit for its semifinal showdown against Wales. No, Cristiano Ronaldo isn’t the cause for concern. The fuss is about whether central defender Pepe, who has been key to Portugal’s place in the final


New Mexico to provide backdrop for new film ‘Hostiles’

SANTA FE, N.M. — A new movie starring Christian Bale and Native American actors Wes Studi and Adam Beach will be filming in northern New Mexico through September. The New Mexico Film Office announced Tuesday that principal photography for the frontier epic “Hostiles” will begin this month. Locations include Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Abiquiu and


Duke broadcaster Bob Harris retiring after 41st season

DURHAM, N.C. — Longtime Duke radio broadcaster Bob Harris is retiring at the end of the men’s basketball season. The school announced Harris’ decision Tuesday. When he calls his final basketball game this spring, Harris will have spent 41 seasons at Duke, making him the longest-tenured play-by-play man in Atlantic Coast Conference history. He was


Sidney Lowe, Tony Brown join Scott Brooks’ Wizards staff

WASHINGTON — Former NBA head coach Sidney Lowe and interim coach Tony Brown have been hired as assistants to Scott Brooks with the Washington Wizards. The Wizards announced Tuesday that Chad Iske, Mike Terpstra and Maz Trakh also will be assistants to Brooks. Brooks replaced the fired Randy Wittman after the team failed to make

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Экология в России и мире

Песков: погода не является препятствием для проведения парада Победы

Путин в России и мире

Владимир Путин провел встречу с президентом Узбекистана в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минский вождь Лукашенко начал словесно угрожать оружием

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В США прокомментировали подготовку покушения на Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Шатунов

Вдова Шатунова призвала поклонников прекратить мракобесие на могиле певца


Песков: погода не является препятствием для проведения парада Победы

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