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Новости за 15.02.2017


Source: Puzder hearing expected to be canceled as Republicans bolt

A Capitol Hill hearing for Andrew Puzder, President Donald Trump’s choice for labor secretary, is expected to be canceled Thursday as expectations grow that he will drop out, a source told CNN Wednesday afternoon. Top Senate Republicans have urged the White House to withdraw the Puzder nomination, a senior GOP source said, adding there are […]


Trump, Rubio set for White House dinner

President Donald Trump continues his charm offensive with members of Congress Wednesday, breaking bread with one of his Republican primary rivals, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. The two men and their wives are scheduled to have dinner in the White House Blue Room at 6:30 p.m. ET. Rubio told reporters at the Capitol that the President […]


Missile launch a ‘gift’ to honor Kim Jong Il, North Korean source says

While Tokyo, Washington and Beijing say North Korea’s recent missile launch was meant to tweak the country’s rivals, a North Korean government source says its purpose was to honor the birthday of the late Supreme Leader Kim Jong Il. Asked whether there was any credence to American, Japanese and Chinese assertions — or whether the […]


Trump starts making changes to Obamacare that could mean higher costs for consumers

The Trump administration is taking its first steps to overhaul Obamacare. It issued a proposed rule Wednesday aimed mainly at quelling insurers’ concerns and stabilizing the marketplace for 2018. But it is also likely to raise deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for many consumers. While President Trump wants Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act as […]


21 more questions for President Donald Trump

Over the past 72 hours, reporters from a number of outlets — including CNN — have turned up new information on the Trump team’s alleged conversations with Russians known to US intelligence. President Donald Trump asked for the resignation of his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Monday night, amid new reports that Flynn had […]


Firefighters Hand Out Carnations at Berwick Retirement Village for Valentine’s Day

By Bill Michlowski BERWICK (WNEP) — A fire department in Columbia County handed out carnations to show they care this Valentine’s Day. Members of the Reliance Fire Company visited the Berwick Retirement Village on Tuesday and passed out dozens of red carnations to nurses and residents. Fire officials say the department wanted to do something […]


Obituary Notice: Stephanie Jeannette Irvin

Stephanie Jeannette Irvin, 34, of Clearfield died Feb. 14, 2017 at the Penn Highlands Clearfield Hospital. Born Jan. 14, 1983, she was the daughter of Thomas Irvin. She is survived by sisters, Tracey Bailey and her husband, Timothy of Morrisdale and Penny Irvin of Grampian and a brother, Michael Irvin and his wife, Angela of […]


Republicans explore curbing the Endangered Species Act

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing Wednesday with Republicans focused on curbing the Endangered Species Act, the latest front in the conservative push to rein in regulations they see as harmful to business. The law is a flashpoint: The agriculture industry says it imposes far-reaching regulatory burdens. James Holt of the […]


Men at the center of Panama Papers scandal arrested

The two founders of the law firm at the center of 2016’s explosive Panama Papers scandal are claiming innocence after they were arrested. Ramón Fonseca and Jürgen Mossack both face charges of money laundering after authorities raided the firm’s Panama City headquarters last Thursday. The investigation of the firm and subsequent raid were related to […]


President Trump skirts tough questions again

President Donald Trump has a strategy for skirting tough questions at press briefings: Don’t call on reporters from the mainstream media. Twice in one week, Trump held a press conference with a visiting foreign leader and only called on reporters from conservative news outlets, or at least outlets likely to be favorable to him. By […]


Trump defense chief Mattis reaffirms NATO as ‘bedrock’ of US policy

US Defense Secretary James Mattis reaffirmed America’s support for NATO on Wednesday, describing the alliance as a “fundamental bedrock for the US and all the transatlantic community.” Speaking in Brussels at a meeting of defense ministers, Mattis also reiterated US President Donald Trump’s calls for fellow members to meet the requisite spending targets. Only five […]


This Mexican mom’s big fear: Trump will take my job

Hilda Roldan just wants a better life for her four kids. She always works overtime at a noisy textile factory here in Puebla, Mexico so her kids can get a college degree and don’t have to endure the same hard work. “I wouldn’t like this work for them…I want the best for them. That’s why […]


Who is Paul Manafort?

Paul Manafort resigned as President Donald Trump’s campaign manager six months ago. Now he’s back in the spotlight, amid word from multiple sources that he and other senior Trump advisers were in regular communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence — claims that Manafort denies. So who is Manafort and why is […]


UAE ambassador dies of wounds sustained in Kandahar bombing

The United Arab Emirates’ ambassador to Afghanistan, injured last month in a bombing while on a humanitarian mission, has died from his wounds, the UAE Ministry of Presidential Affairs said Wednesday, according to the official Emirati news agency WAM. “(The Ministry) of Presidential Affairs mourns the righteous son of the nation, Juma Mohammed Abdullah al-Kaabi, […]


In college, Trump aide Stephen Miller led controversial ‘Terrorism Awareness Project’ warning of ‘Islamofascism’

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller has garnered attention in recent weeks as one of the chief architects behind President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries. The 31-year-old aide’s hardline views on Islam and terrorism took shape while he was still a student at Duke University. It was there, […]


Last call: Lloyd’s of London bans boozy lunches

Is this the end of the liquid lunch in London? Lloyd’s of London, an anchor of the city’s financial industry, has banned its employees from drinking during office hours. Boozy lunches have long been seen as a defining feature of finance industry culture in London. But times appear to be changing. Lloyd’s spokesman Stewart Todd […]


Mattis reaffirms NATO as ‘fundamental bedrock’ of US policy

US Defense Secretary James Mattis reaffirmed America’s support for NATO on Wednesday, describing the alliance as a “fundamental bedrock” of US policy. Speaking in Brussels at a meeting of defense ministers, Mattis also reiterated US President Donald Trump’s calls for fellow members to meet the requisite spending targets. Only five of the 28 member states […]


Kate Upton lands 2017 ‘Sports Illustrated’ swimsuit issue cover

Kate Upton is your “Sports Illustrated” swimsuit issue cover girl for 2017. Upton announced the news while on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Tuesday night. This is Upton’s third time on the cover. She made her SI debut in the 2011 issue and then graced the cover in 2012 and 2013. The magazine had three covers in […]


Lamborghini is recalling 5,900 supercars after fires

Lamborghini has a problem with fire. The legendary Italian automaker is recalling thousands of supercars, including its ultra-rare Veneno model, because of a fire risk. “In certain driving conditions while the vehicle has a full gas tank, gasoline may contact the exhaust system… [this] can increase the risk of a fire,” reads a recall notice […]


Rembrandt drawing ‘hidden’ in museum for 250 years found

A chalk drawing of a dog has been identified as a work by Dutch master Rembrandt van Rijn, after it spent almost 250 years mistakenly credited to a German painter. The discovery of the work’s true author has been described as “a sensation” by the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum in Braunschweig, Germany. Known as “the […]


Rumor the German shepherd wins Best in Show prize at Westminster

A female German shepherd named Rumor won the Best in Show award at the 141st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden in New York City Tuesday night. “Unbelievable,” said handler and co-owner Kent Boyles. Rumor was the nation’s No. 1 dog last year but fell short to California Journey. But this year, […]


Japan protests Russia’s naming of 5 islands on the Kuril chain

Japan has lodged a formal protest against Russia’s naming of five uninhabited islands in the disputed Kuril chain, north of Japan’s Hokkaido island. “Such moves go against our country’s stance and is extremely regrettable,” said Japan’s chief Cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga during a press conference Tuesday. The 56-island Kuril chain has been a sore spot […]


Ford says U.S. and China need to work together on trade

President Donald Trump has threatened to confront China on trade, but one of America’s corporate icons doesn’t expect things to get ugly. “I think it’s way too early to be talking about any trade tariffs or barriers,” said Ford China CEO David Schoch. “I believe that President Trump and President Xi [Jinping] will create an […]


Kim Jong Un’s half-brother killed by two women, South Korea says

Two Asian women are suspected of murdering the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Malaysia Monday, South Korea’s intelligence committee said Wednesday. Investigators are awaiting the results of an autopsy on the body of Kim Jong Nam, who died soon after being attacked at Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). Kim is […]


Kidnapping survivor: ‘He cannot destroy who I am, and I won’

The woman held captive on a South Carolina farm said she prayed often while chained inside a metal container and refused to lose hope she would be freed. Kala Brown, of Anderson, South Carolina, said the captivity started after Todd Kohlhepp shot her boyfriend on August 31 when the couple went to do work on […]

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Экология в России и мире

Чем грозит парковка на газоне

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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