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Новости за 08.08.2020

Raw Story 

Pelosi blasts Trump as ‘not a well person’ and wonders if GOP is motivated by a ‘manhood thing’: report

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) briefed members of the Democratic Caucus on Saturday about the state of negotiations over the next coronavirus stimulus bill. Luke Broadwater, a congressional correspondent for The New York Times, posted a thread about the call on Twitter, citing “sources on call.” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) was also on […]

Raw Story 

Democratic pressure on intel agencies exposed a motherlode of information on foreign meddling helping Trump: report

On Saturday, Politico reported that congressional Democrats believe their pressure campaign on the intelligence community was crucial to exposing Russia’s newest plot to interfere with U.S. elections on behalf of President Donald Trump. “For weeks, top Democratic lawmakers in the House and Senate have been blaring warnings and demanding briefings and public disclosures from the […]

Raw Story 

Trump campaign conspiring with GOP leaders to disrupt the November election: report

On Saturday, Politico reported that President Donald Trump has been brainstorming with GOP officials on how to curb mail-in voting ahead of the 2020 election. “Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee have taken to the courts dozens of times as part of a $20 million effort to challenge voting rules, including filing their own […]

Raw Story 

Republicans paid huge, strange sums to Facebook and a mystery company for ‘list acquisition’

After reporting essentially no payments to Facebook for about three years, the Republican National Committee paid the social media company $5.5 million for “list acquisition” between September and November 2019, according to Federal Election Commission filings. This article first appeared in Salon. The RNC has also paid about $5 million for contact lists to a mystery company […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s refusal to bail out cash-strapped cities will blow up in his face at election time: economist

On CNN Saturday, University of Michigan economist Justin Wolfers said he was “baffled” by President Donald Trump’s flat refusal to allow coronavirus stimulus to go to city governments, ostensibly because they are being mismanaged by Democrats and don’t deserve more money. “I took calls from journalists throughout the last two or three years saying, what […]

Raw Story 

As the pandemic made clear, America has no welfare state — but we sure have a warfare state

The animating force of American government is war. Every year, the United States bombs multiple countries, conducts special forces raids across several continents and spends hundreds of billions of dollars to maintain a military presence in 70-plus countries, either in the form of occupying armies or large bases. Now that the U.S. is widely seen […]

Raw Story 

How the press rewards Trump for his endless, obvious lies

Welcome to another edition of What Fresh Hell?, Raw Story’s roundup of news items that might have become controversies under another regime, but got buried – or were at least under-appreciated – due to the daily firehose of political pratfalls, unhinged tweet storms and other sundry embarrassments coming out of the current White House. On Friday, […]

Raw Story 

‘Clownishly inept’ Falwell should have been forced to the sidelines years ago: Liberty University grad

On Saturday, writing for Never Trump conservative publication The Bulwark, Liberty University graduate Calum Best laid into the pattern of erratic behavior by Jerry Falwell Jr., the Trump-supporting president of the conservative Christian school who was forced into an indefinite “leave of absence” after posting a bizarre Instagram photo of himself on a yacht with […]

Raw Story 

GOP strategist shut down by CNN’s Blackwell for fear-mongering about deficits after Republicans handed out tax cuts to the rich

On CNN Saturday, Republican strategist Brian Robinson tried to claim the Democratic coronavirus stimulus proposal was a nonstarter because of deficit spending — and was immediately smacked down by anchor Victor Blackwell, who reminded him his party forced through a 12-figure unpaid-for tax cut for corporations and billionaires in 2017 over Democratic objections. “$3.4 trillion […]

Raw Story 

Trump is down to only two paths to victory in November: election-modeling historian

On Saturday’s edition of CNN’s “Smerconish,” American University history professor Allan Lichtman, whose election-modeling system based on 13 “key” factors predicted President Donald Trump’s win in 2016 and now predicts former Vice President Joe Biden will defeat him, discussed the two possible ways he believes — contrary to his model — that Trump could potentially […]

Raw Story 

The shift to working from home has increased the number of hours Americans work

A new study finds that employees are working longer hours since the shift to remote work amid the coronavirus pandemic began, even as companies across the country have cut wages. This article first appeared in Salon. The average work day is now 48.5 minutes longer, meaning employees are at work an average of four hours more […]

Raw Story 

Trump campaign official clashes with CNN host over president’s lies about mail-in voting

On CNN Saturday, host Michael Smerconish pushed back on Trump campaign official Hogan Gidley for attacking the mail-in ballot system — and Gidley declined to explain what the president plans to do to prevent voter confusion. Gidley focused particularly on the new Nevada vote-by-mail law that is currently the focus of a lawsuit by President […]

Raw Story 

Intel officials altered finding Russia wants Trump to win in 2020 to spare themselves from the president’s anger: report

According to an extensive investigation into a National Intelligence Estimate complied by various U.S. intelligence agencies last July, the New York Times is reporting that a key “finding” indicating that Russian President Vladimir Putin is highly interested in keeping Donald Trump in the Oval Office past 2020 was omitted by officials fearing the president’s wrath. […]

Raw Story 

GOP donors abandoning Trump over fears his re-election campaign is doomed: report

On Saturday, Politico reported that Republican donors are starting to give up on President Donald Trump, viewing his re-election campaign as a lost cause. “Recent national polls show Trump trailing Biden by anywhere from 3 to 10 percentage points, with swing states like Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania increasingly up for grabs,” reported Nancy Cook. […]

Raw Story 

Trump is staying away from coronavirus talks for selfish reasons: report

As the Republican-controlled Senate and the Democratic-controlled House battle over the next round of coronavirus stimulus, and the Treasury Department attempts to set the terms of the package, one person is notably absent from the debate: President Donald Trump himself. According to The Daily Beast, Republicans are grateful for this silence, as the president tends […]

Raw Story 

Along with everything else, Donald Trump’s a total pig

Can we put aside for the moment Trump’s corruption, ignorance, incompetence, arrogance, racism, stupidity, criminality, greed and buffoonery, and just deal with the fact that he’s a pig? You know what I’m talking about. Look at one of the photographs of Trump and his wife Melania alongside their good friends Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, […]

Raw Story 

GOP officials panicked after ‘contentious’ Trump phone call with one of the Republican Party’s top donors: report

According to a report from Politico, Donald Trump may have alienated one of the Republican Party’s top donors last week after complaining to Las Vegas businessman Sheldon Adelson that he didn’t think that billionaire was doing enough to bolster his faltering re-election campaign. That phone call — described as “contentious” — has Republican Party officials […]

Raw Story 

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says local governments can’t stop or delay evictions

The nonbinding opinion comes as housing experts and advocates fear that the COVID-19 recession will prompt a surge in evictions across the state. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton advised Friday that local Texas governments’ attempts to delay evictions for renters grappling with the COVID-19 recession amounted to rewriting state law — something they can’t do, he said in nonbinding […]

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Экология в России и мире

Станислав Кондрашов Telf AG: Китай стремиться к экологически чистому производству

Путин в России и мире

Кадыров встретился с Путиным в Москве и пригласил его в Чечню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Любовь Аксенова, Олег Трофим, Сергей Шнуров и другие на премьере фильма «Майор Гром: Игра»


Представители Красноярска принимают участие в форуме «Волонтёры финансового просвещения: 5 лет вместе»

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