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Новости за 31.08.2020

Raw Story 

Conservative mocks Trump for trying to claim everything is fine — while saying he’ll fix it

Writing in the Washington Post this Monday, columnist Jennifer Rubin highlighted Joe Biden’s “searing rebuke” to President Trump, calling it an “explicit, extensive and emphatic condemnation of all violence” — something Trump has not done. REPORTER: Does the president condemn the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, who is accused of shooting protesters? McENANY: The president is not […]

Raw Story 

‘White House cover-up’: COVID-19 task force reports withheld from public reveal Trump knew of threats as he spread lies

“Rather than being straight with the American people and creating a national plan to fix the problem, the president and his enablers kept these alarming reports private while publicly downplaying the threat to millions of Americans.” As President Donald Trump and administration officials have been publicly downplaying the Covid-19 crisis and even predicting its imminent disappearance over the past […]

Raw Story 

Justin Trudeau condemns toppling of statue of Canada’s first prime minister

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday condemned the weekend toppling of a statue of Canada’s first prime minister in Montreal by anti-racism activists, saying a focus on improving society today, and not historical wrongs, will best advance the fight for equality. John A. Macdonald was prime minister of Canada for 19 years between 1867 and […]

Raw Story 

The loan company that sued thousands of low-income Latinos during the COVID pandemic

On an afternoon in mid-June, Analleli Solis was walking home from her brother’s house just down the street when she noticed someone she didn’t know retreating from the front door of her modest brick home. Solis approached the woman, who handed her an envelope. Inside was a lawsuit from Oportun Inc., a personal loan company […]

Raw Story 

Family’s welcome to new neighborhood turns cold when neighbors find out they’re biracial

When Maureen Roland’s family moved from California into their new neighborhood in Kansas City, Missouri, they got a cold reception from neighbors when they found out that Maureen’s husband is Black and they have biracial children, according to a report from The Kansas City Star. Maureen said she’s experience racism before, but not to this degree. “I […]

Raw Story 

CDC’s missteps are causing people to lose trust in a great institution

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been the premier U.S. public health agency since its founding on July 1, 1946. The CDC is responsible for assuring the health of all Americans and promoting evidence-based public health practice. It also is responsible for researching the causes of death and illness as well as working […]

Raw Story 

‘Mic. Freaking. Drop.’: Americans applaud Biden speech slamming the ‘violence we’re seeing in Donald Trump’s America’

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden delivered an important speech Monday denouncing violence in America while attacking President Donald Trump for fueling it yet blaming it on the former Vice President. “Trump and Pence are running on this and I find it fascinating, quote, ‘You won’t be saving Joe Biden’s America.’ And what’s their proof? The […]

Raw Story 

Mike Pence was ‘on standby to take over’ as Trump made unexpected visit to Walter Reed hospital: report

New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt is releasing his new book Donald Trump v. the United States this week and already stories are breaking about the shocking revelations it contains. Reported Sunday, Schmidt described a debate over Jared Kushner’s security clearance and President Donald Trump offering Gen. John Kelly the position as director of the […]

Raw Story 

Porn actor Ron Jeremy charged with assaulting teen, 12 more women

Adult film performer Ron Jeremy has been charged with sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl and a dozen more women, Los Angeles prosecutors said Monday. The controversial star of the pornographic industry, who appeared in over 1,700 hardcore movies, had already been charged in June with raping three women and sexually assaulting a fourth. His arrest […]

Raw Story 

WATCH: Knife-wielding man who yelled N-word at BLM marchers is charged with a hate crime

A knife-wielding man caught on video yelling the N-word at Black Lives Matter marchers in Buffalo, New York, has been charged with a hate crime, according to a report from WKBW. The 47-year-old man, who was not named in the report, was charged with menacing, criminal possession of a weapon and harassment. The incident reportedly began […]

Raw Story 

Trump spokesman busted for sharing fake video of Biden sleeping during TV interview

A spokesperson for Donald Trump was caught using a fake video to show former Vice President Joe Biden “sleeping” during an interview. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) was caught sharing a fake videos that doctored comments from a disabled healthcare activist with ALS who has to use a machine to speak his thoughts for him. Now […]

Raw Story 

Attorney: Breonna Taylor’s ex-boyfriend was offered a plea deal where he had to implicate her as part of his drug ring

New documents posted by the attorney for Breonna Taylor’s family allegedly show that prosecutors offered her ex-boyfriend a plea deal in which he would have to implicate her as part of his drug-dealing operation. Louisville-based attorney Sam Aguiar, who is representing Taylor’s family in a civil lawsuit against the three police officers who fatally shot […]

Raw Story 

Kayleigh McEnany: Trump trying to ban citizenship of same-sex couples’ kids has ‘nothing to do’ with sexual orientation

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany says the Trump administration’s attempts to ban U.S. citizenship from same-sex couples’ children born overseas via surrogacy has “nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the parents.” The Trump State Dept. has only worked to block citizenship of these children when same-sex couples are the parents. “A federal […]

Raw Story 

White House: Trump ‘didn’t see the video’ of his supporters shooting paintballs at BLM protesters — despite retweeting it

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany may have lied to the press again during a Monday briefing when she was asked about President Donald Trump’s supporters firing paintballs at Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon over the weekend. "The president's never seen that video," McEnany says of a video he himself tweeted out. — […]

Raw Story 

Betsy DeVos slammed for arguing pandemic ultimately a ‘good thing’ for US public education

“Calling Covid-19 a ‘good thing’ for our schools just goes to show you how divorced this administration is from reality.” On the heels of two federal judges halting a controversial rule that allows private schools to get more Covid-19 relief funding than Congress intended, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said Friday that she believes […]

Raw Story 

Health experts horrified as new Trump COVID-19 adviser pushes ‘herd immunity’ strategy that could kill 2 million Americans

“It’s not edgy, contrarian,” one public health expert said of the “herd immunity” approach. “It’s dangerous and terrifying.” A top White House coronavirus adviser brought on earlier this month despite his lack of expertise in infectious diseases or epidemiology is reportedly pushing the Trump administration to adopt a so-called “herd immunity” strategy to the pandemic […]

Raw Story 

Kayleigh McEnany offers defense of Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘The individual was being attacked’

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday said that President Donald Trump will not condemn the alleged shootings of three protesters in Wisconsin by Kyle Rittenhouse. At a White House briefing, McEnany was asked if the president had any reaction to the killing of two protesters and the shooting of another. Rittenhouse, who was […]

Raw Story 

House gears up to subpoena DeJoy over his refusal to turn over documents: report

According to a report from POLITICO, the House Oversight Committee is gearing up to issue a subpoena for Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, after the Committee determined he ignored their request for documents regarding mail delays and “contacts” with White House officials and Trump’s campaign. “The panel is seeking details on changes to USPS overtime policy, sorting […]

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Экология в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Путин в России и мире

Король Бахрейна прибыл с миром // Он обсудит с Владимиром Путиным арабский план по Газе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Бизнесвумен Матильда Шнурова снялась без одежды в США


Кадыров пригласил Путина посетить Чечню

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