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Новости за 26.08.2020

Raw Story 

Hundreds of thousands of seniors may not be able to vote in November — here’s why

Walter Hutchins cast his first vote for president for Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952, and he has voted in every election since. The last thing he wants is for his “68-year streak,” as he proudly calls it, to end in November. An industrial engineer, Hutchins helped design the M16, the weapon of choice for American […]

Raw Story 

‘Nothing less than disgusting’: Critics complain ‘cynical’ Trump ‘weaponized’ naturalization ceremony aired during RNC

President Donald Trump, frequently criticized by human rights activists for immigration policies that have included separating migrant families at the Mexico border, appeared in a video during Tuesday night’s Republican National Convention leading a naturalization ceremony for five immigrants becoming US citizens. Critics were quick to complain about the president’s “cynical” display, including CNN commentator […]

Raw Story 

‘The fire awaits you’ New Zealand mosque killer told

The father of a three-year-old boy shot dead in last year’s New Zealand mosque attacks told gunman Brenton Tarrant Wednesday that he was an “evil man” whose atrocity had failed in its goal to sow hatred and fear. Australian white supremacist Tarrant is expected to become the first person in New Zealand imprisoned for life […]

Raw Story 

Night turns deadly in Kenosha as hundreds protest police violence against Jacob Blake

One person was shot dead and another two were injured in the US city of Kenosha on Tuesday night, according to media reports, as groups clashed during protests over the police shooting of a black man. Footage posted online showed people running through the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, as gunshots rang out, while videos showed […]

Raw Story 

Ghislaine Maxwell loses bid for transfer to general population at NYC jail

NEW YORK — A judge rejected Ghislaine Maxwell’s request that she be transferred to the general population of a Brooklyn federal jail, ruling Tuesday that the accused madam for Jeffrey Epstein was justifiably under special surveillance.Maxwell, 58, had said earlier this month that she’s monitored around the clock by staff at the Metropolitan Detention Center […]

Raw Story 

‘Derogatory and offensive’: Tahoe ski resort Squaw Valley to change its name

The Lake Tahoe-area ski resort Squaw Valley has decided to drop the word “squaw” from its name, ownership announced Tuesday, saying the term is “derogatory and offensive” toward Native Americans.A new name hasn’t been determined, and it is targeted to be unveiled in early 2021 and implemented at the resort by that summer, Squaw Valley […]

Raw Story 

Emails show GOP Rep. Jim Hagedorn involved with constituent mail decisions

MINNEAPOLIS — Emails between U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn and members of his congressional staff show the southern Minnesota Republican was personally involved in decisions about a high volume of publicly funded constituent mail that led to the dismissal of his chief of staff.Hagedorn’s heavy spending on constituent mail in the first three months of the […]

Raw Story 

Sacramento may pay people $1,000 to stay home when infected by coronavirus

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Dealing with lower-income and hourly workers hit by the coronavirus, Sacramento County health officials say they are hoping to put together an experimental plan to pay some infected people $1,000 to get them to stay home from work for two weeks to avoid infecting others.The money would represent roughly two weeks of […]

Raw Story 

Obama Presidential Center timeline moves forward after lawsuit dismissed

CHICAGO — A lawsuit over the planned Obama Presidential Center’s campus in Jackson Park has stalled after a federal appeals court panel ruled the plaintiffs did not suffer actual harm and that many of their grievances were not within the court’s jurisdiction.The 7th Circuit for the U.S. Court of Appeals issued the ruling on Friday, […]

Raw Story 

MU professor no longer teaching, still employed after mask remark to Chinese student

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A University of Missouri professor was “relieved of teaching duties” Tuesday following a comment he made to a student from Wuhan, China. A student posted the comment about putting on a mask on social media, calling it xenophobic and unnecessary.Professor Joel Poor, a marketing professor, sent a message to his students […]

Raw Story 

University of California system to phase out single-use plastics

SAN DIEGO — The University of California announced plans this week to phase out disposable plastic products in dining halls and other retail locations after a yearlong campaign by student activists.The policy changes are to start next year and will be rolled out over the next decade at the 10-campus system, eliminating signal-use plastic products […]

Raw Story 

Poisoning of Alexei Navalny is a litmus test for Trump and Putin

All who worry about the future of democracy in the Trump era should follow the story of Alexei Navalny, the latest Kremlin critic to be poisoned.As Republican speakers toss around the words “freedom and democracy” at a reality-lite GOP convention, Russia’s most prominent opposition leader lies in a coma, after evacuation from Siberia to a […]

Raw Story 

Britney Spears’ sister Jamie Lynn making move as trustee of pop star’s fortune

Britney Spears’ sister Jamie Lynn was named trustee of the pop star’s multimillion-dollar estate two years ago, and now she’s been selected a custodian for the singer’s fortune, new paperwork shows.Jamie Lynn, 29, filed a petition Friday, asking to deposit “all assets of the SJB Trust” into one or more “blocked accounts with Fidelity Brokerage […]

Raw Story 

Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot after falling thousands of signatures short

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kanye West’s presidential ambitions in Missouri are over.The artist fell 3,443 signatures short of what he needed to qualify for the November general election ballot, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announced Tuesday. Ashcroft’s office released a letter it sent to West outlining its findings.West, at one point a vocal Donald […]

Raw Story 

New Zealand mosque attacks gunman will not speak at sentencing

The man responsible for the deadly 2019 mosque attacks in New Zealand will not speak at his sentencing on Thursday as was expected.The Christchurch High Court confirmed on Wednesday that standby counsel would instead make a brief submisson on behalf of Brenton Tarrant, 29.The Australian citizen pleaded guilty in March to 51 charges of murder, […]

Raw Story 

Trump tarnishes another pillar of American science

Here we go again with a tug between politics and science. Our health is hanging in the balance as resentment grows for leaders who care more for image than public health. Over the objection of doctors, the Trump administration stunningly told the Food and Administration last week it could no longer regulate laboratory tests. It […]

Raw Story 

Intel expert explains how Trump could use a foreign crisis to hang onto power

Many critics of President Donald Trump — from liberals and progressives to right-wing Never Trump conservatives — have emphasized that if former Vice President Joe Biden wins in November, he will need a landslide victory in both the popular vote and the Electoral College in order to ensure that Trump willingly makes a concession speech […]

Raw Story 

‘I almost fell out of my chair’: Widespread shock over Melania Trump’s claims about her husband

First lady Melania Trump addressed the Republican National Committee Convention on Tuesday evening. The partisan political speech was giving from the White House, with the first lady speaking behind the official presidential seal. Here’s some of what people were saying about the claims in here speech: First Lady Melania Trump offers well-wishes to all impacted […]

Raw Story 

Pam Bondi’s performance at the RNC took the GOP’s absurdity to new heights

You might have thought it would be hard to outdo the absurdity of Kimberly Guilfoyle screaming at the top of her lungs to an empty auditorium on the opening night of the Republican National Convention. But on Tuesday, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi reached new heights of absurdity in the second night of the […]

Raw Story 

Paul Krugman argues Trump has only one way to win — and it involves a conspiracy theory

After QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene won a Republican congressional primary in Georgia on August 11, President Donald Trump wasted no time congratulating her. And when NBC News reporter Shannon Pettypiece asked him about QAnon the following week, Trump refused to say anything against the conspiracy cult and praised them as “people who love our […]

Raw Story 

CNN graphic hilariously undermines RNC Convention claim — and viewers can’t stop laughing

The graphic CNN was airing during a Republican National Committee Convention completely undermined the argument made by the speaker on stage. During the second night of the RNC Convention, former Florida AG and Trump defense attorney Pam Bondi took the stage to argue against “nepotism” by former Vice President Joe Biden. At the same time, […]

Raw Story 

Tiffany Trump complains voters are ‘mentally enslaved’ by media into hating her dad

On Tuesday, Trump’s younger daughter Tiffany took the stage to give a speech denouncing “cancel culture,” claiming that the mainstream media and big tech firms are manipulating society into hating the president. “Rather than allowing Americans the right to form our own beliefs, this misinformation system keeps people mentally enslaved to the ideas they deem […]

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Экология в России и мире

Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

Путин в России и мире

Новый 5-летний срок Гайнутдина и обращение к Путину: в Москве прошел мусульманский форум

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский: Ни США, ни Британия не дали разрешения на удары вглубь России

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Comedy Club

«Отряд не заметил потери бойца»: Лоза прокомментировал закрытие Comedy Club


IT себе место: власти обсуждают допуск работающих на Москву айтишников к ипотеке под 6%

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