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Новости за 19.07.2017


Justice Department paves way for increased asset seizures

Attorney General Jeff Sessions unveiled new changes on Wednesday to part of the Justice Department’s civil asset forfeiture program. The controversial practice allows the federal government to coordinate with state and local officials to seize cash, drugs, guns and other assets from suspects before they have been convicted of a crime. Sessions faced sharp bipartisan […]


Eighth person in Trump team meeting linked to money laundering investigation

A Government Accountability Office report published in 2000 details how companies in the US set up bank accounts that came under investigation for money laundering — and it involved Ike Kaveladze, the eighth person who has now been identified as attending the June 9, 2016 meeting that Donald Trump Jr., his brother-in-law Jared Kushner and […]


Watchdog group: Defense program gave military equipment to fictitious agency

Sources have told CNN that an extensive investigation by a government watchdog group has found alarming weaknesses in a program within the Department of Defense that turns over excess military equipment like modified M16 assault rifles and night vision goggles to local law enforcement. The Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) report concluded that the DOD does […]


How US gun culture compares with the world

A woman who called 911 to report a nearby crime was killed by a US police officer last weekend. The circumstances surrounding her death are still unclear. The fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk, a dual Australian-US national who had settled in Minnesota in 2014, has made headlines in both her native Australia and her adopted […]


Obituary Notice: John Saupp Jr.

John Saupp Jr., 85, of Ginter and formerly of Woodbridge, Va., died Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at Hollidaysburg Veterans Home. Born Sept. 4, 1931 in Smithmill, Pa., he was the son of the late John and Anna (Betza) Saupp. He was a U.S. Navy veteran who had served from 1951-1955. He graduated from Madera High […]


Wildfire near Yosemite forces thousands to flee homes

Kim Strauss didn’t see the wildfire consume his California residence, but he says he’d be surprised if the home was still there. Strauss is one of a few thousand people who were told to leave their homes because of a wildfire raging in California’s Mariposa County, to the west of Yosemite National Park. He saw […]


President Trump’s first six months: by the numbers

On Thursday, President Donald Trump finishes his first six months — yes, months — in office. It has been an uneven debut for the corporate executive and reality TV star turned commander-in-chief, marked most notably by clashes with political rivals and the press, a failed promise to repeal and replace Obamacare and the persistent drip […]


House Republicans strip repeal of war authorization from defense bill

House Republican leadership has removed a contentious provision from a defense spending bill that would have repealed the 2001 war authorization used to fight the wars against Al Qaeda and ISIS. The amendment, added to the House defense appropriations bill by Rep. Barbara Lee, would have repealed the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force […]


Thai court convicts dozens in large human-trafficking trial

A Thai court on Wednesday found dozens of people guilty in the country’s largest human-trafficking trial, including a high-ranking officer, Lt. Gen. Manas Kongpan. More than 100 people appeared in court accused of taking part in a massive criminal ring that trafficked Rohingya refugees from Myanmar through Thailand and to Malaysia. Around 70 of them […]


Driving the best Aston Martin ever

The Aston Martin Martin DB11 is almost certainly the best Aston Martin that has ever been made. It is also, according to Aston Martin’s leadership, the most important. That’s because the DB11 essentially sums up everything Aston Martin wants to be from here on out. And, since Aston Martin is one of the world’s last […]


Dem lawmaker: Trump’s 2nd meeting with Putin ‘troubling’ and ‘a concern’

President Donald Trump’s decision to attend a second undisclosed meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin without an interpreter is “troubling,” said a Democratic member of the Senate intelligence committee. “It’s very concerning,” West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin told CNN’s Chris Cuomo Wednesday on “New Day.” “And it’s something that we should know about. To go […]


Aaron Carter tearfully reveals arrest details

Aaron Carter said he doesn’t drink and doesn’t want fans to think he has a drug problem. “I don’t need help,” he said. “What I need is for people to understand that I’m human and that I make mistakes just like every other human in this world, but I would never risk my life or […]


The COVER/LINE Great American Road Trip 2017

Stop No. 1: Philadelphia Like all good road trips, mine started late; it always seems to take longer to pack up the car and get out of town than you think it will. It’s 139 miles from our nation’s capital to our former capital, Philadelphia. It’s the birthplace of America, the site of the signing […]


Princess Charlotte steals the spotlight on royal tour in Germany

She may be only two years old but Britain’s Princess Charlotte appears to be settling in quickly to a lifetime of royal duties. The Princess charmed ambassadors and dignitaries on the tarmac at Berlin Tegel Airport, smiling happily while shaking hands and accepting a baby bouquet of flowers as her parents, the Duke and Duchess […]


How do I figure out how much to save for retirement?

Many young people simply can’t afford to put away the percentage of pay for retirement that experts often recommend. Seems to me it would be more realistic for them to start with whatever they can and then gradually increase that amount as their salary increases. What do you think?–Mike I think the recommendation that people […]


Former CAST President/Treasurer Pleads Guilty to Stealing from Organization

CLEARFIELD – A former Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre (CAST) board president and treasurer has pleaded guilty to stealing from the organization. It was December when William John Grigsby, 28, was charged by Clearfield Borough police with two felony counts of theft by deception, 61 misdemeanor counts of other reason access device unauthorized by issuer and […]


Mexico says electronic device checks on US flights start today

Passengers on flights from Mexico to the United States can expect longer security checks starting Wednesday — part of a larger US push for extra scrutiny for inbound flights worldwide. Airlines in Mexico will now subject passengers on direct US-bound flights to extra security checks for portable electronic devices larger than a phone, Mexico’s civil […]


Hundreds of German choir boys allegedly abused, report says

As many as 547 former students of the Catholic Regensburger Domspatzen choir school in Germany were abused physically, and in some cases sexually, over a period of 70 years, an independent report has alleged. The 440-page report, commissioned by the Regensburg Diocese, found a culture of violence across the school, from pre-school classes to boarding […]


The guru’s gift: Staying calm in a world of chaos

They arrive by the hundreds, walking through metal detectors, placing their belongings on conveyor belts to be X-rayed. They’re passing through intense security in search of serenity. It’s a warm New York evening, and these seekers are streaming onto the North Lawn of UN Headquarters to take part in the International Day of Yoga, a […]


Can apple cider vinegar help with weight loss?

The claims are everywhere: If you add apple cider vinegar to your daily diet, it will help you lose weight. “Research supports the use for weight loss,” declares one manufacturer. “A lot of this is marketing,” nutritionist Lisa Drayer said, “and it’s been around a long time. I remember, probably 15 years ago, covering the […]


Electronic devices on Mexico-US flights subject to extra scrutiny

If you’re flying from Mexico to the US, be prepared for an extra-long security line. Starting Wednesday, passengers on direct flights to the US will have to undergo extra security checks for portable electronic devices larger than a phone. Mexico’s civil aviation authority issued the alert in a statement late Tuesday, after they said they […]


Why Americans are having less sex

Today, sex seems more available to us than ever before. With just a swipe on their phones, singles can schedule their next hookup, while committed couples have an apparent “sure thing” every night. This is also known as “the marriage advantage.” Why, then, are Americans having less sex than they were 20 years ago, not […]


The Google app feed is about to get more personal

Google wants to give you a smarter information feed. The company is updating the feed in its Google app to provide more in-depth, personalized context about news and information shared around the web. Starting Wednesday, Google app users will see a new look for their feeds — under the usual information cards, the app will […]


Australian PM demands answers in ‘inexplicable’ killing of Justine Ruszczyk

Australia’s prime minister has demanded answers to the “inexplicable” killing of an Australian-American woman shot by police in Minneapolis. “This is a shocking killing. It is inexplicable,” Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told Australian Channel 9’s “Today” program Wednesday, in his first public comments since Justine Ruszczyk’s death on Saturday. “I mean, how can a woman […]


US Navy punishes sailor who hid on ship for abandoning watch

The United States Navy has punished a sailor who was presumed to be lost at sea, prompting a massive search and rescue operation, but was later found hiding on board. Petty Officer 3rd Class Peter Mims, a gas turbine systems technician on the USS Shiloh, was believed to have gone missing on June 8 while […]

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Экология в России и мире

Якутия представила цветочную инсталляцию «Мост в будущее» на выставке «Россия» в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Путин: РФ продолжит взаимодействие с Ираном как при Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Рокер Шнуров на «Новой фабрике звезд» пристыдил певца Киркорова за Евровидение


В Яндекс Аренде назвали 10 районов Москвы, где дешевле всего снять квартиру

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