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Новости за 10.08.2020

Raw Story 

Democrats fear Trump will destroy White House records if he loses — but they have a plan to fight back: report

On Monday, Business Insider reported that House Democrats fear President Donald Trump and his administration officials will destroy White House records if he loses re-election, to obstruct the incoming Biden administration and hinder future investigations of wrongdoing — and they are already debating plans to stop it. “Top Democratic watchdogs in Congress are worried that […]

Raw Story 

Trump hoping for a vaccine by Election Day — but doctors say that’s impossible

Don’t expect a coronavirus vaccine by Election Day, no matter what President Donald Trump promises. Moderna was the first company to begin Phase 3 clinical trials in the U.S. and hopes to enroll 30,000 subjects by September, but so far has signed up only 4,536 and opened up just 54 of 89 study sites, reported […]

Raw Story 

What happens after Trump loses?

We are now less than 90 days until the 2020 election and it continues to look like Donald Trump will lose—perhaps badly. Even the president seems to know that at some level, which is why he’s refusing to commit to abide by the results, lying about mail-in ballots, and even suggesting that the whole thing […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s assault on Postal Service attacks much more than voting

When, in 1914, the designers of the New York General Post Office inscribed in stone the words that became the United States Postal Service’s motto — “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” — they clearly didn’t envision the presidency of […]

Raw Story 

Plant your garden now for fall harvest

ST. LOUIS — The clock is ticking.If you want the freshest broccoli, kale, carrots and more this fall, the time to plant it is now. It might even taste better than the same veggies you plant in the spring.I’ll admit, this is news to me. I am not a gardener. I thought that people wrap […]

Raw Story 

Desecrated: blast leaves old Beirut’s heritage gems in ruins

The monster explosion that levelled Beirut’s port darkened the Lebanese capital’s future but also blasted its past into oblivion, ravaging many beloved architectural and cultural treasures. Gems of the city’s heritage, including some of the region’s most elegant Levantine villas with their triple-arch windows, were damaged beyond repair. Many of old Beirut’s remaining colonial-era and […]

Raw Story 

A nasty storm spared Florida, but mind the wake-up call of Isaias

Before Floridians could figure out how to pronounce Isaias, he was long gone, raging along the I-95 corridor through the Carolinas, Connecticut and across the border to Canada.By Wednesday, the furious tropical storm had claimed at least seven lives and had left in its wake a very long trail of misery — flooding, tornadoes, toppled […]

Raw Story 

Top 10 classic summer movie picks to beat the heat

Summer is a special season for film, and not just because it is when studios trot out their loudest, most expensive fare. Filmmakers look to summer for its effects on friendships, the stories of youngsters coming of age and the ageless romances that blossom with a beach in the background. Whether it’s the burning passions […]

Raw Story 

If Trump loses two more states it’s ‘ballgame over’: AP reporter

Appearing on MSNBC’s ” Morning Joe,” Associated Press White House correspondent Jonathan Lemire explained Donald Trump’s chances of being re-elected have reached the point where, if he loses the electoral votes of one more, he will be out of luck and out of office. Speaking with co-host Joe Scarborough, Lemire was asked where Trump stands […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s executive orders are confusing and unconstitutional — and likely to hurt his own voters. He doesn’t care.

As we went into the weekend, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had washed his hands of the negotiations over the vitally necessary COVID-19 relief package, leaving Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and former Tea Party zealot turned White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to try to hash out a deal. Word was that the Democrats had come down […]

Raw Story 

‘This is going to be a nightmare’: WaPo business columnist says Trump’s executive orders will be disasters

Washington Post economics columnist Catherine Rampell on Monday said that President Donald Trump’s executive orders intended to provide economic relief to Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic have the potential to make things much worse. In particular, Rampell argued that the president’s order to temporarily suspend payroll taxes with no guarantee of permanent relief will be […]

Raw Story 

Experts issue dire warning on Trump executive action on unemployment insurance

“Literally every new detail about these executive orders confirms that in addition to being wildly unconstitutional, they will do absolutely nothing to help anyone who’s suffering.” On top of serious questions about the directive’s legality and workability, experts are warning that President Donald Trump’s executive action to extend the federal boost to unemployment benefits at $400-per-week—using […]

Raw Story 

Senior officials battling White House over urgent risk of reopening schools

Public health officials are increasingly worried that states — especially in the South — are not seriously considering the coronavirus risks associated with reopening schools. Trump administration officials have insisted to governors that reopening schools could be done safely, but senior officials have recently pressed White House officials to improve their messaging about the potential […]

Raw Story 

‘Angry’ Michigan Trump voters want ‘this nightmare to end’ in November

President Donald Trump’s Michigan supporters are abandoning their 2016 pick for Vice President Joe Biden as the election comes closer. In a series of interviews on MSNBC Sunday, revisited voters they’d met earlier in the election cycle in Kent County. Katey Morse and her husband were both working full time, and their kids were in […]

Raw Story 

Here’s how Trump is driving millions of American seniors into poverty

Donald Trump’s inept handling of the coronavirus pandemic is condemning millions of older Americans to get by on much smaller incomes and forcing many into permanent poverty, a new study shows. These people can anticipate shorter lives with less robust health, while taxpayers will bear the burden of care for many years of increased welfare […]

Raw Story 

Endangered Republicans follow Trump’s lead and turn to racism as Senate majority is in doubt

Republicans are hoping to save their election chances by stoking fear and anger against the Black Lives Matter movement. Taking their cues from President Donald Trump, GOP congressional candidates in safe seats are painting the civil rights movement as “Marxist” and anti-family, while Republicans in swing districts are portraying their Democratic opponents as “left-wing radicals,” […]

Raw Story 

Captive beluga whales released into Iceland sea sanctuary

Two beluga whales from a Shanghai aquarium have returned to the sea in an Icelandic sanctuary, conservationists said Monday, expressing hopes of creating a model for rehoming some 300 belugas currently in captivity. Little White and Little Grey, two 13-year-old females, left behind their previous lives entertaining visitors at the Changfeng Ocean World in June […]

Raw Story 

Morning Joe busts Trump for trying to scam the public with a fake tax cut proposal

Taking up the executive orders signed by Donald Trump on Saturday, MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough pointed out a big loophole in the president’s proposal for a tax cut, saying he is hiding the fact that voters will be on the hook for deferred taxes after the election. After first pointing out the president’s […]

Raw Story 

Lawmakers demand removal of Postmaster General DeJoy over ‘nefarious’ efforts to ‘aid Trump re-election’

“He is working to dismantle a fundamental institution of our democracy. He needs to resign or be removed, now.” On the heels of a “Friday Night Massacre” at the U.S. Postal Service that deeply alarmed lawmakers, activists, and ordinary citizens nationwide, two House Democrats are demanding the immediate removal of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy over his sweeping […]

Raw Story 

Trump isn’t a king — he may be worse

With each passing day, it seems, the Trump administration seems intent on replaying the lead-up to the English Revolution. This article first appeared in Salon. Like King James I of England (aka James VI of Scotland), Trump believes that he, to quote James’ tract of 1598, “The True Law of Free Monarchies,” “is above the […]

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

Ждать ли нам экстремально холодной зимы после знойного сентября: синоптики обновили прогноз на зиму

Путин в России и мире

Путин и глава Туркменистана обсудили подготовку к саммитам СНГ и БРИКС

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

«Бывали у меня дома»: Волочкова рассказала об опыте общения с психологами


Международный день жестовых языков отмечают 23 сентября

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