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Новости за 01.07.2017


NYC hospital shooter sought ex-colleague who wasn’t there, sources say

The gunman who killed a doctor and injured six other people at a New York hospital was looking for a physician he blamed for his resignation from the facility, but that person wasn’t there, law enforcement sources said on condition of anonymity Saturday. And the slain doctor — a woman whom officials haven’t named — […]


NYC hospital shooter sought ex-colleague who wasn’t there, officials say

The gunman who killed a doctor and injured six other people at a New York hospital was looking for a physician he blamed for his resignation from the facility, but that person wasn’t there, law enforcement sources said on condition of anonymity Saturday. And the slain doctor — a woman whom officials haven’t named — […]


New Jersey government shuts down in budget standoff

New Jersey’s state government was forced to shut down Friday night after Gov. Chris Christie and state lawmakers failed to reach an agreement on a budget. Christie signed a state of emergency permitting the operation of essential government services such as state police, correctional facilities, welfare services, state hospitals and treatment facilities. Also shielded from […]


GOP senators to McConnell: Cancel August recess

A group of Republican senators are requesting August recess be canceled or shortened to give the party more time to make progress on its legislative agenda. The group, which includes Georgia’s David Perdue, Montana’s Steve Daines, Iowa’s Joni Ernst, Louisiana’s John Kennedy, Oklahoma’s James Lankford, Utah’s Mike Lee, South Dakota’s Mike Rounds, Alabama’s Luther Strange, […]


28 people injured in Arkansas club shooting, police say

Twenty-eight people were wounded early Saturday as gunfire rang out at nightclub in Little Rock, Arkansas, police said. Twenty-five people were shot and three others sustained related injuries at the Ultra Power Lounge in the Arkansas capital. At least one person is listed in serious condition. Victims ranged in age from 16 to the mid-20s […]


Anthony Kennedy loves his job — and he’s still here

As he announced a major Supreme Court ruling recently, Anthony Kennedy spoke so fervently about free speech and the power of the Internet, he seemed ready to spring from his black leather chair on the justices’ elevated bench. It was a fleeting but quintessential Kennedy moment as the court was finishing its annual session, a […]


Trump on states rebuffing his voter fraud effort: ‘What are they trying to hide?’

President Donald Trump called out the nearly 30 states expressing concerns about the legality of his administration’s efforts to investigate voter fraud, asking what the states might be hiding in a tweet Saturday morning. “Numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished VOTER FRAUD PANEL. What are they trying to hide,” Trump […]


Trump and Macron, friends or foes on Bastille Day?

If there is one sacred holiday in France, it is what Americans call “Bastille Day,” and the French simply call “the Fourteenth of July.” It is the Fourth of July, Veteran’s Day and Presidents Day all rolled into one. Now, on the invitation of France’s new President Emmanuel Macron, Donald Trump is coming to celebrate […]


Defiant Trump resumes attacks on ‘Morning Joe’ hosts, despite bipartisan criticism

A defiant President Donald Trump resumed his attacks on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on Saturday morning, calling Scarborough “crazy” and Brzezinski “dumb as a rock,” despite days of bipartisan criticism over his initial attacks on the pair earlier this week. “Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are […]


Should GOP health bill prevail, say goodbye to insurance rebates

If Senate GOP leaders have their way, the check may not be in the mail. Many consumers collected unexpected rebates after the Affordable Care Act became law, possibly with a note explaining why: Their insurer spent more of their revenue from premiums on administration and profits than the law allowed, so it was payback time. […]


At least 17 people shot at Arkansas club, police say

At least 17 people were shot at a concert in Arkansas early Saturday morning and others injured as they tried to escape, police said. No one was killed in the shooting, which occurred at the Ultra Power Lounge in Little Rock. “We do NOT believe this incident was an active shooter or terror-related incident. It […]


Malawi opens drone testing corridor for humanitarian efforts

Malawi has launched Africa’s first air corridor to test the use of drones to deliver aid and other services in the region, according to UNICEF officials. The air corridor is a result of the partnership with the UN’s children’s agency and officials say it opens up the possibility for “potential humanitarian” drone use in the […]


NJ government shut down amid budget standoff

New Jersey’s state government was forced to shut down on Friday night after Gov. Chris Christie and state lawmakers failed to reach an agreement on a budget. Christie signed a state of emergency permitting the operation of essential government services such as state police, correctional facilities, welfare services, state hospitals and treatment facilities. Also shielded […]


Lions defeat All Blacks to level series

Not since 2009 had New Zealand lost a rugby game on home soil; not since 2003 had the mighty All Blacks been beaten at Wellington’s Westpac Stadium. But the British and Irish Lions, a composite team made up of the best players from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, have put an end to that 47-match […]


Speed Display Sign Placed on Route 322/Rockton Mountain

CLEARFIELD – Truck traffic traveling the Clearfield-Rockton Highway in Clearfield County, will be reminded to obey the posted speed limit as they travel along this section of Route 322. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently placed a radar-controlled speed display sign, north of the Zion exit to aid in curbing speeding, a common type […]


National Guard Fast Facts

CNN Library (CNN) — Here’s a look at the National Guard, a reserve military force and the oldest component of the US armed forces. Facts: The National Guard consists of the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. The National Guard was formed in 1636 as the militia of the colonists in North America, […]


The Medical Minute: Many Treatments Can Mitigate Blood Clot Dangers

HERSHEY, Pa. — When people talk about blood clots, they usually aren’t referring to whether their skinned knee will clot before the blood soaks through their Band Aid. That’s the good side of clotting. Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, however, is the bad side. Those are the types of clots that can form in blood […]


Summer Thunder® 2017: “Live The Legacy – Celebrating 70 Years of DelGrosso’s Park”

TIPTON – The DelGrosso Family of Companies is gearing up for a summertime tradition – Summer Thunder® 2017.  This year’s annual fireworks extravaganza is themed as “Live The Legacy – Celebrating 70 Years of DelGrosso’s Park.” “Each year we like to pick a theme for our show.  This year’s theme will celebrate our 70th anniversary […]


Lionel Messi marries childhood sweetheart Antonela Roccuzzo in hometown of Rosario

The name Lucas Scaglia may not mean much to most people but without him, Lionel Messi’s marriage to childhood sweetheart Antonela Roccuzzo may never have happened. While playing for Newell’s Old Boys as kids, so the story goes, Scaglia and Messi became friends off the pitch. A young Messi soon began spending an increasing amount […]


Joe Paterno’s estate drops lawsuit against NCAA

The estate of the late Hall of Fame football coach Joe Paterno filed a motion Friday to drop its civil suit against the NCAA over claims that the ruling body of college sports damaged the legendary coach’s family when it sanctioned Penn State in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal. The Paternos had alleged […]


Bernstein: We are in the midst of a ‘malignant presidency’

Journalism legend Carl Bernstein called on the US press Friday to rise to the challenge of the Donald Trump presidency, which he characterized as “malignant.” “We’re in foreign territory,” Bernstein said, speaking on CNN’s “New Day.” “We have never been in a malignant presidency like this before. It calls on our leaders, it calls on […]


Founder of failed Fyre Festival faces federal fraud charges

The co-founder of the Fyre Festival was arrested and charged with one count of federal wire fraud on Friday, according to the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors allege that William “Billy” McFarland, co-founder and CEO of Fyre Media, defrauded at least two investors who invested about $1.2 million total in the Fyre Festival. McFarland allegedly […]


Callan: The problem with Mika and Joe’s Trump allegation

As most Americans begin a particularly lengthy Fourth of July holiday weekend, television screens, and virtually all the media are focused on the burning questions: “Did Mika really have a face-lift?” and “Did Trump really tweet that?” Normally we could brush these questions aside as no more important than, “Will she say yes to the […]


One house, two countries: This home is unique as it gets

Imagine entering through the front door of a two-story house in Beebe Plain, Vermont, then heading out to the backyard and standing in Standstead, Quebec. Brian DuMoulin, 71, inherited the property from his aunt over 40 years ago. Built in 1782, the nine-bedroom, three-bathroom historic building known as the “Old Stone House” rests on the […]


Kansas City-Style Ribs

Our family recipe for ribs has evolved to near perfection. These country-style beauties are a legend in our close circle. —Linda Schend, Kenosha, Wisconsin View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>

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Экология в России и мире

В СВАО Москвы реконструируют дорогу и построят мост

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Анастасия Стоцкая появилась на публике в откровенном наряде


Андрей Мидловец выиграл якутский финал на первенстве России

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