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Новости за 05.08.2020

Raw Story 

Devin Nunes had another one of his lawsuits thrown out — this time by a Trump judge

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) lost another of his efforts to sue the media. According to the filing, this suit was against Ryan Lizza, who wrote an expose on Nunes’ family moving their family farm from Nunes’ district in California to Iowa. Nunes, who has claimed his occupation as a “dairy farmer” was outed for not […]

Raw Story 

‘This is a big deal’: Iowa Gov. ends voting ban for people with felony convictions

The new executive order means there is now no U.S. state categorically banning people with former convictions from voting. In a development heralded as “a historic sea change,” Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed an executive order on Wednesday overturning the state’s policy of permanently banning those with felony convictions from voting. “Today we take a significant step […]

Raw Story 

Herbivores face higher extinction risk than predators: study

Herbivores face a higher risk of extinction than predators, whether they are mammals, birds or reptiles, according to an extensive study of 24,500 species both living and extinct that was published Wednesday. The paper, which appeared in Science Advances, suggests herbivores have suffered a higher extinction rate over the past 50,000 years compared to other […]

Raw Story 

‘So many bootlicking hacks’: Trump campaign ignites mockery with ‘hilarious’ list of potential debate moderators

Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday asked the Commission on Presidential Debates to move up the last presidential debate to the first week in September, according to Axios. In his letter to the commission, he also included a list of suggested moderators. The list included several mainstream journalists, such as Norah O’Donnell of CBS […]

Raw Story 

CNN’s Brianna Keilar explains why she battled Trump adviser: ‘You can’t just ignore BS — you have to shovel it’

This Tuesday, CNN’s Brianna Keilar got into a heated exchange with Trump campaign senior adviser Mercedes Schlapp, fact-checking her assertions that mail-in voting can lead to election fraud. This Wednesday, Keilar did a follow-up on the segment, saying that a coronavirus death in the U.S. is more than “2000-times likely to occur than a case of voter fraud […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s unhinged fans get even more detached from reality as his chances fade

A pandemic is spiraling out of control and Donald Trump’s reaction is to roll his eyes and say, “It is what it is.” Unsurprisingly, polling data shows that his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, is pulling ahead, not just in national polls, but in a number of battleground states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida, none […]

Raw Story 

Trump creates a ‘minefield’ of legal problems for his own staff with plan for White House acceptance speech: report

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said that he might deliver his Republican National Convention speech from the White House. But legal experts who spoke with Bloomberg warned that might not be a good idea. The publication described the proposal as “a minefield of problems for the staff charged with putting such an event together.” The […]

Raw Story 

Controversial ‘Hookers for Jesus’ group to get more federal money as Bill Barr and Ivanka Trump announce anti-sex trafficking effort

The Las Vegas-based group Hookers for Jesus has won a grant from the Justice Department less than a year after whistleblowers raised red flags about federal funds being awarded to the organization, Reuters reports. The complaint from union officials says the group, which is run by a born-again Christian survivor of sex trafficking and operates a safe […]

Raw Story 

‘Taking taxpayers for a ride’: Moderna to charge $32-$37/dose for COVID-19 vaccine developed entirely with public funds

“It ought to be the people’s vaccine, not a new taxpayer burden.” Consumer advocates warned Wednesday that pharmaceutical giant Moderna is “taking taxpayers for a ride” after the company announced plans to charge between $32 and $37 per dose for a potential Covid-19 vaccine developed entirely with funds from the U.S. federal government. “Taxpayers are paying for 100% of […]

Raw Story 

Noted author accuses Jared Kushner of ‘planning last ditch try at disqualifying Biden ballots on election night’ with Barr’s blessing

A prolific author and speaker who has been described as a “Religious Right Defector” has issued a warning about the 2020 election that’s getting noticed. Frank Schaeffer was raised by a noted conservative Christian theologian who was at the forefront of right wing Christian political activism in the 1970’s. But now he is a liberal […]

Raw Story 

Black former Liberty University staffer says it felt like the ‘1950s or 1960s’ during his time at the school

After Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. mocked Virginia Governor Ralph Northam by donning a mask that featured the picture from Northam’s medical college yearbook allegedly showing him in blackface, several Black staff members and athletes left the evangelical college in protest. Speaking on MSNBC this Tuesday, former Liberty staffer Keyvon Scott said that he left the […]

Raw Story 

Sick ICE detainees are scared to die of COVID-19. Some beg federal judge to release them

MIAMI — The list of immigration detainees personally asking a Miami federal judge to release them from coronavirus-riddled detention centers in South Florida continues to grow. The new requests for release — each about 200 pages long — began to trickle in about two weeks ago after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed that a […]

Raw Story 

Trump stares blankly at mass death — and reveals just how out of touch he truly is

On Feb. 4, 1992, George Herbert Walker Bush was campaigning for reelection at the National Grocers Association convention in Orlando. There, the president “grabbed a quart of milk, a light bulb and a bag of candy and ran them over an electronic scanner,” wrote Times correspondent Andrew Rosenthal. “The look of wonder flickered across his face again as he […]

Raw Story 

Republicans have a fight on their hands: ‘Trump is losing and the Senate is leaning towards Democrats’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell breathed a sigh of relief after controversial former Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach lost his state’s Republican primary for the U.S. Senate. The McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund had invested $2.1 million to boost Rep. Roger Marshall, who won the primary and will face off against Democratic state Sen. Barbara […]

Raw Story 

New report accuses Trump of ‘intentional disregard’ and attack on democracy throughout failed COVID-19 response

“What is becoming clearer each day is President Trump’s intent to use this chaos to create a crisis for our democracy.” A new report published Wednesday details months of willful failures to confront the coronavirus pandemic by the White House and paints President Donald Trump’s authoritarian tactics during that national crisis as an overt assault on the nation’s democratic institutions ahead of elections in November. The […]

Raw Story 

Woman charged with making terroristic threats after blowing in nurse’s face during mask dispute

A Pennsylvania woman has been charged with making terroristic threats after she threatened the staff at a hospital and blew into a nurse’s face, NorthcentralPA reports. Glenda G. Richards, 41, reportedly refused to comply with the hospital’s coronavirus screening policy and also resisted wearing a mask when she entered the hospital. Court papers say Richards briefly […]

Raw Story 

Dr. Fauci reveals his family is ‘getting death threats’ from people who disagree with ‘science’

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease expert, revealed on Wednesday that his family has received death threats from people who disagree with his scientific recommendations on COVID-19. During an interview with CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, Fauci talked about “unseemly things that crises bring out in the world.” “And getting death threats for me […]

Raw Story 

Another watchdog at US State Department abruptly gone

The internal watchdog looking into accusations against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo abruptly quit Wednesday, just months after his predecessor was fired. The State Department’s acting inspector general, Stephen Akard, is a longtime aide to Vice President Mike Pence and his installation in May had widely been seen as a way to keep a friendly […]

Raw Story 

Andrea Mitchell knocks Biden for virtual convention speech: ‘How much does that damage the campaign?’

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell suggested to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Wednesday that presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden could “damage” his campaign by holding a virtual convention speech. Mitchell made the remark after President Donald Trump said that he was considering holding his convention speech at the White House. “Joe Biden is not going […]

Raw Story 

Entire second-grade class in Georgia school forced into COVID quarantine after just one day

An entire classroom full of second graders in Georgia has been forced into quarantine after one classmate tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Local news station WGCL reports that a student at the Sixes Elementary School in Cherokee County was diagnosed with COVID-19 just after they attended class on Monday, which was the first day […]

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Экология в России и мире

Забирает энергию, наводит порчу, вызывает слепоту: почему нельзя смотреть на северное сияние

Путин в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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