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Новости за 23.02.2017


Trump on deportations: ‘It’s a military operation’

President Donald Trump, meeting with business leaders at the White House on Thursday, described his administration’s moves to deport undocumented immigrants as a “military operation,” a label that runs counter to what his administration has previously said. Trump has used a series of executive orders to chip away at the barriers to deportations and hire […]


Bannon offers Trump agenda in rare public speaking appearance

White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, in a rare public appearance, ticked down a list Thursday of the three most important things President Donald Trump has begun to accomplish in the first month of his administration. Bannon called Trump’s decision to pull the US from joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement “one of the most […]


Sinead O’Connor retracts Arsenio Hall drug comments

Sinead O’Connor has apologized for saying Arsenio Hall supplied the late singer Prince with drugs. The singer and the comedian released a joint statement to CNN on Thursday. “Arsenio Hall and Sinead O’Connor announce that Sinead has retracted and apologized for statements she made about Arsenio last year, which prompted his defamation lawsuit against her, […]


Mexican officials tell US: We don’t agree

Mexican Interior Secretary Miguel Angel Osorio Chong did not mince words when speaking alongside his American counterpart in Mexico City Thursday. “We do not agree on the different measures that recently were stated by the government of the United States (that) affect Mexico,” Osorio Chong said. Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and Secretary […]


New York Times ad seeks the truth … during the Oscars

The New York Times is running its first television ad in seven years during the Oscars Sunday night. The subject? The truth. The ad begins with voices saying, “The truth is our nation is more divided than ever,” with those words spelled out against a white backdrop. The phrase then changes to “The truth is […]


Who, exactly, is running US foreign policy?

Not a day goes by in the Netherlands without President Donald Trump making news. If you’re an American traveling overseas, you have likely been buttonholed by locals asking you to explain what is going on with the new administration. The local news carries clips of Trump attacking the media, disparaging NATO or falsely suggesting a […]


Contestant in a wheelchair is a first for Miss Australia pageant

Pageants are known for wanting complete perfection from their contestants. This year, the Miss Australia pageant has a contestant in a wheelchair, showing just how perfect women of all kinds can be. Justine Clark, 26, became the first contestant to compete in the Miss World Australia pageant in a wheelchair. Although she didn’t win, she […]


Women line up to get ‘nevertheless, she persisted’ tattoo

Seconds after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell uttered the phrase, it became a battle cry for Democrats. And judging from the line outside a Minneapolis tattoo parlor earlier this week, “nevertheless, she persisted” is still resonating strongly. On Tuesday, more than 100 women — and a few men — waited in line at Brass Knuckle […]


Philippines court orders arrest of Duterte critic on drug-related charges

One of the fiercest critics of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte and his bloody crackdown on illegal drugs was ordered arrested Thursday on drug-related charges in what supporters say is a politically motivated vendetta. Sen. Leila de Lima is accused of having abetted the illegal drug trade in the New Bilibid Prison when she was justice […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Philipsburg State police received a report about an incident of access device fraud that occurred sometime between Feb. 17 and Tuesday at an unknown location. During the incident, someone allegedly made several unauthorized purchases with the victim’s bank account information. State police are continuing their investigation at this time. State police at […]


Mnuchin promises tax reform will pass by August

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is promising that the Trump administration will get tax reform passed by August, although he says it will be years before it kicks economic growth into a higher gear. Winning quick approval could prove challenging. There hasn’t been tax reform on the scale that President Trump is proposing in 30 years, […]


‘Crucial step forward’ in the search to cure the common cold

Scientists say they are one step closer to cracking the genetic “enigma” code behind the common cold. The researchers believe the new insight could help find a cure. New antiviral drugs that disrupt how a virus replicates itself could be designed within the next ten years, according to research published in Thursday’s Nature Communications. Stopping […]


Trump’s reversal on transgender bathroom directive: How we got here

The Trump administration’s reversal of Obama-era protections that allowed transgender students in public schools to use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity has angered civil rights groups. The change in position Wednesday reignited the debate on whether guidance on transgender students’ use of bathroom and locker room facilities is a state or federal rights […]


What does China want from Trump?

This week the Chinese government finally gave Donald Trump’s company trademark protection for use of his name in the construction industry. Trump sought protection and control of his trademark in the Chinese courts for years, including at the time of his campaign. Last September, China’s trademark review board announced it would invalidate a rival claim […]


Apple criticizes Trump over reversal of transgender bathroom guidelines

Apple has criticized a decision by the Trump administration to withdraw protections for transgender students in public schools. The tech leader said in a statement that it “believes everyone deserves a chance to thrive in an environment free from stigma and discrimination.” “We support efforts toward greater acceptance, not less, and we strongly believe that […]


Inside the most memorable GOP town hall moments

Across the country, people are flooding auditoriums, high school theaters and anywhere else they can to give their members of Congress an earful. The reason: to weigh in on President Donald Trump’s agenda, and the potential of the new Congress to reshape government. ‘I want to thank you … but’ A Kentucky woman named Rose […]


SpaceX docks with space station on second try

A SpaceX capsule has successfully docked with the International Space Station. A NASA commander and a European Space Agency engineer captured the Dragon space capsule just before 6 a.m. ET using a robotic arm, according to NASA. A previous attempt was aborted because of a navigation problem. The capsule is packed with more than 5,000 […]


Samuel Ronan: DNC always been ‘an insider’s game’

Samuel Ronan, a US veteran competing to head the Democratic National Committee, said the party’s primary was rigged because the DNC is “an insider’s game.” “Not only was the primary rigged, it was rigged all across the country because the DNC has never allowed outsiders or brand new people to rise through the ranks. It […]


Bison Roll Past Owls, 59-35, in D9-AAAA Semifinal

HYDE — Sloppy in the early going, the Clearfield Area High School boys basketball team got its act together when solid defense eventually translated into transition points, and the top-seeded Bison stampeded past Bradford 59-35 in a District 9 Class AAAA semifinal at Bison Gymnasium Wednesday night. Evan Brown garnered scoring laurels with 20 points […]


Cheesemaker Sargento expands listeria recall, cuts supplier

Sargento Foods Inc. is expanding a recall over its products and has ended its relationship with its supplier over potential listeria contamination of its cheeses. The company, one of the largest cheesemakers in the United States, recalled several of its products last week over the fears. “Out of concern for the health and well-being of […]


Battle for Mosul: Iraqi forces make push to gain control of city’s airport

Iraqi forces are engaged in a massive offensive to regain control of Mosul airport, a Iraqi spokesman has said in a statement. Federal police troops have begun the second stage of operations to liberate western Mosul and are focusing their efforts on regaining control of the city’s airport, Lt. General Raid Shakir Jaudat said in […]


Powerball ticket sold in Indiana hits $435M jackpot

A single Powerball ticket sold in Indiana has won Wednesday night’s massive $435 million jackpot. The numbers pulled were 10, 13, 28, 52, 61 and the Powerball was 2. The identity of the winning ticket holder wasn’t immediately available. If it seems like massive Powerball jackpots have become relatively common, that’s because they have. Five […]


Brazil’s foreign minister resigns; cites health issues

Brazil’s Foreign Minister has resigned from his post, citing health problems and upcoming medical treatments as the main reasons. In a letter to Brazilian President Michel Temer, Foreign Minister Jose Serra said he was “saddened” to be stepping down but said his doctors told him he would need “at least four months” to properly recover. […]


Democratic divisions on display at DNC debate

For all the marches and protests the left has generated since Election Day, the debate over who will lead the Democratic Party in the early stages of Donald Trump’s presidency is underscoring the divisions still lingering within its ranks. Eight candidates to become the next Democratic National Committee chair — led by former Labor Secretary […]


North Korea, Malaysia’s diplomatic fallout: What’s at stake?

Diplomatic relations between Malaysia and North Korea are getting more strained by the day, in the wake of the brazen public murder of Kim Jong Nam. On Monday, North Korea’s ambassador to Malaysia said investigators were conspiring with “hostile forces”. In retaliation, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak described the statement as “diplomatically rude” and recalled […]

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Экология в России и мире

На площадке МВЦ «Казань Экспо» открылся XVIII Российский венчурный форум

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черноморья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Алла Пугачёва

Гитарист Пугачевой Левшин рассказал о проблемах со здоровьем у певицы


Сотрудника ДПС, отпустившего за взятку фигуранта дела об убийстве, арестовали в Москве

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