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Новости за 25.07.2017


Kendrick Lamar leads with the most MTV VMA nominations

MTV announced the nominations for the 2017 Video Music Awards on Tuesday via Instagram, and rapper Kendrick Lamar leads the pack with the most nominations for his video “Humble.” Katy Perry and The Weeknd tied for second place with five nominations each. Taking a cue from the non-gendered categories at the 2017 MTV Movie & […]


Trump has made liberals pity Jeff Sessions

President Trump seems to have done the impossible: He’s made liberals feel bad for Jeff Sessions. In a series of statements on Twitter, Trump attacked his own attorney general as “VERY weak” on investigating Hillary Clinton. And in claiming Ukraine tried to sabotage the election, Trump wondered, “where is the investigation A.G.” Clearly, the president […]


Scaramucci: Trump ‘wants his Cabinet secretaries to have his back’

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci defended Tuesday President Donald Trump’s public critiques of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, saying Trump “wants his Cabinet secretaries to have his back.” Trump tweeted on Monday and Tuesday to call his attorney general “beleaguered” and “VERY weak,” raising the specter that he may soon seek to push Sessions off […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Philipsburg State police received a report about an incident of harassment that occurred July 17 in the 100 block of North Second Street in Philipsburg Borough. During the incident, a 28-year-old Philipsburg man allegedly engaged in a physical altercation with the victim. State police are continuing their investigation at this time. State […]


Barbara Sinatra, widow of Frank Sinatra, dies at 90

Barbara Sinatra, philanthropist and wife of the legendary singer Frank Sinatra, died on Tuesday at 90 years old. John Thoresen, director of the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center, told CNN Sinatra died of natural causes. She was surrounded by family and friends at her home in Rancho Mirage, California. The former model and Las Vegas showgirl […]


2017 World Championships: Katie Ledecky becomes first woman to win 12 gold medals

Katie Ledecky has made history at the world championships, and she’s not done yet. In front of her family, the American won the 1500-meter freestyle by 19 seconds at the World Aquatics Championships in Budapest on Tuesday. Her time of 15:31.82 was the fourth fastest in history. The win gave the 20-year-old Ledecky her 12th […]


Scaramucci begins White House press shop shake-up

Newly-minted White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci told Politico on Tuesday that he planned to fire an assistant press secretary at the White House. That was news to the staffer, Michael Short, who told CNN minutes after the story broke: “No one has told me anything.” Scaramucci has said that he would reshuffle the White […]


BREAKING: Judges Issue Administrative Order Setting Deadlines for Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts to Complete Paperwork

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County Judges Fredric J. Ammerman and Paul E. Cherry filed an administrative order today setting strict deadlines for Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts Brian K. Spencer to complete criminal paperwork. The judges previously provided Spencer with “numerous” notifications as to deficiencies and an unacceptable backlog in the filing, docketing, scanning and processing of orders […]


Tesla reclaims top Consumer Reports rating

Consumer Reports magazine named the Tesla Model S the very best car in its highly competitive class. Then it the magazine publicly dethroned it over a software issue. Now the Model S is back on top. It’s confusing. At issue is Automatic Emergency Braking, software that works with sensors to detect objects ahead and apply […]


Congress invites Zuckerberg, Bezos to testify on net neutrality

Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Larry Page may soon be going to Washington. House Republicans invited the CEOs of top tech and telecom companies to testify at a hearing on net neutrality scheduled for September. The list includes Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google’s parent company, Alphabet. “The time has come to get everyone to the […]


Mercedes-Benz joining Formula E shows ‘how much world is changing’

Mercedes-Benz’s confirmation of its participation in Formula E from the 2019/2020 season provides further proof of motorsport’s shifting landscape, according to a leading Formula One driver. The German marque, which has been the dominant forces in F1 — winning constructors’ championships in 2014, 2015 and 2016 — will conclude its participation in the Deutsche Tourenwagen […]


Elon Musk says Mark Zuckerberg’s understanding of AI is ‘limited’

It’s a battle of the tech billionaires. Tesla boss Elon Musk and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are locked in a very public feud over the future of artificial intelligence. Musk has repeatedly warned about the dangers of artificial intelligence, describing it as a potentially existential threat to the human race. Zuckerberg has a different view. […]


China says VPN crackdown aimed at ‘cleaning’ the internet

Scaling China’s Great Firewall is getting a whole lot harder. Beijing said in January it would restrict virtual private networks, or VPNs, and this month reportedly told the three big telecoms companies to block individuals’ access to them by early next year. China’s regulator defended the crackdown on Tuesday, saying recent measures were part of […]


Why Germany has a dirty climate secret

Germany’s Angela Merkel is often referred to as the “climate chancellor” because of her impassioned stand on climate protection, which has included the muscular arm-twisting of laggard nations in Europe and beyond — as she demonstrated at the G20 summit in Hamburg in earlier this month. And during her three full terms in office, she’s […]


Lyft’s ‘Taco Mode’ brings riders to closest Taco Bell

Some Lyft customers will soon notice something different in the app: Taco Mode. The ridesharing company and fast food giant — whose customers overlap a great deal, both companies said — are teaming up to drive hungry passengers to the nearest Taco Bell for a free taco on route to their final destination. The service […]


Can nudity crack Hollywood’s double standard?

With nearly all-black, female-led casts, both HBO’s “Insecure” and feature film “Girls Trip” are clearly breaking all types of color and gender barriers. But it’s what’s happening behind the scenes that is changing the game on a more interesting frontier. Female writers like “Insecure’s” Issa Rae and Erica Rivinoja and Tracy Oliver of “Girls Trip,” […]


Meet the traveler photographing the world — via Google Street View

In a single day Londoner Jacqui Kenny continent-hops from Sun City, Arizona to Naryn, Kyrgyzstan — and back again. Kenny’s travel itinerary is unconstrained by the usual limits of money, transportation or logistics. That’s because she travels the world without leaving her house — via Google Street View. Kenny suffers from agoraphobia — an anxiety […]


Gold mining firm slapped with tax bill 190 times its annual revenue

Tanzania has presented the country’s biggest gold producer with a tax bill that’s four times the size of its economy. London-listed mining firm Acacia said Monday it had received a $190 billion tax bill from the Tanzanian government that covers the past 17 years. The demand is for $40 billion in back taxes and around […]


Parks Pit Report: Brantley Gilbert Big Machine Brickyard 400

This time of year in NASCAR is productive both on the track, and in the front office.  Teams are already deciding what they are going to do for the upcoming season, and in some cases beyond, for their driver lineup.  Some downsize, others add on, and some release drivers because of production. In doing so, […]


Trump welcomes ‘American hero’ McCain back to Washington

President Donald Trump welcomed Sen. John McCain back to Washington with a Tuesday morning tweet calling the Arizona Republican an “American hero.” “So great that John McCain is coming back to vote. Brave – American hero! Thank you John,” Trump wrote. McCain, recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, will make a dramatic […]


Rising political star in China under investigation as Xi tightens grip

Chinese President Xi Jinping has moved to further consolidate his power over the world’s newest superpower, striking down a rising political star. The ruling Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection officially announced on Monday that 53-year-old Sun Zhengcai, former party secretary of the southwestern metropolis Chongqing, was under investigation for a “serious discipline violation” […]


Is China reinforcing its border with North Korea?

China is further fortifying its border with North Korea, new reports show, amid continued tensions on the peninsula and concerns over potential US military action against Pyongyang. The North Korean-Chinese border stretches 880 miles (1,415 kilometers) across China’s Liaoning province, an industrial and mining heartland prone to heavy smog and painfully cold winters. In more […]


31 dead in Kabul car bomb attack claimed by Taliban

The Taliban have claimed responsibility for a car bombing in Kabul that left at least 31 people dead, as the Islamist fundamentalist group ratchets up an offensive across Afghanistan. The blast happened at around 6:40 a.m. Monday (10:10 p.m. ET Sunday) when a Toyota Corolla exploded in the city’s west, Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Najib […]


The dramatic return of John McCain

It will take more than a devastating diagnosis to keep John McCain out of the heat of political battle. The Arizona senator makes a poignant return to the Senate on Tuesday, less than a week after learning he has an aggressive form of brain cancer, just in time to boost tricky GOP vote math on […]


Republican senators poised to vote today on health care. What you need to know

It’s time to vote. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the Senate set to vote Tuesday on the first major test for the GOP effort to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s a vote on the motion to proceed to debate and amendments on the House-passed health care bill (i.e. the AHCA.) McConnell needs 50 out of […]

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Экология в России и мире

Станислав Кондрашов Telf AG: компания SSAB из Швеции разрабатывает экологически чистый мини-завод в Лулео

Путин в России и мире

Путин: Отношения России и Китая достигли наивысшего уровня в истории

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Ждём расстрела или отравления Зеленского в ближайшее время – Макгрегор

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Григорий Лепс

Дочь популярного певца Инга Лепс стала украшением нового сериала «Игры»


Путин объяснил, почему решил поменять министра обороны посреди СВО

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