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Новости за 21.07.2017


Obituary Notice: Roy E. “Ray” Gilham

Roy E. “Ray” Gilham, 89, of State College died Thursday, July 20, 2017 at home. Born Dec. 8, 1927 in Philipsburg, he was a son of the late Ezekial and Susann (Kelley) Gilham. He was a 1946 graduate of Philipsburg High School, a 1954 graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania and a 1968 graduate of […]


Sean Spicer’s very short term as White House press secretary, ranked

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced his resignation after 182 days on the job, marking the end of a tumultuous and combative run — as well as one of the shortest tenures in the position’s history. The six months that Spicer has spent as chief spokesperson for President Donald Trump marks the sixth-shortest tenure […]


Sean Spicer has one path to redemption

It hasn’t been easy being Sean Spicer for the past six months. Called on to defend the indefensible from day one — remember those outlandish, inaccurate claims about the inauguration crowd numbers? — he has watched his credibility be reduced to rubble. In return for his loyalty, he has been mocked on late night TV […]


What Anthony Scaramucci tells us about Donald Trump’s White House

Sean Spicer is out of the White House. Anthony Scaramucci is in. What that staff shuffle tells us about President Donald Trump is a lot more than you might think. Spicer, remember, is not and never has been a “Trump guy.” He was brought into the White House at the urging of Reince Priebus, the […]


First woman enlists to become a Navy SEAL

A woman will train with other potential officers this summer in hopes of becoming the first female Navy SEAL. The candidate, a midshipman, and another woman have enlisted as the first female candidates seeking to join the Navy’s special operations teams. The latter is training for the Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman program, or SWCC. These […]


Sources: Congress close to deal on Russia sanctions

House and Senate leaders are close to an agreement on a bipartisan Russian sanctions package and could announce a deal as early as Friday afternoon, according to three sources familiar with the negotiations. Congress hopes to approve the bill and put it on the President’s desk before it breaks for the August recess. Bipartisan negotiators […]


Why in the world is this puppy green?

Look at this good dog! This is Rio, and Rio recently had a litter of puppies. Among the freshly-minted additions, one looked a little, well, mintier than the rest. Rio and her owner, Louise Sutherland, live in Golspie in the Scottish Highlighands. When Rio gave birth to a litter of nine golden retriever puppies on […]


The top 5 Sean Spicer quotes

Sean Spicer may be gone (from the White House communications team), but he certainly will not be forgotten. The outgoing White House press secretary resigned Friday after news that New York financier and former Trump campaign fundraiser Anthony Scaramucci accepted the position of White House communications director. Spicer has been a memorable member of the […]


Sean Spicer’s resignation may mean the end of Melissa McCarthy’s ‘SNL’ character

Sean Spicer’s resignation Friday doesn’t just mean the end of his time as White House press secretary. It also likely means the end of one of the all-time great “Saturday Night Live” impersonations: Melissa McCarthy’s Sean “Spicy” Spicer. “It is not too much to say that Melissa McCarthy turned in the most devastatingly effective political […]


JetBlue considers new JFK terminal

JetBlue Airways might build a new terminal at New York City’s much maligned John F. Kennedy airport. The New-York based airline said a new terminal could boost capacity, improve flyers’ experience and let it partner with additional airlines. The process is still in the very early stages, with JetBlue asking for proposals for a new […]


China will import American rice for the first time

The world’s largest rice producer is hungry for more and looking to the U.S. for supplies. China will import American rice for the first time after a new trade deal was agreed Thursday. “The agreement with China has been in the works for more than a decade and I’m pleased to see it finally come […]


Sean Hannity will no longer receive Buckley Award after controversy

Fox News Channel star anchor Sean Hannity will no longer receive the conservative Media Research Center’s William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence at its September 21 gala, sources familiar with the situation tell CNN. Buckley, the founder of the National Review, who died in 2008, was hailed in his day as “arguably the most […]


WaPo & NYT: Trump legal team trying to undercut Mueller

President Donald Trump’s legal team is looking at ways to push back against the special counsel investigation led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller, The Washington Post and The New York Times reported Thursday evening. The Post, citing people familiar with the effort, said Trump’s legal team was trying to find ways to undercut Mueller’s […]


UK Supreme Court names Brenda Hale as first female president

The UK Supreme Court on Friday appointed its first female president, Brenda Hale, making her the first woman to be the most senior judge in the country. Hale, an expert in family law who has been the court’s deputy president since June 2013, will succeed Lord David Neuberger as its head in October, following his […]


1998 US Embassies in Africa Bombings Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed 224 people. Terrorist group al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the bombings. Facts: The bombings took place eight years to the day after US troops were ordered to Saudi Arabia in the aftermath of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Al Qaeda […]


Security robot ‘in critical condition’ after nearly drowning on the job

It was one small step for security technology, but one giant leap in the wrong direction for robotkind. A security robot in Washington — lovingly named Steve — plunged down four steps into a fountain Monday. Photos show the sad, waterlogged robot cop partially submerged in defeat. No foul play was involved; Steve simply rolled […]


Obituary Notice: Maxine Vogel

Maxine Vogel, 84, of Port Matilda and formerly of Houtzdale, died Thursday, July 20, 2017 at Centre Crest Nursing Home in Bellefonte. Born Feb. 2, 1933 in Irvona, she was the daughter Don and Violet (Straw) Termin. She was protestant by faith. She was employed by Bi-Lo Market in the bakery department until her retirement. […]


US will bar Americans from visiting North Korea, tour groups say

The US government will soon prohibit American citizens from traveling to North Korea, according to two tour groups that cater to Western tourists who want to visit the secretive country. The US will announce the ban within a couple of days, said Simon Cockerell, general manager of Beijing-based Koryo Tours. The agency was informed of […]


‘Confederate’ team knew backlash was coming

The creative team behind HBO’s “Confederate” has responded to the intense backlash to their alternate-history drama. In an interview with Vulture posted late Thursday, “Game of Thrones” showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and fellow executive producers Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcolm Spellman addressed concerns that were raised almost immediately after “Confederate” was announced. The […]


Israel bars men under 50 from entering Jerusalem’s Old City for prayers

Israeli police have barred male worshipers under 50 from entering the Old City of Jerusalem and Temple Mount, also known as the Noble Sanctuary, for Friday prayers following last week’s fatal shooting. Women are still allowed to enter regardless of age, as are tourists, according to police foreign press spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. Police and border […]


Earthquake off Greek and Turkish coasts kills two tourists

At least two people were killed and dozens hurt early Friday when the Greek island of Kos was shaken by a magnitude 6.7 earthquake, Mayor George Kyritsis told CNN Greece. The quake’s epicenter was just 16.2 kilometers (10.1 miles) east-northeast of Kos in the sea between Greece and Turkey, the US Geological Survey said. The […]


North Korea facing its worst drought since 2001, UN warns

North Korea is heading for its worst drought since 2001, the United Nations has warned, raising the possibility of increased food shortages in the rogue state. “More rains are urgently needed to avoid significant decreases in the main 2017 cereal production season,” a report by the UN Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) said Thursday. “Should drought […]


Why is everyone talking about Russian adoptions?

President Donald Trump spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an encounter not initially disclosed on the sidelines of an international summit this month. One of the topics, according to Trump? Russian adoptions. Top Trump campaign officials, including Donald Trump Jr., held a meeting in June 2016 with Soviet-born figures at Trump Tower that was […]


This city is a tinderbox, and the US is building a drone base next door

Just minutes from the city, faint tire tracks blow away in the wind, and the vast expanse of sand quickly becomes disorienting. The sprawling desert north of Agadez, in the west African nation of Niger, is the size of France — and the search is on for a single stranded truck. We’re lucky; our military […]


Laughing at ISIS to defeat them

Deep in the outskirts of Mumbai, India, tucked away in a small conference room among dozens of buildings known as Bollywood’s “Film City,” the US government is implementing a unique, and until now, unknown counterterrorism program aimed at diminishing the online influence of terror groups like ISIS – by making fun of them. Seated among […]

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

Снайперов из охраны Путина заметили с зарубежными винтовками

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Две пары Поморья примут участие во Всероссийском свадебном фестивале в рамках Международной выставки-форума «Россия»

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