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Новости за 20.07.2017


All-girl robotics team symbolizes a new Afghanistan

This week America’s longest war made headlines in two very different places. At the White House, President Donald Trump gathered a group of US service members in the Roosevelt Room to talk about the Afghanistan War. “I’m going to be talking to you about Afghanistan — what you think, your views.” Trump said to the […]


Axelrod: Trump’s Putin meeting should set off alarm bells

President Barack Obama was running behind. In Moscow for bilateral talks with Russian President Dimitri Medvedev in the summer of 2009, Obama took a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, widely understood to be the power behind the throne. Now, the meeting with Putin was going well beyond the allotted hour, and the President was […]


Twitter says there’s ‘significantly less abuse’ on platform now

Twitter’s battle to crack down on online harassment is far from over, but it’s making some strides. The company said on Thursday it takes action on ten times as many abusive accounts each day compared to one year ago. “While there is still much work to be done, people are experiencing significantly less abuse on […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Philipsburg On July 9 state police identified John E. Washington, 47, of Bellefonte as being wanted in Missouri. He was arrested and lodged in the Centre County Jail. State police reported a DUI incident that occurred Tuesday on Route 322 eastbound at the Port Matilda exit in Worth Township. According to state […]


BREAKING: More Details Released in Investigation of Attempted Abduction in Curwensville

CURWENSVILLE – State police at Clearfield have released more details about the alleged attempted abduction that occurred around 9:20 p.m. Wednesday in the 400 block of Center Street in Curwensville. State police say a male suspect attempted to abduct a female juvenile. He was described as tall and skinny with gray hair and a clean […]


Alexa, can you save Sears? Sears to sell Kenmore appliances on Amazon

Sears has been taking a beating from Amazon. Now, the iconic retailer has decided to partner with the online giant. The company said Thursday that it’s struck a deal to sell its Kenmore appliance line on Amazon. Additionally, Sears said Kenmore smart appliances will be able to connect with Alexa, Amazon’s personal assistant. Those appliances […]


Boy, 6, revived with Narcan after possible opioid overdose

In what may be a sobering sign of the depths of the opioid crisis in New Hampshire, paramedics had to use Narcan to revive a 6-year-old boy Tuesday morning after a possible overdose. This marked the first time American Medical Response had used the narcotic antidote on a child in New Hampshire, AMR communications director […]


Tour de France: The mystery behind having ‘good legs’

As with any elite sport, cycling is a combination of talent and effort, aided by sports science and meticulously planned dietary regimes. Riders do everything within their power to ensure they are in optimum condition to produce the best possible results in any given race. Long gone are the days of post-race meals of lobster […]


Study sheds light on the ‘other’ breast cancer genes

When Samantha Golkin-Nigliazzo was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 30, she wasn’t surprised. Instead, it was the results of her subsequent genetic tests that left her in shock. Though only about 7% of women with breast cancer are diagnosed before the age of 40, Golkin-Nigliazzo knew that she had a genetic risk of the […]


Revised repeal and replace bill would give Senate $287 billion to dole out

The Congressional Budget Office released Thursday yet another score of a Senate plan to repeal and replace Obamacare — this one to learn how much more money the chamber’s leaders would have to woo moderates if they keep Obamacare’s taxes on the wealthy. The agency found that a revised version of the legislation would reduce […]


President Trump is playing with fire by obsessing over the stock market

Not long ago, President Trump was warning of a “big, fat, ugly bubble” in the stock market. Now that he’s in charge, Trump has quickly become the market’s cheerleader-in-chief. He’s bragged about the stock market in six tweets this month alone. “Stock Market hit another all-time high yesterday — despite the Russian hoax story!” Trump […]


Ram Nath Kovind: ‘Untouchable’ Dalit caste member elected India’s president

A relatively unknown political operator and member of India’s lowest Dalit caste has been elected as the country’s 14th president. Ram Nath Kovind, who until recently was governor of the eastern state of Bihar, won an overwhelmingly majority to beat opposition Congress party candidate, Meira Kumar, a former parliament speaker and also a member of […]


Crickets Chirping Again With Region 7 Tourney Three-Peat

CLEARFIELD — Having reigned as champions the last two years, the Beech Creek Crickets didn’t panic when they fell behind Claysburg 3-0 after one inning and 5-1 after two in the Pennsylvania American Legion Division I Region 7 Tournament title game at the Lawrence Township Recreation Park Wednesday afternoon. They closed to within one run […]


Russia probes ‘aggressively promoted’ fidget spinners that ‘zombify’ youth

Russia’s consumer watchdog has launched an investigation into fidget spinners amid claims that Russian opposition groups are using the children’s toy to “zombify” youth. It is the latest attempt by state media to explain away youth protests that have gripped the nation in recent months. The anti-corruption demonstrations held in March and June, organized by […]


High-flying Thai monk accused of child abuse extradited

A flamboyant Thai monk who is accused of multiple charges of child abuse as well as ignoring his monastic vows has returned home after being extradited from the US. Wiraphon Sukphon, who was seen in a YouTube video in 2013 holding wads of cash on a private plane, returned to Bangkok Wednesday following a US […]


The debt ceiling is dumb — and dangerous

Another debt ceiling deadline is approaching this summer and a screw up of cataclysmic proportions from Washington is not out of the question. When Congress nearly failed to lift the ceiling in 2013, the Treasury Department warned it risked putting the government into default and unleashing a financial crisis that “could echo the events of […]


Canadian official touches Queen, blames carpet for protocol breach

Canada’s Governor General helped Britain’s Queen Elizabeth down some stairs and ended up raising eyebrows, after touching the monarch’s elbow, in defiance of royal protocol. David Johnston — the Queen’s representative in Canada — said he was concerned about the monarch “stumbling” during a visit to Canada House in London on Wednesday. In a clip […]


Texas police seize 75 pounds of liquid meth in cleaning jugs

A Texas woman faces federal drug trafficking charges after police seized 75 pounds of liquid crystal methamphetamine worth $2 million inside her vehicle, according to the Austin Police Department. The 23-year-old woman from Laredo was stopped for speeding after 11 p.m. on Highway 35 in Austin last week, and officers became suspicious of her during […]


Police nab gang accused of multiple kidnaps at casinos in Manila

Police in the Philippines have arrested dozens of suspects in a major crackdown on kidnapping gangs targeting rich foreigners in Manila. The case came to light after a 48-year-old Singaporean woman who police identified as Wu Yan was kidnapped on July 17 while playing baccarat at Solaire Resorts and Casino in Pasay City, Metro Manila. […]


US conglomerates lobby against Russia sanctions

The Senate’s Russia sanctions legislation has generated objections from a wide array of US business industries, which have undertaken a lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill to try to make changes to the bill. Companies from the oil, energy, banking, aerospace, auto and heavy manufacturing industries have all raised concerns with the details of the sanctions […]


McCain faces his greatest battle

John McCain has always lived for the fight. Now he’s facing his toughest battle. The Arizona Republican senator has often seemed indestructible, despite the best efforts of his Vietnam War gaolers, an earlier bout with melanoma and a list of honorable political defeats. And now he has been diagnosed with brain cancer, as CNN reported […]


O.J. Simpson asks Nevada parole board for early release

O.J. Simpson is scheduled to appear before a parole board in Nevada on Thursday in a hearing that will decide whether one of America’s most notorious prisoners will be released. “Juice,” as he was known in his heyday, is nine years into a nine-to-33-year sentence after being convicted in a 2007 kidnapping and armed robbery […]


O.J. Simpson’s rise and fall, from football star to prisoner

O.J. Simpson spent a lifetime in the limelight — first for his athletic prowess, charm and good looks, then as part of an American tragedy that came to symbolize much of what was controversial in America. Now entering his seventh decade, Simpson is again in the spotlight. After spending almost nine years in prison for […]


WhatsApp is being targeted by China’s censors, experts say

China’s censors are finally catching up to WhatsApp. Unlike most Western media platforms, including its parent company Facebook, the popular encrypted messaging app had managed to escape the attention of Chinese officials. Now it’s firmly on their radar. Multiple WhatsApp users contacted by CNNMoney reported they were unable to send images or videos on Tuesday. […]


Brazilian aircraft takes on an American military icon

Perched in the cockpit of one of the newest military aircraft in the world as it streaks through the sky, I’ve got a front row seat for a Brazilian sales pitch aimed at unseating an American icon. Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer brought its all-new prototype jet-powered KC-390 military cargo hauler to the Paris Air Show […]

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Экология в России и мире

10 РЕДКИХ животных из Красной книги, которых можно встретить в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Си отказал Макрону в просьбе, связанной с Путиным. В Москву прибыл лидер Кубы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт, культура, Россия: директор Бурдрамаы награждена медалью «За заслуги перед Бурятией» в Бурятии


В Магадане организована «горячая линия» по профилактике клещевого энцефалита

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