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Новости за 11.02.2017


Wind slams semitrailer onto police cruiser, dashcam video shows

It looks like a scene from the play room: a child smashes a truck into a much small car, leaving the latter a mangled mess. Only, this really happened. Luckily, the Wyoming Highway Patrol cruiser wasn’t occupied Tuesday when reported gusts as strong as 90 miles an hour knocked a semitrailer onto it near Elk […]


Sanders, Schumer call on senators to lead nationwide health care rallies

Sens. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Bernie Sanders called on constituents and their fellow senators from across the country to lead rallies protesting President Donald Trump’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act later this month. “The Republican Party’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act is in chaos,” the two lawmakers said in a joint […]


Former ‘SNL’ cast member Joe Piscopo has some advice for Donald Trump

Former “Saturday Night Live” cast member Joe Piscopo said Saturday that Donald Trump should “calm down” about Alec Baldwin’s impersonation of him. Ahead of Saturday’s show, which Baldwin is hosting, Piscopo, who famously lampooned Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, told CNN’s Michael Smerconish that he thought Baldwin’s impersonation of Trump was “spectacular.” “You cannot ever […]


Piscopo ‘seriously’ thinking about a run for New Jersey governor

Former Saturday Night Live cast member Joe Piscopo said he is “seriously” thinking about a run for New Jersey governor on CNN’s “Smerconish” Saturday morning. “I’m doing my due dilligence,” Piscopo told CNN’s Michael Smerconish. Although the comedian wouldn’t give a definitive answer on his political plans, he said he was looking at everything. “The […]


Without citing specifics, Trump vows to keep costs down on border wall

President Donald Trump vowed Saturday to keep costs down on his proposed wall along the US border with Mexico, although he did not specify how much one of his signature campaign promises would cost. “I am reading that the great border WALL will cost more than the government originally thought, but I have not gotten […]


Air Canada’s colors: bandit, raccoon or loon?

There hasn’t been an issue this divisive in Canada since Tim Hortons stopped making donuts in their stores. But Air Canada’s new makeover has done just that. The Montreal-based airline unveiled new colors for its aircraft on Thursday. It picked a black and white scheme, a return of the red maple leaf and a black […]


As Trump tweets, legal community turns eyes to John Roberts

President Donald Trump’s persistent and unprecedented criticisms of judges and the judiciary at large have incited outrage on both sides of the legal community and prompted some to wonder if Chief Justice John Roberts should publicly come to the defense of his robed colleagues. The chief justice also heads the Judicial Conference of the US […]


This is going to be harder than Donald Trump expected

On the campaign trail, President Donald Trump promised to take a blowtorch and pliers to the Washington political establishment. But three weeks into his presidency, he has been repeatedly disarmed and frustrated by partisan opponents and the machinery of a government designed to check his power. It hasn’t been for a lack of trying. Trump […]


I rented a guy’s $145,000 Tesla Model X

I recently rented a Tesla Model X while I was in San Francisco for a work trip. I didn’t rent it from Hertz or Avis. I rented it from a person. It was his own personal electric SUV and I paid about $900 to drive it for three days That might sound awkward — to […]


Taliban claim responsibility for deadly Afghan blast

The Taliban have claimed responsibility for a car bomb blast Saturday that killed at least eight people in southern Afghanistan. In a text message to journalists, Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi said the group was behind the early-morning attack. The explosion happened in Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province. A least 19 other people were […]


Giant Second Half Leads Golden Tide To Comeback Win Over Sheffield, 69-60

CURWENSVILLE – Trailing by 12 points at the half, 39-27, the Curwensville boys basketball team listened to their head coach Matt Wassil at the break, to come from behind and bested Sheffield 69-60 on the Golden Tide home floor Friday night at Patton Hall. After the game Wassil revealed what was discussed at halftime, […]


Lady Tide Thump Sheffield 65-40

SHEFFIELD – It took only three Curwensville players to score Friday night in Sheffield as the Lady Tide defeated the Lady Wolverines 65-40. It was the fourth win in the last five games for Curwensville as they improved to 8-11 on the year and need just one more victory to qualify for the District […]


Melania Trump to visit Japanese garden with Akie Abe

First Lady Melania Trump is committed to continuing the White House garden tradition, showcasing her interest in a Saturday morning visit to the Morikami Museum and Japanese Garden with Akie Abe, wife of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “The First Lady has a deep personal commitment to her role as caretaker and nurturer, beginning with […]


When handshakes go wrong, and the world is watching

What’s in a handshake? Sometimes a great deal, as leaders around the world have proved time and again. Usually, it’s the history-making ones that the world remembers — think Nixon and Castro, Kennedy and Khrushchev, Churchill and… anyone, really. You can find all of those here. However, today’s leaders seem to have lost some of […]


6 dead, dozens injured in powerful earthquake in southern Philippines

A 6.7-magnitude earthquake killed at least six people and injured more than 120 in the southern Philippines late Friday, officials said. The powerful quake hit roughly 14 kilometers northwest of Surigao City, at about 10:03 p.m. (9:03 a.m. ET), according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. At least 30 aftershocks have rattled the […]


Kindergarten Students Visit Middle School Science Lab

DUBOIS – Cross-age learning activities at DuBois Central Catholic bring excitement to the younger students and teach patience and understanding for the older students, according to Renee Gressler, middle school science teacher, who recently welcomed wide-eyed kindergarten students of Kelle Pompeii to the science lab in C-Wing.   Experimenting with magnets was the main topic of […]


The Medical Minute: Report Sparks Discussion About Reducing Cancer Mortality

HERSHEY, Pa. — The National Center for Health Statistics recently released a report on disparities in cancer mortality that provides researchers and health care organizations across the country with the information to spur improvement in local prevention efforts. The report — which notes that cancer death rates fell by 20 percent over the past 35 years […]


Superior Energy Resources Achieves Safety Milestone

BROCKWAY – Accidents happen. Safety doesn’t just happen; it takes time and dedication. That commitment to safety is paying dividends for Superior Energy Resources LLC of Brockway, where its Total Recordable Incident Rate – TRIR – has been zero for three consecutive years. In the oil and gas industry that Superior Energy Resources serves, safety […]


Undocumented migrants arrested; Kelly denies ’rounding up’

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Friday night the United States has not been “rounding anyone up,” after immigration authorities acknowledged arrests of undocumented migrants across the country this week. “They’re not rounding anyone up,” Kelly said at the San Ysidro Port of Entry between San Diego and Tijuana. “The people that ICE (Immigration and […]


Police suspend strike in Brazilian city wracked by violence

Military police and officials in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo have reached an agreement to suspend a weeklong strike that led to sharp rise in violence. The announcement was made at a news conference in the Fonte Grande gubernatorial palace in Vitoria, in Espirito Santo, a coastal state north of Rio de Janeiro. The […]


At least 17 die in Angolan football stampede

At least 17 people were killed and scores of others injured Friday after a stampede ahead of the opening match of the Angolan football league, state-run media reported. The stampede happened at the Municipal Stadium 4 de Janeiro, which is in Uíge, some 300 kilometers (186 miles) northeast of the capital, Luanda. State-run television station […]


US opposes Palestinian’s appointment to top UN post

The Trump administration opposed the appointment of a senior Palestinian leader for a top United Nations post Friday over concern that the move would boost the Palestinian cause at the world body. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres sent a letter to the Ukraine ambassador, who serves as president of the Security Council, informing the council […]


FEC commissioner asks Trump for voter fraud evidence

A Federal Elections Commission commissioner called on President Donald Trump Friday to substantiate his claim of massive voter fraud in New Hampshire. Trump alleged in a White House meeting earlier this week that illegal voters from Massachusetts successfully voted in New Hampshire en masse, three sources familiar with the meeting have told CNN. The sources […]


Massive Civil War painting at new home after tricky move

“The Battle of Atlanta,” one of the world’s largest paintings, settled into its new home Friday night after two days of moving that followed months of preparation. Crews lowered the cyclorama painting — which is in two pieces, rolled onto two 45-foot-tall spools — through the roof of the Atlanta History Center in the Buckhead […]


Sanders: Trump is ‘delusional,’ says he could move US into ‘authoritarian mode’

Sen. Bernie Sanders says he doesn’t like calling President Donald Trump “delusional” — but believes the President’s actions call for it. Sanders told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront” Friday that although he is considerably more to the left than many of his fellow senators, he has never “just attacked people because their views are different […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о сохранении экологии Севастополя

Путин в России и мире

Первый пуск «Ангары-А5М» с Восточного запланирован в 2027 году

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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