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Новости за 08.07.2017


Putin: Trump appeared to agree Moscow did not interfere in election

Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters Saturday that US President Donald Trump appeared to agree with Moscow’s position that it did not interfere in last year’s election during their bilateral talks at the G20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany, on Friday. “I repeat, he asked a lot of questions on this matter,” Putin said at a […]


Chicago’s new requirement for high school students: No plan, no diploma

A product of Chicago’s South Side, DeAvion Gillarm will be the first in his family to attend college. “I always had a plan,” said Gillarm, a Morgan Park High School graduate headed to Lincoln College next month. “You’re not going to be successful without a plan.” Under a controversial new requirement, starting in 2020, students […]


All the quirky details you need to know about Elon Musk’s Boring company

Elon Musk was clearly not joking when he said he was so tired of Los Angeles traffic that he was going to buy a tunneling machine “and just start digging.” The billionaire entrepreneur now has a tunnel-boring machine that is tearing through the earth under a plot of land that his rocket company, SpaceX, owns […]


Trump urges action on North Korea in meeting with China’s Xi

President Donald Trump has long said China is the lynchpin to solving North Korea’s saber rattling with missile tests. But his tact with the Asian superpower has run the gamut: He has thanked the Chinese for their support, argued they aren’t helping defuse the situation and then written them off as willing partners — all […]


G20 closes with rebuke to Trump’s climate change stance

German Chancellor Angela Merkel closed the G20 summit in Hamburg with a rebuke to President Donald Trump’s stance on climate change, but the group of the world’s economic leaders appeared to make a concession on his protectionist trade policies. Officials had been at an impasse over an increasingly isolationist United States and Trump’s climate change […]


How Mitch McConnell could stabilize Obamacare in 2018

Mitch McConnell certainly doesn’t want to save Obamacare. But the Senate majority leader acknowledged Thursday that if Republicans can’t pass a health care bill, they would have to do something to shore up the Obamacare markets for next year. “If my side is unable to agree on an adequate replacement, then some kind of action […]


I saw suffering like I’ve never seen

The violence that broke out Wednesday during Venezuela’s Independence Day felt all too familiar. In fact, only last week I had seen for myself some of the chaos that has enveloped the country when I visited Caracas. I was there to meet with local partners who have been begging for help in a humanitarian crisis […]


Protesters flood streets of Hamburg as G20 wraps up

An eclectic and international mix of demonstrators peacefully tramped through the streets of Hamburg on Saturday, a show of anti-capitalist muscle in earshot of the world’s top leaders who were finishing up at the G20 summit. Up to 50,000 people turned out, police in the northern German city estimated. Waving flags, wielding banners and holding […]


Venezuela’s Leopoldo Lopez being released from prison to house arrest

Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, whose imprisonment has been a rallying cry for anti-regime demonstrators, has been released to house arrest because of health concerns, the nation’s Supreme Court said Saturday morning. Lopez has been detained since early 2014 over accusations of inciting anti-government protests. “By the power of Supreme Court Judge Maikel Moreno, the […]


Why sexism has festered for so long in Silicon Valley

In just two weeks, two powerful Silicon Valley investors have resigned from the firms they cofounded after women accused them of sexual harassment. The men, 500 Startups cofounder Dave McClure and Binary Capital cofounder Justin Caldbeck, didn’t just cross the line once, according to the allegations. Multiple women — both employees at their firms and […]


Trump’s mistake in his meeting with Putin

The first day of the G20 summit in Hamburg was notable for the attention given to Donald Trump’s first face-to-face meeting with Vladimir Putin and the ferocity of the day’s protests. It would be nice to think that the protesters were particularly irked by the sight of two autocratic, media-hating leaders with dodgy business connections […]


Venezuela’s Leopoldo Lopez released from prison to house arrest

Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, whose three years in prison have been a rallying cry for anti-regime demonstrators, has been released to house arrest because of health concerns, the nation’s Supreme Court said Saturday morning. Lopez has been detained since early 2014 over accusations of inciting anti-government protests. “By the power of Supreme Court Judge […]


Ivanka Trump briefly sits in for her father at G20 session

Ivanka Trump, President Donald Trump’s daughter and one of his top White House aides, briefly took her father’s place at a meeting with other world leaders at the G20 summit here in Hamburg on Saturday, causing a stir among Trump critics on social media. A photo of the first daughter sitting next to Chinese President […]


Chris Christie got burned this week

Here’s how Chris Christie spent part of his Sunday: That’s him and his family way down there, alone on the beach. Here’s a closer look: Later that day, Christie took the state helicopter to Trenton to hold a press conference urging the state legislature to agree to a budget deal. The impasse, in its third […]


Congress and the Air Force are in a space war

Congress and the Air Force are going to war over outer space. The Air Force has launched an effort to stop a proposal approved by a House committee last week to create a new “Space Corps” under the Air Force’s umbrella. The proposal, which was included in the House’s National Defense Authorization Act, would set […]


G20: World leaders at odds with Trump on trade, climate

World leaders at the G20 summit in Germany went into their final day of talks Saturday scratching their heads over what to do about a increasingly isolationist United States. Leaders appeared to be at an impasse over trade and climate change, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel making clear that the US’ stance on the key […]


US and Russia inch closer to cooperating on Syria, but long road lies ahead

Both sides have described the meeting of Presidents Trump and Putin in Hamburg on Friday as constructive and businesslike — and both highlighted the possibility of greater cooperation in ending the Syrian conflict. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the two leaders had reached an agreement on curbing violence in Syria. The first step […]


NBA player Taj Gibson arrested for driving with a suspended license

NBA star Taj Gibson was arrested this week in Queens for driving with a suspended license, the New York Police Department said. Gibson, 32, was pulled over by police after he made an illegal U-turn on Thursday. An officer did a computer check and discovered that Gibson’s Illinois license was suspended, police said. The veteran […]


Trump: UK trade deal expected ‘very quickly,’ confirms London visit

US President Donald Trump said he expects a “powerful” trade deal with the UK “very, very quickly,” confirming that the two countries are currently working on an agreement. Trump made the comments Saturday as he met with British Prime Minister Theresa May at the G20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany. The US President also confirmed he […]


CCAP Details Data Breach Affecting Children & Youth Cases

CLEARFIELD – Some local children may have had their personal information exposed in a recent data security breach, according to the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania. The breach involved a third-party vendor and affected approximately 1,800 child welfare cases statewide. GANT News partner WJAC-TV has reported 69 cases were affected in Clearfield County. In May, […]


US bombers fly over Korean Peninsula in response to N. Korea’s ICBM test

Two US B-1B Lancer bombers flew over the Korean Peninsula Friday in response to North Korea’s increasing ballistic missile and nuclear threat, according to the US Pacific Air Forces. North Korea test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Tuesday, with US intelligence classifying the rocket as a brand-new missile that has not been seen before. “North […]


Tropical Island Chicken

The marinade makes a savory statement in this all-time-favorite chicken recipe that I served at our son’s pirate-themed birthday party. It smelled so good on the grill that guests could hardly wait to try a piece! —Sharon Hanson, Franklin, Tennessee View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>


Putin set a trap and Trump fell into it

The Russians just played the President. It was predictable. And he let it happen. On paper, Vladimir Putin should not have had the upper hand going into the meeting. To start with, Russia has been living with sanctions put in place more than three years ago because of their annexation of Crimea. And most Americans, […]


Trump’s voter commission safeguards our rights

Despite his own reservations about Russian meddling in the 2016 election, President Donald Trump defied critics and pressed Russian President Vladimir Putin on the issue during their private meeting in Germany. Not surprisingly, Putin denied any meddling. Their 2-hour meeting may have ended, but the Russia probe is far from over. As with all things […]


Police: Video shows Venus Williams drove ‘lawfully’ before fatal crash

New evidence shows that tennis star Venus Williams “lawfully” entered a Florida intersection seconds before a fatal crash involving her SUV, police said. The Palm Beach Gardens Police said surveillance video was obtained from the guard gate of a residential community near the intersection after they started investigating the June 9 collision that injured Jerome […]

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец SHAMAN расплакался на концерте в Уфе после исполнения песни «Мама»


Премьера инклюзивного спектакля состоялась в Губернском театре

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