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Новости за 17.07.2017


Indiana teen killings: Have you seen this man in sketch?

Just over five months ago, Abigail “Abby” Williams and Liberty “Libby” German were found dead in Delphi, Indiana, after the teenagers went on a hike. Indiana State Police released a cell phone photo and audio recording of a person they believe to be the suspect. Police have not had any luck making an arrest. Monday, […]


‘Modern Day Presidential’ really isn’t working for Trump

Just after 10 a.m. ET Monday, Donald Trump typed out his first tweet of the day: “Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That’s politics!” A few things: 1. It’s not politics. And by “it” I mean the eldest son […]


Trump’s wish list for NAFTA set to come today

President Trump hates America’s trade deals. But he hasn’t said what better deals would look like, or how he’ll bring jobs back from Mexico. That should change on Monday. Trump’s U.S. trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, is expected to publish a list of goals for the upcoming renegotiation of NAFTA, the free trade agreement among Canada, […]


Top bankers face trial a decade after 2008 financial crisis

They’re the most senior bankers to face charges in Britain over crimes allegedly committed during the financial crisis. And now they have a trial date. Former Barclays CEO John Varley and three top lieutenants will go on trial in January 2019, more than a decade after they orchestrated controversial cash injections from Qatar that saved […]


Biden: GOP health care bill is ‘enough to make your blood boil’

Former Vice President Joe Biden slammed the GOP health care bill Monday, saying the denial of basic health care access for Americans is enough “to make your blood boil.” “They want to drag us back to a time — not all that long ago — when Americans could be denied basic health care because they […]


Woman calls 911, gets killed by Minneapolis police, source says

A woman shot and killed by Minneapolis police had called 911 to report a possible crime near her home, a source who knew her said Justine Ruszczyk called 911 on Saturday night because she thought a sexual assault might be taking place in a back alley near her home, the source said. But after Minneapolis […]


Blue Apron stock gets toasted as Amazon cooks up rival service

Amazon is cooking up a plan to disrupt the meal-kit delivery business that Blue Apron helped pioneer. Blue Apron shares plunged as much as 11% on Monday following news that Amazon filed to trademark a prepared food-kit service. About one-third of Blue Apron’s value has vanished since the company went public late last month. Amazon’s […]


Democrats demand Republicans hold hearings on their health care bill

Now that Republicans will delay a vote on their health care bill until Arizona Sen. John McCain is healthy enough to return to Washington, Senate Democrats are asking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his top committee chairmen to hold hearings on the measure. “Given your decision to delay the vote on the Better Care […]


No red carpet for Trump, says London’s Khan

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has reiterated his opposition to US President Donald Trump being afforded an elaborate state visit when he comes to the UK next year. “State visits are different from a normal visit and at a time when the President of the USA has policies that many in our country disagree with, I […]


The power of the emoji, Japan’s most transformative modern design

Emojis have become, without a doubt, a design classic. But how effective are they as a communication tool? Over 6 billion emojis are sent on a daily basis, with over 90% of the world’s online community making regular use of them. Emojis may be one of Japan’s greatest-ever exports. Today they are even officially classified […]


The health care vote is delayed. Does that help or hurt its chances?

The future of the Republicans’ health care bill is once again in peril this week after Sen. John McCain underwent surgery for a blood clot and announced he would not be able to return to Washington to vote on legislation to overhaul Obamacare. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Saturday night that GOP leaders plan […]


Trump changes tune, flexes US muscle overseas

In the first six months of President Donald Trump’s tenure, the US has ramped up military operations in trouble spots across the globe and is preparing to do more. The intensified military engagement stretches from Europe through Africa and the Middle East to South Asia, and marks a striking contrast to the vision of “America […]


5 things for Monday, July 17, 2017: Health care bill, Russia, Venezuela, Iran

Today is World Emoji Day, so it’s the perfect day to communicate without being bogged down by pesky words. Here’s what else you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. (You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here.) 1. Health care bill […]


Mexico’s Vicente Fox banned from Venezuela

Venezuelan authorities have declared former Mexican President Vicente Fox a “persona non grata” and banned him from ever returning to the country. Fox was in Venezuela, along with other former Latin American presidents, to act as an observer in Sunday’s non-binding referendum called by the opposition on government plans to reform the constitution. In a […]


Artificial sweeteners: Where do we stand?

Could the no-calorie sweetener you rely on to replace sugar in your diet actually cause weight gain instead of the weight loss you were expecting? The answer may be yes, according to a new study. “People are generally consuming non-nutritive sweeteners believing they are a ‘healthy choice’, but this may not be true,” said research […]


Roll up, roll up for the Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Conor McGregor circus

The boxing purists are utterly dismissive of the fight as a total mismatch but the fans seem to love the idea, turning out in their tens of thousands just to glimpse the fighters on their promotional tour. And the increasingly probability is that when that peerless old boxing master of defense — Floyd Mayweather Jr […]


Birkdale and beyond: the greatest golf links in the world

Golf’s origins begin some 600 years ago on the links lands of Scotland and it is on these same tracts the British Open is played out every year. Links golf — on rugged sandhills linking the land to the sea — presents a particular test, where fresh winds, deep bunkers, rolling surfaces and deep rough […]


Earnings season in full swing; China GDP; New market records?

1. Earnings bonanza: A mix of financial services, entertainment, transportation and technology companies are reporting earnings this week. Investors will be examining earnings from BlackRock ahead of the open on Monday. Netflix will report after the close. Later in the week financial firms including Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley will report results. […]


Family finds clues to teen’s suicide in blue whale paintings

The walls and décor of 16-year-old Nadia’s room looked like that of any other high school teenager. Her real name is not Nadia; we are keeping her identity hidden at the request of her family, out of respect for her memory and their privacy. A beautiful painting covered the wall along the length of her […]


DuBois Man Accused of Selling Heroin That Caused at Least 2 Overdoses Waives Hearing

DUBOIS – A DuBois man accused of selling heroin that caused at least two overdoses waived his right to a preliminary hearing Friday during centralized court. Terron Kenneth Davis-Williams, 22, is charged with manufacture/delivery/possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver, flight to avoid apprehension, criminal use of communication facility, dealing in proceeds […]


At least 9 die in Arizona flash flooding

Nine people are dead and one is missing after flash flooding swept away a family at a swimming hole in central Arizona, police say. Fourteen family members were near the Cold Springs Swimming Hole on Saturday afternoon when heavy rains caused flash floods, said Sgt. David Hornung with the Gila County Sheriff’s Department. The victims […]


Review: ‘Game of Thrones’ heats up as winter arrives

The following contains spoilers about the seventh-season premiere of “Game of Thrones.” The end is drawing nearer for “Game of Thrones,” which explains why the seventh season premiere exhibited a sense of urgency and purpose that past openers have sometimes lacked. From the inordinately satisfying pre-credit sequence on, not a scene was wasted, serving notice […]


Actor Martin Landau dies at 89

Martin Landau, 89, a character actor who starred in the 1960s television show “Mission: Impossible” and won an Oscar for playing Bela Lugosi in the movie “Ed Wood,” died Saturday, his publicist Dick Guttman said Sunday night. Landau died at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles following “unexpected complications during a short hospitalization,” Guttman said […]


Guns and money: Why US’ top North Korea diplomat is in Southeast Asia

When US Ambassador Joseph Yun visits Myanmar this week, he’ll likely be trying to convince a longtime military partner of Pyongyang to join US efforts to rein in Kim Jong Un’s nuclear efforts. It’s a tough task for the man who made headlines for helping to free American Otto Warmbier from North Korean detention last […]


Sportsmen’s Club Announces Deer Target Match Results

The Anderson Creek Sportsmen’s Club held its monthly 400-yard deer target match on Sunday.  The winners were: Unlimited Class: Jeff Gates of Altoona  Jim Wonders of Johnstown  Bob Horton of Johnstown  Factory Class: Brandon Shaw of Duncanville

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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии отечественного судостроения   

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Новый владелец «Блэк Стар Фудс» Совада подал иск против Тимати на 7 млн рублей


Минтранс призвал подмосковных водителей отложить поездки по М-11 из-за снегопада

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