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Новости за 15.07.2017


Disney unveils footage of ‘Star Wars,’ ‘A Wrinkle in Time,’ ‘Lion King’

A galaxy far, far away, a TV legend front and center in an adaptation with a modern twist, and an adorable lion cub were the stars of the live-action presentation at Disney’s D23 event, at which the studio unveiled multiple highly anticipated sneak peeks on Saturday. Among the most anticipated first looks was that for […]


Trump names Cobb as White House special counsel

The White House announced Saturday that President Donald Trump has appointed former federal prosecutor Ty Cobb as White House special counsel. Cobb is a partner in the investigations practice of the law firm Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C., the White House statement said. He is expected to oversee the legal and media response to the […]


Sabrett hot dogs recalled over pieces of bone

Millions of pounds of Sabrett hot dogs and sausages — as well as similar foods sold under other popular brand names — have been recalled after customers reported small pieces of bone and cartilage in some of the foods, the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service said Saturday. One person reported a […]


Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters defends his anti-Trump tour

An inflatable pig with Donald Trump’s face on the side. Screens that show doctored images of the President throwing up. Photos of Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as a big baby, and as Hitler. They’re just a few of the images music fans can catch on Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters’ 54-date North American […]


Garbine Muguruza overpowers Venus Williams to win first Wimbledon title

Six weeks ago, Garbine Muguruza crashed out of the French Open in tears, losing her Roland Garros crown in front of a hostile crowd rooting for her opponent. But the Spaniard rebounded to take her first Wimbledon title Saturday as she overpowered 37-year-old Venus Williams, 7-5 6-0 in the Wimbledon finals. Williams, a five-time champion […]


Amid strike threat, NPR continues talks with labor union

As a strike threat loomed, NPR managers and unionized workers decided to continue marathon contract negotiations Saturday. The current contract was originally supposed to expire June 30, but a stop-gap agreement extended the terms until Friday at midnight, and it was stretched yet again through midnight Saturday, an NPR spokesperson said. The union that covers […]


What chemicals are in your mac and cheese?

It’s not listed on the ingredient list, but a new analysis published this week found high concentrations of the chemicals known as phthalates in the cheese powder of macaroni and cheese. The small study evaluated 30 different cheese products which included natural cheese products, including block or string cheese, as well as processed cheese slices […]


Donald Trump, Alex Jones and the illusion of knowledge

Why are people talking about collusion, impeachment, obstruction of justice and treason when it is crystal clear that Donald Trump Jr. was simply fulfilling his patriotic duty to catch Russian spies? At least that’s the explanation Alex Jones, a right-wing radio broadcaster, was peddling on his show this past Wednesday. He argued that Trump Jr. […]


Why the Cruz amendment is smart policy

Republicans are finally getting smart on Obamacare. It took one of the savviest Republican senators — Ted Cruz of Texas, with an assist from Mike Lee of Utah — to get the GOP ?to figure out how to replace Obamacare, reduce premiums, and save money for the government. And all without alienating millions of voters. […]


The new figure in the Trump-Russia controversy: Rinat Akhmetshin

The saga surrounding a June 2016 meeting between senior Trump campaign officials and a Russian lawyer took another turn Friday when it was revealed that there were additional participants, including a Russian-American lobbyist who served in the Soviet military and now promotes Kremlin-aligned interests in Washington. A US citizen, lobbyist and former Soviet military officer, […]


Crucial week for Republicans’ plan for health care: What you need to know

Senate Republicans unveiled a revised version of their health care bill Thursday with significant changes — including parts of an amendment designed to bring conservatives on board — in hopes of getting closer to their yearslong goal of repealing and replacing Obamacare. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs the support of 50 of 52 GOP senators […]


Insurers blast Senate health care provision as ‘unworkable’

Insurers have blasted a new provision in the Senate health care plan as “unworkable,” saying it would send premiums skyrocketing for those with pre-existing conditions and leave millions more people uninsured. The provision — a version of the Consumer Freedom Option pushed by Texas Senator Ted Cruz — would give insurers more flexibility in the […]


Police save two people trapped in car under moving train

Some intense moments captured on police body camera, as a train started to drag a trapped car — with two people inside. The collision happened Friday morning in La Marque, Texas near Galveston, when a Dodge Durango SUV hit a stopped Union Pacific freight train, CNN affiliate KTRK reported. The train engineer apparently did not […]


3 dead in Honolulu high-rise fire, mayor says

At least three people were killed Friday in a massive fire at a Honolulu high-rise, the city’s mayor, Kirk Caldwell, said. The blaze began around 2:15 p.m. Hawaiian time (8:15 p.m. ET) on the 26th floor of the Marco Polo Apartments, a 538-unit building that houses condominiums and apartments on Kapiolani Boulevard, Caldwell said. The […]


New Senate health care bill could still hurt the sick and the poor

Bare bones health insurance plans may be a good deal for those who aren’t sick. But they don’t do much for Americans with pre-existing conditions. The Senate revised its health care plan this week in hopes of mollifying lawmakers worried that the legislation would hurt their constituents. But the main change — a version of […]


Beijing criticizes Indonesia renaming part of South China Sea

Indonesia has become the latest Southeast Asian nation to ruffle China’s feathers over the South China Sea. In an act of defiance against Beijing’s territorial ambitions in the region, Indonesia will now call the northern areas of its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea, the ‘North Natuna Sea.’ At a press conference in […]


Knife attacker shot dead at Tehran metro station

A man was fatally shot by police Saturday after he attacked four bystanders with a knife at a metro station in Iran’s capital, Tehran, state media reported. Police said four people were injured by the 40-year-old assailant, according to Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency. Security forces at the station asked the attacker to hand over […]


Banner Presented to Clearfield Rotary Club

Shon Kuta is shown with visitor Scott Davis, who presented the Clearfield Rotary Club with a banner. It is from his new club in New Smyrna Beach, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Davis remain residents of Clearfield. Those who are interested in learning more or joining this local service club are invited to attend a Wednesday […]


Houtzdale Days Event Schedule

HOUTZDALE – A schedule of events has been released for Houtzdale Days 2017. Sunday, July 16, Car Show Registration will be from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Awards will be given at 4 p.m. Thursday, July 20 The vesper service by the Moshannon Valley Ministerium will begin at 6 p.m. Community Choir will perform under […]


Paul Ryan absolutely wrong on Congress’ dress code

This week, House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was working with the House Sergeant-at-Arms to “modernize” and “update” the business dress code for the Speaker’s Lobby, the area outside the House chamber where lawmakers and reporters gather. For decades, the rules of the room have required men to wear a suit and tie, and have […]


Three dead in Honolulu high-rise fire, mayor says

At least three people were killed in a massive fire at a Honolulu high-rise Friday, Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell said. The blaze began around 2:15 p.m. Hawaiian time (8:15 p.m. ET) on the 26th floor of the Marco Polo Apartments, a 538-unit building that houses condominiums and apartments on Kapiolani Boulevard, Caldwell said. The victims […]


Three dead in Hololulu high-rise fire, mayor says

Three people died in a high-rise fire in Honolulu, Hawaii, Friday night, Mayor Kirk Caldwell said in a news conference. The victims were found on the 26th floor, where the fire originated. The blaze leaped to the two floors directly above the origination point on the 26th floor, resident Joel Horiguchi told CNN. “I looked […]


Mulford helps Spikes to third straight win

Jonathon Mulford’s six strong innings on the hill combined with timely hitting to give the State College Spikes their third straight win with a 4-3 victory over the Brooklyn Cyclones on Friday night at MCU Park.


Trump administration asks Supreme Court to clarify travel ban ruling

Lawyers for the Trump administration went back to the Supreme Court again late Friday in the ongoing battle over President Donald Trump’s travel ban — this time asking the justices to resolve the uncertainty created by last month’s ruling on which foreign nationals are exempt from the ban. The Supreme Court decided in June that […]


Senator: Russian-American lobbyist should testify on Trump Jr. meeting

A Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee says a Russian-American lobbyist ought to testify, after it emerged that he was one of at least eight people who met with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort at Trump Tower in June 2016. During an interview on CNN’s “OutFront” Friday night, Sen. Richard Blumenthal […]

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Экология в России и мире

Бестопливные Neutrinovoltaic электромобили проектируются в Индии

Путин в России и мире

ООН незаметно признала Путина: Сообщено об официальном письме

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

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Диана Арбенина

Хедлайнером GARAGE FEST Игора Драйв станут Диана Арбенина и «Ночные Снайперы»


Суд рассмотрит апелляцию на приговор Игорю Гиркину

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