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Новости за 26.08.2020

Raw Story 

NBA cancels all games after players boycott in protest after Jacob Blake shooting

The Milwaukee Bucks have boycotted their upcoming game against the Orlando Magic this Wednesday in response to the police shooting of a Black man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, HuffPost reports. The Magic’s players reportedly wanted to go forward with the game, but then returned to the locker room after learning of the boycott. BREAKING: The Milwaukee Bucks decided […]

Raw Story 

As Trump pushes new tax cuts for wealthy, analysis shows US billionaires $800 billion richer since pandemic hit

“For billionaires, this is a heads we win, tails you lose economy, boosted by Trump policies to funnel wealth to the top.” As President Donald Trump and top members of his administration continue their push to deliver another round of tax cuts to rich investors, an analysis published Tuesday by the Institute for Policy Studies and Americans for Tax Fairness showed […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s evangelical VP Pence gets the limelight

Donald Trump’s devoutly evangelical Christian vice president, Mike Pence, takes center stage at the Republican convention Wednesday with a speech likely aimed at voters worried about the president’s moral standing and leadership during the Covid-19 crisis. Pence will speak from Fort McHenry in Baltimore, the site in 1814 of a British bombardment against American revolutionaries […]

Raw Story 

Kenosha shooter had pro-cop social media history and associated with militia group: report

The 17-year-old charged with shooting three people and killing two of them during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this Tuesday is a self-described militia member who claimed to be in the scene to protect property of looters, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. In an interview conducted by a Daily Caller reporter that was posted to […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s White House could be prosecuted for Hatch Act violations by the next president

President Donald Trump’s White House is breaking the Hatch Act law non-stop throughout the Republican Convention this year. Given that the White House governs its own violations of the law, it isn’t likely that the president will do anything to stop his appointees and other government staff who use their position to promote the president. […]

Raw Story 

1000 supporters to attend Trump’s renomination acceptance speech at the White House amid possible legal violations

President Donald Trump for weeks hinted he would deliver his renomination acceptance speech from the South Lawn of the White House, but after the first two nights of the Republican National Convention Trump has far exceeded that claim. Already much of the RNC has been held at the White House, including a citizenship naturalization ceremony, an official […]

Raw Story 

Republicans alarmed as Trump faces a ‘blowout’ on the TV airwaves: report

According to POLITICO’s Alex Isenstat, President Trump is getting “pummeled” when it comes to his TV ratings, and Republicans are getting nervous. “August has been a blowout,” writes Isenstat. “Trump has been outspent on TV more than 2-to-1 over the past month, according to the media tracking firm Advertising Analytics. And in the past two weeks, […]

Raw Story 

Texas braces for an ‘unsurvivable’ storm as Hurricane Laura strengthens to an ‘extremely dangerous’ Category 4

Hurricane Laura strengthened into a powerful Category 4 storm in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday, prompting warnings of “unsurvivable” storm surge of up to 20 feet (six meters) and evacuation orders for hundreds of thousands of coastal residents of Louisiana and Texas. The Miami-based National Hurricane Center said Laura was packing winds of 140 […]

Raw Story 

Could injectable microrobots one day run in your veins?

Scientists have created an army of microscopic four-legged robots too small to see with the naked eye that walk when stimulated by a laser and could be injected into the body through hypodermic needles, a study said Wednesday. Microscopic robotics are seen as having an array of potential uses, particularly in medicine, and US researchers […]

Raw Story 

The bizarre link between Donald Trump, John Wayne, and the Christian Right

White evangelical support for Donald Trump has long puzzled observers. To many, it seems hypocritical that Christians who have long touted “family values” could rally around a thrice-married man who was accused by several women of sexual assault. Scholars have commented on his crassness, defined by historian Walter G. Moss as “a lack refinement, tact, […]

Raw Story 

Sheriff: Kenosha gunman may have been part of a group that had asked to be deputized

The Illinois teenager accused of killing two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin may have been part of a group of people who asked to be deputized, according to Sheriff David Beth. “Yesterday, I had a person call me and say why don’t you deputize citizens who have guns to come out and patrol the city of Kenosha? And I’m like oh, […]

Raw Story 

Lifelong Republican backs Biden amid the GOP convention: I refuse to allow Trump to further degrade and defile the nation

This Wednesday, lifelong Republican Jim Greenwood penned an op-ed in the Courier Times, explaining that after years of working on Republican campaigns, he’s now voting for Joe Biden in 2020. Greenwood writes that before being a Republican, he’s a patriot. “As such I refuse to allow Donald Trump to further degrade and defile the nation […]

Raw Story 

Women may mount stronger COVID-19 immune response

A new study looking at male and female immune responses to the new coronavirus may shed new light on why men are more likely to become seriously ill with Covid-19, researchers said Wednesday. Since early in the pandemic it has been clear that men, particularly older men, are at a far higher risk of dying […]

Raw Story 

Just before the 2018 election Trump officials discussed using microwave ‘heat ray’ weapon against immigrants at the border: report

“A ‘heat-ray’ designed by the military to make people’s skin feel like it is burning” In the run up to the November 2018 election President Donald Trump publicly fear-mongered for months about a “caravan” of migrants coming to the U.S. southern border. “The Caravans are made up of some very tough fighters and people,” Trump tweeted […]

Raw Story 

Trump vows crackdown on Kenosha protesters after armed militant kills two and wounds another

President Donald Trump vowed to crack down on Wisconsin protesters after a pro-police militant was arrested for the killing of demonstrators. Protests have raged all week since Kenosha police shot Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black father, in the back after he tried to break up a fight, and the demonstrations turned deadly after suspected militia […]

Raw Story 

NY’s Central Park inaugurates statue of ‘real women,’ a first

It’s a small but significant foot in the door of an urban landscape completely dominated by white men: On Wednesday, New York’s Central Park inaugurated its first statue honoring “real women,” two of them white and one black, all of them pioneers in the struggle for women’s rights. In its 167-year history, the park has […]

Raw Story 

Despite DNC focus on winning ‘Biden Republicans,’ new poll suggests beating Trump ‘all about Democratic turnout’

Progressives are raising alarm over new poll results from CBS News out Tuesday, which suggest  the Democratic Party’s courting of moderate so-called “Biden Republicans” while sidelining popular progressive proposals and voices has not so far resulted in a groundswell of support for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden from disaffected GOP voters. In a poll taken between August 20 […]

Raw Story 

Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse arrested for murder after cops let him flee out of state

An Illinois teenager has been charged with first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of a demonstrator in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, of Antioch, was charged Wednesday with first-degree intentional homicide in a shooting late Tuesday during a clash between protesters of police brutality and right-wing militia group members. The militia members had gathered to […]

Raw Story 

BUSTED: Postal Service board chair under fire over little-noticed RNC appearance backing ‘four more years!’ for Trump

“It certainly doesn’t give the American public confidence that he and the Trump donor that he helped install as postmaster general are going to take concerns about voting by mail and about potential partisanship seriously.” Robert Duncan, the Trump-appointed chairman of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors who previously served as head of the […]

Raw Story 

US troops injured during altercation with Russian forces in Syria — and it was caught on video

Four U.S. service members were injured during an altercation in northeast Syria with Russian forces. The service members suffered mild concussion-like symptoms after the incident, according to a draft Pentagon statement reviewed reviewed and reported by Politico. Videos of the encounter posted on Twitter appear to show a Russian vehicle ramming an American vehicle as […]

Raw Story 

HIV-positive ‘elite controllers’ offer clues for cure

A handful of people with HIV are able to control the disease without treatment, and now research on these so-called elite controllers is offering clues in the search for a cure. For most people with HIV, controlling the virus requires a daily, life-long regime of anti-retroviral therapy (ART). This treatment must be followed continuously because […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: «Ингушетия может стать настоящим открытием даже для опытных туристов»

Путин в России и мире

Кадыров пригласил Путина посетить Чечню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко в Минске проведет переговоры с Путиным, который 23-24 мая совершит официальный визит в Беларусь

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Александр Градский

«КП»: могила композитора Александра Градского оказалась заброшенной


Москвичей пригласили на начало сезона концертов «Военные оркестры в парках Москвы»

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