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Новости за 05.08.2017


How to avoid buying ‘bogus’ solar eclipse glasses

In case you haven’t heard, it’s not safe to look directly at a solar eclipse. To safely view the epic solar eclipse that will cut a dramatic shadow across the United States on August 21, you’ll need a special pair of ultra-dark sunglasses. Without them, the sun’s rays could cause permanent damage to your eyes. […]


‘Destructive device’ apparently behind Minnesota mosque blast, police say

“A destructive device” appears to have caused a Saturday morning explosion at a mosque in Minnesota, police said, and the FBI is taking the lead in the investigation. Authorities in Bloomington said no one was injured in the blast at the city’s Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center. “Preliminary investigation indicates the explosion was caused by a […]


British model kidnapped for dark web auction, Italian police say

A 20-year-old British model was kidnapped in Milan, Italy, to be auctioned off on a pornographic website on the dark web, the Italian State Police said Saturday. The model, who has not been named, was assaulted, drugged, handcuffed and stuck in a travel bag, police said in a statement. A 30-year-old Polish national who resides […]


New Venezuelan assembly ousts attorney general Ortega

[Breaking news update, published at 12:07 p.m. ET] Venezuela’s newly installed National Constituent Assembly voted unanimously Saturday morning to remove Attorney General Luisa Ortega Diaz from office. [Original story, published at 11:59 a.m. ET] Military troops prevented Venezuelan attorney general and regime critic Luisa Ortega Diaz from entering her Caracas office on Saturday, she told […]


The paranoid-parent’s guide to sharing photos of your kids

When Allison announced her pregnancy to her family, she sent out an ultrasound picture along with a strongly worded warning. “I told my family, if I ever saw a picture of him online they would never see him again in real life.” She has good reason to be strict. A former criminal prosecutor, Allison (a […]


Plane passenger helps cops bust 2 people texting about molesting kids, police say

If you see something, say something. A woman on a Seattle-to-San Jose, California flight this week took that law enforcement mantra to heart when she spotted a fellow passenger allegedly texting about sexually molesting children, San Jose police said. She immediately alerted the crew, leading police in two states to arrest a man and a […]


Venezuela: Troops bar attorney general Ortega from office

Military troops prevented Venezuelan attorney general and regime critic Luisa Ortega Diaz from entering her Caracas office on Saturday, she told reporters — two days after Diaz said she’d investigate fraud allegations in last weekend’s controversial elections. More than three dozen troops were standing outside the building Saturday morning, pictures released by her press office […]


McMaster: ‘We have to provide all options’ on North Korea

White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster said the possibility that North Korea could possess nuclear weapons capable of reaching the United States would be “intolerable” and could lead to a US military response. In an interview on MSNBC that was taped Wednesday but aired Saturday, McMaster said of Pyongyang, “If they had nuclear weapons […]


One way to increase diversity in journalism: Create better environments for mothers

Journalism has a long standing diversity problem. A Nieman Fellow has a novel idea for how newsrooms can solve one part of it: start by focusing on mothers. Katherine Goldstein, formerly an editor at Vanity Fair and Slate, spent her fellowship investigating the largely unacknowledged hurdles of working parents in journalism. News jobs typically feature […]


Thousands gather to advocate breast-feeding at ASEAN forum

Thousands of Filipino mothers gathered Saturday to breast-feed their babies together on the sidelines of the 50th Association of Southeast Asian Nations Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Manila. More than 2,000 mothers took part in the event, which marked the culmination of the ASEAN regional breast-feeding forum, CNN Philippines reported. The event was dubbed Hakab Na! […]


Russia’s Kislyak: ‘No secrets’ in talks with Flynn

Russia’s former ambassador to the United States said Saturday that his conversations with Michael Flynn — who was forced to resign as US national security adviser amid a controversy over those talks — were only about “simple things” with “no secrets.” Sergey Kislyak also said in his interview with state-run broadcaster Russia 24 that he […]


Harvard fight could redirect 40 years of affirmative action

The Justice Department this week signaled it would pursue Asian-American students’ complaints of bias in admissions at Harvard University, a move that could ultimately alter the future of affirmative action nationwide. Four decades after a landmark US Supreme Court ruling, affirmative action that brings diversity to college campuses has become entrenched. Yet it has been […]


PHOTO SLIDESHOW: 38 Special with The Outlaws

CLEARFIELD – On Friday night, 38 Special and the Outlaws rocked the grandstand stage at the 157th Clearfield County Fair. The photo slideshow is by GANT News photojournalist Steven McDole.


A 9-year-old ‘Guardian of the Galaxy’ applies for NASA job

A fourth-grader’s cover letter grabbed NASA’s attention in the search for the next real-life guardian of the planet. This week, the space agency began looking for its new planetary protection officer, someone capable of guarding the planet from “microbial contamination from other planets.” Jack Davis, a self-proclaimed “Guardian of the Galaxy” from New Jersey, piqued […]


Clearfield McDonald’s to Hold Ribbon-Cutting

CLEARFIELD – At 10 a.m. Monday, a formal ribbon cutting ceremony will celebrate the recent transformation of McDonald’s® of Clearfield, near Interstate 80 and Route 879.  As part of the ceremony, guests are eligible to enter an in-restaurant raffle for the chance to win a brand new 40-inch smart TV. The restaurant recently debuted a re-energized design […]


The Medical Minute: Preventing the Spread of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

HERSHEY, Pa. — Hand, foot and mouth disease may sound scary to a parent unfamiliar with the condition, but for young children, it’s nearly as common — and about as serious — as catching a cold. The enterovirus that causes the disease is present year-round but becomes more common during the warmer months of the […]


Safe Tractor Driving Contest Held at Clearfield Fair

CLEARFIELD – A “Safe Tractor Driving” contest was held at the 157th Clearfield County Fair. The place-winners were: Tyler Muth, first; Austin Fairman, second; Brandon Daubs, third; Lance Stone, fourth; and Aaron McCloskey, fifth. Shown, in front from left, are: Daubs, McCloskey, Landon Fairman, Dylan Henry and Isakk Way (future drivers). In the back, from […]


Clearfield County Fair Schedule: Saturday, Aug. 5

CLEARFIELD – The 157th Clearfield County Fair will close out Saturday, Aug. 5.  Below is the full schedule of events. Gates and buildings are open from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. 7:15 a.m. – 8:15 a.m., YMCA Fair Fun 5K/Kids 100-Yard Dash Registration, Grove Stage 8:30 a.m., YMCA Fair Fun 5K/Kids 100-Yard Dash 9 a.m., […]


Israeli transgender solider finds solace in service

Two years ago, Micha Yehudi hit rock bottom. The 25-year-old Israeli soldier was working 18-hour days and couldn’t sleep at night. Instead he watched videos of women going through the processes of transitioning into men. “I was in a very bad place emotionally and mentally,” Yehudi recalls. “I would watch these videos and watch these […]


Rwanda’s Kagame has 98% lead in presidential election

Rwandan President Paul Kagame is headed to reelection in a clear landslide victory, according to preliminary election results. Kagame is holding big lead in preliminary results posted on the National Electoral Commission’s Twitter feed, which showed him with more than 98% of the vote so far. Official results won’t be announced until August 12, after […]


Infant found dead in SUV after grandmother left girl inside all day, police say

A 4-month-old girl was found dead in Oklahoma after she was left inside an SUV for most of the day, the Oklahoma County sheriff’s office said. The child’s grandmother thought she dropped the girl at a daycare in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area on her way to work Friday morning, said Mark Opgrande, a spokesman […]


Northwestern professor, Oxford employee arrested in fatal stabbing

A Northwestern professor and an Oxford University employee were arrested Friday after a national manhunt following the stabbing death of a Chicago cosmetologist. Wyndham Lathem turned himself in Friday evening in Oakland, California, after authorities made contact with him, while Andrew Warren surrendered to police in San Francisco, according to the US Marshals. The suspects […]


Alabama’s Roy Moore blasts super PAC ads

Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, a candidate in the Alabama Senate race for Jeff Sessions’ former seat, slammed ads from a super PAC supporting Sen. Luther Strange as “scurrilous” and vile Friday night. “In this campaign, both myself and Congressman (Mo) Brooks have been attacked by scurrilous, false, and deceiving and misleading ads out […]


‘This Is Us’ loses Emmy nomination

“This Is Us” has a different reason to shed a tear. The hit NBC show lost one of its 11 Emmy nominations on Friday after the Television Academy disqualified its submission for “outstanding contemporary costumes.” “Having reviewed the ‘Moonshadow’ episode of ‘This Is Us,’ the Awards Committee noted that the entrant unfortunately miscalculated the proportion […]

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Экология в России и мире

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Путин в России и мире

Кремль: Путин 23 мая проведет переговоры с королем Бахрейна в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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